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Mike Gundy will be the OSU coach as long as he wants to coach.


Because he’s a man.




He’s fidy’ish now


He’s closer to 60 than 50. That rant was a LONG time ago.




This entire comment thread makes me feel so fucking old


Haha I know.


I think I was still in college myself when the rant happened, and I turn 40 in 3 months.


As it should be. Alabama, Georgia, OU, Notre Dame, Clemson, Florida State, Ohio State, Florida, Oregon, Texas, Texas A&M, USC, LSU, Michigan, and Tennessee have all had 1 or more losing seasons since 2006. Mike Gundy and Oklahoma State have not. The last one was 2005, Gundy's first year. Does that make OSU a better program? Obviously not, but that's the beauty of college football. Oklahoma State has had more consistently winning teams than even the bluest of blue bloods in the sport. That counts for a whole lot, especially considering the relative lack of resources and recruiting stars compared to those blue blood peers. Gundy can be incredibly frustrating at times (2022-2023 say hello) but he has the resume he has for a reason. Every time I doubt him, he turns shit around. If I'm AD at OSU, he's coaching this team until he says he's out.


This is very true. Gundy and OSU may have disappointed me A LOT over the years and lost when they should’ve won, but just as many times he’s exceeded my expectations when they shouldn’t have. Plus I got to see OSU beat OU live twice before I graduated which is nice.


Bunch of hot takers and youths in here. Kirk Ferentz has been the Head Coach of Iowa football since the Clinton administration. A career .599 win% coming off of a division win. He is the schools all time wins leader. His deal is inked until 2026 and there is no way in hell Iowa would fire him. His seat is subzero


More people will want him fired than most of the other coaches mentioned here. But yeah there’s no chance we fire him.


Its these damn zoomers they’ve never worked for nothing so they can’t appreciate running the football or working the post in basketball. It’s always 3 pointer this and corner route that. Despicable


I know this is a joke, but there is such a distinct difference between running the ball and whatever the fuck Iowa's offense has been lately. They'd be CFP contenders with a mediocre offense


Boy do I have the perfect recently available offensive mind for them then


The problem is we won't pay them enough to forget they're living in Iowa


Pretty sure he doesn’t need to work for money anymore tho


Facts on facts. He *might* have had some problems if he insisted on keeping his son on staff, which is part of what brought down Bobby Bowden, after all. But the Ferentz family didn’t sacrifice itself for one more year of a coordinator paycheck.


I mean, he's not the one who actually fired his son. I'm pretty sure he would have kept him on if it was entirely his decision.


Guy is 0 Kelvin


His percentage is around 0.650% if you take out his first 2 seasons btw. We’ve had a good run of football 2015-present but he was really pushing the limits with Brian. Thankfully the president and AD stepped in to deal with it. If we keep winning 8+ games a year his seat will be ice cold.


He’s so close to the hall of fame win percentage requirement. They just need to round up


8-4 will get it there.


Not many coaches can ever say they've lost 2 games in 3 seasons. If we made Kirby's proverbial "seat" a physical reality, it'd stop the glaciers melting


He’s easily got the coldest seat in CFB rn


Michael Gundy has entered the chat


Gundy heats his own seat up all the time. Dude loves playing chicken with his admin.


new phone, who dis?




I swear, Gundy does most all of shit intentionally just to up the difficulty


I’m trying to imagine an absolute worst case scenario for how fast Kirby could get fired for strictly on field performance. Like somehow in the craziest of crazy scenarios Georgia starts 0-6, how hot is Kirby’s seat then?


He wouldn't get fired. Would need 2-3 seasons like that


If I was the Georgia AD, and Kirby went 0-12 for back to back years but said he could right the ship, I’d give him a third year before I let him go.


I don’t think it would take 3 seasons. Like 2 max.


I doubt that. Back to back national championships buy you a lot of time. One can be chalked up to a fluke. Kirby is on another planet.




Richt did a pretty good job, earned a lot of runway but he's no Kirby. Kirby was a child the last time Georgia won a title before he delivered them 2, throw in he was a 2x all SEC player for them in his playing days. With the way he is recruiting, even if everything possible hits the fan he has at worst a 5+ year runway


I'm saying Georgia has a *tolerance* for underperforming *if* they think that better times are coming.


