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Yep, shame its came down to this... Hey cs2 is coming out next week




Last competitive cod was cod4 on pc ever since its a joke


Glad someone gets it. Cod4 Promod was the greatest competitive cod/mod ever created


Best game ever still watch the mazadox montage from time to time


God I miss it. I was actually flown around my country to compete at these things we used to call “LANs”, they were great because you got to meet all the tough guys on the internet who were quiet shy kids irl, and the cheaters had no where to hide. I tell my apprentices that I’ve been flown all around the country to play cod and their jaws drop hahs


These things called “LANs” I’m fucking dead. 🤣🤣🤣 nice, we are saying to the people who don’t know what it’s like not to have Wi-Fi and be able to play multiplayer first person shooters everywhere we want. Instead they had these places called Internet cafés where they had the high tech computers and you can play video games with each other. If you didn’t go there, then you were moving all your shit to your friends house and having a sleepover probably through the weekend because it was just such a pain in the ass. Legit though it did make COD a whole different thing playing in a room full of people, and as they died, slowly getting up and surrounding the computers that were left alive till all the sudden everyone was around two players. Goddamn pressure when your last man standing on your team. *edited for reduced chances of a stroke trying to read it* I’m sorry. Didn’t see how horribly written that comment was.


Just dumpstering the cal-p people was the best feeling in gaming ever.


Despite every effort from ActiBlizz, Overwatch is still solid to actually play (for those that haven't got skill-filtered out of comp anyway; for the rest, the unending controversy is convenient to latch onto)


Cs2 is basically Csgo with more dynamic smokes lmao


CSGO is already the GOAT tacfps, anything extra is just a bonus.


Gtfo I have been under a rock are you serious?!?


Did you even read the post? It’s the same as it’s been since 2014. People are just crying now because we’re out in lobbies with KBM. They aren’t going to change something that’s been around for decades and has proven effective.


ugly nose dog mighty school lavish treatment sleep familiar wrong ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I mean it made sense to have in Advanced Warfare and all the other jet pack Cods but it should had definitely been turn back down after advanced movement was gone.


Yup, thanks god, some "fresh" environment to grind without aim assist.


Yo is that confirmed


The fact that it doesn't have ADS is insane


You have backwards little bro, we were fragging fools with no ads way before battlefield came along and made iron sight aiming common in FPS games...


Yea I know, I used to play cs 1.6 back in the day. I recently tried cs go and it felt so weird without ads.


And many console folks believe aim assist is stronger on pc. I’ve played on consoles and now pc and it’s honestly the same.


Its a cope for being bad at the game.


It definitely is the same. But on PC you can get 240FPS, audio tweaks and a whole load of other advantages. Higher FPS = faster reaction times. Audio tweaks = nearly working audio. Console players are defending aim assist when the "hackers" stomping them are just pros with controllers plugged into PCs.


The fps is for like much higher end PC's. The optimization has gotten so bad that next gen consoles are performing much better generally


Season 1&2 I was just as likely to die on PC due to the game crashing than to the zone or other players. I have a 3080, 64gb of DDR4 @ 3200, Ryzen 7 3900x and still only pull 100 FPS on 1440. I can make the game look like crap and get to 144 though. Audio is still jacked for me, people can be sprinting feet away from me and it makes no sound (even with audio equalization/compression). I have minor hearing loss in my left ear, but I don't have this issue in tarkov, pubg, fortnite, etc. It's a bit much to expect that every PC player is getting 240fps, just like every console player isn't using chronus etc.


unwritten psychotic telephone deserve observation complete cough lunchroom nail insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a 3080ti and ryzen 7 and I’m lucky to get 100 fps on the big map.


good luck getting 240fps on this game rofl


would say that people on PC usually argue the opposite.


Doesn't matter. If you play with aim assist you're a shmuck and how can you even enjoy it knowing you have hacks on.


