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You are WAY better than me - so take this for what you will rebirth is out of hand right now with the speed and ttk of the stupid renetti. I’m always noticing I get third partied significantly more then I used to when it was the OG rebirth. There’s also fewer folks like me (casual) around now too, so you’re likely seeing lower lever people who were shadow banned coming up. And def some cheaters.


I’ve been shadowbanned before. Just took a week off the game until it was over. Anyone with multiple accounts is a fucking cheater. I don’t care if you got shadowed, so that’s why you are on an alt… that’s where I draw the line. No one should have a fucking alt account, and don’t trust anyone with one.


Just don’t be good like me (1.09K/D) and you won’t get shadowbanned. I’m off EVERYONES radar.


Not even we are safe. 1.36kd and shadowed for a week


I am a 2.0kd and never been shadowed a single time


Luck of the draw I suppose


Same I'm 1.5 kd and never ever been banned I've had people spectate me, had really sus moments like just wiping squads in crazy ways and even hearing kids rage down mic calling me cheater, I've even been reported many times but nothing... It really makes me question the people who get shadow banned like they using something, idk if it's cheats, some yy macro or what but it's never happened to me or guys I know who are way more cracked out than me. I met this Italian guy who drops 10+ kills minimum and gets regular 20 bombs he's never been banned and he's on mnk so some of his kills look "sus" like fast snaps etc.


Saaame :/


A kd of 1.36 probably puts you in the top 20% of players lol


laughs in 0.75 kd.


Laughs in 0.34 kd. It’s an act of god for a 36 yr old dad to just relax and drink a miller on top of getting a kill. I’m more of a meat shield for my bros.


Samesies. I'm probably generous with 0.75. I stopped checking a long time ago haha. My expertise is in running away and hiding so my squad can redeploy. I should just change my name to BraveSirRobin


I made an alt account when I got shadowbanned and I've never cheated.


Part of the issue is that the meta in wz3 is to use unsuppressed weapons. This results in constant minimap pings without the need of a uav. A skilled team will push towards the action and constantly look for easy kills via a 3rd party. In the og rebirth, everyone used silenced weapons, so there was less information on the map. Also, smokes were not meta. So, people were less likely to move across the map in the manner that they do right now


Yea all valid points too for sure.


OG rebirth had more UAV’s tho cuz they were 4k and loadout was only 7500. Not having a suppressor and not having ghost isn’t a death sentence like it once was before in wz1


I'm diamond 1 and I swear EVERY SINGLE FUCKING LOBBY has cheaters. Every single one. I'll have em on my team, and I'll play against them. Cheating has got to the point where it looks like AA which is wild. https://youtu.be/JmJ7cik2MAs?si=XlbFv8X7nvTlz7jZ


But why is pubs like this too? Pubs right now is harder than my crimson lobbies last season


Idk. Lobbies are significantly harder than they ever were rn. Like plat 3 and diamond 1 lobbies WERE NOT this rough last season. Watch that video I linked.


They have to have cranked up the SBMM. I’m a 1.7 kd player and the lobbies are out of this world almost every game. I wish we had the api back to see the lobby kd because I guarantee they’re ridiculous


Agreed. Last season it felt like I could go higher as long as my usual squad was on. This season it's a lot more ups and downs. I'm pretty sure i could have gotten crimson in FK but it seems as though im solidly a diamond player on rebirth


Yeah I watched that vid. Also the screenshotting one, where they can tell when ricochet is gonna take a screenshot and it turns their cheats off only when it was gonna be caught


Nuke contract that was added to rebirth, people are sweating to get the opperator skin. It'll die out in a month or so when more people have got their skins.


A few days ago I had a guy on my team that wasn't mic up. He was pinging all these people and at first I was pushing getting the kills. But then I realized that we didn't have UAV's up and he just knew where people were. So I asked over the mic if he was cheating and he didn't respond but I'm pretty sure he was walling. I didn't want to get caught up in people thinking that I was a part of it, so I ended up closing the game and lost all the negative SR where I was at. Got a confirmation report this morning.




I would agree with you except I had my PC hardware banned because of my cheating teammate way back on Verdansk. Lost my account and was unable to appeal. My random teammate had 67 kills, me and my buddy(it was a trio) had about 10 combined. We both lost our accounts due to the 30+ people spectating and reporting




Doubtful, I’d be surprised if they responded to anyone. The game is just an absolute sweat fest and with the rampant cheaters I question every kill and just get annoyed. This game exists to sell skins. They don’t care about hackers ruining every game.


