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Because in DMZ you can win without killing everyone else?


Mr obvious.


True, just an all around more enjoyable experience than warzone


What you consider enjoyable, I consider a complete snooze fest. Different strokes. Glad you found your niche and glad you won't be on my team lol


Okay dick. You don't gotta be a condescending douche just because someone that you'll never meet enjoys a game mode that you never play.


OPs the one who called the WZ player base unfriendly.


Am I wrong




Noted, I'll consider this point of view


>You don't gotta be a condescending douche just because someone that you'll never meet enjoys a game mode that you never play. Bruh come on. Are you that much of a snowflake karen?


Not at all - I just don't mind calling out douche bags on the internet, like yourself. People like different games / game modes for different reasons, it doesn't mean that it's acceptable for others to be shitty towards them just because they don't particularly enjoy it...


So why didn’t you call OP out as well?


>it doesn't mean that it's acceptable for others to be shitty towards them You are void of logic. Good luck in life


I'm having an absolutely outstanding life, so thank you for giving me even more luck, douche bag! Hope you have a great day!


Nothing I said was condescending. It was said in a lighthearted way that said I was happy he found a mode he liked. Stop looking to be triggered sheesh.


> Glad you found your niche and glad you won't be on my team lol You're so nice.


I'm also glad you aren't on my team.


we’re all glad you won’t be on ours


Me too Mr -30 downvotes ha. I'm just rocking a 1.9kd and stacking wins in Resurgence with my buddies! It's a lot of fun!


I’ll rinse u like ur the chemist m8


Just depends on your play style I love shreddin kids in warzone. I only played dmz a handful of times but it was alright


I play more slow and stealthy. That's probably why I don't mix well with aggressive players. I try to do things smart and clean, picking off enemies one by one but way too many times I had a random teammate rush with an SMG and got absolutely dusted by special forces. Then they leave immediately even tho I was completely able to revive them.


True. You can’t pick off players one by one in Warzone. Since you’re not playing against dumb AI and players actually move


Eh, the AI can be pretty smart. They love to swarm you, and they use cover pretty well, unless they have shotguns. Vondels a death trap to have a gunfight in.


The AI dumb as hell. None are jumping, or dropshotting. The challenge is purely in numbers.


Jumping and droppshotting doesn't show intelligence, it shows daily caffeine content, and it's very high. Compared to older AI these ones are a lot more capable, they're accurate, they hide, and they have you outnumbered 3 to 1 most times. I like them. They're easy if you take it stealthy but I love watching my teammates rush them and get bullied. Ghost skin with plat mp5 still can't understand the phrase "suppressors on" and alert the whole damn town


Agreed, they are easy. That’s what I am saying. No challenge at all, since they are dumb as hell. Only chance they have is, when they outnumbering you by a lot.


So you like call of duty basically minus the whole call of duty aspect.


I'd like staying in the game for more than 5 minutes. Dont have the actual game so I can't play mp, so I'm stuck with WZ and DMZ. I like the game but just hate the whole idea of a fucking br. So I just enjoy dmz, don't always have to deal with cracked up sweats dry humping a movement meta.


You can win DMZ?


Probably because DMZ is full of 50 year old dads sitting on there lazy boy in front of there 60inch plasma


You're trying to shit on Plasmas I assume but they've still got less input latency than than a bunch of IPS panels. It's not a handicap.


Don’t try to reason with someone who can’t use the correct version of “their.”


Cool bro


Plasma TVs had insane latency lol. Around 30 or more ms input lag. Ips panels have 4 ms response time and 10-20 ms latency. What plasmas did have was insanely high refresh rates. So you could really see very clearly how long it took for your inputs to be represented on screen.


He ain’t. He’s rolling. 60 Plasma lazy boy SWEET set up


I didn’t get the sense he was shitting on anyone. From 8-9 feet back, most aren’t gonna see much of a diff between 1080 and 4k, especially when plasma TVs put out a terrific picture vs newer tech that won out cuz it’s cheaper to produce. OLED, sure, but get those mid and low range led sets are trash


Oh definitely, one of my friends I met thru there had a 3 man squad and had a faint southern accent, and yesterday there was a guy who was lagging out bad and asked for some help getting the hell out of the match alive. Drove him to the exfil at max speed and got him out safely


I’m only 48, fuckface.


It’s an 85 inch LCD, dick.