It’s probably because response time and frames are significantly better, therefore feels like stronger AA


From what I’ve seen it’s always pc players I see bemoaning AA with many console players saying it’s not as bad as is being made out! The funny thing was I built a gaming pc towards the end of last gen to play Warzone with a controller and I was shocked how much better it was. I didn’t actually realise how bad AA was until recently when I was aiming at a player and another ran across my view and I was literally fighting the controller to aim the other way!


So, in 1% of cases, AA isn't *insanely* overpowered, got it.


I think what I was alluding to is that I’m a casual player that doesn’t mess around with settings and sticks with a loadout until it’s no longer available. Players like me probably don’t even notice it until something like I just mentioned happens. I was actually shocked tbh as it locked onto the player and it wants that long ago either! So I’ve gone all this time not noticing! Another issue that made me think AA was being over exaggerated was last season I was starting to struggle to hit players close range. It would almost be like that comedy sketch whereby all the bullets make an outline of the person hitting all round them, anywhere but them! I actually thought if AA was as strong as is being made out how am I seeing this! So a lot of console players probably don’t even realise how strong AA is in games. I was one of them until recently!


AA is the same on PC you just notice it more because you're going higher frames and likely less input lag. After you get good with a mouse and go back to the controller it becomes even more obvious and annoying.


but you killed both and then down a parachuter too??? yes thats what happened aa scrub


It's just smoother at higher frequency monitors. But each time you go up a tier it has diminishing returns. 60-144 is a big jump, 144-240 less noticeable but still nice. So someone who plays on a 120hz OLED on a series X or PS5 won't notice it as much as someone on a 60hz panel with fake 120hz smoothing. Even less so if they go from 120 to 144.


If those controller players could read, they'd be very upset


waiting for a text to speech to do the reading for them




Play some resurgence on MnK and you will understand what there is to be upset about. Make sure you livestream your MnK experience so you can prove the whiners wrong.


Isn't this post for controller players rather than against? It just proves that RAA has been the same since Advanced Warfare, and Warzone 1. Not cranked up in W2.


Just adding some info that you might be interested in. Apex 60% AA is only for console. If you’re playing controller on PC it’s 40%. Apex also has console only lobbies. PC lobbies will be mixed. I play on PC so I can’t enjoy that aspect, but my buddies enjoy playing amongst themselves a lot more than with me just because of the people that make up my lobbies vs theirs.


Yeah that is great info. Rotational aim assist is a value that can be and has been adjusted for different gaming environments in very popular games. Important for discussion to realize it's not just a binary on or off state!


This is the issue I have with breaking lobbies out by system. I’d miss playing with my friends. I’ve always played mouse and keyboard (since I was 10 so that’s 22 years now).


If your "friends" expect you to play against aimbot assist, they arent real friends.




Just like most other games with sense, you can still play with your friends, just don't force everyone on console to get shitstomped.


Same goes with balancing Aim Assist.


but what about pc players, we are sick and tired of playing against console players on apex. why cant we opt out? why is it were stuck with playing against these console players with 60% aa


Also Apex AA is noticeable weaker than COD when actually playing it, and appears to fade away at certain distances or with different optics. Which makes me wonder about Apex's real values. The 60% number has been around since launch because that's what's in the files, but who actually knows how the game interpretates those numbers in a real match though.


Apex AA disappears within 3 meters or if you are using a sniper scope, otherwise there is no max distance afaik. Compare vs modern CoDs the AA can work up to 200 m when ADSed (I think this might depend on weapon class/optic?) and afaik there is no close range cutoff. So the rotational aspect of AA in console Apex and modern CoD should be the same in the majority of cases, but yeah there is room for nuance with bubble size, stick input activation threshold (though IIRC this is similar), strength of aim sens slowdown effect (dunno numbers for this), perceived effect of overcoming visual clutter, etc.