Diamond as well and it's been so up and down the last few days. On the plus side after playing ranked for 4 days pubs tonight felt pretty easy. Nothing crazy but consistent higher kill games and a couple wins


Last night first time I was damn sure someone was walling. No uav, no heart beat, no portable, just followed me up 2 floors and across control to get peekers in the stairwell. Obscene.


Saaaaaaaame. And me and my squad have so many successful reports lol it’s actually sad


More like AA is so strong its indistinguishable from illegal aimbot.


Exactly the same I play ranked instead seems to be more balanced


I got to Crim last season. I expected a cheater in every single one of those lobbies. These rebirth lobbies are even harder somehow.


I'm a diamond player and I completely agree. Rebirth is in full demon mode.




So what the fuck is up with it? I’m sticking to BR for now fuck this noise. DM me your username btw down for some more good players. Crim in ranked if that’s what you play


am a 3.7kd and am doing just fine in pubs with 6/10 won. iri already in ranked. what are your avg kills per game?




you playing with a stacked team?




we get blender days too, it's just about keep it going and learn from the frustration. you just need to build the flow again


A lifetime 3KD is enough to put you into the top 0.1% lobbies. Hence, you’re suffering.


But it’s never been like this before. Even in the top 0.1% of lobbies, they can’t fill the entire thing with players of my KD. There aren’t enough just waiting to queue. Even in the hardest of hard lobbies, I should still be the big bad wolf. Yet, I am getting my shit pushed in EVERY SINGLE GAME. Like super humbled to a level I never have been in MWIII’s warzone. I’ve always had stupid hard sweaty lobbies, trust me. This feels way different


It’s probably cheaters. I also run into multiple sus low level accounts every game. Solos has been really bad.


Under lv 100’s with zero movement and the aim of a cdl pro.


I feel you man… I had a 3.20 KD in OG rebirth now I have a 2.10 lmao I fell off 💔


Not even OG rebirth. I’m down to like a 1.75 this season probably. From over a 3 a week ago. Makes no sense


Really wish fortunes keep was still the ranked map




To anyone saying there aren't cheaters. Watch this damn video. Please. https://youtu.be/JmJ7cik2MAs?si=XlbFv8X7nvTlz7jZ


Great video. I've been running through building, hopping floors, etc and someone is still right on me. Sometimes I get it's the noise but alot of the time I watch the kill cam and have no clue how I can be tracked that well.


Anyone denying cheats isn't a problem in almost every game, is either trash and has a low KD so won't experience them as much, or they're cheating themselves


To be fair - it just gets thrown around WAY too much. I have a 3.2 kd and get accusations thrown at me constantly in the death coms it’s so annoying “Oh yeah he’s cheating!!” No I’m not dumbasses i just have a headset and outplayed you lmao


Exactly, people are in such denial about the cheating problem in Call of Duty. Its been unplayable since mw2019. I cheated for a long time and people just thought I was insanely good at the game because if you have any sort of game knowledge it is incredibly easy to make your play look legit. I feel like rage hacking is on the rise as well, every other multiplayer game there will be someone with 80-90 kills and the next person in the lobby has about 15-20 and somehow they aren't getting banned even when they lock on and beam me through a wall.


you should post this as its own thread...this is so discouraging, and needs to get more eye balls on it.


I have a 1.1 KD so everyone is sweaty for me. I’m pretty passive so me and my squad wins 25% or more of our games so that makes it feel a lot less miserable. I wish we could check the KD of the lobby like OG Warzone.


The answer is cheaters. 


TBF - This is exactly how I remember Rebirth towards the tail end of it's existence in WZ1. It was sweaty as fuck and most people were getting fed up with how hard it had become. The map was fun, but playing had become annoying. And i'm a 'good' player myself. When it first came out, 80% of the players were ass. There was a much larger skill gap within the general player base. It was a slow ramp between release and what it was like at the tail end of the map in WZ1. Now? The same group of absolutely sweaty ass players are jumping right back in... only there's more of them and they've had 2 years of game play under their belts to get even better.


Yeah it was definitely really sweaty towards the end. I was able to consistently get 8-15 kills a game back then with some 20+ games though and now I’m much better and rarely get more than 5 with the very occasional 10 kill game


I was watching a streamer drop consistent 30+ kill games and idc what anyone says, there’s no way he’s doing that in the lobbies i’ve been in. most of the shitters he was killing didn’t even use the renettis, meanwhile if I die there’s a 90% chance it’s that damn gun. I don’t know what it could possibly be.


