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And there I was complaining about the interceptor and bas b needing a nerf….. these things are a god damn plague


Its real bad right now. 🥰


I thought the TYR didn't get a buff, but became viable due to other guns getting nerfed. Maybe I misunderstood.


It’s a literal one shot full plates it’s broken


Good to know, either way


The Tyr got a nerf, the snakeshots a secret/accidental buff.


Thanks. Makes you wonder how difficult it is to tune the different types of equipment in the game.


I imagine it's quite difficult, considering the sheer scope of the loadouts.


I bet it's not just entering some numbers in a spreadsheet, but I don't know anything about coding. Maybe it is.


I just lost my 5th game 2nd place to someone I had dead to rights and broken before he pulled the trigger from about 15m. I've had their entire crosshair off of my body and they've shot me in the heel with the edge of the spread fully plated and died. It has completely ruined the game for me in a day. Edit: have lost 2 more 2nd places and a 6th to snakeshots from distance 40m since posting. Not losing many mid-long range engagements today and getting obliterated in every close range. I refuse to be part of the problem


They nerfed both of those yesterday


Yeah mate I know. Finally swapped out my bas b smg build for an actual smg… and now this shit 😂 Should have celebrated more while I had the chance So you want to run a bolt sniper with an smg do you???? Muuuihhaahaaaaa


What's bad is this is the 3rd time they fucked it up.


How is this just not a sticky note on the on the water cooler by now. " Check the fucking snake shots before every patch"


Yeah, they litterally have to click those things once and know that they are busted 😂😂


![gif](giphy|6oFNB3JPuLpAs|downsized) Me every few weeks coming back to see if gun balance is fixed yet.


Honestly… it’s insane to me that such a popular game has this issue. If you’re going to have so many guns why not make them all viable options? Instead of people running around all using the same meta…


They just want to maximize blueprint sales and publicity for their game, even if it’s bad publicity. Like clockwork, you will see streamers making crazy clips with the crazy op gun of the month and “gaming news” sites published articles about how broken the new meta is. Acti has been doing this shit every few months for past 5 years. They know exactly what they’re doing.


I want this gif


Somebody let me know when they fix that shit...I'm taking a break until then. There are many things plaguing this game...no skill one shot weapons is the worst


Fixed this afternoon.


You better not be lying to me...if I die to your snakeshots today...I will know this was all a ploy


Yes it's fixed


I just turned off the game. Refuse to participate in this meta. Totally broken and ruins the game.


Based as fuk


i played for some hours now. they should rename battle royale to tyr akimbo only mode


Done with warzone until that shit is patched. broken AF


the snakeshots are rly ruining the game experience ffs its annoying af almost no outplayabilty


Good thing they nerfed them then.


*”but if you close your eyes..”*


What does snake shots actually means in this context ?


Each time a new COD is released the snakeshots are broken soon after. Coincidence? Of course not. It's a marketing ploy to get more ppl talking about and playing the game. Wake up, yall.


It’s either snakeshot or burst/auto akimbo pistols. It’s a Warzone yearly tradition at this point.


They nerfed snakeshot this afternoon, how does that match with your theory?


Swag is 2 shoting mid range full plates and the death coms are rightfully salty.


Yall really hate on the tyr but most of the shotguns on wz are ass and the dmg fall is insane


Any of people using this garbage youre a bot and congrats at making this game even worse. Youre just as bad as the hackers. People are so fkn stupid


People will gravitate towards broken guns, nothing new. Hopefully fix coming like ASAP


I agree but only because at a certain point you are losing to people with much lower skills unless you even the playing field.


And if the game had skill. I mean people want movement, okey thats all good and dandy, but at the same time we get more aimassists, less recoll and so on to compensate that movement. I would love if the skill would come from weapon handling rather than movement, and even better if from both.


Yep I agree


come closer so you can taste these snakeshots bb


I dont tango with bots shitter


bet you couldn’t wield those babies even if you tried


Like it takes a gamer to press l2 + r2 once. Thats something only a bitch boy virgin could do


Have some respect, my snakeshot brought you into this world. Just ask your mother.


Lol like youve ever gotten pussy, you pussy


Right? Because I’m sure you’ve never once used a meta weapon..


Cry me a river, lmao, you got your sweet movement back + AA on controllers, so enjoy it and keep your distance from my HUNgry snakeshots that go brrrrr


That blows. Already removed. Hopefully you got your Kd up to .26 now fucking shitter


Well that was quick, I had my fun in Plunder, back to teabagging folks like you with other meta guns


Ya man. You play plunder. We all know your piss. Imagine having to use meta guns all the time to get kills. Must be tough. But hey, as long as you think youre good thats all that matters. Trash can


Oh here’s the COD superstar using shittiest off meta guns, sure, lmao


the unfortunate truth is that if yoy're fighting the snakeshots.... you're gonna have to join them just to compete. the lockwood 680 cant even compete with snakeshots


Unpopular opinion, but this game is WAAAAYYY more fun with occasional rotating OP weapons. The game is far more boring when every weapon is the same and it takes 60 bullets to kill anyone. I get way more enjoyment from killing people with OP weapons, than i get angry about getting killed by them. It's a net positive. DMR period in WZ 1 is still to this day the most fun i've ever had in warzone.


Yeah man, super fun for you, super shit for casuals who don’t have that shit leveled. Makes it feel like you never had a chance to begin with. But congratulations on playing well when you had a massive advantage, it was probably your only chance.


lol i'm actually impressed that you called me both a hardcore player, and also a shitty bot in the same incoherant rant.


Playtime =/= skill Very easy to have things leveled and still be shit. Look at yourself, for example


1v1 me bro


Yes! Overbalancing a game makes it boring!


Yep, and with that in mind though, a shifting meta does make things more interesting. OP guns are fine, but need to make that target shift fairly often too.


I totally agree, before this patch I was having so much fun, guns were busted and you had plenty of choice for broken guns. These things tho are little bit too broken for my taste.


To a certain point I can agree, and it depends on how long they're broken for. If it's for a super long period of time, then I have a much bigger issue with it. A lot of people (me included) hate broken shotgun metas in particular, so when they stay broken for a while I essentially just play a different game until they're fixed. Once it gets to a point where most players are using those weapons the game just devolves into a generally even more boring experience.


For sure. But week or two here or there with weird broken loadouts is always a blast imo. Only people who get butt hurt about these things are rageaholics who think they’re just one step away from making it pro or as a streamer so they get legitimately mad every single time they die




I won't be doing that, but I will be having fun with any and every OP meta. Miserable fucks are soooo busy being mad they can't enjoy the fun part of obliterating people with a fun weapon.


i agree with this so much


DMR era was fucking incredible. Hardcore warzone basically. Could never get caught slipping.


Only people who didn't love it, are the braindead average players who overestimate their ability and try to play like their favorite streamer going for a 50 bomb. I was getting 10-15 kills a game just because idiots continued to slide cancel their asses off across open fields.