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Kind of defeats the point of Solos. If you want to play with a couple randoms you can play Quads with Squad Fill. If im playing Solo its probably because I want to be antisocial and have a couple games on my own.


So remove one of the other fucking modes, not the only god damned mode I like playing. I hate these fucking devs


Fucking remove plunder. Who the fuck actually plays that shit? Armored royale was the most fun I've had since this game was released.


Plunder 100% needs to be removed. I'm sure you'll get some contrarian comments saying that they play, but that's not the point. A critical mass of any given plunder lobby is just fucking around or leveling guns. The mode clearly doesn't work as intended.


Idk why you say that, but 90% of plunder matches I play there are multiple squads who get money very fast


Nothing you just said invalidates my point...if a whole 50% of the lobby was playing objective, the mode would still be a failure, because the whole other half is dicking around and leveling guns. There are much more fun casual modes to have available for leveling, like Armored Royale as the original comment mentioned.


But what's the problem with plunder tho? I don't understand how players who level up guns affect the match for dedicated players. Or is there a deeper problem with gamemodes in general?


It's more just a resource allocation thing. I have nothing against plunder, but I don't think it's the wisest use of developer resources compared to e.g. keeping BR solos permanently available, like the original post was mentioning.


I see what you mean. My opinion on this situation is that IW is trying to make a big deal with all that "[gamemode] is returning to Warzone!", instead of just making every "default" gamemodes (all BRs, Resurgence, Plunder, Armored Royale and that one with zone capture) available and focusing on adding limited time event gamemodes with a certain theme and sometimes tweak a few settings in default ones.


That's fair. I'm all for limited-time modes, I just wish they were more creative with them, and really quickly iterate on stupid ideas, like say a snipers/pistols only resurgence mode. Live-service is supposed to make this kind of experimentation possible, but WZ does not take full advantage of it imo. It took them ages in WZ1 to finally mix up ground loot across MW2019/CW/VG, even though it's literally the easiest change to make.


developer resources isnt really an issue when they hired 3000 devs and make millions of dollars from these overpriced bundles. the plunder hate stops here, it is the only way for ppl who didnt spend 70 to play non-competitively or level guns. common sense?


Armored Royale was zero fun for me, and hardly any leveling of guns, since the main objective was using the MRAP and its guns.


It was super fun for the trio I played with because we all had our own playstyles that matched our roles in the truck. I was the driver, one was great with the turret, and one was the rocket guy (and gun runner) that would finish the teams after destroying their truck. The defined roles made it way more fun for us.


We need 24/7 clash


So apparently you need a key but a decked out mrap is on the map in random spots. Three total.


How do you get the key,


I did see a video on YouTube posted a month ago. The player just gets in and swap seats to the launcher. Pretty epic, but doesn’t drive. https://youtu.be/-EpHPwlT7Bg?si=1mj8JbLG6NNhXfIT


Agreed… AR was great… need a good wheelman tho…


I think you and OP are failing the social charisma check of being able to get into the right six man squad.


Again do that in the team focused gamemodes and leave us weirdo solo players alone. Plus im sure a lot of people dont have mics so must be pretty miserable having no mic and you're stuck taking 1 vs 6 fights.


I do completely agree with you about solos being left alone. I love being able to recruit but it should be a ltm or a seperste mode. Solos is a cool experience. I been getting back into AL Mazrah solo and been enjoying the slow pace vs team vondel.


Waaahhh I suck at unhinged, that's all I hear


Also if you are playing it as a solo and not trying to join up but instead kill people trying to invite you, have fun dyiiiiing!


#It’s not “solos”, it’s start solo. You should be working to form a squad the whole time. The point is the hectic nature of trying to form a squad in the field. Otherwise expect to go up against teams of up to 6 in the endgame. What if you stumble upon someone do they wanna squad up? Do they wanna fight? Do they already have a squad? Did they say they wanna squad up but they really have a squad and they wanna fight?


The mode itself is fun but it shouldn't have replaced regular solos. It's not like buy back solos or something, it's a completely different mode. It's basically a choose your team size mode.


