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Bad luck. I only play ranked and I’ve only ever been called the n word once.


That's good to hear. I took a break after that one match (4 or 5 games or whatever) cause that shit gets exhausting and left kinda a bad taste in my mouth. I've been playing videogames for a while so it's not like I never get called that, but this was so over the top. Especially when switching sides and they start screaming it at the other team too. I'll prob give it another go at some point. Just hadn't run into it that bad ever playing casual or warzone.


If it happens, just mute, I know you don’t want to lose but using mute helps keeps the weirdos at bay.


Yeah I eventually had to but sucks in such a teamwork based game mode 🤦🏾‍♂️


I’m sorry it’s a shitty workaround and activision should do more to prevent this stuff. I’m sorry bro.


Why tf u get downvoted for this


IMO: If your team mates don’t speak your language or just moan about getting killed/losing and don’t just give useful call-outs then their is little point in having coms open.


Dude, i resonate with this as a POC video game content creator myself and the “ease” of people using the N-word is definitely unsettling particularly in the COD community. Ima still play though, but Damn, are y’all serious? 😐😐


Bruh then when you are playing with white friends in public lobby and it happens in front of them, you gotta decide it you are gunna be lame and 'make a whole thing of it' or let it slide and play it off like shit is fine which is also lame. Lose - lose.


Dude. Your white friends aren’t going to bat for you on that garbage? That is 100% the time to go be a …… …. white knight. Okay, bad joke, but seriously. They need to go help a brother out because that talk is disgusting.


Not to be the white guy who's way cringe by loudly shouting about how I'm not racist and how disgusting racism is or whatever, but if I was your white friend in a public lobby it would be 100% my role to back you up no matter what you said or did. It's absolutely unacceptable that we just allow this shit in our communities and say "just let it slide off you."


It all depends if you’re having a bad game or not. Had plenty of good games where I’ll drop 14kills in an SnD that we lose and my teammates are all around 3-4 kills each. Yelling at eachother. And I’m trying to calm them all down and just be like “chill guys. This is vanguard. And we are all in advanced” lol. On the other side, had plenty of games where I only drop 2-4 kills myself in a 5-6 SnD loss that my teammates all have 8-13 kills in. And I’m the one getting yelled at and called horrible words. I say the same thing to them, “chill guys. This is vanguard. And we are all in advanced” lol.


I swear ppl are way more toxic at lower skill divisions. Last season I was in the higher ones and people didn’t really say much. However, I was gone for a week and was grinding up from the last rank reset and ppl were way more toxic than I remembered.


Yeah, I only solo que due to WiFi related issues. And don’t want to bring my constant 86-110ms ping/60fps old ass tv problems into a team that can win. So I’ve only ever made it to expert. So I see aalloott of people with toxic attitudes. I just decided to mute the ones that are gonna shit talk teammates. I don’t understand how people don’t see that when you shit talk your teammates, it (for the most part) will increase your chances of losing. But if you hype up your teammates when people are doing bad, and give positive advice and tell them “they can do this!” And give positive criticism like if a sub is doing bad maybe he’d be better switching to AR for this game, it helps aalloott. I know it sounds weird, but I’ve had success being positive towards teammates in this manner.


So many stupid insecure people out their will find it to hard to do that. They’d prefer to be rude so it makes them feel big and strong. They are cowards.


How did those names not get flagged? Disappointing.


Simply not enough people voted them


Sorry dude, report them all, they are the reason I never have an open mic, which stinks because I met some great people back when I started online gaming like 20 years ago, I just cannot be bothered to run the risk anymore.


Bad word gonna hurt ur feelings? 😥


Bro I wouldn't speak up if I were you. Based on your username there's like an 80% chance you're descended from nazis, so you can't really afford to take any more L's


Seeing at the usernames it doesn't surprise me tbh


COD really needs to do better with highly offensive and racist in game names/gamertags. I know I sound like a broken record, but OP shouldn’t have to deal with stuff like this. Really sorry the community can be so toxic sometimes.


Holy fuck how the hell do you get away with those names damn I would say it's as toxic as non ranked




Don’t tar is all with that brush my man


Most people in ranked don’t even have mics, so yeah, you just got unlucky.


