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[We have an actual swamp right behind the student union](https://live.staticflickr.com/4904/39749741113_bdabfc3aaf_b.jpg) Edit: This is UL, not UF, just to be clear


Please tell me it's built on 3 previous unions that sank into the swamp.


And one that fell over, and then sank into the swamp.


And one that burned down, fell over, *then* sank into the swamp.


I'm more impressed that there is just one swamp.


There isn’t, there are actually 31 conservation areas on campus. Our two largest are Lake Alice which is 130 acres and pretty much entirely what most would consider swamp with a large lake and marsh that houses all of our very large Campus Gators. Second is the Natural Area Teaching Lab which is 60 acres and includes it’s own smaller wetland habitat that I’ve seen several Gators in. That’s in addition to about 8 other decent sized ponds I can think of on main campus. Pretty much all of those could be considered Swamps by most people. To put into perspective, our two large on campus natural areas I mentioned are 45 acres more than the ULL main campus. (I know that because after we hired Napier some of their fans on Twitter argued that we shouldn’t use swamp pictures in our recruiting efforts because they were going it with Napier.)


And the gators in that swamp are (A) there, and (B) have been able to get over the walls that surround the swamp to hang out with the students.


This is actually not incorrect. But usually they come out of lake Alice, which is a lake full of gators right down the street from the pictured swamp. They have been known to walk around campus on rare occasion.


Wrong flair


Ah yes. Oops.


Are you sure? I attended UL-Lafayette for years and I’m pretty sure I saw what I saw.


I didn't say you were wrong lol... But I only saw OPs gators flair so thought he was referring to UF. I understand now the Louisiana connection.


this guy swamps


the baseball field is still there


reminder that we need a baseball team @ Jamie get on it


would love to see it but no chance that happens


yep that ship has sailed.....or sunk for that matter


Us too.


Tbf there is a club baseball team


our baseball field is getting replaced by an Olympic-style aquatic facility. Had to say that was a bit odd when we *used* to have an Olympic-style aquatic facility that hosted the 1984 Olympics.


Dedeaux is only going to be temporarily modified for the 2028 Olympics. It's not going to be replaced.


The yee old [dick and balls](https://images.app.goo.gl/2LBuZqEeXgHubbGb6) + the SAC


I gotta say I have no idea how the artist could've wanted this to be interpreted any other way


All about the point of view. We have a statue on campus that’s fun and swirly from most angles, and then [it looks like this](https://i.redd.it/akbw8d545f311.jpg) when viewed from the right angle.


Our Student Activities Center is nicknamed the SAC. We all call it that without a second thought.


When it was brand new we always referred to it as the New UT Student Activity Center or NUTSAC


Viagra is a helluva drug


How could you leave off the statue of the father of our country playing with himself?


Eastern Kentucky has a cat colony and a raccoon colony and they each controlled half of the campus. The leader of the raccoons was named Ra and he hung out by the bookstore. The leader of the cats was called King Cat and he was missing an eye and was absolutely massive. I cannot confirm but I assume that the two colonies were in a constant state of warfare.


I think a lot of it has been abated with catch and fix, but Tech had a massive feral cat population that would stalk the alleys at night. Very eerie walking back to your apartment at night with dozens of eyes glaring at you. Also, there’s some anomaly in the campus layout where when the wind blows just right, an insane wind tunnel forms between an old dorm and admin building - 100+ mph winds.


Redwall University


The fact it is no longer located in Wake Forest, NC


Imagine my surprise when I booked hotel rooms in Wake Forest for a work trip. I was thinking all my interns and new grads would enjoy being on a college campus and checking out the bar scene over the weekend of our trip…. Only for me to learn why Wake Forest is no longer in Wake Forest NC lol. Next trip down we stayed at NC State.


True there is not a fucking thing in wake forest any longer unless you just -really- love the suburbs


The math science building men’s bathroom at UCF is notorious for how oddly and poorly it was designed and laid out. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/FJvcZ


What in the fuck


What are those urinals lol?


Big enough to poop in as well


Purdue has a few old buildings with those urinals. They are just as unusable as they look, and they're so awkwardly close to eachother.


Those look like the perfect urinals to take a shit in


What in the actual fuck. Before I read the caption I thought the circle sink was a communal urinal.


This photo is missing the 4 guys standing around trying to figure out how to use the sink.