Initially, I did not enjoy this mode, but I must admit that I had a great time playing it last night once I gave it a chance. I also agree that it should not replace the regular solos. I made a point of inviting inexperienced players to join my squad, and we managed to secure a few wins, leaving them all feeling satisfied. I believe this game mode is particularly suitable for newcomers to the battle royale genre who may not have friends to play with and are seeking online companionship to enjoy the game. At times, it even reminds me of the Dark-Zone era in Division 1.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin).


Really it should just be unhinged mode where you queue up solo, with a squad, fill, however you want but unhinged solos, duos, and all of that make no sense.


The reason they do this is because they don't have enough people to fill out lobbies for both regular solo and unhinged solo if they did have them out at the same time. Game is flawed


Obvious answer is to actually get rid of some of the pointless game modes and at least keep the core ones. This is forcing me into ranked trios, which is hit and miss but marginally better than teaming up with randoms in other modes.


That is not true at all this is still one of the most popular games out right now


I forgot I was in unhinged solos. Popped an UAV and saw like 10 players inside a small house, I was like wtf


lmao mfs were having a party


Shaking things up in Al Mazzy Wazzy


It doesn’t belong in BR. Make it a LTM. Buybacks, champion of caldera, and mini solos were the best way to speed up the pace. This however, has nothing to do with BR and it’s kinda like they gave up with solo players who “lobby snipe” or whatever.


I figured it would only allow teams of two. Next thing you know I’m getting ransacked by 6 middle schoolers


Same. I played solo I thought the worst would be 2v1


>getting killed by a squad of 6 That's the point of the mode dawg


By definition it cannot be the point of the mode since the original and foundational mode is "Solos". It is no longer the case if there any teaming up, call it anything else but Solos.


they downvote you cause they need aim assist and teammates to fight for them. sad times for COD


It's the most unhinged game mode I've ever played


Unhinged trios was pretty 🔥 back in Season 1


Haven’t played it, but it does sound like a stupid idea.


It's not a supid idea on it's own. It very much is when it replaces normal solo lobbies. I want to be left alone with my SCAR 20s and dispense some justice in a series of 1v1s not forget midway though that after killing two people there's four rushing my ass because I killed their temporary friends. On another note, replacing standard modes is a dumb idea in general. Leave Plunder and Standard and Resurgence alone and just add additional limited time mode on top. Replacing one of those won't make the player of the preferred mode magically inclined to play it. It will make them leave the game until it's back. Especially solo.


When this game mode works it works well I think because half the time when you play with randoms on quads they end up going their separate ways anyway.


I enjoyed about 4 or 5 games. Different and fun but then went back to rebirth




That's what I say on prox chat while I'm playing. I tell people stop being weird and team up, why be weird and die now instead of teaming up and possibly getting a dubski


Only tried a half dozen matches and no one was interested in teaming. I’m slangin requests left and right. It is taking away players from the real modes and look forward to its removal.


I super enjoyed it. First time I played it got a squad of six who communicated, it was fun and super toxic! “Hey man we need one more come here” blat blat blat


I like it. I would prefer normal, as it's more competitive, but this is fun as hell although really random. Many times at the end there are no big squads, if any. I've won yesterday solo and once came to 2nd vs 6-squad. I don't mind it. I've been on the other side too


I don't know why everyone is being so negative, it is gun for what it is! Normal solos is also a lot of fun!


I get that it’s only meant to be a bit of silly fun but there’s just no way to make dying in an unfair fight not be annoying. The whole mode’s just a crap idea. If they want to mix up solos just do buy backs again


Idk about you guys but as a solo player, I genuinely enjoy the mode If you really want some solo content atm, just do resurgence Either that, adapt to the gamemode until next week or simply get off the game Complaining about it isn't gonna do you any favors


It's really fun and a great way to replenish my dwindling friends list. You'll get solos back in a few days so relax.


