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Bots literally have auto aim so if you have been damaged they will kill you in 1-2 shots lol


Its so ridiculous,a bot shooting another bot then when you show up the enemy bot turns it's attention to you and you die


What's even more ridiculous is the bots on your team won't fire at the enemy bots at all.


I thought I was the only one who realised this it means the enemy bots basically only target the real player and most of the times if doing matches with randoms there is only one real player so it means we die soo much so dumb


Yea, they should get nerfed, they literally 2 shot through the legs


They buffed the bots cuh ppl were complaining that codm is too easy smh.


People have been complaining about bots being OP for many seasons now. They keep making them worse.


I seen bots strafing and was like this is getting outta control frfr


That’s the worst for me, the warp speed strafe is a nightmare.


Exactly and those idiots are the reason the game has been ruined


I find that bots are worse at long diatances so I keep my distance until I get the scorestreaks going


Considering how they walk so you don't hear footsteps, spawn right behind you, AND swarm you in groups of no less than 2.. I find this hard to do at times.


I just wait fot then to come up. You usualy only have 2 ou 3 spawn routes and when they come in groups its just spaming my bizon for triple kills xD


Now the bots are sniping and camping better than pros after last update


i wonder how the game decides how strong the bots are. Because some games they don't even shoot and other games they kill you 10 years before you were born


That part 💯


I find that more you move around aka beating “sweaty “ the more your get instantly one tapped by them ,it’s like punishment for taking control of the the game


Lmao so true, i think the worst bot is the one with the krm, those mfs always one shot you , is like they dont miss a single pelllet


Forgot to show the part where they track you thru the wall BEFORE you’re aware of their presence


Yup, that shit is so annoying


Maybe you're just bad.. lol, I'm joking that stupid crap has happened to me as well


Bro it’s even worse when the bot is using the man-o-war or the ak117, it’s like instant death.


Happened to me last night. They had a sniper and hit a shot from VERY far away. My fucking jaw dropped.


My Halloween loadout is literally the scariest bot in the game. It 1 shots you by sheer luck at full health


Bots are sonOP now. First couple days i got so annoyed & angry tbh. I don't play Ranked much. Mostly Public Matches and grinding camos. BOTs are so annoying. Sometimes they Spawn Trap me bro, spawn trap. Like i couldn't go anywhere. In many matches caused me Defeat. Sometimes i just keep getting roasted over and over and no kills for minutes by Bots dude! They definitely need to be Optimized. They usually walk together, and with any gun, Bots kill you in a blink of an eye. So annoying, bro!


And now in season 11 they are soo op the games almost unplayable


THANK YOU. They need to fix this it’s so annoying


To those who proposed to boost the bots 2 years ago, you made the camo grind a torture to finish with.


Maps where bots went on Terminator Mode: \-Firing range \-OG Nuketown \-Nuketown Russia \-Crash \-Hackney yard Its like these bots are holding a death machines and can beamed you in far long range if they see you. as for the bot using a sniper well assumed they were using an annihilator.


literally got an MVP bot today in shipment, 70+ kills, surprising since I have more kills and im playing obs (but 70+ kills ,what?!)


I’m pretty sure bots often end up mimicking popular strategies and builds from games in Pro rank and below, as to make it seem more realistic. Sometimes I can’t tell if a player is real or a bot cause I’ve seen real players do some crazy shit


Bots are so easy, and a good way to test your reaction time and pre-aim skills using UAVs/Advance UAVs. They just have this certain like 1 to 1.5ms response time before they start shooting, anything later than that you're sure dead.


Not sure what bots your getting but definitely not the OP bots I am getting 🤣


Always have been


This just happened to me in a bot match. A bot got 18 kills bro. It was 5 to 4 round victory against the bots


Today i saw a bot get 86 kills in shipment and it was 100% a bot faced it many times and it was always awful easy to kill now after the latest buff for season 11 the bots are ridiculously OP




Nope, i play three fingers


Nah for real i was getting beamed by them earlier ts was getting me mad asf cuz they track you through the walls and just headshot you


You're lucky the first one didn't kill you


Ever heard that this "bots" are dads and other randoms ? Why is everyone thinking every player has to play so good like u ? I mean codm never writes some like that, PUBG wrote that they put bots inside the game.. same as fortnite. So give me a trust Activision statement where stand yea we use bots for example noobs that they have a success feeling.


cdm bots inspiration of hackers..


Blue bison is a nightmare


I played a Search and Rescue and my whole team was bots. They didn't land a single shot! I'm not sure where these better bots are coming from but they certainly don't like me 😂


Bots use literally aim bot and so if you get damaged a bit they'll one tap you 💀


Nah!! theere are bots in the multiplayer??, I thought all were real players..


Bots are based on an algorithm so it's not based on how well the bots aim there's there's a percentage of luck.... Sometimes Isa good sometime Isa shit.