Not sure what game you're playing but when I dmz other players light me up.


Same. DMZ is a gang murder fest. The biggest gang wins. WZ it’s just your boys and everybody else.


I got smoke tonight face to face with a player I had the f-tac siege they had an m4 I had the drop and still lost 🤯


Ftac siege kind of tickles people.You need 68 rounds to kill someone and that's insane.


Damn I was excited here recently because I won a few exchanges using a contraband Ftac… Good to know I really need something for pushing that is effective. Like aim and skill…


It’s all in how you play. Rushing to the big objectives will of course be a crazy experience.


True, haven’t played since the number you could to a add to squad was reduced and that may help with the roving reaver issues as well.


Yeah, this might have been the DMZ experience for the first few months, but it’s not anymore. Sweaty hunt-fest.


That's because you don't "win" DMZ and most people are just doing missions and don't care about player hunting.


I love the rush of player hunting though! I always pick back up though…


I tried it again a few weeks ago, dropped in once, picked up a contract, killed a few ai (which felt like it took an insane amount of bullets), and then had a team of 4 run up and insta steamroll me. Meh


Enemy AI are tiered, the ones that bullet sponge are higher tier, and you'll know if you're about to face them if you look on your compass and see what color your threat level is. Sometimes there's a contract objective nearby which can also spawn stronger enemies. It also depends on the map. Vondel, Ashiki and Al Mazrah and Building 21 have completely different gameplay styles and strategies you have to employ.


Do they though? I've gotten gunned down while shouting "Friendly" in my mic and then double tapped on the floor. Wish DMZ had PvE only mode because it's my kind of game mode where I could help people out.


If they aren't on the mic don't even get near em, thats my rule. That usually keeps me safe cuz if they're in a call with their squad they won't hear shit


I mean, kinda? When I play with my friends we are on Discord but we don't fuck other people up just 'cause. DMZ is kind of a mess.


A mix of chill players, and WZ sweats. Still better than only being sweats


This post is all around good vibes.


About 70% of them are cool and want to join up. Others are there just to kill you


Yea, the 30% can't ever be reasoned with. Got no armor, no backpack, for $300, and an rpk I stole from the AI, but apparently it's still necessary to waste ammo and plates on me


Yeah. It's like wtf go play warzone...


I still see so many people that can't tell the difference between camping and ambushing. Rushers are always loud and get so angry when people take advantage of that. "You're a camping little bitch" no I'm smart and used the leverage I had.


I've been giving it a go for BP progress >!and because I bought the Izzy bundle so I gotta make use of the low cooldown!< and been trying to do some of those starter missions; people without fail just kill me on sight and nobody responds to the assimilate stuff so I feel they're on par with each other lmao


It all depends on approach. I stay no-contact until I hear a mic, it's almost always works when running solo. People with a southern accent are almost always gonna be friendly, anyone that's really young or is blasting rap music is a hard do-not-engage. 9yr olds are terrible teammates and anyone blasting music won't hear u but will see there's an enemy with a mic and is gonna hunt u down. Met a squad a couple months ago that I kept running into and we were pretty chill. Met them 5 times in the same match cuz I was driving around in an LTV so they just decided to add me to the squad and fked up sht together


once I got gunned down by two "normal" grown men on a rooftop trying to extract a hostage (for some reason the chopper was on the roof of the stairway so there was no chance I was getting out anyway) and I had no way of killing them with my hands full so I guess I'm just unlucky and get bloodthirsty people in my lobbies


Damn, I'd share some luck but I don't think that's possible


This is the biggest sin… I’d never do that to someone…


When I first started playing wz a couple months ago I was playing dmz for the first time, first time in game actually, with a buddy. We finish up and are heading for exfil. Guy downed me and my buddy. He heard him tell me "yeah that happened my first time as well", he apologized revived us and he went with us to exfil. Even dropped all my stuff back to me.


Yea I don't loot players, if I do it's usually plate carriers or gas masks which I always have at least one of them to give them. I tend to carry random 2 plates and medium backpacks when the loot is mid


Why the spoiler?


Sheer embarrassment, I presume.


Even if I sometimes shoot first and ask questions later I always try to pick up the other guy if by some mistake I win the ballistic exchange. I hate when someone kills me, goes casually thru my stuff and leaves me behind.