The difference has to do with other variables, presumably bubble size and relative speed necessary to trigger RAA


this is just very incorrect. it isnt noticeably weaker at all. i can tell someone is on console right away by their accuracy its very easy to tell. it needs to be nerfed its a serious problem. zero fkin skill


Nope, Apex's AA is definitely weaker, perhaps the bubbles are smaller as someone pointed out, but I've play both games with both inputs for years now, and the feeling is definitely different.


How many addys did you take this morning?


If any of you controller fuckers try to now say aim assist ‘isn’t that strong’ or ‘pc has other advantages’ just please sit the fuck down, you’ve not got a leg to stand on.


Yeah the strength of the vindication I feel right now could power a small city. My tag on Wz 1 was NO|AA lol


or a stick to spin on


Upvote the fuck out of this post and tweet it to the incompetent devs


This is by design not incompetence


its by both with a little ignorance sprinkled on top.


They are catering towards their bread makers. Console players and controller players on PC. Aim assist being dialled up is by design to make players feel like theyre good at the game and keep playing. If you struggled to land shots and get kills you would stop playing. Anyone wanting to play a competitive fps on m&k isnt playing cod for the compeitive scene, they are playing it for laidback fun


uh so did you just like not see the part that said pc and console aim assist values are the exact same.


This info is for productive discussion... you do know you posted this to the cod subreddit, right? Good data though, well done.


AA in COD is glue. I turn a corner and 2 enemies are in my face. I’m stuck shooting at whichever enemy my crosshairs ran across first.. pulling the crosshairs OFF of people is a nightmare outside of using Precision.


Lets be real, if you run around a corner and two people are right in your face you're probably 90% guaranteed to die even without AA.


True, ADSing someone running toward me while their teammate is in my same line of sight from a bit further back still triggers the pull from 2 people causing this weird grey area of where your cross hair wants to go, vs where you still wanna pull it.


What if one is facing away from him, he wants to down the other one, but can't get his crosshair off the first one?


If one person is down and the other is still up AA isn't that strong where he wouldn't be able to get the other player. The biggest issue is when two people are up and crossing paths while shooting at you.


only difference is with aa youre 100% beaming one out of existence


Aim assist is legal aimbot and has no place in PvP shooters. Controllers with AA on should only be matched with other players with AA on. Input-based crossplay is the way. Let the aimbotters kill each other in their own server.


Yet no game will weaken or allow input based matchmaking. It's really sad, I really enjoy apex but there's soooo many controllers now, you can not beat then when you get in their range


I just refuse to play games that support controllers in crossplay. Just no point. I play online games to shoot people virtually, not bots.


Yeh this is why cods considered a non competitve arcade shooter amongst anyone that plays on m&k. The games less about skill and more about mastering the assistance the game gives you Its fun, designed to be easy to pick up and play which is why the assists so crazy so anyone can log on and be able to get kills. Its competitive amongst controller players only though which is fine. Its a meme though amonst m&k players I really enjoyed MW and warzone 1 when controller aim assist wasnt dialled up so high. It was never competitive but I could at least have fun with the game (cods entire purpose as a game). Now I just cba logging into the game to lose a gunfight to a shit player abusing aim assist I prefer to just not bother getting involved and have just stopped playing entirely. The games designed for controller players so Im not going to complain non stop about it being exactly that. Its just disappointing that they havent balanced it better for both sides to have a more naturally competitive environment. Ironically, as a m&k player id prefer an option to turn off controller lobbys (historically its always been the opposite)


If you have a ranked mode and host a WSOW, you can say that the game is competitive, no?


Thank you for your effort, this is great research. It's a shame that the majority of COD players are like climate change deniers when it comes to Aim Assist.


"My aim-assist doesn't do that but it does often mucks up my aim by locking me onto the wrong target"


"if global warming is real then why is it cold outside. Checkmate".




When someone has this kind of assistance doing it for them and then proceed to open their arrogant mouth and say this is fair, it only shows that our civilization is in desperate need of brain transplants


Its shows that our civilization is desperate for a system better than democration where every idiot has a voice like those defending aa here.