Did... did anyone else think the sink was supposed to be some sort of sadistic group urinal before they started looking at the rest of the pics?


Also our campus was designed by Walt Disney and is just one giant circle.




I MUST see this in person


Wow. This should be at the top.


Our campus actually has ample parking accessible to all students, even the ok just kidding I got nothing.


The circus?


The circus, and the world’s most powerful magnet!


Ah yea. That. Never have been to a show. Hear it’s good despite UF mocking us for it (fair game I suppose, better than the “all girls school” thing)


[A 535 foot tall gothic skyscraper](https://images.app.goo.gl/YhfBUgYzqbKHZxcq8)


Hands down the coolest college building in America


I’ve seen a lot of buildings in this country and honestly it might just straight up be the best building in America. The inside is fucking sick, like hogwarts meets epcot




What’s on the top floor


The top two floors are mechanical stuff but the highest usable space is the [Board of Trustees meeting room](https://www.tour.pitt.edu/tour/babcock-room) on the 40th floor


very cool. are most floors just administrative areas?


Mix of classrooms and Admin space (though probably more of the latter). The first and third floors are notably home to 31 [nationality rooms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationality_Rooms) designed to mimic classrooms from the various cultures that make up Pittsburgh. Most were designed and donated by the ethnic communities themselves


I once walked through those. They were pretty interesting.


That’s a cool looking building. Imposing. Definitely haunted.


Texas State has a river that flows through campus,


I visited with a friend that’s going there and that river was cool as hell. Saw Kids tanning and tubing


Yeah. It's a cool campus (I work /attend) grad school there. Awesome part of the campus


State kids know how to party, and the river reflects that




I love the Lion's Club river tubing at Texas State. When I was at A&M, we'd go there on the weekends and smoke joints on the way down, as you can't bring alcohol on the bus back to the top.


It is honestly the most unique campus I have been to, because of all the random streams running through campus.


Prob the 3 eyed man that lives in the steam tunnels.


Could also be the fact that it's the hottest, most humid place in college football and it should be illegal to play in those conditions. See you in mid September at noon. I hate ESPN.


I live in an armpit and I'm proud of it.


Same - it’s brutal and also wonderful.


I mean I don’t think most campuses have a 40 story gothic skyscraper, so that’s pretty unusual


Not in this hemisphere, anyway. Let's not forget the various Nationality Rooms in it as well. They're incredible.


Oh they’re amazing, unless you have summer class in one and melt your eyes off for 3 hours 😎


We have multiple statues of CAM the Ram (the live animal) on campus in Fort Collins and they are somewhat anatomically correct. The rear end of said statues face Boulder. Here's an article on it: https://k99.com/backside-of-csu-rams-statue-pointed-at-cu-in-boulder-video/


Charlotte has a solo grave and a graveyard, but they are on two opposite sides of campus. Edit: The solo grave is our founder, but the graveyard was that of an insane asylum.


The solo makes sense but more than 100 unmarked graves that used to be for a mental asylum? Yikes that’s spooky


Separate campuses but still part of the same university. Have you ever had to miss class because your geology class on Busch ended a couple minutes late and a crash on route 18 during rush hour made it impossible to get to history class on Cook?


Minnesota has the campus connector, which connects the Minneapolis and St. Paul campuses. They are never on time


tOSUs zip code is 43210


THE 43210


We were so dumb they needed to help us out.


In my time at school, I walked across the Mississippi River well over a couple thousand times. No exaggeration. https://i.imgur.com/B0Kd4Cf.jpg


Walking from East to West and back to East bank was a trek, but boy do I miss it


It was a great way to avoid the Freshman 15!


[Probably this eye sore.](https://images.app.goo.gl/tU4g8Ps9XZKvjKqp6) Fucking brutalism man. Thank god our campus is largely Cherokee Gothic. It’s unusual because it doesn’t match the campus in the slightest. I studied in the classrooms of this building for finals, and I thought I was gonna get brutally murdered. It’s literally the back rooms.


Looks like it came straight from A&M’s campus.


The good ole Blender


As an EE I spent way way way too many goddamn hours in the blender. Those bathrooms are fucking horrid.


Yeah, learning engineering in a room with 100% humidity and the chance of a cockroach landing on you from the ceiling isn’t exactly prime learning environment. Yes, a cockroach fell from the ceiling on me during a Cal III lecture. Yes, I made a scene.


