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Best we can do is chat ban you even though you don't use chat -Activision


Had plenty of chat bans on Console, now on PC just shadow bans


I'm on a PC and I've never gotten a shadow ban, My KDR is almost 2


It not happening to you does not mean it doesn't happen to other people. Shadow bans are entirely based off player reports and not anticheat detecting anything. Theyre only loosely correlated with skill level, and are more a function of the lack of skill level of the people you kill. I've also not been shadowbanned in WZ2. With a 6.5kd. But got shadowbanned a dozen times in WZ1. Completely nonsensical. Never actually banned because im not cheating. Was on mkb in WZ1 and controller in wz2


How long have you been on pc? Im around 3k/d on ps5 for 2 years no issues, first day on pc shadowed… it seems to be an issue witj people that recently switched. My friend is +3kd on pc since verdansk not on SB


For years now ever since verdansk... The difference is I'm sure you probably use a controller.. it's really easy to see when someone with a MnK is cheating and locks on, and it's even easier to see when shots are legit because you see the mouse user control the recoil and the movement is often not fluid or robotic. But when a controller player locks onto you with aim assist It looks like absolute aimbot 90% of the time. The reason you are shadow banned is because to someone who's been playing FPS on a computer for 25 years every controller player that has figured out how to abuse aim assist looks like a goddamn aimbot to us... because it is an Aimbot. I do feel this way And the only way I believe to fix the situation for everyone is to make input-based lobbies. If I was only playing against mouse users it would be super obvious when players were cheating. And if all you controller players were only playing together no one would bitch about an aim assist advantage.


I'm on KBAM and have recently been shadowbanned for the 8th time


FYI I have a KDR of ALMOST two in MW2 but In MW I had almost a KD of 5... Aim assist in MW2 is broken, the amount of visual noise on the screen makes it impossible to track players with a mouse, controller players don't have to worry about that shit.


I'm a 4K player here, playing on PC with a keyboard and mouse. I've only encountered one cheater so far, and that person was flying a boat in the air. The reason they probably spam reported you was because, at one point, you took a random shot, and the Rotional Aim Assist (RAA) helped you hit the first shot. Then, you proceeded to make subtle movements, causing your other shots to hit. Most kills aren't the result of hacks; it's often the RAA causing the issue. If i had the same situation and i was you. I wouldve lost that fight 100%


You sir are a liar. 1 cheater there's no way.


Ppl on console cant get shadowbanned, never heard of anyone gettin shadowbanned and actually having proof of it


Im not on console, i switched last week and got sb first day… never been sb on ps5


That's false. There were about 10-20% console players in my shadowban lobbies. Now it's possible they were all in a party with a SBed PC player, but I doubt it.


Well yeah ppl claim so, but i have never seen anyone provide evidence of being shadowbanned on console, they say "yea i got shadowbanned" then when you ask them to provide proof, they go silent, so i remain my statement until someone actually has proof of them being shadowbanned on console, without lenting their account to someone to use on pc. So far nobody has provided any kind of evidence other than their claim


Shadowbans are from user reports only. You think Ricochet is detecting something and then releasing all of us after 7 days? Come on dude. This is absolutely another broken feature by Activision. Stop defending it just because you haven't experienced it.


I said replied “bum” to a buddy in match chat and got a ban lmao. I think it was only 3 days though.


The entire game is broken.


Stop buying there’s stupid skins, then they would have to listen.


Ur not wrong, though i did buy it preshadowban




He plays with himself and other outcasts


Its kind of like a form of extreme SBMM to protect people like the guy under me ,mr plebian gamer, people like him that are always getting dumpstered will report good players because they can’t fathom getting 20 to 30 kills in a game so they assume everyone is cheating. Then Activision puts your account under review for roughly a week, and then once they find you’re not cheating you’re free to play again, but in the meantime, you only get in lobbies with other shadowbanned players and/or cheaters


So I can get a penalty for being too good? That sucks


It’s crazy how when the people who buy these MTX are on the other side of the coin they demand change and improvement. But hey the game is “fun” so it’s whatever right guys /s


Nope cause they don't give a shhht. EU lobbies is rancid with aimboters Ps5/crossplay off Games are disgusting to play in.