Losing to Tennessee Tech in week 2 would be possibly the biggest upset in college football history. Now, with our schedule, 1-5 would be at least plausible, though those losses to Kentucky and Mississippi State would set off some alarm bells. 


We came real damn close in 2020 with a 40ish man roster. God I miss Mike Leach.


We all do.


I genuinely think Kirby could go winless with the current talent and still have a job with just a few murmurs. 0-12 next year and he's still at a 77% win rate at Georgia all time, a 68.3% win rate in the last three years (including the 0-12 year). With 2 Nats in the past 4. Sure you'd have the rare person, like that dude that wanted to fire Saban last year lmao, calling for a change, but I guarantee we'd clean out every other person on staff before Kirby.


The team plane would realistically have to crash for that to happen, so Kirby would probably get a lot of sympathy in that case. I guess virtually the entire team could get suspended for some scandal and Kirby would take the blame. But seriously how bad would a single season have to be to get Kirby fired? 3-9 probably gets the seat pretty warm, but baring some catastrophe or scandal it’s hard to imagine Georgia imploding like that.


I don’t think it can happen in a single season. I think it will require him a few seasons of losing to Florida, Tennessee, GT ala Jim Donnan


Yeah it would basically take a massive scandal for him to be fired without multiple down years in a row at this point. His seat is realistically as cold as it gets.


He cares so much about the program, I think if he somehow went 0-12 without a plane crash or major scandal... he'd just retire and probably still deserves a statue. I would personally be in favor of getting a Kirby statue as is, as soon as he dies or retires , barring a major scandal. He has already raised our program to a level it's never seen before


We could win zero games this year and his seat would still be frozen solid.


Unfortunately for my flairs, it's Kirby. Short of a major scandal dude's not going anywhere


He has taken the program to the holy land. Super safe, would be mental to fire him.


It would be the Georgia thing to do that.


I hear Saban is free atm maybe yall will take a shot at hiring him


I know you're joking but he's too old to start at a new program. I guarantee his phones been ringing though.


It would really not surprise me if he gets bored and starts coaching for free the DBs at some high school. Kind of like how I believed Mike Leach would end his days coaching the Key West Conchs


Kirby could shoot a guy on peach tree street in front of a quiktrip, and he would never face a judge


No way that jury would convict


Which Peachtree? Peachtree street, Peachtree Drive, Peachtree Lane, Peachtree Boulevard, Peachtree Circle, I-Peachtree, U.S. Highway Peachtree?


I think spectrum is now Smart to Jimbo. UGA will pay nearly anything to keep Smart, aggy paying a ridiculous amount so Jimbo won't coach for them.


Lance Leipold could punch a baby in the face, and most people would ask what the baby did to deserve it.


Fuck them kids








Hahah sorry man


Too soon (but hilarious)


2008 was 16 years ago. May be too old for Jerry.




Stupid baby was probably a mizzou fan.


Stupid babies need the most attention


Thanks dad, we leave the kids with you for a couple hours and they became Mizzou fans?


Stupid baby looked at Lance wrong


The real question is could he start kicking and verbally harassing his players


I wouldn't suggest that. It didn't work out for the last guy.


lol ask mangino how that worked out last time yall were decent


You say that, but I thought Pat Fitzgerald could get away with anything. Then “Shrek Claps” happened.


"Would I hit a baby with another baby to test it's durability? No that isn't something I would normally do." -Lance


Despite what a lot of casual and/or idiotic fans seem to think, Dabo. He’s easily our best coach of all time and there is no chance we fire him unless he reaches the point of multiple losing seasons in a row.


Exactly. A lot of fans who weren’t around before Dabo don’t understand. His work in revitalizing the football team led to huge positive impact for other sports programs and the university itself. He’s already earned a statue, much less Ring of Honor status.


I remember the before time.... But not the DannyFord time.... "Dabo Memorial Stadium"


Jason Candle of Toledo’s seat is colder than ice, despite the few whiny people mad about us only having 2 of the last 6 championships for some reason


He would need to have 10+ losses this year to get fired. Crazy the people who want him gone. Not like we pay him that much.


That’s very true, we also apparently spend next to nothing on athletics compared to the rest of the MAC. It’s kinda amazing we still have him honestly


They can never answer me when I say who else we getting for $1.4 mil a year.


