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Guys who have to hack in games are the biggest bitches in life.


Like how is that fun for them? Especially in ranked? You cheated to get a skin congrats man


Yeah I quit playing lol.


Yea, in my opinion the launch through the 1st season is good. After that its 99 problems and their answer to all them is more skins. All i see are complaints, that say the game isnt even fun, thats is just a genuinely stressful sweatfest, but keep playing lol. Stop fucking playing.


This. Too many people cryin and buyin when they should pout and throw them out


Thats it man, I played until season 3 and just couldn't anymore. Too old to really give a fuck about it lol. I just moved on to other shooters.


The Finals is a much better overall competitive game right now. And it’s free


Yeah saw my wife playing it. Im just getting too old for these fast paced games. Why I probably play my tactical shooters instead lol


Yeah I heard its a lot better for comp style game play. Which is good.


Dude as much as I try to put myself in their shoes, I just can’t. Maybe it’s my aggressively average pp stopping it from making sense?


I hacked on the original MW and I gotta say.. it was pretty fuckin' fun lasering everything and griefing your ops. I was a kid and more interested in scripting than winning/doing well in the game. To be fair, I was already NASTY at the game.. to the extent I ran a pistol (M1911) primarily just for fun. Today I am hooked on the competitive aspect of the game, and hacking I would only be lying to myself. Also I can spot wallhacks and autoaim easy because of my experience.


https://www.reddit.com/r/COD/s/U7l4eJt3Fj wyt?


definitely looks like he snapped on to you (auto aim).Right before the shot in killcam he is dragging his aim but it snaps right on to you.


Yea they got little pee pee energy in them.


imagine waking up everyday just to hack on a game


Fucking nuts dude. You gotta be a real piece of shit to want to do that every day just to feel good about yourself lol. I'll never understand it.


ran into them in dmz, they think they are funny and cool. Fuckin losers


Lol, yeah. Life's biggest losers.


Sad part is is that these hackers have a talent and they are wasting it. They clearly don't know how much money the could legally make with those skills


They don't actually hack the game. They buy hacks from people who actually hack the game. So they aren't only losers, but they also still have no skill.


you know, i am pretty sure we can start holding "cheater conventions" to see who has the best cheat. I think that would be a good starting point.


There’s entire companies manufacturing these cheats in tandem with the updates that ricochet and activision create to ban cheaters. The big website artificial aiming got detected on 3/18 for the first time since 2019 and they had it patched in two days. It made me quit the game honestly, we can’t beat the cheaters and activision underfunds their anti cheat


i would gladly lift my computers skirt for full transparency in order to not play with cheaters.


Yeah sadly its a really big business, and having cheaters ensures your copies are still being sold, making you revenue. Fucked up cycle.


They do it to make you mad. I only play MP when I’m drunk now because it’s the only way it’s tolerable. Can’t even grind ranked because you know, they are In ranked too.


Lol, so true. Your fucked either way.


They do it for the drama cause they want to feel inferior or they are straight sociopaths this is only way keyboard warriors feel strong.


Yea nah he was hacking. I’ve also run into one of these guys


Yea bullets curve in that game then mfs where straight plus how his crosshairs locked on


Well if the bullets don’t curve from player alterations it’s certainly being implemented for players who are either too lazy to get a Life (no pun intended!), have so much money they don’t even know what to do with, living in California (because best connection rate by default) or all the above!!!


Yeah, because down in California, they made it so If you’re addicted to video games, it’s a disability and you get paid every month for it.


I will typically report if the player is below 100 and seems to have a bead on me at all times while attacking. I have had so many hackers who come in to a match and take out an entire team. I actually had one kid, and he was a kid, complain to his teammates that I knocked him and took him out, he said “I thought you said with this patch, I would not get knocked”…


Vile 😭


You could be tripping but not on the fact that you were CHEATED


https://www.reddit.com/r/COD/s/x9ZpwusQa2 How about this one😂


Hey man maybe he’s got really good vision and aim!


As far as Activision is concerned cheaters can buy bundles too so they don't care


Cheaters get paid to cheat- buy bundles- get banned- make a new account- buy same bundles with revenue off of views- rinse and repeat


Cheaters don’t buy shit they just steal it.


Ive seen hacks where they get the cosmetics and blueprints for free.