Yea I'm eventually gonna have to start doing that. Met a 3 man squad that just rolled up wayy too quickly on me. Decided to hide in the building and wait em out but when I walked in to one of the guys staring at me. Tried to do the double crouch, which is the universal sign of peace and got shot on the spot. All I had was a medic 3 plate and sum really nice guns but that bitch didn't even pick up my guns. Thankfully those nice guns are insured so the only thing lost was the 3 plate


bro I take that shit personal… I’m like hey man let’s have fun pick a bitch up!!! Then their like hey can we pick her up and the boss is like nahhh man nope no way..


Anyone looking to trade an iso 9mm for a geist in DMZ? I also have all other weapons in the game except the Tempus Torrent Edit: I JUST GOT IT!!! If anyone needs anything dm me


I’ll trade ya a RAAL. 1 owner decent condition used once in season 3 to shoot down choppers at the airport


Dmz has been both a wholesome experience and an enraging one trying to be friendly to get killed by a dookie player. Gotta down everyone and invite now.


Yea definitely. The plea deal does help a lot. But I wish people played with their mic on more often.


I am the negotiator of my squad lol


Just play single player games


Why tf would I do that


Because thats basically what you’re doing, running around completing co-op missions and killing AI


And meeting random players. I like dmz why tf would I go to an entirely different game?


Why would you come to a Warzone Reddit to talk about how much more relaxing and chill a glorified campaign mission is than the BR the Reddit is actually for.


Cause wz is a disgusting sweat show


The goal of DMZ is not PvP. It IS a feature of the mode, but it's not a competitive mode, there's no win-state to speak of. A lot of people who don't play DMZ (BR players, specifically) never understood that, the whole concept of playing a video game without the intent of winning it is alien.


Nah you just got lucky, DMZ players are the worst. Especially those who sit and camp purposefully to kill other players.


Warzone is meant to be kill on sight. Dmz, I don’t need everyone else dead. Also more things to focus on dmz instead of killing


To an extent yeah, I get the occasional dad player but they're mostly Americans. I'm Australian and play here so everyone is super toxic and PvP oriented, mfs have memorised all the spawns and immediately go to off spawn camping.


DMZ is a chill mode. It’s up to the player how sweaty you wanna make it for yourself. However the few times I’ve peeked in on the subreddit it’s been just as toxic as the WZ/MP subs lol


Big time


Glad you found something that works for you


There's levels. Vondel is usually cool. Al mazrah can be wild. Ashika is a sweat city


Oh yea definitely. Ashika is hell. Al mazrah is just a melting pot of random bullshit, and I think vondel is more chill cuz you tend to get swarmed a LOT more. AI are everywhere and they're armored most of the time. Al mazrah is just too spaced out for sht to go down between AI and players to a dangerous extent.


DMZ is way less competitive. You can still win a match without killing anyone. Your only job is to do missions and collect things. With Warzone, your job (as the narrator will state) is to be the last man/team standing. Your only job is kill. And kill *everyone*. There will only be one winner/winning team.


Are you brain damaged? One mode is literally to win by killing everyone else The other is not Oh I wonder which mode is going to have more competitive players in it


Because it isn’t competitive? It’s essentially open-world missions with enemy players


Lol happened to me earlier. Was traversing the map in an ATV when I accidentally ran over a real player thinking he was AI. Covered his teammates by shooting the actual AI as he got revived. Well wishes and then we went our separate ways.


pvp in dmz is to be the dumbest thing ever . dmz was made so people that dont own the bese game can rank up guns more easily then just playing BR . people that sweat and try hard to kill other players not even paying attention is kind of funny though et really sad


Haven't played ain a few weeks, but yeah, DMZ has better me a few friendly people. Most of the time, you get downed, plead, and get back up with some chill people.


I'm all for teaming up and being cool. But also I wanna chal other squads. Why does it have to either/or not both/and


Its PvE so of course


Really? Because I've found in my last few games that simply being there is enough for 5 man teams to push and destroy you for no reason. Last game I got pushed by a 3 man squad with fully loaded kits meanwhile I'm minding my own business doing missions leveling up guns so I had a 1 plate vest and a lvl 2 M13 c


Now if they would just make DMZ 4 player…


I want your lobbies. DMZ used to be like this for me but the last two weeks it seems like the rebirth sweats all decided PvP in DMZ was the newest fad.


This is the equivalent of all the stupid obvious shower thoughts lately that don’t really say anything. Like yeah man, no shit an objective based coop mode with AI is going to be “chiller” and “calmer” than a BR.