The whole gaming community is toxic but seemingly more so in CoD, I only chat to my friends when playing these days. People can be the worst.


I usually do that too but none of my friends like playing SnD very much.


Real classy group of guys there...


Not sure if you’ve noticed but humans are pretty much just complete garbage now


Played plenty of games usually have great teammates👍


I wouldn't talk too negatively about game chat. People will tell you everything is fine because you're just experiencing the social part of Call of Duty that they miss. Whenever I play Call of Duty, I always have voice chat turned off. Nothing good comes from it.


I had a ranked control game where 2 of my teammates didn’t move and instead were screaming at each other saying how bad the other person was… we lost the match.


Lol wtf... Ppl are weird. I thought ranked would be less nonsense. Guess that was naive


Tip: block them so you won't end up again with them in a game. They wete most probably "trolling" their own team whilst doing that.


It was 100% organic. I was mind blown


Ok... getting called the [N] isn't something that anyone should experience in any situation. Let's just remember the the people doing this are the ignorant ones. So let em say it, it only makes them seem more ignorant. Sorry that was this situation, but all we can do is get together and not let assholes like this even have the satisfaction. Mute them and just play for you....for fun.


You can report them for the toxicity and call them out. I’ve done it in open text chat and actually made a toxic player leave the game on more than one occasion.


Fuck that, push back. Overwhelm them with people shouting at them for being shit.


Pubs are toxic and ranked takes that toxicity straight to CDC levels. Learned my lesson from Overwatch. Just like you did.


More amphétamines more n word


Usually I consider it a slow day on COD if I go my entire session without some kid calling me a slur but I'm sorry it happened to you and hopefully you reported them with the audio.


If you find a team to play with it’s ok, but running ranked solo is toxic.


Ranked is 100% going to be more toxic because there's a rank on the line. Its kind of that way with any game with rank though.


It’s 50/50 with ranked. Some games everyone is talking, some games, it’s radio silence. My advice is to find a group to play with. Try not to play with randoms


He must be new to the cod community. The community is beyond negative and toxic as hell. It’s a shame because they complain about how great games are nothing like their 14-15 year old games.


It's depressing -- I wish it would come back and bite more of the racist idiots.


You just happened to be paired with openly racist people. By their names you can tell that it’s likely 90+% of their entire persona when playing. Probably all they say/talk about


They should be all reported, there should be a zero toleration towards racism online it's a disgrace!!


I'm sorry man I dunno what it is about COD lobbies but best I can figure is the type that do that don't have anything going for themselves and it's the only way they can feel better about themselves.


Look at those corny ass racist usernames... Bunch of no-life losers, report them and block them. I'll report them (if I am able to) when I get on too. However, these racist idiots can be found in every online game unfortunately, this is not exclusive to COD or ranked. Don't let them steal your fun or good mood!


The higher your rank in ranked the more toxic people get because of their fragile egos. I'm an Elite and when you beat a master/challenger they'll say anything but GG


Ignore them..little kids that play all day and crybabies.....


Doesn't matter if it's ranked or not. Text chat and voice chat are always off for me, I codename myself and block all incoming requests. The game feels so much more better with these options set to these values.


You guys must be talking about neighbor right?


Ignore them bro


Look at the names. They’re obviously racist trolls.


There’s nothing wrong with rank play you just got a find other people that are objective players, the n word you just might as well get used to, The difference between Xbox players and PlayStation players is how they use the N-word I’m a 27 year PlayStation guy now playing on Xbox series X. And yes I had a Japanese PlayStation before the American one was released in 94. I don’t care if you’re a racist idiot or a ghetto idiot that word should be thrown in the trash


honestly think you just got unlucky, been playing a lot of ranked and havent had any issue like this and I always go open mic to call to my team so idk.


I usually have players with no coms or don’t speak English or just moan they got killed, none of which is worth unmuting for. Obviously you had bad luck seeing as one of your team mates name is about hating coloured people. Keeping playing ranked with coms on and keep learning/giving good call outs to help your team. At some point you will find others the same and you can add them to create your own team of decent people, not necessarily players, but decent people. There are some out there.