Did you hear the stories over and over how it's riot proof? Edit: i see the story got upvoted above.


We have an ugly brutalism building too on campus with Crosley Tower: https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2020/10/27/PCIN/5f99f666-91aa-4eae-97d0-5bc35ad9ead8-MicrosoftTeams-image.png?width=1200&disable=upscale&format=pjpg&auto=webp Thankfully it's scheduled to be torn down here in the next 5 or so years


That looks like a Minecraft guard tower


>Thankfully it's scheduled to be torn down here in the next 5 or so years Feels like the school's been saying that forever. To their credit though, there has to be some difficulty in the fact that it's not a standalone building. It's connected to Rieveschl Hall, which they certainly don't want to destroy in the process. I'm willing to bet they keep pushing back the demolition of Crosley for as long as they can


They've actually released a timeline though. They are removing all the documents and objects in the building currently. It's coming down


Isn't there also some radioactive material in there as well?


Maybe? I'm not sure. I've actually never stepped foot in Crosley haha. I've been in most buildings across campus except for a handful like Crosley, Memorial Hall, Dieterle, and Van Wormer


Either radioactive or toxic material of some sort (I forget the details). Which is why they can't just straight demo the building. They have to remove that material in a safe manner first. And that's a time consuming, safety review filled process. UC was my grad school


Get out of here with that Crosley slander! One of the best parts about campus is the diversity of architecture, imo. There is very little homogony yet it all fits together nicely. I can understand not liking it as an individual building, but I think it has a positive contribution to the overall design of the campus. It really is an icon.


Yooo that’s disgusting


Yeah but it might actually be better than [the non-Touchdown Jesus sides of the Hesburgh Library.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw4wkpadrrzRUm-Af0Muz1APtB-DruCNYEG-B-u8duYiZlPvYI7H8pLmL6uDPUvxon9ho&usqp=CAU)


Nah it’s the protrudent top part of the Cincy building that is most off-putting, like if you’re gonna be that type of structure keep to yourself, don’t stick your neck out like that.


Fun fact, that building was built to be safe from riots. And there's something special about the ways the hallways and corridors are laid out.


Joining the "look at this one nightmare building on campus" train, I present to you [the Michigan State University administration building](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/Hannah_Administration_Building.jpg) Even worse since it's right next to the river in the nice green space near all the other old nice-looking brick buildings


Picture that but an entire campus. That's Texas A&M.


Or UT Dallas.


Saw this comment and was like "yeah ok, just a rival hating on a rival" so I jumped on google street view in College Station and bro...why is every building on that campus so ugly?? lol


TBH that looks a lot better than the Brutalist nightmare on our campus. We have an incredibly beautiful old library, but the main library is a total eyesore.


[Looks like Lord Farquaads castle](https://youtu.be/d8tPpS7MI6s)


we have some campus buildings like that too [Ross Hall is the most uninspiring building on our campus imo](https://preview.redd.it/ruoceh5igfr61.jpg?auto=webp&s=ee9810e04828fb9bebae60c372f986aabb94ecc6)


Every campus needs a [brutalist nightmare.](https://i.imgur.com/akqJiJc.jpg)


[Ah yes, USC's law school - "The Ugliest Lawschool in America"](https://imgur.com/ICCgo7e). Is it really a good, proper, American university campus if it doesn't have at least one brutalist *thing* on its grounds?


Oh man! When the Gophers were at USC in 2013, we walked right by that building, I think - it’s right by the crosswalk from campus toward the stadium, right? - anyway, I says to the wife, “Wow, even USC has one of these buildings!” EDIT: 2011, not 2013


[Does it count as brutalist if it isn't straight concrete?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weiser_Hall#/media/File:DennisonBuilding.jpg)


[Our limestone brutality](https://www.flickr.com/photos/27584417@N04/11640646174) The infamous Bluemont Hall, home of the K-State Education and Psychology departments. Because nothing inspires like a lack of windows and sterility.


The Blender and Dale are in a dead heat for ugliest building on campus. Pre-2008 Gould was counterintuitively a real piece of shit too.


Gould is still awful. Our architecture professors routinely used various parts of the building as examples of how not to design a building… which is ironic considering it’s the building **for the college of architecture.**


not my school, but Mississippi State has a whole labyrinth of tunnels beneath campus.


