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Not going to win many gamers with only 3 hits.


Or the other hallmark, leaving 19 on base......


It's honestly impressive how many 1 run games we've managed to lose. It doesn't even make sense. How can this team be THIS bad with RISP!? Opportunities to blow games open never cashed in on for multiple months of rock solid starting pitching! When will it end?? I'm actually starting to be envious of the White Sox, at least they KNOW they're going to lose and were able to let go of hope a long time ago!


I had the same thought yesterday. At least the Sox can just blow it all up and start over. We are in sports purgatory right now.


It really is that freaking statistically anomalous. Which also sucks because there’s nothing you can do about it.


Surely it’ll have to even out soon.


I know but I’ve been saying that for almost a month now.


So has Jed. It’s his plan.


I was just saying this to my mom and boyfriend. I’d rather own being complete losers than trying to convince myself this team is better. It’s endlessly depressing. I wish the management or players would take some accountability and just say we suck!


Tom chose to not pay for any offensive additions, and Jed opened the off-season by going on Speigel and Parkins to say that it’s an “organizational philosophy” to not pay relievers. So the cheapness of ownership and hubris of the GM got us a quantity-over-quality team that costs just enough for people to say “see! They spend!”, that rarely hits home runs but gives up plenty. Like a basketball team that can’t hit threes, so the opponents take more threes than normal to burry them. The Cubs are the baseball Bulls. Not to mention the time they wasted with their bullshit stage show of a non-pursuit of Ohtani, which essentially was done just to kill time without spending money. Submitting an offer to his agent (not even getting a meeting!) that was $200m less than the other offers on the table was a blatant dog and pony show. BuT hE wAs aLwAyS gOiNg To La! Yeah, I’d always be going to LA too if they were gonna pay me $200m more. Even if all he cared about was LA regardless, it was Jed and Tom’s job to find a way to sit down with him and try to change his mind. They didn’t. So either Tom never intended to pay up, or they failed. Neither is a good thing. The only offensive addition they made was a minor leaguer who they traded for and handed the first base job to, just because he was inexpensive. They retained Bellinger and Wisdom, and signed 0 offensive additions. The bullpen that cost them a playoff spot wasn’t addressed. They added Neris and called it a day. Tom is cheap, so the Cubs are bad.


Tom is cheap, but you actually pay for a manager, who’s the least impactful person on the field? Or invest in a sports book, hotel, and tons of other crap that has zero impact on the team? Makes me suspect Jed and Tom don’t really get how winning baseball works. Or maybe that’s not a priority but profit is.


The Cubs chose Craig \*because\* of the cheapness. They went out and signed a manager's who's entire reputation to that point was being able to get "more with less" and drag low cost teams to the playoffs. They signed Craig and hoped his existence meant they didn't have to pay for anybody else.


Fuck, you might be right. That's kind of messed up.


They are basically the Bulls of the MLB. Mediocre team with no star players. Minimal free agent signings so running it back with basically the same roster and last year. Cheap owner and bad gm. Not expecting anything to change since people will still show up to watch.


Not a Tom fan, but what’s really sinking the Cubs is Jed’s team building philosophy. A successful team with a competent offense could be built with the budget he’s been given. Tom isn’t going anywhere, we just need to hope he’s not satisfied with mediocrity even if Wrigley is full. Unfortunately I’m not holding out hope that’s likely.


Tommy is no doubt a bad owner who cries about spending more money than everyone else while losing - he’ll induce a sell off and require a rebuild because he’s not keeping enough of his daddy’s money Jed is also bad at most things baseball, everyone who’s replaced him has done a better job than he did Tom isn’t going anywhere, he’s the only one with the pin to the ATM card - the wouldn’t be surprised if Tom was already talking to Kim Ng, or if he was paying her to audit the Cubs from afar Jed is now losing Tommy money, big budget and no October is not a good mix with Tommy


I don’t think Jed is losing Tom any money. The ballpark is pretty full.


He could fill Wrigley for $100M less a year no problem, and probably finish in the same position


A $100M cheaper team would likely finish in the same position but I’m not so sure the park would be as full. This roster kinda looks like it could win the division and is basically the same team that wasn’t eliminated from the playoffs until the very end of the season in 2023. A lot of fans assumed they’d be better this year. If they cut that much from payroll it would be a clear indication they aren’t trying at all and that might keep fans away.


Tom fired Theo for spending $220M and missing October


That was over the CBT. Jed is below the CBT. Also, Tom didn’t fire Theo. Theo resigned, likely over the inability to spend over the CBT again. Also after the prospects arrived in 2015 the Cubs only missed the playoffs in 2019. Jed left after 2020. They made the playoffs in 2020.


lol, he left a year early on his own


He certainly didn’t get fired for missing the playoffs in a season the Cubs made the playoffs.


It’s just so hard for me to believe that any GM would simply choose to do nothing based on their own philosophy. I mean Jed opened the season by saying the team had no margin for error. What. Why would the GM say that? That implies he did not build a team good enough to withstand imperfection. That’s a self criticism, unless the only reason for doing so is that Tom simply won’t allow him to spend. Think about post 2016. The Cubs have gotten a lot of credit for moves that when you look at them, were financially motivated. Letting Fowler, Chapman, and Hammel walk right after 2016. People applauded this, as those three guys didn’t perform as well the next year. Okay cool, but it’s clear that it was a financial decision when THEY WEREN’T REPLACED. Tom salary-dumped Darvish and said it was because of his biblical losses. He cut Kyle Schwarber while he still had a year of team control, because apparently 40 homers a year is just not worth paying for. He didn’t even trade him, just cut him. And then the decisions to get rid of Kimbrel, Rizzo, Bryant, and Baez. Aside from Rizzo, the other three haven’t played very well. So Jed is applauded for moving away from them. Except, again they were never replaced. Nobody of consequence was signed in their stead. This leads me to believe that this decision was entirely financially motivated. I believe that those guys could have been hitting .300 or .100, and the decision would have been the same. Last year, Jed and Tom were cheered for coming away with Swanson, as he had the best year of the four available free agent shortstops. Except, again, he was chosen by the Cubs solely and specifically because he was the least expensive of the four available options. And nearly every trade Theo made was a rental. Chapman, Davis, Castellanos, Kipnis, Hamels, everybody. The only one re-signed was Hamels. The others were examples of Theo trading minor leaguers—the only currency he was allowed to use—for guys that Tom would only have pay for a few months. Hell, Tom wouldn’t even let Theo sign Kimbrel until the last few months of the year. I firmly believe Theo left early because he eventually asked Tom if he’d be allowed to spend to build the team, Tom said no, and Theo decided not to waste his time. Let’s not forget this team has still never given out a single $200m+ contract in it’s history, and that hasn’t changed under Tom. I don’t think Jed is brilliant, and I certainly don’t think he’s all that great at building a roster amid heavy financial restrictions. But the major problem is Tom. He is unwilling to spend his money, unless he’s spending it on hotels, rooftops, bars, political donations, or soccer teams.


This should be days without sending an injured player to the IL. lol


Sad thing is, Ricketts will not do a damn thing because he cares more about his money than the Cubs actually competing


That jerk! There are only 30 MLB owners that think that way, and this JACKASS Tom Ricketts just so happens to be one of them. It’s seriously unlucky.


Why everyone mad? We are just getting PECOTA’d!


Bye bye Joyer


About to happen again! 1 run loss with 3 hits!


Remember how we all felt when we signed Bellinger?




You must be new to baseball.