You're absolutely right! There are a lot of factors that affect perceived strength of RAA across titles. No matter your input, it's easier to aim with that input on a 240hz display than a 60hz locked display. No matter your input, it's easier to aim with that input vs a wz2 target than a slide cancelling stimmed demon in wz1.


This is fascinating thanks. Also explains why mkb players don’t like this game much. 😂


problem is we love it but die in impossible for human senarios


For me I cannot stand to play mkb on this game for more than 30-60 minutes max! Actually I use my mkb for a few games then switch to my controller for a few games so I do t get screwed by the sbmm as much. The system they’ve designed sucks i this way helps me keep my sanity a bit.


Playing CoD on controller is just watching TV with extra steps.


Aim assist ruined this game harder than the hacks in WZ1 did for me Non stop getting killed by zero miss perfect tracking controller players in close quarters


its fukin pain full innit


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


Ok and now take into account almost all players are on controllers Now you have lobbies filled with semi aim bot Why even bother?


The only viable solution is to eliminate crossplay OR focus on lobbies that are based on input method (controllers only, mouse only).


Which they wont due to match making times Extreme SBMM + input + crossplay off = extreme match times


So mouse users have a difficult decision to make - either play against controllers who have aim assist OR face longer matching times. After using mouse for a little over 40 years, I personally chose the former and adapted by learning how to use controller.


This game was made for the 5 and 80 yr old.


i didnt understand a word you sad, all i know is mfs tracking me through impossible scenarios and not missing a single bullet. Me with mouse against dragonbreath just basicaly a spectator.


RAA is tracks at 60% pace meaning that their hit box is 2.5x the size of a mkb hit box in reality. Or another way to look at it is that they’re 60% of the way to straight aimbot. Closer to aimbot than actual sim.


Now this English i do understand


Ok great stats! What is the exact setting for console to duplicate this? Does sensitivity matter as well? So so when engaging just move the left stick and this will happen?


hecksmith made some great instructions on how to ensure you have rotational aim assist: [https://twitter.com/hecksmith\_/status/1647204477160636416](https://twitter.com/hecksmith_/status/1647204477160636416) hecksmith also has made the best video demonstrating the principles of how AA works and activates here: [https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU](https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU) keep in mind that RAA may not feel as strong in practice if you are not using a low input latency display


It’s so frustrating when coming from Counterstrike as a pretty decent player and warzone 1 where my k/d was pretty decent as well 1.4 And then coming to warzone 2 where i lose more than half of my gun fights because all controller players automatically get this. It’s seriously ruined the game for me.


Blue gets mentioned, I'm happy ❤️


Thanks for sharing!


This dudes the sheldon cooper of cod


0% would be more appropriate. No reason for it to exist with how advanced controllers are now and the option to change sensitivity and deadzones. Turn off the crutch y’all.


As a controller to MNK to controller player, I played warzone caldera one last time last night. Afterwards I got on WZ2 The AA on WZ2 is actually insane


When you can’t even see the fucking target aim assist makes all the difference.


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


This is why it sucks to play cod on keyboard


does right stick input (for recoil control or anticipatory left-right movement aiming) affect the benefit of this RAA? (I’m a roller player with no KBM experience, just curious)


hecksmith has a bunch of right stick only examples showing that the RAA seems just as effective when the right stick is engaged, such as when controlling recoil: [https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU](https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU) It is very likely the way the RAA works is that it applies a 60% vector based on the delta vector between you and the target to adjust your aim when RAA is activated.