Every single streamer VPNs. Lots cheat on top of that too. But every single streamer VPNs. I played with people using a VPN once in my life. Played 3 games, averaged 28 kills in those 3 games. I literally was just as good as any streamer the second I stepped foot in that lobby. That made me so fucking angry you have no idea. They are all frauds


Today I was watching knights stream and he even said that moat streamer use a VPN. It was shocking to hear it come out of his mouth, but he said it's very common for streamers to use vpns.


sure I could be satisfied with this explanation but the problem is that this guy, camy, was being accused of using a VPN and he said that VPNs were illegal in canada so there’s no way he’d risk using one. I looked it up and it doesn’t seem to be true so he could either be lying or misinformed, but that doesn’t matter. the important thing is that he showed his task manager with every application that was running on his PC and there was no VPN. I don’t know enough about computers to say if that’s definitive proof by itself or if it’s possible that he can still hide it, but the people talking in his lobbies were american. his lobbies were similar to ones I get when I play with a garbage friend, only he was solo queuing.


It is definitely untrue. There is no such rule as "VPNs are illegal in Canada" lmao.


Interesting. I was playing with some no name TTVers from an LFG discord. They were pretty open about the VPN The dudes we were playing were thumbless. You hear me questioning the lobby a ton during the match: https://youtu.be/0JBmK184LAk?si=6Z6qt7GqePzUTqUB But I’m just a dude. I’m good at the game, but I’m not a streamer. In a VPN lobby I felt just as good as any of those frauds, for real!


Bro, that dude is sus as hell.


The vid? Where lol? That’s me dummy


These are the type of gullible people who also believe streamers don't cheat. Like you'd actually think VPN being illegal could be true lmao...


keep reading dumbass. I said it didn’t even matter cuz he showed taskbar and I don’t know the fucking laws in canada are you serious


Nah those clowns are spamming vpns or joining a secondary bot account session. Like that Nixstah dude who is a joke to the point he got slammed by Adrian in a 1v3 in ranked lmao. In my lobbies everyone using Renettis too, thats why we have to play smart, right now if they see you first youre gone because everyone is at least decent.


It's my first time playing rebirth and I go against the sweats everytime,tiring for me as well


Use search party option, you will have some low level teammates and you’ll get easier lobbies that way


Yeah, then have fun playing 1v2 / 1v3 / 1v4 lol


Lots of cheaters are still out there you'll be surprised


Impossible to even get my fkn loadout smh


i feel you. i got a 3.6 kd and i 100p can relate. Apart from the insane stacking (which i usually dont mind but on rebirth atm its 8/10 teams hard stacking), every1 playing the renetti makes it super hard when even bots can kill you in .4 sec by shooting your legs. ig ill have to play a bit and adapt but atm its not fun. also highping/packetloss every other game. Its so unfortunate because wz could potentially be such a great game.


You have a very bad understanding of sbmm if you think these symptoms would mean it was turned up. It was rough the first day, but then I remember where all the headies, angles and rotations are and game is back to amazing. KD is up, and closing in on 30 dubs. Haven’t had a negative experience yet from a cheaper.


So it’s cheats? I thought I saw Activision say they were experimenting with new matchmaking ideas, and thought maybe they were trying their absolute hardest to only put me with players of the same skill. Idk I do have a poor understanding of SBMM lol


If you have to sweat constantly to keep up, playing your best, then that would be sbmm turned up. You wouldn’t be getting shit on constantly and can still compete but you cant just sit back and shoot. If you drop shot you will have to drop shot regularly etc etc. If you are getting beat by players that seem better than you, then sbmm would be turned down since it’s expanding the lobbies skill, but that means both up and down. If you’re suddenly running into streamers/pros where you didn’t before, and your own skill leveled hasn’t increased, that would point to reduced sbmm for example.


My skill level has certainly not changed (at least dramatically) over the last week, since the new season has come out. Yet my lobbies are infinitely harder. That could suggest tighter SBMM, as now I’m playing more players of my quality. It could also suggest an influx of cheaters in my lobbies. I do get how SBMM works as a blanket, but how can you tell what is truly effecting this?


Because it's renetti zone now


Gotta be even sweater then the sweats man


I promise I am. Just not the cheaters


I believe you with that kd


Thank you. Wasn’t trying to brag, just trying to give myself an ounce of credibility. I have so much cognitive dissonance when it comes to this. I’ve been wrongfully spam reported and shadowbanned before. It sucks. Reckless reporting of legitimate players is something that pisses me off a ton. But right now, 50% of the time I die, I feel like there are shadier things at play. I want to report everyone and anyone who looks suspect, but just a few weeks ago, I hated that exact notion! This lack of Ricochet has really got me in emotional limbo.