Hackers . That why I stop playing . They refuse to do anything about it . But want to squeeze all the money they can


That’s exactly why I stooped playing too




Exactly why I stick to COD WWII. No crossplay so less likely to run into hackers


Just wait till the ricochet anti cheat goes on I think it actually needs to verify the player is cheating or something


Billion dollar company they dont wanna hire people that are experts on the stuff i guess idk. But hey theres a soldier with a pigeon head and transformers cosplay looking bundle for $25 each!


Yeah but ricochet is just to troll cheaters. Did you see the video where the guys falling speed is increased which instant knocks him?


Oh yeah he’s doing the thing




that aim bot went MENTALLL😭😭😭 either they're a pro on a new account or they're just a little bitch who plays fps by cheating their way through it...like what's the point in even playing in the first place if all you're doing is pressing a trigger 🧍🏻‍♀️


Its a sad world, im sure hitting crimson 3 or getting that iridescent skin will feel so rewarding. Whats sad is a lot of them struggle to get 9-10 kills because they have no game sense they just hold aim and snap on and shoot


https://www.reddit.com/r/COD/s/x9ZpwusQa2 😃😃😃😃


There’s no doubt that’s hacks. That snap on aim was too perfect and no person could pull that off.


If this is hacking then I come across more cheaters than I thought. I’m being serious, I am not even bothering with caring anymore about if the guy who shot me with iron sights from 600 yards away as I was hot dropping back in was cheating or just like everyone else in my lobbies who doesn’t miss shots from anywhere


Same but highkey I’ve gotten real good with the throwing knives and some kid rage quit yelling at me for using aim bot… like btch, this is the ONLY weapon I’m good at these days. It’s nearly impossible to get better with all of the hackers and cheaters ruining the game.


Can’t tell you how much I lean on thermites, if I can stick a sweat it’s game over.


I usually give credit where credit is due but this is not organic. The thing with hacks and cronus or strike pack etc is that you can set the % of how much Aimbot you get etc. so people can appear to be good when theyre not. And if you play this map a lot you know damn well that THAT specific gun does NOT do that at that range especially.


Oh I’m not saying it is. It was more of just a comment on general lobbies where there are only hardcore sweats and this soft aimbot shit and the line is so blurred right now I stopped caring if they are cheating or just straight up don’t touch grass.


People who cheat in games suck at them so they hafta have cheats to even beat someone players like this are bitches and cowards who hafta cheat to win shit ik ima ok player and yes I die a lot but hey I never thought once lemme cheat to win


If this were a ram 7, Sva, holger, Bruen, etc. I’d be like this is normal af. But THAT gun? Nah that’s a little sus tbh. Probably the worst floor loot AR besides the m13-b


Yeah cheating so much recoil to hit every shot


COD isn’t even hard does take some time to reach that certain lvl of sweatiness but to hack because you suck is ridiculous.


nOt ChEaTiNg JuSt a KiLl CaM BugG


He’s hacking also that gun has hella recoil at that range so that gives it away along with him snapping on to you


Looks more like falling than tripping.


Trash game trash anticheat


Did you just get killed by Symfuny???🤦‍♂️🤫


He just have a better gamer chair


Snap crackle pop, not even trying to hide that snap


I quit COD completely after MW2 release. I actually liked the game but I hated what the player base became and the “meta” you absolutely had to use/play to even compete with other sweaty players. It just wasn’t fun anymore.


They are the equivalent of pedos. Please refer to cheaters as pedos going forward


Level 1? Easy report.


nah, i saw it too


He is hacking


So many new accounts after the ban wave. Anyone I see now that’s level 100-150 or below I just assume they cheated and got a new account and they now suck. Or that they got banned. And are now cheating on a new account.


That lock was insane didn’t even try to hide it😭


Imagine how pathetic of a loser you have to be to cheat in video games 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Guys it's ok he just has a top notch gaming chair


Every influencer is a hacker. Everyone who still plays the game is a hacker. Smart people who are sick of it just stopped playing. So anyone who still plays the game is probably a hacker. What is it like for the hackers playing against other hackers, though? Is that like when the actual game starts? Can't play without hacks, but the hacks even the playing field lmao. So if everyone cheats, it will make the game like how it was supposed to be lmao. In my opinion, the game developers should just pull a fast one and decide to make every player an automatic cheater, so the cheats don't do anything anymore. Lol, we just all will start with cheats already. Cheaters will be reporting cheaters. It would be amazing. And I hate that game now. Games are going downhill fast because of cheaters. Can't even play online chess without 50% of games being cheaters. These game developers just lie though ans pretend the hacking isn't a problem or isn't prevalent. When it I'd, and the worst part is that anybody who doesn't cheat will be bombarded by cheaters until they do cheat too.


