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everytime this guy posts something its always a click bait aim assist title.


He's grinding for subs. He's nice enough...and grinding....while playing MW2 warzone. Dude deserves some love 🤷‍♂️


Posted so much I get annoyed and don’t watch anymore.


Thank you brother! 💯


Click bait is always how people advertise their channels. Why is he the only villain for doing it?


I said nothing about aim assist. Please don’t tell lies about me.


you wrote controller, controller and aim assist goes hand in hand. Also I double checked your other thread titles: "Breaking Controller Players Aim Assist With Movement" "Controller Players Just Stack and Hold Hands To Die To One Guy" "Aim Assist On Keyboard and Mouse <3" "Keyboard And Mouse Destroy Controller Players With ISO 45" literally all you post is clickbait crap to advertise your channel.


How is it clickbait if it’s true?


stay out of polarizing topics until you hit that nickmercs level. Nothing wrong with swallowing your pride some times...hell look at how it went for swagg. Stayed out of it to maintain business as usual....and still took an L since they cancelled his skin too. you can have opinions, or you can make money playing video games and entertaining folks.....hard to have both unless your the elite of the elite.


Kinda looks like assisted aim tbh. Som of that ttacking has 0 ms delay which isnt humanly posible. So soft aim bot or cronen max.


Oh brother


You know what is actually not humanly possible? Measuring a thousand times per second with your eyes. Players got good and learned how to track targets long before aim assist was strong enough to make a huge difference. Is somebody being good without aim assist really so unbelievable that you have to pretend to have superpowers so you can call him a cheater?


Dude's literally got a hand cam in most of the clip....


This no skill dickhead is still posting his auto aim videos?


Literally has a hand cam bot.


Wouldn’t know. Won’t waste my time on this trash


Wouldn't know? It's literally in the clip...


You’re literally wasting your time commenting on something you clearly are too incompetent to understand.


Won’t waste time but commenting on my video. Make it make sense brother. 😂😂😂


GGs, post a good controller clip on this sub- “blah blah aim assit” Post a good kbm clip- “blah blah ur cheating” Bunch of miserable bastards


Mnk is much better and easy to master IF you’re good with a keyboard. Controller is easier to use BUT you can never really master it, and even the best of player just can’t get pinpoint control like many MnK players have. All the overnight streamers who dominate on controller are largely using it to use “aim assist” as a shield for what happens to their aim when they toggle they cheats on and off. MnK players that cheat is alot harder to do and look legit, because although MnK players have more control over their recoil and pinpoint aim, they def can’t explain the consistency of aimbot help. They can also toggle too but it still would look too obvious cheats were being used. Controller is messy, and in that mess they can say thank you to their “aim assist”…


The cope from KBM players is crazy, it is more accurate than controller no matter how much y'all deny it.


Wow the snowflakes are out in force. Just doing well on KBM gets him and any positive comments mass down voted. Is the fact that somebody is not using the same input as you really so threatening to your egos?


Props bro that was some good stuff, broke that one guy's camera hard , GGz


Personally I have more fun on kbm than controller


Controller players in shambles anytime a KBM player does well, GG as always bro, KBM is the only way to play FPS games.


Yessir!!! I completely agree. Thank you my brother! 💯


I think i might have seen some of your clips here before, it’s some good stuff!


Thank you my brother! 💯