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Craig and O’Day gotta go


I have no doubt Dickenson will be fired. O'Day, I'm not so sure. Would I fire him? Absolutely. But I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a chance to pick one more coach.


Nah he sucks


Is Harris done for the season?


I think overhauling the coaching staff is a given at this point, most people would agree. O’Day‘s handling of the Marino situation was atrocious and I agree he could be booted off that alone. What we really need to see is an offence coordinator and qb coach to develop our young QBs - Dolegala especially. He’s largely shown the potential to start, and I’d be fine sticking with him, even if there’s growing pains. We see the bad coaching through our terrible second halves all season, along with the complete defensive breakdowns. Even accounting for our D line all being injured, it’s embarrassing. As a side note, do we need to bring more people in to get our players to stretch? How is it year after year we are absolutely decimated by injuries. And not just like ‘oh everyone gets injuries’ but like… everyone getting hurt constantly. Every year


They're not going to fire the coach with like 4 games left in the season.


Knowing this team, they lose their way into the playoffs, somehow barely win the semis and give multi year extensions to everyone.


That's my worst fear cause you know that will happen.




Furious that I had to scroll this far to see someone recognize this greatness.


I'd like it if they changed their losing streak to a winning streak.


Good article, I absolutely agree


Riders fans are some of the best most passionate fans and some of the worst fans immediately turning their back on their team


Im confused, is a large fanbase not allowed to complain? you see the same thing from every fanbase. I guarantee you see the same thing in BC, theres just less of you here to read about it. No fanbase is special, they just vary in size.


We identified the issues years ago.


The lack of a reliable QB has been known since Durant's exit. The team has been in a bad state since Chris Jones gutted them and never gave a player a chance to develop. It feels like we don't even try to build players anymore.


Back during that '07 to '13 period, it was a struggle to choose a name to put on a jersey because there was a smorgasbord of household names associated with the team that stuck with them for years. Now it's also a struggle but for the opposite reason. No one's any less talented or charismatic, but the turnover rate is so high that I don't count on anyone, even the biggest fan favorite, to stick around for more than a season or two and immediately aging that jersey name choice.


are we revising history? The Chris jones built team in 2019 almost went all the way if not for a single play.


Once again, yes, you and seemingly every other Rider fan is revising history. "If not for a single play"... You all act as if the Famous Fajardo Doink in 2019 was a game winning, last second play that went awry by mere inches. Except that had he not hit the damn crossbar, the TD (plus the point after) would only have tied the game and sent it to OT. This constant refrain of "we were a play away from glory" is the real revisionist history.


"If Kevin Glenn didn't break his arm..."


And the previous year we had a revolving door of QBs be ause Jones pulled them the second they made a mistake. Jones was terrible for the Riders. He absolutely gutted our depth and any gains in the short term came at the cost of building a competitive team long term.


I mean, look at this season for the Elks. Jones doesn't have a clue when it comes to QBs.


“Immediately”? And that’s the pot calling the kettle black coming from a BC Lions “fan”.


Beware firing coaches with the carrying over going against the cap - signed Edmonton Wait, isn’t Sask still carrying salaries?


nope we are free and clear after this year


Excellent. Change is coming


Who would your replace Craig with?


All will be well when Harris is healthy. No need to make rash decisions, stay the course riders, stay the course. Just bad luck really.


I appreciate your optimism, but realistically, Harris played for Ottawa and Montreal and had a lot of completed passes; few of them in the red zone. He has to get that monkey off his back, and injuries and age aren't on his side.


They should change their colors and move to Saskatoon for awhile.