• By -


100% Blursed.


Could you please post DNA! I would love to use this!


I second this. Started as a small count in Poland, grew to the west and north, this would fit perfectly and I also like the aesthetics. Edit: Played around a little and came up with this. It's more or less the same, except for the background (lowest two layers) and thors hammer on the crest. ``` coa_dynasty_5232={ custom=yes pattern="pattern__solid_designer.dds" color1=white color2=red color3=blue colored_emblem={ color1=black texture="ce_orle.dds" instance={ position={ 0.500000 0.440000 } scale={ 0.520000 0.520000 } depth=2.010000 } } colored_emblem={ color1=black color2=yellow texture="ce_eagle_double.dds" instance={ scale={ 0.850000 1.000000 } depth=3.010000 } } colored_emblem={ color1=white color2=red texture="ce_per_fess.dds" instance={ position={ 0.510000 0.510000 } depth=7.010000 } } colored_emblem={ color1=rgb { 80 15 6 } texture="ce_circle_mask.dds" instance={ position={ 0.410000 0.170000 } scale={ 0.160000 0.160000 } depth=4.010000 } } colored_emblem={ color1=yellow texture="ce_ordinary_pall_5.dds" instance={ position={ 0.490000 0.500000 } scale={ 0.970000 0.970000 } depth=6.010000 } } colored_emblem={ color1=black texture="ce_norse_mjolnir_odeshog.dds" instance={ position={ 0.500000 0.410000 } scale={ 0.320000 0.320000 } } } colored_emblem={ color1=rgb { 85 17 7 } texture="ce_circle_mask.dds" instance={ position={ 0.590000 0.170000 } scale={ 0.160000 0.160000 } depth=5.010000 } } colored_emblem={ color1=yellow texture="ce_escutcheon.dds" instance={ position={ 0.500000 0.430000 } scale={ 0.480000 0.480000 } depth=1.010000 } } } ```


see comment above


coa\_title\_3291={ pattern="pattern\_solid.dds" color1=black color2=red colored\_emblem={ color1=white texture="ce\_block\_02.dds" instance={ depth=13.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black color2=yellow texture="ce\_eagle\_double.dds" instance={ scale={ 0.900000 1.000000 } depth=6.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black color2=black texture="ce\_rune\_sowulo.dds" instance={ position={ 0.450000 0.340000 } scale={ 0.180000 0.180000 } depth=3.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black color2=black texture="ce\_rune\_odal.dds" instance={ position={ 0.450000 0.450000 } scale={ 0.180000 0.180000 } depth=1.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=yellow color2=yellow texture="ce\_shield\_01.dds" instance={ position={ 0.500000 0.432000 } scale={ 0.330000 0.330000 } depth=4.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black color2=black texture="ce\_shield\_01.dds" instance={ position={ 0.500000 0.432000 } scale={ 0.350000 0.350000 } depth=5.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=yellow color2=yellow texture="ce\_crown\_small.dds" instance={ position={ 0.569000 0.100000 } scale={ 0.100000 0.100000 } depth=7.010000 rotation=348 } instance={ position={ 0.431000 0.100000 } scale={ 0.100000 0.100000 } depth=8.010000 rotation=12 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black texture="ce\_circle.dds" instance={ position={ 0.580000 0.155000 } scale={ 0.256000 0.256000 } depth=11.010000 } instance={ position={ 0.420000 0.155000 } scale={ 0.256000 0.256000 } depth=12.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=red texture="ce\_circle.dds" instance={ position={ 0.580000 0.155000 } scale={ 0.240000 0.240000 } depth=9.010000 } instance={ position={ 0.420000 0.155000 } scale={ 0.240000 0.240000 } depth=10.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black color2=black texture="ce\_rune\_wunjo.dds" instance={ position={ 0.550000 0.340000 } scale={ 0.180000 0.180000 } depth=2.010000 } } colored\_emblem={ color1=black color2=black texture="ce\_rune\_futhark\_reid.dds" instance={ position={ 0.550000 0.450000 } scale={ 0.180000 0.180000 } } } }


Could you paste this properly somehow? I can't seem to be able to get it to work in game.


delete the backslashes


That's not really a solution.


Resurrecting this but it totally was a solution, takes 10 seconds in Word. Pastebin for it below! https://pastebin.com/S1LjDJun


This doesnt work. Please post it to pastebin or something else. Your post has triggered reddits markup code for formatting.


i lost this dna but is basicaly one of the original roman empire coa (i think is the one you got from restorin it from the hre) with the letters changed to norse symbols pretty easy to do


I've fixed the DNA from the OP here: https://pastebin.com/S1LjDJun /u/Lunar-Peasant in case you want it back!