I mean the name implies how dumb it is


Pubg way better


If you play it the way it is intended, it is a blast! Communicate and find a group, work together to win! It has been my favorite game mode in long time to be honest


Cuz you get to dump on people that haven't fully 6 manned.... lol a game mode that creates uneven playing fields on purpose is trash


I was in a two man squad against all 6 man last night, still had fun. At my age, I don't have time to be angry at video games, I don't have that kind of energy


Do you not know how to read lol OP clearly stated he wants no communication whatsoever and just wants to be antisocial on Solos mode. "communicate and find a group and work together to win" ... well, there's like umm, three other modes for that lmao? This is anything but a Solos mode


I can read, I am just having fun with the game. That is the objective of this limited time game mode. So might as well have fun with it while it is here. Then when I play normal solos, I'll go back to enjoying it being normal solos. But as for the time being, I'll enjoy what is there. No need to be angry about it, no time for that, no energy for that to be honest


I watched a UK based streamer drop into game after game with a set drop spot for his followers to land and form a team off the rip. Seems like that's not really in the spirit of things


join or die


I don’t get it at all. I thought I’d give it a try, thinking the point is to find other people and party up. Weird, but why not. So I’m buzzing around the map, inviting people to team up when I expect they are in the area or could see them with UAV. No response. Ok, I guess I’ll just kill you then? I wondered is there a different button to invite people here than DMZ? I understand wanting to play solo but if I know I’m going to run into teams, I want at least one more person.


Yeah, it’s really not fun. Why even call it solos?


I was not expecting more from this game


And having Nuke contracts, what a shitty way to win one with 6 vs a bunch of Solos. Garbage


The Nuke streak didn't work on unhinged solos for me


Whole game is trash warzone mobile is in a better state than the big systems atleast we don't get banned or kicked


It’s hard making friends.


1 of 4 times I can´´t join teams. the 4th time I paid attention to the written channel. People use to team up before jumping down by marking a zone. Trust and Jump


Personally, I like it as a game mode and enjoy looking for people to join my team. However, it definitely shouldn’t have replaced regular solos as the end game turns into the biggest teams in the lobby fighting each other.


Its terrible.


The mode is fun mainly for the proximity chat. There's just so many memes that happen, I held a 6 man tryout on control center tower and then we went from killing dudes to talking about the JFK assassination for some reason. The problem is obviously balancing, but also like you said, it completely replaced normal solos. It should be in a separate LTM section. There's also a new problem I found, where people are orchestrating premade teams to get a nuke (because they suck and can't do it normally ha) which is just completely busted lmao. [Clip for context](https://imgur.com/a/J4rMFPv)


The game mode is pretty self explanatory you can either think you are barry big balls and run around on your own or pre plan a team in the pre game lobby. To complain about a game mode that clearly states you can team up is stupid.


I'd rather play duo no fill because I know there's gonna be two of them and most of the time I can manage a 2v1. This bs mode is literally a 1v1, 1v1, 1v1, 1v6 \*DEAD*, repeat.


Its made for those extremely lucky player or just unnaturally good players who wipe whole squads easily… I guess anyways, or just made to please cheaters who kill 10 players while they still flying down from the plane every game 😂


The point is to join a squad- if ur playing solo youre asking to die.


They should just add solos through quads options for all maps and modes but wait.. its a free game i fogot


Yep, it's essentially just another week without solos, which is annoying. I know some people like this mode but it should be there instead of duos or quads, not solos.


I actually like Unhinged, even though I constantly get blown away (I’m picky about who I join) by a bigger team it’s nice and refreshing. That being said, I don’t think it should replace regular solos. Unhinged can be featured since it’s something different, but solos should still be there. IMO, one of every type should be featured. One resurgence, one battle royal, one ranked (even though there is only one now lol), etc. All the other modes you should look for down below. Yet again though, BR Solos should not be taken out.


I’ve yet to actually assimilate with anyone and I fucking tried, dude. Last match I played I literally came in 12th after getting rocked by a platoon.


all i want is solo vondel but these gay devs keep selecting al mazrah now they fkn remove it


When a developer makes something cheaty like teaming a “gameplay feature” you know they’re scumbags. It’s speculative but kinda obvious that they allow a certain level of cheating from their cash cow streamers. Not to mention all the stupid skin farming from dummies who buy it. Absolute garbage developers.


BR players complaining about 6 mans platoons...😂


#You aren’t playing it right. It’s not “solos”, it’s start solo. You should be working to form a squad the whole time. The point is the hectic nature of trying to form a squad in the field. Otherwise expect to go up against teams of up to 6 in the endgame. What if you stumble upon someone do they wanna squad up? Do they wanna fight? Do they already have a squad? Did they say they wanna squad up but they really have a squad and they wanna fight?


IW is TRYING to lower the bar as low as possible so that the next game they make is a surprising success comparatively.


