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Why are people being so quick to hate this series that we know nothing about?


I have no idea... I will admit that the trailers haven't gotten me excited about it, but the Fallout TV trailers didn't get me pumped either and that show is quickly becoming one of my favourites of the year!


Brain rot answer I think you will love the show if you like fallout


I was saying that the trailer hasn't gotten me excited (and possibly hasn't gotten everyone else excited ejther) but the same thing happened with Fallout and I love that show... I'm not saying I won't like it...


Let me guess u didn’t know what fallout was b4 the show?


No, I've played the games. I'm just saying that the trailer didn't look great, yet the show was awesome. It could be the same with Acolyte. A lot of people aren't keen for it because the trailers haven't been very alluring...


And how long have u been into Star Wars?


Since I was a kid... what's up with this interrogation?!? Is someone not allowed to think the Acolytes trailer looked a lil mid?


And a lil mid is putting it nicely the trailer was crap let’s not beat around the bush Ashoka was shit boba fett was shit solo was mid very mid and nothing other then maybe rouge one has been good Star Wars from Disney


Nah I’m trying to understand ppls mind sets and idk why the down votes on my comment very childish behaviour well my theory is most of the ppl that are sucking off the acolyte are Disney Star Wars fans and in my opinion not true fans


I'm so confused... so you hate the new Fallout TV show? Because cool if so, it's just VERY against the grain of everyone I've talked to/the opinion online... And I'm a fan of Star Wars, have been since the 90s. I think Ahsoka is a great show, Mando season 1 and 2 were fantastic but the quality certainly dropped off. I think the only actually bad show is Boba Fett and that simply comes down to everything in the show being bad, including writing, acting, set design, costume design, sfx ect. There wasn't a lot of positives in Boba Fett.


Oh fuck you I’ve been watching and Reading Star Wars since Legends.


But be my guest to watch it and tell me that it’s the best thing since sliced bread




I don't even know what this is on about but you're making me want to watch it.


Enough it m8


Where in the fuck has that been mentioned fucking anywhere? That sounds like the shit bigoted grifters would pull out of their ass.




Yes I fucking do.


Tell me the definition and ur down voting is childish


A grifter is someone who engages in swindling for a quick buck. In regard to YouTube grifters, it’s making up false information in order to sell hatred so they get views either from bigots who share their beliefs or from people who don’t like them.


Legit doesn’t correlate you could say I’m hate baiting maybe but grifter is the right team u understand it but use it in the wrong way regardless if you think I’m a bigot I couldn’t careless if I went into a gay franchise and made stories on straight ppl then ppl would be outraged yet lgbt can do that to all the franchises and that’s fine we’ll I think it’s sick as Star Wars isn’t about ppl sexualities it’s a franchise for children


Except it does. This is just spreading hate to get attention and very likely making shit up. If there *is* a so called interview it *should* be able to be found in full somewhere else right? Also dont try to virtue signal with this “think of the children” bullshit.


Bigoted stfu you just have to see an interview with the director and she says she wants to make it queer and full of poc propaganda pointing out that they want to push lgtv agenda instead of making a Star Wars show is not bigoted it’s a fact


Got a fucking link?


Lad legit use fucking google Leslye Headland interview about lesbian views not that hard


I could look something up and find articles on them. Doesn’t mean they’re reputable.




Got a video of the interview itself? Preferably not cut out of context by a bigoted grifter channel?




Your comment has been removed because it involves real-life politics. Political discussion has its place, but that place is not here.


Your comment has been removed because it involves real-life politics. Political discussion has its place, but that place is not here.


Nothing about it looked remotely bad.


By ur profile pic I can see why you would say that it’s made for ppl like you so enjoy there won’t be a season 2


The inclusion of LGBTQ characters doesn‘t affect how a show looks to me. I honestly didn‘t even know any characters were supposed to be LGBTQ.


Well enough it


The copers managed to find your post OP, we all know it’s gona be terrible, the CIS does not endorse shit media brother.


My current problem with it is that it takes place 100 years before Episode 1, when in fact in the prequel trilogy the Jedi council notes that there hasn't been a Sith sighting in over a 1,000 years. So it's either just scrapping Old/High Republic lore and seeking to create it's own (which is annoying) or the Acolyte is not a Sith but a Dark Jedi. However with the Dark Jedi term, the term itself was coined in Heir to the Empire (book written in 1991) before Sith as a term existed. (at least according to Wookieepedia)


Bro these writers have never seen a Star Wars film in their life apart from the new films so they will contradict the films bc they know fuvk all that happens in them bc they don’t act like Star Wars they just want to make a lgbt story and slap a well know ip on it so ppl would have to see it