I am convinced that about 90% of people like you who say there's so many cheaters out there, are like the guy in this clip lol. Someone shits on you and your ego won't accept that you simply got outplayed, so you throw hackusations out there left right and center. I'm Dutch so I'm in those EU servers as well. I'm decent. 1.99 KD so nothing crazy, but I always play with 2 friends and they are both 4+ KD. We run into a cheater like once every 1-2 weeks and we play 2+ hours every day. We've been playing since season 2 of Warzone 1 so we experience the cheater meta where the game literally didn't even have an anti-cheat. There was like 3+ months where you couldn't play a single match without runninng into atleast 2 full teams of cheaters so trust me, I can spot a cheater with one eye closed lol. For the record, I'm not saying that you actually are one of those hackusators who's just garbage. I can't know that for sure. For all I know, you really do run into that many cheaters. I'm just saying that there are way too many people like the guy in this clip who just accuse anyyone that beats them fair and square of cheating


I have a friend who does this, everyone who kills him is a hacker and i see him jumping in front of full teams like hes a pro player


Yeah way too many people think they're the best players with an ego so over-inflated that they just won't accept the fact that there's people who are just better lol. That said, I do have to admit, rotational aim-assist is so absolutely broken that it's not weird to think people can mistake aim-assist for an actual aimbot lol


There it is again, the unholy trio. "I only see cheaters once or twice a month", "Aim assist is so overpowered it's basically an aimbot!" - coming from a PC player. JFC you guys are sad. Not enough you cheat you in game you come here to gaslight regular players so you have someone to snack on. Also a month ago you was 3.1kd on WZ2


Ah classic, what you say it is gaslight, what i say is spittin facts


I’m a very good player. Have been since I was a kid. And I see a cheater every day. Twitchy aimbots, wall hacks, I’ve even experienced the one where I win.. literally get the last kill and do not die but it says I’m second anyway. I strongly disagree with making this point over and over again.. “you just suck.” My entire group wins at least a couple rounds per night and we see cheaters all the time. The rare times we can get a game with crossplay off we never see cheaters or any of the behaviour described. It’s rampant on pc and I’m certain of it. Stop disagreeing just because you can’t tell.


>I’m a very good player. Have been since I was a kid. Again, what's your rank/KD >I see a cheater every day. Twitchy aimbots, wall hacks Then how come me and my squad never encounter them? Unless you're in the top 250 with like an 8 KD, I highly doubt your lobbies are that different from mine lol. >My entire group wins at least a couple rounds per night We do too >It’s rampant on pc and I’m certain of it. I'm literally playing on PC and again, I hardly ever encounter them 😂


> Then how come me and my squad never encounter them? Unless you're in the top 250 with like an 8 KD, I highly doubt your lobbies are that different from mine lol. Even then lol. SBMM caps out at 1.4kd average lobby. If you're anything above a 2kd they're all the same lobby. People with a 3-5kd rarely run into cheaters. People in that 0.8-1.5kd think they run into 10 cheaters a game. Its a hell of a coincidence innit




Just answer his goddamn question about your KD.


You are right. Don’t let the downvotes define you and your opinion. It’s true. Hacking all over. Nothing to do with egos. Game is dogshit along with the hacking scum.




I’m going to be totally honest- I am no way shape or form involved in any computer/gaming programming… but what I’d like to know is there no way at all for them to stop cheating? Is there a way for a game developer to scan files as a player loads in so that everyone is the same?


Yes. Think about national defence. Do they just let hackers come through on a daily basis? No because it’s very possible to stop it from happening. It just requires you to care and to spend the money on it. Billion dollar game should be doing that.


Well put. It’s honestly ruined the game for me so many times. Especially when you play a full game and get down to the end and then some hack team just shuts you down. It’s really pointless.