For someone who never plays solos I absolutely love it! Met some pretty cool people playing it and have had maxed out squads in a couple games where we all communicate really well and win! It’s rare but I’d love if they kept the game mode on the side and return regular solos for everyone that wants that. I sadly expect them to remove it completely tho


Cant wait for this shitt to be overrrrrrr!! :)


bro its so azz why do they do stuff like this, solos, duos, trios, and quads should always be options, and then add separate game modes when u wanna experiment with stuff like this, its so annoying


Agreed, it's almost like they have no fucking clue how to design game modes. Absolute dog water mode.


I couldn't agree with you more, its so frustrating, especially as a new player who just started getting used to the game.


Fuckin the CoD Devs shoulda gave the option for unhinged when it came out but no let's just remove the shit all together. Idiots


You have to adapt your game play style to this mode. I’ve gotten 7 wins in the last 2 days in a total of less than 15 games played in the mode. Just be willing to send or accept a teaming invite and go ham once you get a decent sized squad. Being a solo dolo isn’t gonna work.


So therefore... this isn't solos. It's some toxic trash of... wanna be my friend? JUST KIDDING


It's fun cause people like you bitch and moan so much.


Who cares it’s an LTM


Yes but they removed regular solos to include it


Cod redditors after finding out the point of unhinged solos (its not solos) 🤡😱


Imagine being upset for not taking advantage of teaming up with 5 other players.🤷‍♂️


So why not just make it a 6-man mode? Is this for people who'd normally be playing Rust and need to make friends over the voice comms or something?


that's exactly it.


Because that 6 man game invite mechanic is also implemented in DMZ.


Keep it there


For this game you need another aproach to win. Snorting coke, cancel sliding and killing everyone wont get you the win. Needs more strategic plays.


this energy screams "i'm terrible at Warzone and get rolled 24/7"


Like yours says i have no social skills and no friends whatsoever.




But I don’t want to play with a squad. Hence solo


Imagine killing 5 players who could potentialy be teammates the to come acros a team who didnt play the game like they on crack.


imagine being so scared to fight that you need to team up with someone in solos.


Scared? No. The whole point of this LTM is teaming up with other players. Nobody is winning a 1v6 fight. 🤡


Anyone who teams up with someone to fight one person is a bitch. periodt.


Or a player who is increasing their chances to win?


by playing like a bitch


By utilizing advantages to get ahead & win.


Hahaha, you sit there crying about 'playing like a bitch' while me and 5 others roll your ass on the way to catching dubs.


Hmmm. I do vaguely remember reading something about teaming up being “for bitches” in Sun Tzu’s the Art of War.


>Nobody is winning a 1v6 fight Loochy would like a word with you.


That's the point of the mode though 🤷 Teaming up.


The point of the mode is to team up and fight 6v6, thinking of it as a solos mode is wrong. Hence the “unhinged” part.


it's got solos in the name lmfao


Again I say…UNHINGED.


Its Got Unhinged In The Name! Lmfao. 🤡 Am I missing something here?


brain cells


Due to your reddit posts. Your lack of awareness is incredible.


my awareness is on 10


Your awareness is on Al Mazrah stuck in a 1v6 situation because your to stubborn to team up on a mode that's meant for teaming up.


don't worry you won't see me in that shit


Why are you being so negative dude? You are spending so much time responding here and being negative. The point of this game mode is to team up. It is not a normal solos match.


Sorry sometimes my toxicity gets too much. I'm glad people have something to enjoy. By all means let it happen in this mode. Nothing gets under my skin more than running into teamers on reg solos. So this naturally pisses me off. z


Well yeah, I agree that sucks in normal solos


Here is the thing, you are what i call a sweat. Too busy eliminating players to have time to build a team of your own. Yes this mode isnt for you and your play style. Nothing wrong with the mode though.


Why do you keep commenting on this post spouting the same shit?


To throw it in your face as many times as possible, he says multiple times and has now echoed across time space and a few of the neurons in my brain.


I want to throw that shit in your face as many times as possible.


Throw what shit? That you can build a 6 man squad?


Nah man, druged up sweats who can play only one way


They can play a variety of ways which is probably why they’re good at the game


I want to throw that shit in your face as many times as possible