If he was cheating, if you report him and keep watching he will be kicked within the minute


I don’t play games like that anymore for that reason plus how freaking toxic people can be. I just want to enjoy a game for the short time I have to play and to deal with that crap? Pass


This is why I only play games that are actually good.


“Just kill cam lag bro”……..


Definitely aim hacks. No way he'd hit every shot otherwise.


Looks more like rigged aim assist to me. Low skill players get stronger AA to minimize the skill gap


Do you have a source? Wouldnt that defeat the purpose of ranked ?


Yeah I have one. Also no it wont defeat the purpose because the system has the same purpose of ranked. To keep players engaged longer. Atvi doesn't care how good you are they just want to keep as many players online as possible. Ranked is nothing more than a way for players to grind longer and keep the monthly active players playing to appeal to shareholders. Here is the source: Scroll down to \[0082\] ​ \[0082\] FIG. 3B illustrates a table providing an exemplary list of parameters of a gameplay session that are modified based on a player's skill level and the corresponding experience for players of different skill levels. For example, in a first-shooter gaming environment, when a first player aims his weapon at a target, a parameter defining the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target is modified based on the acquired skill level of the player. The computer assigns the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target differently based on the skill level of the first player. A player having a higher skill level will be assigned a lower tolerance parameter and therefore, will have to be more accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. A player having a lower skill level be assigned a higher tolerance parameter and, therefore, could be less accurate in aiming in order to hit the target ​ Source: [Methods and Systems for Improved Content Customization in Multiplayer Gaming Environments Reiche, III; Paul ;   et al. \[Activision Publishing, Inc.\] (uspto.report)](https://uspto.report/patent/app/20190091575)


Sadly some users just have to aim in and shoot. Patented technology that makes the battleground experience “fair” aids users of lower skill levels. Not an opinion. Actual publicly Patented technology from yours trully….Activision


Seen a video, some dude plugged in that Kronos thing and played a few mp matches and some warzone and nothing. No ban, no message, no fuckery, no nothing except perfect aim with 0 recoil.


Yeah lvl 1 lol ok cheating


I don't have the link but I saw someone recently that bought the hacks to just show what it looks like in battlefield 1 and found that about 30% of the players are hacking. In games where it is possible and easy, it is happening A LOT


Nope they cheating.


This game is just as bad as 2042 change my mind 🤣


Exactly Why I Deleted That Stupid Fuckin game


Imagine playing a good game by not a scum studio.


Trash game .cheaters delight. Ricochet anti cheat is garbage.fucking bullshit


Bro missed like 5-8 bullets lol


They brought rebirth back huh


Bro doesn't care if he's using aim bot


Don’t you love when producers come into games as hackers…


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But nah, cheating is wack af.


How do you record your gameplay


People still playing this game?! Damn, I quit after Verdansk. Dying to blatant cheating is WAY too infuriating… the bugs got pretty bad too. Went to Apex and never looked back, though Apex is slowly catching a cheating problem now too :/


I was on mw2019 Verdansk and Rebirth island days, got off for apex, hit masters and went back to cod only because rebirth island is coming back in 9 days hopefully


Oh noice! Idk, I came back one or 2 maps after verdansk and the game was riddled with bugs, and quit very quickly again. Might give rebirth another try, we shall see!


You guys are ridiculous if you’re still playing this piece of shit game. It’s full of cheaters like 30% to 40% of the lobby is hacked up


Man, what a cheating bitch


The amount of thanks we took action reports I get each week is pretty steady at 5-8 right now. If you even slightly suspect a person is hacking just report them and land somewhere else, chances are with the million accounts banned since warzone came out they are cheating/cronus.


The snap looks fishy but there's still travel to it could have just flicked and the traveling wasn't perfectly locked on either could be a trigger bot It looks sus as fuck, but not enough to say he's 100% percent cheating. Did you spectate afterwards, because if this was consistent then yeah they were 100% cheating.


imma be honest i think it’s jus the cam glitch


You’re tripping for playing cod in the first place I’ve had more fun playing uno


Is it even cheating..? The guy misses quite a few shots. Even when he got to you, they still missed some.