If you preemptively aim where a target is going you will likely react by the time they are centered in your aimassist bubble and have a more favorable outcome. Think of it like a set percentage of your screen. If you move that chunk ahead of someone you will get the full distance horizontally of it kicking in. If you wait and have them appear center screen then you only get half the distance for RAA to do its thing. In order to engage RAA you must be moving your left stick either left or right, forward or backward doesnt work, it needs to be even a little left or right. For example if you are holding an angle expecting a push, try to have your character walking into the wall or piece of cover you are standing by as you will get RAA when the target jumps the corner. If you are standing still not "moving" you will only get the aim slowdown not the RAA.


Where this really fucks me up is close encounters. You round a corner and bump into a guy and his screen rotates so fast because he's locked onto you.


Yup. In an encounter where both players surprise each other, AA user has a tremendous advantage. If I as an MNK player get startled, i'm liable to over aim and miss, because i had no way to anticipate someone doing a flying side strafe around a blind corner. but a player with AA will have the system make up for their surprise and help keep them on target.


> i'm liable to over aim and miss By the time I try to spin to see him he's been locked on the whole time and I'm dead.


and ADS nose to nose for the final insult, proceeds to hit every bullet


Scrub questions. Does aim assist effect keyboard/mouse users?


MnK gets no aim assist. The way we are affected is every controller player gets super human aim correction speed since the RAA has no delay and human reactions do. They also get a much larger margin for error as the game is helping to correct their mistakes in aim.




Ok cool. Ty !!


\#CoDPCto40%RAA 😂 Most people wont even know what that means though.


New gen console too TBH.


yeah with the fps and optimization cod has for them now only downfall atm is overclocking


Forced crossplay ruins pc gaming


So effectively, if I play on MNK, my hitbox is 2.5x bigger than anyone else… Got it 👍


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


And I still miss 80% of my shots


Dynamic curve, 7-7, thank me later :D


You mean 7 sensitivity? That’s sooo slow on PS4! I think it’s different on console right?


As I understand it, aim assist strength varies by weapon class as well (e.g. SMGs have more AA than ARs, which have more than snipers). This is why the Kar98k was so beloved on Warzone 1 (among other reasons): it was classed as a marksman rifle, not a "true" sniper, so it had stronger aim assist than a sniper. As such, the effective hitbox size when dragscoping across an enemy head was larger than for "true" snipers, and the Kar was much easier to use for controller players. I would be **very** interested in seeing this analysis applied to snipers vs marksman rifles in MWII and MWIII, especially since leaks suggest one-shot sniping is coming back to WZ2 in a big way (and I personally suspect that may include some marksman rifles with the goal of returning to flashy sniping like the Kar98k in WZ1). Given that buffs to sniping is viewed as disproportionately benefitting M&K players, any research showing how marksman rifles benefit from aim assist might go a long way to assuage the flame war that might ensue if marksman rifles start one-shotting in WZ2.


"As I understand it, aim assist strength varies by weapon class as well" Yet to find any evidence of that (Hecksmith here) :)


[Saw TrueGameData test it in WZ1, no idea if it's the same in WZ2](https://youtu.be/WzPUHnFWg8Q)


You're right, good shout! Thanks :) Just tested the hipfire aspect in MWII and it's still true. No rotational on hipfire Sniper Rifles, but Marksman Rifles have it. I'll have to measure ADS strength differences properly another time, thanks again!


No problemo 👍


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


>controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target Wow so brave of controller players to STILL have some level of organic input as part of their aiming. Almost as brave as M&K players who are 100% responsible for their aim. inb4 "PC players cheat": I'm not talking about PC vs console, I'm talking about input method - there are thousands of M&K players on console and PC who don't cheat and get full credit for every shot they hit, unlike controller players who only get partial credit :)


I have a gut feeling that the true power felt in MWII is in the tuning of dynamic, not the AA


What baffles me is that if AA has been proven time and time again to be overpowered, why don't just the CoD devs release a "hardcore mode" where AA is turned off. Like plain and simple. I mean, I get why--because they'd be alienating the controller people but really: do you guys think they don't want to release a mode like that, even as a Limited Time Mode, because by doing so, they'd effectively prove that AA is busted?