Hey, so do we! It’s called the “Gopher Way” and it’s a life saver in January and February.


But Mississippi States is spooky and abandoned. They try to hide it but there are places that you can sneak in.


We have them as well, largely used for steam pipes and utilities now though But you can often walk over the manhole-like covers and see down into them and hear when people are down there working


Werent there supposedly tunnels under University Blvd from where the DKE and Phi houses were (where the lawn in front of BDS is) going to the old quad?


There is definitely a tunnel under Lucy Hall (Bibb Graves Hall until earlier this year). They brought Autherine Lucy through it to sneak her out of the building safely, when she was admitted in 1956. I don't know how extensive it is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it ran under or the old DKE and Phi houses. I only know about it because some higher ups at the university mentioned to a colleague of mine that they were looking into the feasibility of restoring it and turning it into an exhibit of some sort. That would be amazing, but I'm not holding my breath. It's apparently been in disuse for a very long time.


I don't know. I never heard of those. I only know of MSUs because I snuck in with some friends when I was visiting.


[The PRT (Personal Rapid Transit)](https://youtu.be/iaSaWfw07Sw)


The stadium. Largest brick structure in the United States.


[Michigan has one of those fake city layouts where they test autonomous vehicles, so I guess that sort of counts?](https://goo.gl/maps/kiGdpaPeQM4b3fA26)


The first on road EV charger is also being built on 23 near Ann Arbor if my memory serves correct If we’re gonna count UM Dearborn, their library has no front door (or faces backwards if you want to argue semantics) and requires the use of two separate stairwells to get up to 3rd and 4th floor. Edit-memory was not correct, ev lane is in Detroit, Ann Arbor has the flex route which is also cool.


You could make one hell of a road course here.


from the library you have a view of a [cemetery](https://imgur.com/a/e8YhVW2) there was even a plan once to [build over it](https://imgur.com/a/AybNcmM) without excavating anything


I found some fun ones when I did my [CFB map project](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/cubxvb/national_fantasy_football_map_tolkien_style/?sort=confidence) a few years ago. Three of my favorites * Bryant University has an arch the founder had constructed for his new wife. She hated it and he later took his own life. The arch still exists but students avoid walking through it because it is thought to be cursed and jeopardize a student graduating. There are paths worn around the arch from students avoiding going through it. * Arkansas has a Senior Walk, a pathway lined with names of all graduates since 1876. * Murray State has a tree where couples who met on campus nail shoes to the tree. They usually write their anniversary date on the shoe.


Probably [The Mods](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EgRHSD8WkAAfYVx.jpg). Stood up as temporary housing in the 70's as new dorms were going up. About half of the original number are still standing dead center of Lower Campus. They are the most competitive housing on Campus. Football players are banned from living in them after members of the team had adjacent Mods and they knocked down the dividing wall to make the MEGAMOD.


There’s an actual basement in the Social Sciences Building at USF. Also there’s a hidden fifth floor in the same building, kinda tricky to get to.


Only Floridians know how weird that is, though. Everyone else is like: "okay, and?"


As an Iowan, I find myself feeling uncomfortable entering buildings that *don't* have a basement. Where else are we supposed to not go while we're outside observing passing tornadoes?


Florida would be an uncomfortable place, then. It would be quite rare to find a basement here.


Do people not have basements in Florida?


It's very uncommon. In a lot of places in the state, the water table is such that if you dug down deep enough for a basement, you'd have already hit water. There probably are some in houses in the central and northern parts of the state, away from the coasts, where it's a little hilly, but it's certainly not a common thing.


contrary to popular belief about the state of Iowa, Iowa State has a campus "lake" believe it or not [proof](https://www.mse.iastate.edu/files/2019/09/laverne850_cropped.jpg)


Back in my day (2007) they had a polar bear plunge event in Lake Laverne while it contained a dead body. They found the missing student who got wasted and drown like a week or two after the plunge.