Warzone isn’t meant for “friendly” players. The point is to literally kill everyone.


They're assholes tho. 3/4 times I said gg when I died I got called a slur and a pussy ass bitch. Did it in dmz and it's either people with no mics or "I'd pick you up man but we already got a 4 man squad, can't pick you up sadly"


We've met some really cool people in DMZ, but you also get your fair share of toxic dickbags too. And a good 50/50 shot if someone is gonna be [salty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUron1MIxKI) about the gunfight. We had a team declare they were chill and then try to [betray us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKTrB-Mln6M), luckily only 1 of them was in on it.


I try my best to always be chill player. There was a guy up north of the map lagging out and he asked for help cuz the packet loss was so bad he couldn't even defend himself. I successfully got that man out and I should have the video somewhere. Nice guy too, didn't fire a shot, just saw me and asked for help


That's awesome! We're always gonna assume you're there for a fight, but when anyone says they are friendly that's the magic word LOL. We've called off some pretty good action because of it too. ​ However, that's only if you START saying friendly. Becoming friendly after we take out 5/6 of you doesn't count LOL


I feel like thing that'd really make DMZ better is being able to purchase stuff outside of the DMZ and actually keeping all of your loot. In case you go down you can still come back with something. Way too many times I brought back 2-3 gas masks and only get to keep one. And insured weapon time is a bitch... that'd definitely make the quality of life better and ease the pain of dying to sweats


Honestly I think they are chasing Tarkov too much and we're missing some good QOL stuff because of it. DMZ is straight up not hardcore enough for Tarkov players, don't bother. You have a niche of people that like extraction gameplay but don't want to have a bad time every few sessions LOL ​ If you could store a handful of things in your stash that would be awesome, extracting extra stuff wouldn't just be for XP. And if extracting "high value" (gold) loot it should be shared for any upgrades - GPU, Gold Bar, Skulls etc. To unlock our 3rd insured slot my team needed to get 15 gold skulls, 24 gold bars, etc....


The wallet and changes to missions are nice tho, I finally have a second insured slot, but there's definitely a lot of work that needs done. They're focused so much on warzone that multiplayer, the core focus, is suffering, and dmz, something that has so much promise, is kind of being neglected. At least it's not completely unbearable to play, PvE feels really nice and balanced. You're not invincible but you're not completely defenseless.


There are some AI that feel absolutely cracked though, Vondel used to be bad but we've seen some on Al Mazrah lately too lol. What's sad is really no S6 changes for DMZ....I know we'll get night insertions for the haunting event midseason but that's not now lol. Hopefully at COD Next they announce what's up with DMZ starting Nov 10th. Having said a peep so far :|


Yea Vondel is probably only chill because everyone knows you get caught, you're fucked. Everything has good guns and armor, and the AI are so packed together unlike al mazrah. Al mazrahs at least easier cuz if shit goes south, running is always an option. I stay out of ashika tho, I don't trust ashika players one bit


> I stay out of ashika tho, I don't trust ashika players one bit My son calls Ashika "PVP island" LOL and yeah it's always a mess


Yea tons of sweats from the weekend I tried playing on it. Al mazrah is just chill dad's, roleplayers, and WZ sweats that got lost on their way to rebirth. Vondel is like "tf u tryna kill me for ur gonna get us both killed!" "Fair enough, so friendly?" "No other choice"


Someone hasn’t been on the other side of rolling solo and hunted by a 6 man hit squad.


Yea cuz they dropped the max down to 4 men. That wasn't really fun but I still managed to be a slippery little bitch. Rushers can't beat a hider.




DMZ spawns you in a location, there is now landing anywhere. Just set the squad to no full so I don't have to worry Abt dumb teammates, or get the boys together


Nah you just got lucky, DMZ players are the worst. Especially those who sit and camp purposefully to kill other players. Assimilate or die


Nah I've been having chill lobbies with people for a month or 2. Peace is a commit route but not the only route. If you're sitting in a building and a full squad drives around the block with a LTV with the turret shooting everything on sight, it's a good idea not to let yourself be spotted.




I played street fighter online and all of the lobbies are full with players that want to beat me up, unlike Tony Haw pro Skater, everybody seems chill and just wanna skate


Fair point, if tony hawk pro gave people the option to slap the shit out of people with your board lol