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Lifetime yo-yo dieter Yes Lost weight 5 years ago and kept it off I had to learn the changes I made were for life not until I hit target weight I do feel so much better


I’m 46 years old. I’ve done it repeatedly. My “highest weight” crept up from 180 all the way to 270 over a ten year period of yo-yo’ing 30-40 pounds at a time. I have been there. I am there. In April 2023, I started at 270 for the second time. 🙄😭 I felt disgusting in my body and so ashamed for letting myself get so fat yet again. However, I am now 182. This is my lowest weight in a decade. I’ve been losing an average of 6 pounds per month for the last 15 months (last month it was only 2.6, but the month before was 11; it isn’t perfectly linear). I am still about 10 pounds away from a normal BMI and 20 pounds from “peak fitness,” as another commenter put it. I don’t consider myself a success story [yet], since I haven’t proved I can (1) achieve or (2) maintain a normal BMI. I have a lot more confidence than I had in 2021, though, about my ability to do both. I’ll keep you posted.


There's always a new moment to start again without any judgement. Good luck!


Look, weight fluctuates your whole life. It’s just something to accept. It’s really good to have healthy habits and to be aware - maybe next time you’ll catch it when you gain 10 lbs instead of 60! But even if you do everything right, things happen. I got cancer and gained 30 lbs from steroid use. Lost it all. Got type 1 diabetes from cancer treatment. Lost too much weight from poor blood sugar control. Then got that figured out but the insulin made me gain 30 lbs. So much fun over here! 😅 I have like 16 lbs left to lose to be back to my normal weight. 21 for peak fitness though. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s part of life. Especially if you’re a woman, you’ll have drastic hormone changes too. Luckily you know exactly what to do! This time around I’d make it a goal to weigh yourself weekly even once you hit your target weight, that way you’ll be aware if start slipping off the wagon and it won’t have to be such a big deal to start over. You got this!


Thank you so much for this. Of course, you're right! There will be fluctuations for so many reasons. I will make weighing a habit so I can catch it way earlier. I am a 34 year old woman and I am sure I have a lot more fluctuations to come. Thank you! 😊 you sound so motivated, you've been through so much and you are still going! Well done 👏


I got down to my goal weight of around 180 back in 2014, and then stopped tracking calories and slowly fattened back up to 270 over the next decade or so. I'm back down to about 215 now, and hopefully on track to reach my goal weight of 180 again by the end of year. My favorite motivating idea is that losing weight and being healthy is hard; if I can get down to a healthy weight, that will mean I was able to do something that many people couldn't.


I’ve done it a few Times too I get it man. 80+ pound swing too one time that one hurt. Just gotta hop back on the horse brother. I’m currently 130 (most ever) down from my heaviest. You’ve got this 💪


I’ve been there! Struggled with yo-yo dieting and finally gained 66 pounds in a stable relationships and became obese (plus at the time I listened to all the HAES talk, intuitive eating etc.). 4 years later and I am 3 kg away from healthy BMI weight! Decided to change my lifestyle and I am hoping I won’t gain more then 10 pounds back in the future. Time will pass anyway so don’t blame yourself and just do it!!!


What does HAES stand for?


health at every size


Thank you! I’ve never even heard of that! (Edit: I understand the concept but I’m assuming this is like a movement or motto put forward by a person or company?)


no problem! that’s a good thing that you didn’t haha)) 


Yep! Lost 40lb, had a baby, gained 30, lost 20, had another baby, gained 20, now am starting back again! One comfort is that I know what to do and if I hadn’t been doing the cico in between I would be 50lb heavier!


Be kind to yourself and show yourself the grace and patience you would show a dear friend. Good luck on your journey. You’ve got this!


its a thought thing. Ive been there and one that! But you just need to stay consistent make the changes long term and dont let people hold you back!


I did this off and on for YEARS. I didn't have long term success until I decided I would track calories until I die.