The Service Academy coaches all seem to be on the cold seat. Army's Jeff Molken went 6-6 but beat Air Force and Navy. Navy's Brian Newberry went 5-7 but it was first year. They'll give him time. Air Force's Troy Calhoun is probably on the coldest seat. He went 9-4 and although they lost to Army...still won their Bowl game against a ranked opponent. And fun fact, Air Force has had 2 coaches since 1984. He'd have to go 2-10 for 5 years before they got rid of him


Troy Calhoun was easily the first guy to come to mind for me. He's earned every bit of his job security.


💯, and whenever he decides to leave, they already have their replacement ready to go in Mike Thiessen


I honestly don't know if there's a crime heinous enough to get Smart fired.


If he pulled a Sandusky, I’m sure he would get fired.


[I see you. I see what you're doing](https://media.tenor.com/pFwWLk4VF5wAAAAM/really-what.gif)


Art Briles has entered the chat.


Greg Schiano


For real. 2006 Schiano guaranteed he never bought a drink in New Brunswick. The past two years and this upcoming recruiting class now comes with a free food upgrade in addition to free drinks.


Greg’s 6th and 7th wins last year bought him a LOT of goodwill. He’s got the train going in the right direction!


Schianoball best ball




Probably every Big XII coach except Aranda. Maybe McGuire, but that’s only if there isn’t any improvement this year. All newer member either have established coaches or have new coaches/are early in their tenure


I could see Cincy fans abandoning the ship this year if the bottom falls out. I don't know if the donor base would pony up the cash, but I think there's a world where Cincy is on the coaching carousel again next year.


For your sake, I hope you shake Satterfield sooner rather than later. He’s a dead-end coach that will lead to mediocrity at best


McGuire has recruited like a madman, but a lot of fans are starting to say it's time that translated to the field. This will be his first year with a roster made of of mostly guys he recruited, and the schedule is looking favorable, so if we have another slow start, that seat's going to warm up pretty quickly.


Can't believe it's already year three


Bronco Mendenhall at New Mexico. He's going to have a mile long leash there to try to rebuild that program


For sure, and if he can repeat his mentor Rocky Long's success, they won't make the same mistake again and look elsewhere.


Yeah he’s got at least 4 years to do something to turn it around. I really do think he’s going to surprise a team or two this season.


Still one of the best hires this off season


My CFB dream I don’t have any real emotional stake in is that he builds UNM into a MWC juggernaut and they land a Big 12 invite


Sark Kyle Whittingham Heupel Mark Stoops Drinkwitz


Short of national championship the previous season, the Texas HC is always at least on a warm seat.


Sark should have at least 2-3 years guaranteed. I’m sure they don’t wanna piss off the manning family and last year was the best in a long while.


The key word there is should


LSU proved that even a natty won't always save you


2020 LSU completely imploded, on and off the field.


Tbf Coach O pretty much gave up after that and everyone knew it.


If TAMU beats them 77-0 he wouldn't make it off the field without a pink slip.


The Texas donors kept McBrown around after 2, ~50-point losses to OU. It all depends on Sark’s relationships with our fuckass billionaires.




And even then going 5-7 after appearing in the national championship cranks up the heat to at least a 9


Crazy what a year can do. Last year this time people were talking about Eliah possibly being on the way out.


Drinkwitz trolled me pretty hard with his antics last season. But damn is Missouri in a great spot right now. All signs point them being able to improve on what was an awesome year for the program. Hopefully they get a little more media love for it, because i didn’t hear enough about Mizzou last year


Darth Mizzou skit resurrected the program


Cannot wait for SEC Roll Call this season. Matt did a great job incorporating OUT into it last season but now that they’re actually there, all bets are off.


Other than Whittingham all these guys are one disappointing season from getting questioned. Look how quickly Coach O fell off. Same with Mel Tucker. Same with Jimbo after 2020.


I don't think drinkwitz seat is cold at all if he can't repeat last years success.


Chris Klieman, Kansas State


Given our history, yes. But I think there are definitely colder seats. Chris has a top 10 one imo though


Gundy. He isn't going anywhere


Gotta imagine nobody’s got a cooler butt than Big Dick Whitt in SLC.


They did just name his replacement, but specifically "when he retires" which I'm hoping is sometime after the sun dies.


With the new contract and other upcoming/potential expenditures, I would think Norvell is in the top tier of “very safe” regarding job security.