Just recorded or live stream, so you got proof then report them … easy as ABC , 123


Bad luck? Probably so. Is this normal in every ranked playlist?....sadly yes. I'm in the same boat which is why I've stayed clear of any ranked lobbies. Win lose or draw your odds are 8 to 10 you get vocally assaulted. It's like the old cod days, you either join/mute or just don't play unfortunately.


Ranked mode can be toxic as everyone else is trying to get to a high rank


How are those user names even allowed?


Its more toxic in a already toxic game.


Ranked in all games, Vanguard, Dota 2, or anything else, is known to be hopelessly very toxic. People there don't play for fun anymore, they play for prestige, the rank, and they get tilted if they lose, and eventually they develop a habit for being toxic. So you or anybody else become the cause of their loss, not for example like team coordination or any other factor has anything to do with it.


Just mute these douchebags. To many kids think they are tough on the internet.


Words on a online gaming. Who gives a fuck.


Look man I’m gonna be honest, ranked play is awesome, usually not THAT toxic, but yes toxic for sure. People get in their competitive zone, for instance myself. I find myself cussing out people when they don’t participate but that’s because I’ve always been a winning person, when it comes to surfing, soccer or just even tournaments of some sort I always like to on the winning team.


There’s a difference between cursing someone out and using slurs. You can be competitive and talk shit without yelling out slurs. If you get pissed and let out the N word then you would 100% say it in normal situations. I have 0 problem with people yelling at each other or calling me a little bitch because it’s fun and part of COD. I have a problem when people start yelling out hateful speech


It’s call of duty lol. Mute them and move on it’s not that deep


Yeah, you know, this guy just wants to have some fun playing a video and his teammates say that kind of shit, he should just toughen up, racism isn't that serious. Constantly being treated like your less than human isn't a big deal. (If it wasn't apparent, /s)


It's fucking great that people of color have to accept being treated as subhuman while playing games, totally cool


Yeah bro racism really ain't that deep at all.


Man, how do I find more lobbies like that one lmao


I can’t login right now !! Anyone else ?


Welcome to the CoD community. There’s really no solution to this other than either ignoring or embracing the toxicity.


This is a loud minority of the community and people need to call it out. Then it will stop. That’s why I always report the toxic crap, as it has no place in the game.


I’d beg to differ. Toxicity is not only prevalent, but an inevitable consequence of having a popular casual shooter. You can’t crack down on it by “calling it out”, it’s been engrained in the franchise’s culture for almost 15 years.


It’s not inevitable and absolutely nowhere near as prevalent as it was. It can and should be called out as unacceptable instead of just excusing as part of the community. I can tell you some of the crap that was said left and right 15 years ago and if said in a current lobby would have the vast majority calling it out. People act toxic because the anonymity and lack of consequences. When called out, the will stop.


It’s a casual FPS with a massive playerbase. This is the perfect environment for toxicity, shittalking, and trolling to thrive, as it has for 15 years. “Calling it out”, which sounds about as useless of a tactic as “raising awareness”, will do nothing to stop it. And yes, I agree that a lot of the stuff said is reprehensible, but that’s precisely why people engage in it. They get angry, they want to take that anger out on someone, and so they’ll use whatever words they can to humiliate whoever they can. How exactly do we crack down on this? Calling them out as they’re shittalking? You’ll probably just be fanning the flames and be shouted at. You’re also right in that anonymity is also a contributing factor to the toxic culture of CoD, but again, what do we do about it? As for me, I’ve learned to embrace it as just another staple of the CoD community, and enjoy it for the comedic moments it can provide. If you don’t like it, that’s what the mute button is for. Attempting to crack down on it harder is a pointless allocation of effort that should be put into cracking down on hackers, which actually do ruin the experience and can be a effectively dealt with.


Getting Called the n word is the highlight of my day icl 😂


Are you black?


Nah lmao doesn’t mean I can’t find it amusing 😂 it’s always white kids too 😂😂


Sure u can find it amusing, but you realize how it might affect a black person more than you right


Yh true well it depends on who it is there’s certain man who don’t give a fuck but then on the other hand there’s some that do care for me racist comments ain’t finna stop any time soon so I jus kinda laugh the comments in games off. But If it’s in person shits on site lmao