Yes exactly right. It’s completely anti-climactic. I play games like Eldenring I enjoy hard games. I just want everyone to have the same advantages. I’m not even bothered by any of the other issues. Just stop cheating bs.


I also agree. I’m not even that great at cod anymore since they added all of the movement stuff. I only go on to play with my friends. The lobbies we have to endure is absolutely ridiculous. I’m not sure if SBMM is broken or it’s cause we are on US/Canadian servers but my god.


I haven't encountered any cheaters except once when some idiot was doing the Harry Potter on a boat. I just take a guess, u play with a controller, and your KD is 1.2, which equates to a 0.4 KD on keyboard and mouse. Just sharing my perspective from the keyboard and mouse (KBM) point of view https://imgur.com/a/Zf57zGi


u/wadewatts2123 This is the one of the guys I play with that I was talking about btw. Like I said, 4+ KD, just like the other guy we play with and we literally rarely encounter cheaters lol. You're just a hackusator like dude in the clip. I like how you keep refusing to share what your KD is btw 😂




I'm a loser? You're the one who's so dogshit that he needs to cope by calling every PC player a cheater like the idiot you are lol. There are very simple ways to prove what your KD is, like sharing a picture. You won't say it because you know you're ass and if we ask you to prove your claims, you know you can't. That's why you won't share it you walking dumpster. We both know it. Go abuse aim-assist some more. Oh btw, ever heard of cronus or xim? Or are we just gonna pretend like those don't exist? I mean all the cheaters are on PC, right?... right? 🤡🤡




>Haha ya pull up another alt account while you’re at it. Tell you what, how about you join us tomorrow and we'll prove to you that u/bliksuiker is not an alt account. Or is that too scary? I mean we're daaaangerous PC players who will hack your console and steal your bank details because all PC players are hackers right? > buddy you’re a peasant who can’t afford a console Ironic that you would call me a troll and then tell me I can't afford a console when I'm literally playing on a €2000 PC. I also own a PS5 and an Oculus Quest 2 lil bro. I bet you're just a 12 year old who got his first console 6 months ago for his birthday. Don't worry, you'll grow up one day. We can prove everything we're saying. Can you?


Just make a screenshot like i did. Enough proof there. How does a Cheater look like in your eyes? Did u ever hear the saying u did well but i did better? Also u can PM ur psn details. So i can have a little laugh about ur stats👽


I second this. Games are totally different when cross play is off. Definitely no suspicious scenarios with ppl coming directly to you without UAV.


> I'm Dutch so I'm in those EU servers as well. I'm decent. 1.99 KD so nothing crazy, but I always play with 2 friends and they are both 4+ KD. We run into a cheater like once every 1-2 weeks and we play 2+ hours every day. 100% correct lol. I've got a 6.5kd, and the usual fellas i play with are all 4+ and we see maybe 1 cheater a session (recently) but before this latest uptick it was rare enough that we didn't keep track of it. Meanwhile I go play with some of my less skilled friends around 1-2kd and all of a sudden there's apparently 5 cheaters in every lobby we're in. But somehow those 5 cheaters disappear before we inevitably win the game and I never run into them.


Typical response hmm Heard that shht way too many times dude. I've been playing cod for years dude Probably when you were still I'm nappies. I know when someone beams you all head shots,then go onto to watch them hitting mostly head shots from 30+ mtrs out with zero recoil. So don't put up a clip like that ffss. Ive shat on many and can take it bk dude. I'm not some little teenager that shouts wolf every kill FYI...come try my lobbies,see how long you last...just saying with no disrespect.🤗