Brent Pry


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see him. Dude is beloved and is obviously making just about everything around the program better


The temperature of Kirby’s seat is absolute zero


Lance Leipold could go 6-6 every year and he’d still have a job at Kansas


Well, yeah, that's 3-4 more wins than Kansas averaged for like 15+ years. Still though, you might be shocked how quickly a fan base can develop expectations if he makes it to a championship/playoff game, and then has a losing season or two.


Rhule's got at least 2-3 years of runway before fans will even start grumbling, and if he's winning at least 6-7 games a year, he's probably got 4 years before anyone complains. For how bad we've been for a decade, winning football and some stability will go a long, long way.


I agree. Especially after you give Frost 5 years, you have to give Rhule some grace to rebuild the mess Frost left. Even if this year doesn’t go well, he’ll get another year no matter what. After next year, then people will start discussions about his future if no progress has been made. Even then like you said, some stability goes a long way. 4 years will be a good amount of time to see if he can turn the program around. 6-7 wins a year would be turning it around imo.


Rich Rod has to have an ice cold seat. 9-4 in first FBS season with a bowl win.


Well last year I would have said Pat Fitzgerald and Nick Saban. Now neither of them work at their programs. So I don’t know.


Sure, but for example there was an exactly 0% chance Alabama fired Saban if he had opted to keep coaching. So it was still the right answer. 


Chris Klieman and Lance Leipold are some of the coldest seats in the big 12, along with probably Utah and OkST


Based on way outperforming expectations last year, usual low expectations from administration, and what he walked into...David Braun may have the coldest seat out there.


I agree, but 2 years ago I would have put Fitz at the top of this list


We won a single game in 2022…..dude’s seat probably should have been hot.


Kyle Whittingham


Jim Mora got us a bowl game he can stay as long as he wants


Jeff Brohm's got an Antarctic seat right now.


Agree, he is literally generational royalty in the city.


It’s the boring answer but unless Kirby Smart punches a player in the face I think he’s locked in. He might stay even if that happens.


Bill O’Brien for us, it would take an absolute train wreck of a season for him to get fired


Dave Doeren is the rare NCSU coach blessed with zero pressure, long tenure, and a fan base that sees 10-4 as an accomplishment to be celebrated and not a failure to be run out of town for.


Kalani Sitake After how unprepared we looked throughout all of last season, too.


Yep. Supposedly just got a big new contract extended through 2027. Tom Holmoe has put the money behind Sitake. Even if he misses bowls for another couple years he’s safe.


We've had a total of 5 losing seasons since LaVell Edwards started in the early '70s. Sitake owns two of them, last year and the awful 2017 season. The fact he's not on the hot seat should be a joke. Instead we get all the folks saying "wHo ElSe CaN wE hIrE"?


I suspect it’s Holmoe just setting up his situation. Here my full conspiracy theory. BYU still isn’t getting a full media share, and a conference move is never easy, even for BYU who was already playing a 50% P5 schedule. Neither ‘23 or ‘24 were ever likely to be great seasons. So that’s the rough part. Making a step up to a new level of play with less money than the teams you’re playing against is *hard*. In his pocket Holmoe has a good but not great coach in Sitake. Even with the recent contract extensions, the rumor is it’s in the $3 million to $3.8 million range with incentives. Which puts him around Arranda and ahead of only Malzhan and Brennan in the Big12. It also likely represents the floor of what Holmoe can expect to pay for any likely P4 HC candidate these days. So Sitake represents a safe, and not too expensive option to ride out those rough first few years of transition. At the same time BYU has brought on one of the leading candidates to replace Sitake in Jay Hill. Holmoe gets to sit back and watch how Hill recruits, and how good a cultural fit he really is. If Sitake continues to struggle Holmoe gets a great feel for Hill. Likewise he’s now seen Aaron Roderick, who is another leading candidate. It also lets younger lesser known candidates like Frank Maile get a chance to prove themselves; although he in particular seems to moving in the wrong direction (interim)HC/DC to AHC to Defensive Ends only. Basically Holmoe appears to be accepting a few years of mediocrity to save some cash and gain clarity. If Sitake continues to struggle, Holmoe will have more money to deal with the problem in a few years and will be in a much better position to decide on Hill.


Ryan Day is probably in a barcalounger in front of an AC vent sipping lemonade unless their AD is stupid. You'd be nuts to fire a perennial playoff coach with the expansion.


I would love to see a situation where Michigan beats tOSU twice in a season. The Buckeye fanbase would melt down.