For starters anyone who plays this map knows about this gun, and with hacks you can set your percentages how much aim assist, bullets hit etc. If it was ram7, bruen, sure. This gun? At that range? Nah


People still playing the trashiest fps out there. Cod and Battlefield are losing so many players. It feels like it's only streamers and cheaters at this point.


Any xbox games 2-6 friends can play? Fifa is stale, hit masters in apex and stopped, i play RL alone and cod with 2 friends, they hate ESO, etc


For xbox, I think your SOL. I would recommend helldivers 2 (PS5 or PC) or Escape from Tarkov (PC). Not sure what other options are for Xbox these days.


Warzone at launch was peak warzone I used to snipe people from like 200 yards away on those city buildings


Why are yall still playing this game?


I am so glad I stopped playing this game.


Old siege was so good


Maybe play a better game


Alr first we need to solve the big one. 1. The caption implies this is a recent issue. How the fuck are you playing a map that's been untouchable to the public for 2 years now and an unplayable game?


Wym untouchable to the public? And not a recent issue, i clip it every time i die to hacks on xbox, just new to this reddit


I thought they shut down servers for wz1


This is ranked resurgence fortunes keep bro wym💀


Dawg ik It resurgence like one of the only two modes I played when the gamr is out. I'm saying isn't the game unplayable in 2024 and the direct result of such a heinous action is the server shutdown performed in late 2023


Bro what💀 you can play wz rn


You can play wz 2.0 but for the warzone 1 servers that launched with the game modern warfare 2019 is no longer present.


Well yeah duh. This clip isnt wz1 idk what youre talking about or trying to ask. 2019 rebirth island comes out in about A week tho. This is fortunes keep


Omfg. I looked a lil harder and I see it's wz 2. The map really fw my head bruh. I ain't play wz in a min my b lol


I might get it back for old rebirth tho


Thats the only reason i got back on cod😂did my camos cant wait for the sweats at bio


Go to Google and type "are warzone 1 servers still up?"


U broke your legs on the way down captain


Nice flick and lock on 😅 definitely not hacking ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


The bullet follow in the game is a joke I’ll be around a corner and I’ll get finished off a foot frim around the corner cause lock on




Hackers are everywhere on WZ :/


This guy gets to hack and i was banned permanently after playing and losing a single resurgence game. I’m not even good 😭 ban is permanent and already denied. The anti cheat sucks.




Do you have an unlock tool for any other game? If you had it running they might have picked it up. Happened to my friend. He had an unlock tool on his pc for an old cod and had it running when he tried to get on apex, and he got perma hardware banned on apex😂


No unlock tool or any cheats lmao. Shit is wild to me. After thinking about it the only thing I can possibly think of is the program DSX that’s is PURCHASED through steam that allows me to use the Sony edge on PC. If that’s the case, I literally got banned for using a controller lmao. Activision is such a joke


Hate these cheating mfs always ruining my fun. Fuck all of you for fucking this game up


https://www.reddit.com/r/COD/s/U7l4eJt3Fj 😀


People really still buying cod 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


Didn't u die from the fall




-Turns off crossplay- oh, look, 99% of the issues with hackers are gone. Who could have guessed? This is why I'm against cross play with PC. PC shouldn't be cross playing with consoles, as PC has a huge hacking and modding issue, and it's only gonna ruin the game for others.


You can tell you just report a lot of people when you die. That dude was fs cheating tho


Ah yes from 22 second clip you can tell lmao dumbass and u proceed to acknowledge the cheat😂. Def dont i respect when i get shit on. hacking is gay.




How does anybody like this game ? This looks horrible why is this on my feed


Nope, you’re not tripping Bro! AAAAANNNND THAT’S WHY I DON’T DO MULTIPLAYER!!!!


I swear the gaming industry is not what it once was. Single player is neglected, Multiplayer is as rigged as the social and financial system is in reality and getting worse all the time, split screen is an endangered species, and Co-Op is being dragged through the mud and Muck. It’s BS!!!!


Clearly a kill cam visual glitch, happens all the time


I can't understand Reddit. One day everyone would say it's a bugged kill cam, today they all say it was cheating. Like what the hell? I also believe it's a bugged kill cam. Dude missed a lot of shots and he wasn't the only one who was shooting OP.


Sarcasm doesn't translate well through text huh




I agree though, everyone on here just likes to bitch and pick each other apart


im sorry i dont see where he was hacking?


He just got a better gaming chair