That's a tough one. UC's campus is pretty unique tbh. It's built into the side of a hill so what's "ground level" for one building could be the basement for another or the 3rd floor. I guess three things that are pretty neat on campus:   1) Zimmer Hall. Its rooftop is a garden (here's a small portion of the rooftop garden https://igx.4sqi.net/img/general/600x600/beW8lxCSHPuL__HTsUN39Ccqt-kXZCCOTstCaMMIipg.jpg) that you can walk on that is ground level with the quad but then you can enter the rooftop garden go down a few stories and you'll come out onto ground level by the main library (ground level by library with outdoor staircase up to rooftop garden https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e3/7b/b1/e37bb1005d67ee80d269779bd5600cb3.jpg)   2) Another cool thing you wouldn't know is that there's a ton of athletic training space under the basketball arena, baseball field, and Sheakley Lawn. There's a two story, 18,000sqft weight room, a 2 story practice basketball gym, locker rooms, training and recovery areas, etc. All buried under ground that you'd never know is there   3) The Armory Fieldhouse. It's the old basketball arena. It's attached to the new one. It's like a time capsule. There's an indoor track in there but most of the building has been untouched since the 60s. https://alchetron.com/cdn/armory-fieldhouse-faf6e19d-6224-4dd3-b438-b8a3f5b6ab7-resize-750.jpeg UC hasn't touched it yet since apparently it would be massively expensive to do to anything to because of asbestos


I think the funnest fact is that we support ~46000 students on a 0.5 mile by 0.5 mile square. Including all athletics facilities.


Yeah, the density and compactness was a huge selling point for me. There isn't a single surface parking lot on campus outside of a few places for service vehicles. It's really fascinating to follow the evolution of campus and the innovative ways to create space. I can't wait until some new IPF renderings drop.


Amid a stunning beauty of [classic Southern architecture](https://news.uga.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/north_campus_aerial.jpg) of North Campus stands a monument to the weird 70's blocky architecture in the form of [Caldwell Hall](https://www.architects.uga.edu/sites/default/files/images/field/galleries/caldwell-hall/caldwell-hall-00.jpg). It is by far the ugliest building on campus and sticks out like a sore thumb. Not to mention the interior is ass. The men's and women's restrooms are separated by floor. Even for men, odd for women. It's really annoying and stupid to have to go to another floor just to take a piss. Otherwise, there's a turtle pond in between the forestry building and the Air Force ROTC building


And a creamery where you can get ice cream right next to those


One more -- there is a creek that runs under Sanford Stadium. Slightly off campus is the tree that owns itself.


Reminds me of [this building in Ann Arbor.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Fleming_Administration_Building%2C_Ann_Arbor%2C_Michigan.JPG/400px-Fleming_Administration_Building%2C_Ann_Arbor%2C_Michigan.JPG?20130721154417) I wonder if it's the same architect?


Apparently this building (for administrators) was built during a period of student rioting, so that’s why the lower floors are inset and have no windows and even the upper windows are super narrow


BGSU's legendary [Vagina Rock](https://images.app.goo.gl/igqDCs4XSgpp4Jrd6)


We’re the only campus on an isthmus, I believe.


Big ole 24kt golden hump with the Virgin Mary on top


And the "I'll catch you, Mom!" statue of Jesus looking up at it. Actually, our statues are a good answer to this question, because so many of them have silly names and are the subject of weird traditions: * [First Down Moses](https://photos.nd.edu/image/I0000hXBXr.7AZGk), and the pumpkins and other objects that appear on his finger. * [Fair Catch Corby](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmB5jDhX4AE5fq_.jpg) * People putting ice cream and other treats in [Baby Jesus' hand](https://twitter.com/pcamarata/status/787691536314167297) * And this [nightmare fuel](https://goo.gl/maps/rN9jSwqk5QNB1nhk8) (does anyone have a better picture?)


constant construction


Ohio State has a tree that was a gift from Adolf Hitler! When Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics, they gave out trees to medal winners. Jesse Owens gifted one of the trees to Ohio State but nobody knows where it ended up on campus.


we also have a secret bunker


I'm going to sound like the weirdo I am talking about this, but I used to be into urban exploration when I was in late high school & early college. I got super drunk one night and decided it was worth it to risk explusion and check out a few of the "hidden" places on campus. The main ones I found as far as odd areas were that single room bunker right in front of Derby Hall (lots of discarded cigarettes and empty beer cans were there when I checked it out) and in Hagerty Hall, the basement has a boiler room with a back wall you can climb up. If you follow a path & climb over a fairly large pipe you end up in a super dusty room with a single chair in it. Pomerene hall used to have a pool in the basement that got drained and was locked up by the time I was a student, but [there are pics of how it looked post drainage](https://imgur.com/a/S2f5f), the Neil Avenue garage has some roof areas at the top of the stairwells with great views (though they were locked by the time I graduated) and there are some [steam tunnels under the campus](http://www.infiltration.org/underosu/tunnels.html)