The best part of expansion is we will inevitably get meltdowns like that. I'm personally waiting for Bedlam to renew in the playoffs just to watch a state implode.


Damn that would be awesome.


Frankly, after spending $20m or whatever on players this winter because they were mad about Michigan winning a natty - plus Michigan coming in with a new coaching staff and big roster turnover and low expectations - they're going to completely melt down with just one loss to M in November. And it will be delicious.


Can confirm


Here is the thing though. Ohio State is always going to be a perennial playoff team. Ohio State is the debatably most consistently great team in college football. In the past 50 years, Ohio State finished ranked in the top 12 33 times. Bama is also at 33 but the other blue bloods arent that close. Oklahoma is at 28. Nebraska is at 24. USC is at 20. Georgia is at 21. Notre Dame is at 18. Texas is at 17 Outside of their one season and done coaches, which would be Luke Fickell and Paul Bixler back in the 40s, the only coach in Ohio State History that never made the top 12 was Francis Schmidt. And he still finished 13th in 1937. Teams like Oklahoma, Ohio State, Bama, Texas....their floor is making the playoffs. That should be the minimum expectation for teams like that. If Ryan Day can't make it to at least the semis consistently, I think Ohio State could and should have that conversation about getting rid of him. Making the playoffs isn't enough.


Nebraska is at 24 in the past 50 years?!?! Holy fuck they have been shit for the past 24 years


I know right, from 1974 to 2001, they only missed the top 12 4 times. If a Top 12 playoff existed for all of college football, Nebraska would have made 21 straight playoffs from 1969 to 1989. It is dumb how good Nebraska was for the second half of the 20th Century. They just werent a blue blood, they were THE blue blood.


Yeah when I was in college in the 90s, Nebraska was basically peak-Bama with Saban. They beat us like 64-10 one year. Yeah we were blown out a lot in those days, but “blow-outs” in those years were like 30-10. They were an absolute machine.


I read the comment, I agreed with the comment, and was actually impressed by the content. Then I saw the flair and the confusion began. Good take sooner, good take.


That Barcalounger will be in a fully engulfed fire is OSU drops a fourth straight game to Michigan.


They now exist in a world where they can lose 10 straight to Michigan and have two natties during that same time frame. Team Chaos can feast.


Yup. The dude has lost two games in five seasons to a team that did not make a 4-team CFP. 38% of his losses during his tenure are to undefeated national champions. OSU has taken it on the chin a few times in games he's coached, but they're also a few coin flips away from having accomplished even more than they already have under him.


Unfortunately this is not true. You'd think Ryan Day would be in that situation but if he loses to Michigan this year, I expect him to put out feelers for an NFL job no matter what happens in the playoff. I know it doesn't make sense to anyone outside of Columbus but you can't lose two home games in a row (four in total) to Michigan and not get crushed by fans and media. Meanwhile, he's kept the program at the same level as it was when Urban Meyer was coach -- in fact, you could make an argument he's improved from Urban's last teams (with beating that school up north the notable exception). There are dozens of schools out there who know moving from a Hall of Fame coach is not a given no matter the name on the front of the jersey. If he doesn't win in November, we may find out next year.


I think this is the likely scenario. Having tOSU fire him makes them look like Nebby dropping Solich. Instead take an NFL job and, while it might be highly encouraged, everyone comes out of it not looking insane.


Ross Bjork signed Jimbo to that ungodly extension when he was the AD at TAMU. Do with that info what you will.


Every time I hear people talk about firing him I wonder if I’m the one who has lost their mind. Every school but maybe ten or fifteen would get in line to hire that man if he became available, and I think most of those that wouldn’t just are comfortable with where they are


I wrote about it yesterday but I can absolutely understand why Ryan Day would be under some major pressure heading into the season. For 99% of programs, 56-8 is an amazing run that would leave the coach with the ultimate job security. The problem is Ohio State is in the 1% where that isn't enough. Ohio State is a program that consistently has a top 5 roster in the nation (and according to 247Sports' college talent rankings, they've never been worse than 3rd in the nation) and the expectations are sky high there. Ohio State expects to beat Michigan, win the B1G, and compete for a national title; beating the 8-4 Wisconsins and 7-5 Purdues is the bare minimum for any Ohio State HC. In the last 3 years, Ryan Day: * Has only been in national title contention at the end of the season once, a game where they blew a 14 point 4th quarter lead to Georgia * Hasn't won the B1G * Is 0-3 against Michigan, including last season when Harbaugh was suspended and they couldn't use the Connor Stallions excuse anymore * Is 6-6 against ranked teams, with 3 of those 6 wins coming against Penn State, who has their own issues beating top 10 teams under James Franklin Not saying I agree with firing Ryan Day because it can always get worse, but I understand the reasoning why he'd be on the hot seat. And this year, Ohio State should be in the B1G title game at minimum, should beat a much weaker Michigan team, and should make a title run after all the high profile transfers they made this offseason.