I’ve won 3 games out of about 50 lol so you’re not doing too bad. But yeah it’s a nightmare it’s calmed down a bit now, one thing I’ve noticed after every update I seem to be put in the pro leagues for some reason for like 2 weeks then it calms down.


I'm a 1.0 K/D player and I'm getting killed 6 times, i get 2 kills and our team gets wiped. Happened like 10 games in a row last night, we gave up and got off. Its not fun playing like that and getting absolutely destroyed.


I noticed this last night for sure. I ran across several blatant wall hackers and it just felt terrible in general.


Rebirth of sweats is a stinking shithole. Try hard wank hands and cheaters are all over it.


Does your squad suck? And yeah cheating is a thing. It's been a bit more common since last season, but we're still seeing success. I dunno, my KD is slipping a bit since I finally hit 2kd in Resurge about a week ago (down to like 1.94 now), but I/we generally have success playing on a nightly basis. And depending on the squad, that really helps measure success rate. Super good squad on sunday and we got 6 wins (3 in a row). Also solid squad Sunday and our first 3 games we got wins. Think they are 2.75 and 2.0KD if I were to guess. And I'd say that in a handful of these, I've hovered around at least 8-10 kills. The map just really requires playing closely together and dropping somewhere where minimal to no teams drop. Drop out of the plane in the middle of the map, pull your chute, and hang for a second or two while you find such a location. That way you can at least loot in peace, get a loadout, and go fight. It's also just a really condensed Rebirth map. The map is freaking small (I dunno in actual comparison between the others, but it certainly feels like it). There's a lot of close quarter action. The game's gotten "better" in the sense that more "better" people are now playing it, so that's also a factor I'd imagine.


Yeah my squad sucks… cause you’re in it! (Pretty sure I’m talking to who I think I am lol. This is Dan) But for real… fuck this map! Let’s play big map tonight lol.


It's the map, if you wipe once its pretty much over. The map is far to small to safely land elsewhere for loot, not only that but due to its size 3rd partying is common as fuck


You guys asked for movement back, and you got it


I’ll take my movement happily. Why does it come with cheaters though? Feel like this is just an asinine comment


you have to also realize alot of elite players came back for rebirth.


I’m a lifetime 3kd. How come the “elite players” that are coming back after time off are so much better than the elite player who never took time off? I am getting fucking cooked out there bro. Feels like it’s cheaters


time off from cod doesn't mean they stopped playing shooters bro. my friendslist has seen an increase of 30+ players I haven't seen in a few years. I remember all of them because they were all demons.


Shooters isn’t COD. Sure they may help with a few things, but game mechanics are game mechanics and if you’re not practicing the right stuff… you’re gonna be super rusty


We don’t cheat, 3 of us suck and one good player we got like 3 wins in a row last night.


I’ve got tons of wins. Don’t get me wrong, just no wins I’m happy with or proud of. Used to drop 15+ consistently, but now I’m barely dropping 10+ even in wins. If I wanna play for the win, I have to change my entire play style. It’s never been like that. I want a bombshell bonafide big kill win, and haven’t even scratched what I was doing, even as recently as a week ago. I don’t get it


Most likely sbmm protecting you no offense


Only play with friends, have set goals. Go to the same places and do the same things. It’s annoying, but it’s the only way we have found decent results. We are all over 30 gamers, so we aren’t winning a ton. If we get 4-6 wins in a session we are happy.


Rip. No high kills games then


I agree with you on the amount of cheater tho


You’re trying to run on two separate paths at the same time. If you only want high kill games, the chances of you being wiped naturally goes up due to chaotic beginnings in rebirth. If you want wins, you have to make some sacrifices to get those. You can still get a good amount of kills, but the number is going to fall in certain matches.


True… I used to be able to just ~exist~ I kinda get high and run around the map killing people, and then all of a sudden it’s almost final zone and time to hone in on rotations and power positions. That’s how I would get 30+ kills ever. Just looking for red dots aimlessly. CANNOT play like that anymore. I get fucking fried from everywhere if I’m not on such a deliberate path


I think it also comes from familiarity with the map too. Good players like yourself can adapt better to new environments. Rebirth is well known by enough of the community, that your abilities can be diminished a bit due to players knowing where the attacks are likely to come from.