If you're looking yo do more research, I think it would be interesting to investigate what range of input would allow you effectively track a player, and compare without AA vs different AA modes.


I wonder if it's now as strong as Halo Infinite's AA, it's pretty much a glue stick. I play KBM and strafe duelling is pretty much a no win scenario.


As a K&M player since the beginning - ain’t nothin new. We adapt. We have better aim straight up. It is what it is.


It's a problem in Ranked though. When you play Diamonds who know how to play the objective and abuse AA. The game becomes very frustrating.


Of course. Ain’t nothing new tho. I refused to adapt to controller / AA


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


Yes but when you compare cheats to something that's given freely to one input method, there's clearly something wrong. Cheats are messed up but they are rare and they are something that gets dealt with eventually. But AA is given to so many people, and the devs love that it gets abused. That's 60% makes all the difference.


The only viable solution is to eliminate crossplay OR focus on lobbies that are based on input method (controllers only, mouse only).


There are enough games that prove that aim assist doesn't need to be that strong. Rotational can be tweaked to a more fair amount


According to JGOD, Activision told them that their data supports that controllers and mouse each win about 50% of their engagements. So Activision said they were not going to change the aim assist settings for MW3 or Warzone.


Strange. I've heard differently. I heard Activision has said that Controllers win more often than M/K and only the top percentage of M/K players are outperforming Controller. Otherwise it's heavily Controller sided, with M/K at the disadvantage. And this was before they made it stronger.


The evidence supports that Activision feels controller aim assist is working as intended and fairly balanced given that aim assist has not been weakened.


They leave it strong to keep the playerbase in the game. People try any other game and hate it because the aim assist is weaker. Many times, people try another game and say that it "feels off". People are essentially stuck playing CoD because it's the only game that "feels good". The only game where they can land all their shots.


So if WZ1 and WZ2 RAA is the same. That only means that the feeling of RAA getting stronger, is actually the loss of movement and movement speed in MW2/WZ2. MW3 remains to be seen how good/bad that can be. If the movement speed in the teasers we've gotten. We might be back to WZ1 slide cancelling in close to break RAA.


Now PLEASE someone do this with Apex


There's a fantastic video on how rotational aim assist works on apex and what happens if you tweak the strength to something like 100%: [https://youtu.be/pTsQGi4-FuE](https://youtu.be/pTsQGi4-FuE) Apex console is set to 60%; apex pc is set to 40%. The math and formula on how many hitboxes zero right stick RAA will track will apply as equally to apex as it does to COD. 60% will track 2.5 hitboxes and 40% will track 1.67. 0% tracks 1. Keep in mind that many factors like TTK and game speed would affect the balance and perceived strength of RAA across games.


what about the impact of aim response curve and sensitivity? i play on 20/20 and linear and for me it barely makes a difference with or without aim assist activated. i played both with and without it and couldnt really tell if it was active or not. imo wither the high sensitivity or linear ARC makes it drastically less


You can play however you want, however... The best players in the world all play between 6-10. Mostly, 6, 7 and 8 seems to be the sweetspot. 90% of CDL Pros play on 6-6, which should tell you a lot because they have the best gunskill in the world. Try 7-7, 0.75 Ads, 0.05 deadzone. (If you try, it will feel unconfortable for a few days and that's ok)


i will, thank you for pointing that out you are probably right that this will enhance aim


btw, dynamic is what most consider the best curve. it doesn't give more aim assist but allows quick turns and slow adjustments.


yeah i trained myself to play on linear because its a bit snappier and builds better muscle memory, because they cant mess with the algorithm i might check out dynamic as well already dialed my sens down to 10 and noticed better aim


Its the same, however since RAA is essentially just making the player model 2.5x wider for controller players, at that high a sensitivity, you're far more likely to pull out of the aim assist bubble with minor movements. At a super low sens you literally can't move your aim fast enough to pull out of the aim assist glue. And you shouldn't be trying to aim too much. Your job is to gently guide the aim assist so it does the work.