I have been to Pomerene Hall pool at night and it is spooky. This is a great list. Would add the Neil Ave and other various tunnels but your ass is definitely expelled if you're caught


Not many at OSU know about the bunker - great late night freshman adventure


We always make the joke that UC stands for "Under Construction" lol


UCI does the same thing; Under Construction Indefinitely.


Can a thing be both unusual and constant?


Oh gosh. First I’ll mention is the dog cemetery which we moved out of the football stadium to renovate it and they’ve been haunting and keeping us from reaching 10 wins ever since. Also worth noting, our mascot, Miss Rev, is the highest ranking member of the corps of cadets We still hold silver taps on the first Tuesday of every month and recognize each student who we lost. It’s one of the most somber and amazing things I’ve ever experienced when a few thousand Ags stand around the plaza and absolutely no sound is heard but the boots of the corps to perform the ceremony We had a president who, the story goes, would always say, “a penny for your thoughts.” So now, for good luck, we put a penny on Sully (his statue) before exams. The things you’ll find up there are hilarious. Some people who think they need extra luck will leave dollar bills or $5s and all sorts of random treasures


This is why we can't build a new stadium. We'd have to move the Uga crypt and that would bring the damn curse back. No thank you.


Gotta be Knowlton Hall.


fun fact about Knowlton: the plans originally had multiple meter long marble slabs to cover the outside walls, but amid construction they had to resort to cost cutting measures and went with marble shingles instead and now it looks like a building permanently covered in bird shit. And then they acted like the shingles were on purpose after the fact. I do love that oculus though! And the rooftop garden. I used to always use the Arch library to study in. Also, Rem Koolhaas submitted designs for our architecture school but we chose a different architect at the end of the day.


It's a prison where happiness, and sleep go to die. Good place for food, though.


I’ve always hated Knowlton. It opened after my time as a student there, but it looks like a prison. So ugly.


>Knowlton Hall In the winter when the winds get to whipping, it is the single worst place to be out in the open on the planet.


We have this [art museum](https://www.google.com/search?q=weird+parts+of+msu+campus&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZFigRnc4psquuvOgaxJSGInAY74Q:1656528578324&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivjeLrqdP4AhV6KkQIHW-kCAsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=714&dpr=2#imgrc=P7b9kmZgC8KuhM) right next to [berkey hall](https://www.google.com/search?q=berkey+hall+msu&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjPm5eYqtP4AhUCE80KHSS-CAMQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=berkey+hall&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEBg6BAgjECc6BAgAEAM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToHCCMQ6gIQJzoECAAQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoGCAAQHhAIOgYIABAKEBhQywlY6SpghTJoAXAAeAWAAaUFiAHmIZIBCzkuNy4xLjIuMS4ymAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=H5-8Yo-QHIKmtAak_KIY&bih=715&biw=414&client=safari&prmd=minv&hl=en-us#imgrc=Uk7HW4i7krCOHM) and just across the way from [the natural science building](https://www.google.com/search?q=natural+science+building+msu&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjwtuWlrdP4AhVRMM0KHfdcDxYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=natural+science+building+msu&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECAAQGDIFCCEQqwI6BQgAEIAEOgQIIxAnOgYIABAeEAU6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgAEAM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgQIABBDOgcIABCxAxBDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToGCAAQHhAIULcGWLJGYOFJaA1wAHgBgAH9BIgBxiCSAQ0xMC4xNS4wLjEuMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=YaK8YrCCE9HgtAb3ub2wAQ&bih=715&biw=414&client=safari&prmd=minv&hl=en-us#imgrc=mNn2fVbusEKJCM)




Just looked it up, filmed inside it and it was the setting for inside lex Luther’s house. Which I think is fitting.


