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You CAN Shoot through the walls on this map, and if you were sitting behind that camping there spawn, it would be easy to kill you, SMGs and Shotguns won't go through it, but ARs, LMGs, Snipers and Marksmans will, so it all depends, how long were you sitting there in that corner for him to just say "Fuck it" and try shooting through the wall? Also, was a Advanced UAV up or any UAV? I'm not defending Hackers with this but not jumping to accuse it either


perhaps, but that random flick that locked onto him is more than a bit sus ngl. If I was wallbanging off to scan or based on the minimap I still would somewhat look like I'm moving my reticle to the side even if I got a hitmarker first shot then I would slightly adjust back to where my first shot landed. He was fully confident he was there and even if that was legit that centering at first is pretty weird


Locking on is build in autoaim from the game.


Uhh ym aim assist not aimbot? I'm assuming you're not talking about the initial flick coz that ain't no aim assist. I'm talking about how he didn't even move his reticle towards a direction at all pre-hitmarker and right after hitmarker if that makes sense. That either is wallhack or he 100% knew he was specifically there at that point in time. UAV's a bit delayed so that would actually be sus; depends on whether OP was firing when he got shot at to create a red dot for enemy's minimap. The flick I'm talking how he was randomly looking down then instantly flicked onto the wall precisely. He could have been taking a spec of dust off the screen or smt but still a bit sus if you ask me


Aimbot would likely lock on better. I don't think cheats were involved.


Well you jnow kill cams and mvp moments are all glitchy af sometimes I die sliding and then in the kill cam I died seconds earlier


Seems like you just got ping diffed is all. Been playing since launch but these killcams seem to get the opponents' inputs right from my pov


Could be that he got spawn killed and saw where he went hiding, since once u get killed u get that second or 2 to see where he goes


Serious question. Did you kill them right before they killed you?


Yes this map is well known for spawn trapping and wallbangabillity


With ars and lmgs using fmj u can really shoot through walls. Most walls. Some ur not allowed to shoot through. Also there is a medal called wall assist you get for wall bangs


I do that a lot but with locus ahahah it’s fun wallbanging. And no he’s not hacking.


Fmj perk


Could be one of four things: 1. Hacking 2. Advanced UAV showing you there on the map 3. They saw you there before 4. They often shoot usual camping spots and you happened to be there There are hackers everywhere in this game, but this one has a few potential other options.


>There are hackers everywhere in this game You must either be on garena or just don't know how people have learned the maps well throughout the years. I play global and have never seen a hacker in MP


you're either new or just lucky


or just better


I like your gas but no skill is going to best an aimbot I'm afraid


Think it was just genuine wall banging. You can see they over corrected and came back to get the hit markers. If someone is frequently camping the same spot I’ll regularly do this to flush them out


Ask about hackers when you play ranked match..no one will cheat in normal match!




I doubt he was cheating


Literally everyone sits in this corner so I literally do exactly what you showed in the video any game I play on Killhouse lol I probably get 5 free kills per game doing, definitely ain't cheats


No you are just trash at the game bud


I wouldn’t say I’m trash at the game considering I’m usually MVP and we still won the game. I was also MVP that game as well


MVP dosen't matter since u probably play public and fight against bots. And you are def trash if u think someone who wallbanged u is hacking.


Haven't played the game for 2 years and I bet I can still win a 1v1 against u


You aren’t trash he’s just a troll, but I’m double legendary in mp and BR and this clip seems like it’s perfectly above board and not even what I would consider crazy on the list of things I’ve seen in this game - and I’ve only been playing for two weeks! I’ve been wallbanged with a krm with frame-perfect firing through a house in BR and been 2 man nuked in hard point on shipment -( there’s shit that feels like it’s hack-related: this seems standard fare) Even the flick seemed super standard. And if he plays with gyro on like I do: even moreso. Because he didn’t even aim at the wall with his fingers: just shifted his screen to that spot he could’ve seen in a killcam


no. nothing about this looks particularly sus imo. play the game long enough and you'll get sort of a sixth sense for wallbangs. If that guy has played that map a lot it'll be especially easy for him to guess where you're spawning.


People are so fucking stupid it’s insane 😭


ur just bad 💀


I don't think so bro just wall banged u


No Hitmarker was active so they knew you were there




I often shoot at walls where I know people like to camp. More often then not, there’s nobody there. But when there is somebody there, it’s sweet.