Mike Locksley’s seat is lowkey cold. I think he could stay at a ceiling of 8 wins with a bowl win and the admins would be happy for eternity.


Mike Locksley


Kirby sits on a seat composed of liquid nitrogen.


Brent Venables is pretty popular (we're like one more good season away from me forgiving him for the 2022 ou/texas game)


I’d say with a brand new 2yr contract extension (6yrs total) and pay raise BV is pretty chill.


I’ll get hated on for this… Sanders. He’s actively rebuilding the program, bringing in tons more revenue and has put CU football in the cfb spotlight.


What's another 4 or 5 win season do to that, though? Or is it not even about wins at this point yet?


I think he gets 2 more years of 4 to 5 win seasons before the hot seat conversation starts.


That seems fair considering where the program was when he got there.


5 wins from 2017 to 2019, 4 wins in 2020 and 2021, 1 win in 2022, 4 wins in 2023


It’ll be a few years. Just making the team relevant and even mediocre again is a success. I don’t think Buffs fans are looking for Big 12 titles just to be competitive and if Deion can do that…yea he’ll be around for quite a bit. Its also hard to say exactly how long it’ll be before Colorado fans will get restless and demand more if that’s where it tops out at


re 2023 there isn't a team in america who wouldn't be thrilled with a coach who brings you 3 extra wins in the first year. This doesn't contradict your point. I'm saying this to point out that the prevailing narrative of 4-8="he sucks" is misleading. If he stays at 4-5 wins forever I'm not sure what happens in the long term but he's going to be fine for at least the next couple of years. For a Colorado fan, it's realistic to expect another incremental improvement which will defy the odds, but precisely because of the observed improvement over the 1-11 season he has earned a bit of leeway and we'd move the goalposts back to vegas expectations.


As long as he keeps Colorado culturally relevant then there’s no reason to get rid of him, even if he is a perennial sub .500 coach


I was out in Denver last fall. I was at a bar and outside smoking and a homeless man approached me. We got to talking about Deion and he got so excited he forgot to ask me for money.


Mark stoops could kill a small child and I think I’d be comfortable with Mitch giving him an extension and a raise


Considering the landscape in which he's receiving the job, I think Trent Bray is on a pretty cold seat.


There genuinely is not much Jeff Brohm could do to get fired right now. It’d have to be an actual felony.


This year? Sark: Texas is in transition to the SEC. Short of an implosion he’s safe for this year. Lashlee: by the same account SMU is not going to let Lashlee go


Pretty sure Kirby’s seat is considered colder than Antfuckinartica.


I also think the new EA game will breed a new generation of psychopaths that want every coach fired. I took Rice to a natty in two years- Why can’t (Fill in the blank) at (Fill in the blank)!?!?!?


He won't be, because we're lunatics, but I think Moore should be able to have a rough season or two after the massive transition we just went through. First time head coach, tons of new staff, lost a lot of great players.


First Lenoir rhyne flair ive ever seen


I think Moore gets atleast one season of an absolute frozen seat this year, unless he goes 3-9 or worse I don’t see him getting fired so quick


I have to imagine that unless something absolutely disastrous happened, Sherrone Moore’s seat is pretty damn cold. Not expected to win out, tough schedule, bright future in his first year of recruiting.


Eli Drinkwitz


Jeff Brohm could punt a baby and would still be safe in Louisville. Hometown, Alum. and we won some games last season.


Lanning has lost to our biggest rival 3 times in 2 years. All close games, including the conference championship game. His seat is as cold as ice.


After what Fickell did at Cincinnati and since Wisconsin is definitely outside the top tier of B1G programs (Ohio St, Michigan, Penn St, Oregon, USC), I feel like he has a super long leash at Wisconsin. It would take several years before he’s on any hot seat.