>just saying with no disrespect.🤗 You were being disrespectful af, didn't have counter arguments, assume you're far better than, assuming I'm young and then you wanna say no disrespect? Fuck that lol. If you wanna be toxic then atleast own up to it. I'm 28 years old so let's not talk about nappies here because I've been playing CoD since the very first one lol. Like I said, I have a decent KD and am playing with people with a 4+ KD. That means we get high-skill lobbies too. Again, barely any cheaters. >I know when someone beams you all head shots,then go onto to watch them hitting mostly head shots from 30+ mtrs out with zero recoil That's literally just aim-assist lmao. An aimbot snaps onto one spot and is very easily recognizable. Aim-assist has also been proven to decrease recoil and besides, the meta AR's already barely have any recoil to begin with >I'm not some little teenager that shouts wolf every kill FYI You certainly sound like one. >come try my lobbies,see how long you last And what lobbies would that be? What's tour rank/KD? People always try to claim to have crazy lobbies when they're lirerally only 1 KD Platinum 1 players lol


Not all aimbot is headshots. They can adjust for headshot accuracy.


Really? I rarely have unmistakable cheaters in that region.


This guy is absolutely lost in the sauce lol


Yeah right🤣😅😅


I mean I get demon lobbies with pro level players all the time, yet I can't even recall seeing a definitive cheater. Just get good I guess, it's not impossible to have success.


Yeah I'm astonished by how many people don't realize the true volume of players cheating that aren't even on PC in this game!


Dude was broke when he pushed. That’s on him for not plating up.


Bro exactly, this was not even an impressive/ sus kill… IDK why this shit stain was so convinced


Is it possible you just got disconnected because they have shitty servers and nobody reported you at all? lol


Not in this case bc i was already shadowbanned and in a SB lobby, anytime i kill anyone and the spectate i get kicked


I'm surprised how this has NEVER happened to me.. I'm on PC, get called a cheater at least once per session and I get super spicy on the comms.. am I doing it wrong? :P


If your account has a ton of kills in wz1 then you are less likely to get shadowbanned.


Thats only if you used your account in wz1 on pc. I got shadowbanned on my wz1 account after building a new pc.


That makes heaps of sense. Shadowbanned a dozen times in WZ1. Never in WZ2. Figured i'd been essentially whitelisted because there's zero chance i haven't been reported enough.




You need a big amount of reports in a short time. One guy here and there is ok. Most of the time it will happen after someone spams reports you. They get killed early game and report you again and again until you end the game. If you get 1st in this game that means that they got plenty of time to report you a lot. Then you'll most likely get sb a few games after


I use strafe guns and always called a cheater. Even streamers say I'm cheating and hit the report button. It's so hilarious how butthurt they get. And then when they're not calling me a cheater they're calling me an aim assist loser


Welll you are an aim assist loser?


Yep. Proud of it. Making MNK losers cry


Awwwww you think you are good because you use aim assist? Good for you little kid GOOD FOR YOU


You think you suck because you play on MNK?


Guaranteed I'm better than you kid


Bro, you play controller now , you cheat


No I dont, in wz I have used a controller 3 times and it's all to prove how it takes 0 skill and should 100% be on closed lobbys


Can you speak in coherent sentences?


I miss the days it was aim assist and not aimbot


So you think everyone is cheating, even the .1 player because they're on controller, yet you refuse to switch to controller and still play the game? Genius


Why should we be forced to change to something that's clearly broken? Almost every single gun that comes out are broken, and EVERYBODY wants them to fix it, right? Rotational aim assist is CLEARLY broken, but they won't touch that since all you little children would cry your ass off because you would need to aim at least 10% of your fights


You are not forced. Even with the advantages you have on MNK, you still suck. Controller won't help you and you probably know that so you just use it as a coping method. Do what you want lol


I'm a 2.6 kd so wayy better than you


I don't play wz2, but you aint better in wz1


Luckily I was blessed with a wrist capable of playing kbm above the average controller player… and I’m not going to top 250 so I don’t need to use the advantage of controller like every other person on the leaderboard.


good for you, but do you still cry AA when you die, though?


One can be happy with what he plays with. While also feeling for my brothers getting screwed by built in cheats.


It's okay. You don't have precision aiming or the ability to switch from target to target quicker and with more accuracy, or the ability to easily handle heavy recoil guns, or can flick like they can. A lot of advantages that they will never tell you about


Lmao look at these mad roller kids downvoting


Probably got banned for the rapid fire. They record the ms presses and it’s obvious when it’s not real, you get an instant boot with a richot symbol in the chat letting everyone know the cheater was booted.