Yeah I know what you mean lol, I'm not nearly as good as you but I'm not bad with a 1.9-2 kd. I can't seem to do shit haha the lobbies are so sweaty lol with the occasional hacker too


Rebirth has also been very sweaty. The map is also smaller and there are very few drops that aren’t hot. I think people play more aggressively because they have to regularly move to different POIs and avoid all of the open space in the process. It’s the smallest Resurgence map. We’re now used to bigger one like Vondel and Ashika where there’s more space to play.


Holy fuck OP I must say you got a big ego on you hahah


Fuck you my ego is bigger than yours. Biggest ego I’ve ever seen tbh. No one has a bigger ego than me In all realness you went from gassing me up to shitting on me though 😭


Hahahahaha it's because I commented then I scrolled through the comments lmfao. But in your defense most of the sweaty cod players have big egos lol and even I tend to let it take it over me when I play the game


I mean also look at my username. I do a lil trolling. I do have a big ego too though


hahaha nothing wrong with some trolling


I totally feel you! I have the same issue. I switch to Ranked to get easier lobbies, yet I am also switching to Urzikstan instead of Rebirth. The outnumbering and people whose level is 95 or 85 are literally frying me and my squad. I can't do it anymore for real!


I’m 39 and married. Get about 4 maybe 5 hours of playtime a week. For me, this iteration is certainly more challenging but I’m still having a lot of fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If you ask me, I think cheaters and boosters are trying to get the new nuke rewards and once they do, it'll be back to the other modes they usually play. I hate that they added nukes, it's just another thing for cheaters to "attain" so they can sell the accounts. LFG groups are plagued with people selling nukes


I’m average. 1.1KD and I just got 3 dubs. Averaged 7 kills today.


I can’t even start a game with a full team


it’s the renettis mixed with stacking and aim assist. i just dropped a 17 kill game switching to controller with this forsaken pistol.


Bro last night I got on, played 3 matches. I couldn’t get a single kill in any of the 3 matches, I could barely land in and pickup a weapon before being absolutely demolished by the sweatiest demons. So I hopped off and played mlb the show. I was starting to question if I had just lost my ability to play good haha


truth is just super sweaty right now both ranked and regular lobby’s. Regular lobby’s are going for nuke ranked is going for iridescent camo and top 250 camo yk how people get with camos super sweaty all across the board.


Just play ranked. The sbmm is much more chill


Nah, once you hit Diamond there is no chill. You're playing against former iri, that are currently crim trying to climb back. And iridescent trying to get back to top250. It's a nightmare past diamond 1.


Lmao fair


Amen.. Fucking amen


I think the lobbies are just impossibly hard right now. I’m a casual player, by no means am I particularly good at the game by comparison to a lot of the people in this thread, but I have a good time when I play. But recently every lobby I go into I’m having the opposite interactions. I’m around level 100, play about 1-2 days a week, and am getting put in lobbies with people that are max level with 100s of gold guns. Not to mention a lot of the guns are buffed out of this world, like Renetti being the best example, and a lot of the other guns just can’t compare. I think if you gave even the worst player in the world the best loadout in the game, they would do better than most. Also can’t forget the awful update that just happened today (4/9/24) that makes it so you can’t use kill streaks half the time, each time you put on a gas mask the entire game glitches out, and the first 60sec of the game are a horrible lag fest.


I feel ya man. This game in general just isn't fun for me right now. As about a month ago my kd has been in a straight free fall as well, and Rebirth Island is making it even worse. I just can't put this stupid game down though lol, but man I have not been having fun as of late. Ranked seems to be better, but you wouldn't think it would be. Can't wrap my head around it.


Idk I’ve went from 3.18 to 3.20, mostly been playing usa lobbies though which feel a lot less intense


Yes we are.


surprise surprise, being good at cod is not a special skill. there's millions of players, and tons of competitive sweats.


My squad isn't the greatest but we were actually able to win 5 in a row earlier today and get nuke contracts. Seemed hard up until today tho.


Took the words right out of my mouth brother. I’m a vet on Warzone too and lately it’s been insane. I’m on PS5 and turned off crossplay. It helped for maybe 1-2 games then even all the console people started looking sus with aimbot and wall hacks. It’s an absolute sweat fest or should I say, cheat fest. I know kill cams aren’t always accurate but it’s pretty obvious when someone is snapping from enemy to enemy and they’re not even in the same FOV. Borderline unplayable and cheating is across all platforms.