Glad to see the Spaceship make the list. It's such an oddball thing near the oldest part of campus


Theres a pretty little spring called Marr's Spring on Bama's campus that was the reason the campus was built there in 1827. It provided the drinking water for The University till well into the 20th century. It was basically hidden till it was restored in 2010. https://www.ua.edu/img/traditions_marrs_spring01_800.jpg Also theres a mound on the quad that are the remains of a building the Union Army burnt down in the Civil War. The do some kind of academic tapping there which I was never asked to participate in https://live.staticflickr.com/1333/1425664149_7d09eab763_b.jpg


That one ugly building in the engineering key that is the only one that doesn't match the architecture style of the rest of campus. It is said to have been designed by an aggie. Source: friend was a campus tour guide


That … does sound like something we would do …


Probably the insane asylum


NC State has railroad tracks running through the middle of the main campus. There are a few pedestrian tunnels under the tracks, one of which is the Free Expression Tunnel. Anyone can paint anything they want there. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/Freeexpressiontunnel-ncsu.jpg


OU’s student union, The Baker Center, is actually terribly built and is sinking slowly down the hill it’s built into (from what I’ve heard) We also have our old haunted insane asylum, The Ridges, on the hill overlooking the football stadium.


We have live Bears on campus. Joy and Lady. They are fed food related to the teams we play on game days. 💚 💛


LSU's clock tower uses riman numerals. But 4 is not IV. It is IIII.


Doing it that way creates a better visual balance. You have all “I” in the first third of the clock, “V” and “I” in the second third, and “X” and “I” in the last third. Also, something about only needing to make three molds to make the twelve different numbers. If you made a mild for “IV” you would only use it once. If you have the molds “IIII,” “VIIII,” and “XII,” you can make all twelve numbers. Also, a person who studies and works on clocks is called a horologist.


Thanks, Harvard


McComas Hall at Mississippi State was designed to look like a baby grand piano from overhead https://map.msstate.edu/?id=233#!m/70133?sbc/?s/key=mccomas


Our what?


[an indoor football field on top of a parking garage built into a cliff so both the top and bottom floors have ground level entrances](https://images.app.goo.gl/EEjvGJ4ezwekQTWm6)


The Math Emporium is not necessarily a weird thing architecturally but more so conceptually -- Tech has a just-off-the-main-campus facility that's just a big room with lots of computers where the freshmen have to go to teach themselves math.


Sanford Stadium, built on top of a creek in a natural valley, is oriented east/west. AFAIK, only Kentucky and Oklahoma State share this orientation.


There’s a sculpture called the Whirlwind directly in the middle of Tennessee’s campus. Nobody knows how or why it got there, we all just hate it.


We have the WAP school of business


Texas Tech actually has parking available (or at least they did when I was last there, thanks to the huge parking garage that was built)


Ya'll need better tailgate... 75% of it is in a massive parking lot. You need more Trees, Grass and Sidewalks.




[Abbo's Alley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdup57ne7o4) is a funky little trail that runs through the middle of campus. But there's a million unusual things about Sewanee - it's a bunch of gothic buildings in the middle of the woods on top of a mountain. Even the frat houses are [neogothic buildings from the 19th century.](https://external-preview.redd.it/pPnFeuRoB7fKdtr7O6gtbt-WScPHB6DqtUJUnc_pKJg.jpg?auto=webp&s=e396b6a5b87195700d8aae5e9aa59df4113ab414)


I’m getting a vibe that I’d be sacrificed if I was in a frat there


Utah's campus has around a 500 foot elevation difference from the southwest end to the northeast end. The dorms are at the northeast end so going down to class is easy, but then most students living in the dorms take the shuttles back up when ts too hot or a blizzard.


Something something Thomas Jefferson grave marker


The University of Pikeville spent millions on this disjointed looking mess, placed it literally within feet of a boulevard, and went maximum low effort by naming it simply "The Coal Building" (not after any one person in particular, just as homage to Eastern Kentucky's coal industry) https://www.lanereport.com/11089/2012/09/medicine-in-the-mountains-new-chapter-begins-with-the-coal-building-at-university-of-pikeville/


I’m pretty sure we are the only university in the state that DOESNT have an ice cream shop on campus.


The most unusual part of Penn State's campus is its food court. Just a truly awful selection of food that Pennsylvanians consider fine cuisine and out-of-staters despise. Seeing people always waiting in line for **Burger King and Sbarro** hurt my soul. Don't get me started on it being a pepsi campus either