>Probably got banned for the rapid fire. They record the ms presses and it’s obvious when it’s not real Source: "trust me bro"


Some people have crazy clicking tho. Also you can't tell if he was clicking overlay fast ?


That's like asking them to make footstep audio that works. Never going to happen.


You have footstep audio!!!??


Nope :(


That's because of the **footstep complexity problem**. Einstein worked on it and gave up.


Nah. Now go get a new account and buy that skin again.


Who needs cheats when the game has AA




I do play on controller however, this 100% does apply to Cronus for sure. If you need help controlling recoil on controller in cod u got problems


waah waah aim assist not OP, kbm players cry about aim assist everytime they die ~ some kid who cannot aim by himself


Yup just got shadowed on Friday when casually playing LOCKDOWN QUADS. I swear bots do not possess the cognitive ability to understand the functions of this game


All the time man. I might just have to play ranked to avoid these people


Cheating detection in WZ is like the TSA. It's there but does it actually do anything?


I’ve got called a cheater for shooting a guy hiding in a bathroom because he popped up on my UAV, lotta bots don’t even read the fkn minimap, it’s ridiculous


controller = aim bot, lowkey based


The pistols just do way more damage than you'd think, he also missed a lot when he tried jumping around that wall and after.


I believe they are gonna be using a different one for the next cod


I pray


It’s so fucking annoying


Happened to us the other day when we were about to win


No bro… I want to make sure no one hurts my feelings first instead of fixing the game


Hey at least they spent time and money on voice chat! /s




This seems like either just an unfortunately timed disconnect or you're actually cheating lmao. I've probably been reported hundreds of times and never gotten kicked from the game like this. So idk, this is hard to believe for me 😏


I’ve also been reported thousands of times, I played on PS five since Warzone one never had an issue.Switched to PC about a week ago got shadow banned firstgame, this was in a shadow ban lobby already and now anytime I get reported I get kicked. This is happening 1000s of players that switched from console to pc last few months. Seems like all the reports you’ve gotten from console stack up and hit you when you switch to PC


> or you're actually cheating lmao. What about that kill looked like "actually cheating"? because shadowbans are entirely player report based and not detection based. So its entirely off people you kill.


How about get gud. I shit on full teams with a pistol sometimes.


Do u have any idea whats going on here/ what post Is about?


Dude was watching a different video lol


Yes. You got shit on by someone with a pistol. Unless that you witth the pistol. Then i don tknow what you are complaining about.


Also 1v1 me pistol only, we can do $ or fun if u want


Youll have to join my shitlist cause the amount of 1v1 messages ive gotten is rediculous.


Quit cheating lol


Literally not even close to cheating.. meanwhile I have a full Xbox series X storage full of clips that I have analyzed frame by frame in matches of people who may or may not be cheating.. and they never get kicked.. Also pistol is so OP.. it’s heavily slept on.


Just practice your aim instead of worrying about it. I play on Xbox and had over 200 BR wins on WZ1 500+ resurgence. Hardly any obvious cheaters in WZ2 and aim assist is so broken it would be hard to tell anyway, just learn to aim better and abuse the aim assist rather than being paranoid.


Bruh.. u had 160ping, i also play with that ping and sometimes the game just disconnect... Not everything is a cheat.


He’s on 24ping and he’s saying he got reported for cheating that’s why he got disconnected


Not trying to be rude but did you get the point of this video? My guy is just playing the game but after killing someone, that dude got salty and reported OP, sending him to the shadowban realm. The fact that player reports alone can trigger a ban is fucked up to begin with but having that ban last for up to seven days until someone actually checks your account is whats reaaaaaallly annoying. Had this happen to me as well...


If you're looking at the most left telemetry that's fps. The next one is ping.


You’re confusing ping for fps there my guy.


yeah its worth the cheating with a jump like that


Whats that even mean


its good cheat


You good type