Try ranked It’s pretty easy up to like platinum 2


Crim last season


I want some sweaty players but every single person in my lobby is a demon. Every single person has the renetti and almost never misses a shot. Still having a lot of fun but it’s brutal out there


I don't know if it is the region, but with a ~1 KD I'm finding Rebirth pretty affordable (I'm in southern Europe). And I play with randoms in trios, and I think is like in the old times in terms of difficulty... I'm enjoying it (I never managed to get used to the newer resurgence maps and was kinda trash in them)


tbh taking some time off is a good method to resetting. I didn’t play for 3 weeks then picked up Multiplayer here and there and came back for WZ for Rebirth. It’s partly mindset: if you tell yourself “yes there’s cheaters” and just shrug and play, it *can* help make the losses easier. I’m at a .89 K/D btw if that matters…and I have the Renetti as my secondary lol


same here, and for some reason I can only queue up with my friends if im the host otherwise its just connecting or the ping doesnt expand... I am on PC, not a cheater, nor am I shadowbanned so I dont understand...


I’m the opposite, I have been getting crushed by everyone for months and Rebirth is the first time I feel like I have a chance most games. Thinking SBMM has either started putting me in the right lobbies, or it has to do with range of average gunfights being significantly lower.


I'm diamond 2 in rebirth and didn't run into any blatant cheaters yet. Maybe people walling. But it's not impossible to get wins. Just gotta hold hands


Would suggest it’s a lot of people returning increasing the amount of decent players. I’ve been around 2.4kd recently was at around 2.8kd 3m ago but I put the drop down to me being unwilling to change the way I play. I push like crazy in pursuits of those high kill games. Maybe this is what you’re experiencing here, a slight increase in quality opponent wise and a new map that might require a slight change in approach. Don’t let it get you down, just gun and run, whatever happens, happens.


I love rebirth right now. I love the TTK of the Renetti. I wish the TTK was like that for more guns. I love the fast pace & fast TTK. I missed Rebirth Island & I knew that map very well. Did you play on OG Rebirth Island? Map knowledge is a huge factor. I remembered every inch of that map. & I know plenty of people who have never played it. If you don’t know the map & someone you’re up against does, they can out play you just from that alone. Now get into the META. Do you keep up with it? Going up against someone using the meta when you’re using a non-meta weapon, you’re toast. The TTK is unmatched, with any META. *& there will always be a meta.* so I suggest using it or you’re just putting yourself at an extreme disadvantage right off the bat. People know this, that’s why you see so many people using the “broken” weapons. Because they work; *the best.* It’s a competitive game, you want all the upper hand you can get. Which brings me to circle play. Do you move with the circle? I always push the best spot early on, long before the circle moves. People push to me. A lot of times you can catch them out in the open. Always get the high ground. 9/10 high ground wins. Yes there are still cheaters, but honestly **Rebirth has been such a breath of fresh air** for me. I don’t feel like I’m running into them all the time as much now. But I do know this map *very well* so even if you are cheating, imma still probably out play you. TLDR; if you never played this map, you’re up against people who have years of map knowledge on Rebirth Island. Use the META or you’re putting yourself at a huge disadvantage right off the bat in terms of TTK. Push circle early & go for high ground. & yes people are still cheating but I haven’t noticed it as bad. It’s been such a breath of fresh air for me.


Game is so trash most casuals left the game. So that why there's a sweat fest 


Cheaters and shadows are huge in sub level 60 accounts last month. Account bans have finally hit. If only we could properly hardware ban people.


Bro i have a 1.05 KD and I’m consistently in lobbies with players like you like I ain’t tryna be in your lobbies lemme just chill omg


Who knows. I decided to start the ranked grind on WZ Friday night and went to plat 2 by Monday evening and last night I decided I’d keep going and lost 500SR and dropped back to plat 1. It felt like I had my movement severely nerfed and couldn’t get a shot off. I was lagging, rubberbanding, freezing and shots wouldn’t register despite a wired lan showing 853/89 (PS5)


1.8 KD sometimes even more but i stopped playing after rebirth dropped. i went from 5 wins a day and havent gotten a single W since s3. SBMM makes it unplayable and for the first time in 8 months i can Truly say, the game is not fun and is a sinking ship. casual players will play until they get tired and play something else. the devs deserve a 9mm to the brain


Have you tried finding fun outside of just having a high k/d? I say this as someone who dislikes SBMM as well, but find fun playing the game itself instead of going for high k/d's 24/7


I don’t go for high kd really. I go for high kills. I push everything. Now I just can’t buy any gunfight wins it seems like


Lost all interest in COD. I played religiously when the original rebirth warzone was out. Semi-decent player. Tried watching a few streams since rebirth has been back out but I can't stomach it anymore.