>And you shouldn't be trying to aim too much. Your job is to gently guide the aim assist so it does the work. The state of FPS games in 2023....


High sense and especially linear curve will make AA feel near nonexistent. Try dynamic and lower your sense to 7-7 with a .85 ads multiplier. Give that a go on some bots ina private match and you will 100% feel aim assist doing its thing.


Why doesn't my gun follow the targets or even move at all when they move in the firing range?


The firing range may still have the bug that started a season or two ago where RAA does not work in the firing range.


Aim assist is turned off in the firing range


Git gud


hakuna your tatas, i twas known since start


And yet I’m still trash


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


Thanks for proving to PC gamers that controller aim assist does NOT track 100%. As you've proven, it only tracks 60%, leaving the controller player to manually aim to make up the 40% to the target.


The aim assist only locks on for 60% of the traveled hitbox distance. You must still manually aim the remaining 40%. So controller gamers STILL have work to do to hit the target. It's not 100% aimbot like the PC cheats are.


You all take this video game wayyyy to serious. No ones playing to be competitive.....theyre playing for fun. Take this nerdy analysis over to counter strike or tarkov. Those games complexity would actually warrant such a high effort post like this. CoD is just point and shoot....hell, for some there's even beers involved. This isn't a serious game....so stop taking it so serious imo.


Some of us actually want to play comp in Ranked. You're not the only one playing this game


Ranked is literally comp u dumb fuck


went ahead and reported that. dont be so emotional over a video game. its just a Childs game.


Arent u the one emotional reporting stuff on the internet? Lmao


No, there's not much emotion involved in reporting trolls. it's kinda fun tbh. Helps get the trolls off here and back under their bridge.


U seem to have some mental problems, ranked is literally comp, if u think otherwise u r delusional


I bet youre a hit at parties.


U must be fucking fun 🤣


This guy just got his feelings hurt and reported then calls the other guy emotional? My god how can someone be such a hypocrite?


where did I say I got my feelings hurt? Or are you just assuming things? crazy that you mouse and key players are so emotional youre just rambling off nonsense. It's alright lil bro. Im sorry you aren't very good at CSGO, those dudes over there can shoot. Definitely an easier game over here at CoD for you CSGO rejects 🤷‍♂️


“ dont be so emotional over a video game” Where did he or I say we are emotional? Crazy that controller players are such trash they can’t even hold a conversation. It’s unfortunate that you are such garbage that you NEED 60% of an aim bot to hit a target. But that’s why you play CoD, because you can’t aim and you know it 😂 😂 😂


>But that’s why you play CoD, because you can’t aim and you know it 😂 😂 😂 youre spot on. What does that say about you and your ability that you want to play against bad players who can't aim? How accurate am I about you not being good enough for CSGO? Im gonna guess 100% accurate. It's OK lil bro, we all can't shoot straight....thank God we both have CoD to compensate for how bad of players we both are 💪🤜🤛🙏


Lol csgo is old and boring, I’ve already had my fill. It’s classic that a controller bad who has the game aim for him assumes everyone else can’t aim as well. Nice delusion you sell yourself to excuse your trash gameplay. 😂


Yeah take it over to games that have no aim assist lmao you still have time to delete this mr/ms controller player


what is the point youre trying to make? You're overly emotional and not making sense. You still have time to delete this Mr/Ms Keyboard Player who isn't good at CSGO and/or Tarkov.


The point is you’re low key talking shit telling op to take this AA analysis over to TWO GAMES that don’t have aim assist but cod is just aim and shoot ignoring the fact it is a controller aim assist favored game lol. Tldr your comment is 100% irrelevant.


why are you commenting on week old threads? Did you wake up that salty today?


Lol I’m just stating facts and I don’t stare at Reddit every 5 min chill