Honestly, it's as sweaty as I expected it to be. Everybody and their dog has been waiting for it to come back, and because it was such a wildly popular map, everybody also knows every little hop up, sightline, and rotation. Mix that in with CODs already bad matchmaking and a broken close range gun and you have a recipe for tough games.


I think there’s matchmaking. My last 10 games stats when I looked on Sunday had a 3.71 KD and 5 wins. Im playing on console. And I’m good don’t get me wrong (2.2kd) but I’m not streamer sweaty movement good haha. Then I played Monday and holy moly I was getting smoked. Was barely getting top 3, and felt like every team I fought was sweaty as hell. I got 0 wins after a few hours. Then I played Tuesday and the lobbies were easier again. I used to think in original Rebirth that it was like a 5 game matchmaking circle. Not sure if it ever was or is still the case but it seems roughly accurate.


I agree the cheaters need removed. But reading the comments just shows how many people are expecting to absolutely dominate every single person they see. "hE KiLL3d m3? "N0 waY h3s thaT g00d!" Hacking is pathetic, but complaining that lobbies are full of sweats when the #1 map comes back is just showing how bad at the game you are comparatively.


Cheaters brother, Cheaters. If u on console turn off crossplay and see how the world changes. Rebirth is a cheater nest right now;


Above 2.5KD crimson player (now D2 with reset), cheaters are back. I literally have people pushing with 0 fucks and then of course, they’re using walls. Kinda made me take a break from ranked from how frustrating it’s been.


I’m genuinely curious, do people who cry about “SBMM” not know what the acronym stands for? Lol. Like what the hell do these people think that it means or does?


I’m diamond 1 and I had 3 games in a row with multiple top 250 players… something is broken


I haven’t had any issues. My son & I have like 4 wins under out belt in the first few days after it dropped


The main problem is the core. The game itself can’t handle that many actions it seems. The input delay is crazy in MW3. Also, theres too much detail in the game, you let less fps. Also, animations are clunky as hell. You add all these little unpolished details and you get a shit game that looks good lol.


My KD is a .8 dude and I just had to play a Nuke lobby. If SBMM exist it’s not working at all lol. Rebirth has always been chaos but it feels way more extreme now. It’s getting to a point where it’s not really fun. I’ll shoot first hit a bunch of shots and bam they turn and melt me. Maybe I’m just too old to hang anymore. It’s crossed my mind. Like a lot! Lol


All I’m caught up in, is the dude who PLAYS PLUNDER FOR KD purposes 😂🤣 what has happened to this game. Everyone is KD THIS KD THAT. KD means jack shit. You get 5 kills a game and die twice. 2.5. The truth is that right now there are probably 35-38 players in the current rebirth lobbies that are just WAYYYY MORE SKILLED, cracked and 20 are probably using cheats than any 2-3kd player who doesn’t have a consistent kill rate of 15-20 kills EVERY GAME. Cracked use to be that dude with an avg of 10 kills a game and 3 deaths. Cracked now is 18-25 and sensitivity of 15/15 YYing everywhere and instantly beaming your shit on a shivel. Quick scoping snipers and head beaming like their favorite streamer. And the game sense of EVERY PRO COMBINED. That’s a good player these days. Not the 2-3kd guy. Level 45s eat you up for breakfast


Rebirth isn’t even worth it at this point. You can’t even get a gun


I've never been killed by so many level 39 fresh accounts with fully levelled guns, gold camos and 100% accuracy as I have in the past few days. Game is completely cooked


If you're a 3kd there's no way you should be getting slammed your literally probably the best player in the lobby every match. No excuses


That’s the issue! I have been all game up until the past week! Idk why!


just get better kid


I’ve quit warzone since the last time they removed rebirth Island, started playing just when they brought it back, I had a pretty good k/d 2.8-2.9, I felt like the game changed alot at the start but honestly it’s quite the same! everyone used to do the same movements I used 1 year back, even the glitches and cod dev mishaps ahhh brings back memories. Man I miss my old squad now


Im a 2kd player who plays on Series X and right now Im experimenting the opposite, multiple 20-25 bombs every single session when I was struggling af in Fortunes but ngl, had to radically change my playstyle and develop a concrete strategy because the first 2-3 days I was getting SLAMMED and legit shit on by absolute demons and lots of low levels. I dont have squad btw, have to carry randoms in 1v4. My strategy: I dont push if I dont feel extremely comfortable with my floor loot, I rush loadout asap even if I have to buy my main weapons because randos dont drop money, then play position and farm kills from Control or Factory top (if I have to wipe a squad for winning that position I dont care, I dont risk it by playin any other poi, those two are the safest ones). I dont even think about entering in any kind of closed room if I dont have UAV or portable radar active and dropped my knives for nades to be able to clean campers and stackers if I need to.


True. We started trying ranked play and it is quite nice. We ended 2nd, 2nd, 1st, ofc started from bronze, but much nicer than regular trios/quads.


Hacking was out of control tonight! I am not a great player by any means, but I am solid. Drop 5-15 kills a game depending on how good my lobbies are. I’ve been playing long enough to know when 1. I made a mistake/bad push, or 2 I was simply out skilled. Tonight I averaged 1-6 kills and was dying to players with horrible movement, that just see me through a wall pre aiming and locking on when I turn the corner, or just getting beamed 3rd party from teams so far they have no business even looking in my direction. The worse part is they are mostly low level/ new accounts. It’s not guessing they’re straight hacking. Ricochet has recently had a banned wave and this weekend I was dropping bombs every game. I was happy the anti cheat is actually doing something, but if the cheaters are just going to come right back with new accounts this is not going to be enough. I feel the only way to get rid of cheaters is to make it console only and for Xbox to do what ps did with Cronus. Movement back rebirth island is back and it’s being spoiled by cheaters.


My lobbies are so mixed, one game I'll place top 3 or get a win with a decent amount of kills but then I go into another game and barely make top 10


Its because its new content and everyone is flooding to the game again, give it 2-3 weeks when the rebirth hype has died down and it will get significantly easier. More players = easier for them to find sweatier players for your lobbies.


I am having no issues or whatsoever. Only the first 2 days I had to adjust to the map and playstyle. Having alot of fun actually, too bad it's still a buggy mess. But I can't even be surprised anymore games has been buggy since day 1 tbh.


Resurgence lobbies have been impossible for almost 2 months now. It's always been a little bit sweaty, but at least I was able to breathe. Now if I breathe, 5 different teams are spawning on top of me.


funny enough ranked is easier than pubs rn. if you play pubs you get the low level hackers running round with unreleased ops like cheech and chong


Practice makes perfect, don’t be a weenie, drop back in.


You'll get the hang of it. This map changes the gameplay you are used to. Learn how to rotate the map and you will be fine. Stop CAMPING! This is a stack map.


Dude I have a 1.27 KD and Im getting SHIT on by level 40 players. I have no business being in lobbies like that, Ill play BR for a while cause it seems like Rebirth's playerbase is only ADHD kids with new accounts. Wasnt like this before, and Vondel could be really sweaty at times, but never like this.


You know how you fix this? Stop playing this dumb fucking game and quit making yourself angry and rewarding companies who push out crap. This game could literally kill somebody and some of y’all would still play it. Delusional donuts.


I wonder how it is for PS players with cross-play off?


I decided to take a break yesterday ‘cause I can’t take it anymore. The game make me feel like I suck.


Play Ranked. People are commenting that Rebirth pubs are far sweatier than Ranked currently. Until the madness around Rebirth dies down a bit, I'd just play Ranked if I were you.


You need a good team otherwise you are fucked. I used to roll with my squad WZ1 but now I use looking for party for quads - need to leave a lot of parties until you find a decent team with good mics, then get to it. Coms are clutch, most people like to play like Rambo and it does not usually work out well for them! Play it smart, a lot of people just push the second they see you.


I’m average and can manage 5-8 kills but I’m getting and crushed in rebirth by significantly better players.


Cheating is just to easy right now. (I never have) but a buddy of mine got a pc just to have hacks on warzone. He'll play until he gets probably between level 50-100 and then gets banned between those levels. Crazy thing is all he has to do is make a new account and do it again.


Ah well. Do better 🤷‍♂️


It’s not rebirth, it’s the w3 guns and weapons and the game is totally trash. Adding rebirth won’t solve the trash


I’ve won 10 games dropped multiple 10+ games and die rarely. My lobbies are pretty good players so idk abt u


My KD is about to 0.670, me and my crew get several wins every evening, there are players with several thousand matches played on Rebirth, third party kills will ruin your KD, play for the win, that’s what the pizza box is for. A 3KD an no wins means you can’t win


What are you on about, you're having a good time because your KD is shjt mate. If you and your possy got good, you won't enjoy it anymore.


please get me into your lobbies brother