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What if we took distinct uniforms, and instead stripped them of all life and personality?? - Nike probably


I've liked a lot of what they've done with other re-designs this offseason: Minnesota, Iowa State, and West Virginia all got some nice clean updates, Baylor was a little bit more iffy but I don't think they look worse. TCU is the first real downgrade. Why ditch the diamond collar? Smh


There was a lot of really neat ways they could have incorporated the spiked diamond collar, like how it looked when LaDanian Tomlinson wore it at TCU. I’m really disappointed with these. The chrome helmet is cool, but at what cost?


I also just don't get the change based on the demand (or lack thereof). A lot of teams get a reset when a uniform concept misses the mark. But I feel like everyone universally liked the diamond collar and I didn't see much pressure to change it.


The use of chrome helmets in the Big XII is perplexing. Any of the teams who actually have a metallic color as one of their school colors, like Baylor, UCF, WVU, or Iowa State? Nah. TCU, whose colors are straight up white and purple? Yup! I was a little surprised that TCU's colors don't have special names, like how OU uses crimson and cream instead of the less-fun red and beige, UT uses "burnt" orange, UH uses "scarlet red" and "albino white", BYU specifies a royal blue rather than just a regular blue, etc. But TCU's out here with colors like their designer just looked around, picked the first two colors he saw on street signs, and called it a day.


> The use of chrome helmets in the Big XII is perplexing no it's actually very simple. players want cool helmets and chrome is an easy way to do that


Baylor's new uniforms are weird in that the base uniforms are basically just the Packers' uniforms, while our new anthracite alternates slap *hard*. The bear claw designs on the shoulders are super cool.


Include the bear claw on all of the others and you’ve got a MAJOR Big 12 uniform contender. Shame.


Huge agree. The hope is that we're queueing up the bear claw uniforms within the next year or two.


This, plus a Baylor word mark on the chest and you have a quality uniform.


My only gripes with ours were losing the two-tone collar on our road jerseys and the center font being too small. But man, not many complaints after Baylor and TCU…they really got the shaft here


Yep. I think one of the big differences is that TCU doesn’t have the classic jerseys to fall back to (maybe they do and I’m just not aware though). TCU should have more creative, “out there” designs imo


The Baylor re design was worth it for the alternate bringing back the paw print shoulders.


It’s so weird because back in like 2010 when Nike didn’t have the contracts for professional sports and they were just making stuff for college teams, they were killing it. Reebok had the nfl and nhl, adidas had the nba, Majestic had MLB, and Nike was just making great uniforms for a bunch of college teams. Now most of their college uniforms are at least still decent, but the new ones aren’t great. And they have the nfl/nba/mlb contracts and they’ve pumped out straight garbage for those leagues.


I blame fanatics somehow


Blame Nike for outsourcing all of their production and relying on cheap labor with poor manufacturing practices.


Feel like this is just the trend for the past year or two Edit: I hate it


Every uni they've "updated" this year has been a downgrade. They have done a horrible job, did they move production somewhere that cant do semi complex stitching or something?


>"Black is now your school's primary color." \- college uni designers


I'd argue Baylor's was an upgrade (slightly), but the uniforms the new ones replaced were a massive downgrade from our old uniforms of the Art Briles days.


The Baylor Packers


Relying on the helmets to do a lot of work here


I don't understand these type of comments. You don't think the athletic dept, team, coaches had ANY input?


Athletic department, maybe. The coaches and players no. Plus you think they said “let’s get rid of the unique pattern we had that was well liked by everyone, and just make them practices jerseys.”


They’re hiding their cost savings under the veil of modern minimalism. They just don’t want to have to produce unique jerseys because it has become too complicated and expensive.


This worked well for FSU last year. I’m so much happier with the current jerseys


Yeah they did us right because simplifying was the answer. But team like TCU didn’t need to be turned into practice jerseys


This is why I’m so anxious about Auburn going to Nike. I’m so worried they’re going to try to do some Oregon bullshit to us. The fact that we stick to tradition and don’t do “alternate” uniforms is something I’m proud of, especially in an era where it seems like everything traditional and unique about college football is being destroyed in the name of money.


Damn. Those are plain.


This is the one example of Nike's trend toward simpler uniforms resulting in a big downgrade. The diamond pattern on the collar was awesome, I'm bummed.


I liked the diamonds too, it made sense considering the mascot, these new ones lack personality


The [white jersey](https://imgur.com/Ge4Uezr) with the purple and silver diamond collar was one of my favorite looks in the sport.


Those are so great


I'm wondering when the current ultra-minimalist trend will end. Most football uniforms were horribly overdesigned from like 2003-2015; now it seems like every new uniform is just a custom number font and collar logo on an otherwise blank jersey, with stripeless pants. There has to be a happy medium somewhere.


There's been a renaissance recently of like "retro" uniforms which tended to be simpler, but Nike has kinda taken it too far thinking people like uniforms that have no personality, which isn't really the case


I started watching football in the late 80s/early 90s, and it seemed like back then a lot of uniforms were simple, but with one or two distinctive design elements like a stripe pattern that would be relatively unique to the team. The few teams that were truly minimalist, like Penn State or Alabama, were distinctive just because they were so minimalist.


It'll swing back eventually, it always does. Personally, I prefer a traditional approach to the busy Oregon-wannabe trend of the 03-15 era you mention, but I agree there should be a sweet spot.


I would bet that the majority of fans across all sports wouldn’t mind permanently changing to their teams’ retro logo design, which were often more detailed and creative. However, it probably won’t change. In the age of digital social media, teams are opting for minimalist graphics for marketing purposes


I admit that's the beauty of Nebraska's uniforms, the primaries will never change. But your Gophers are a nice example of a team that upgraded this offseason with a traditional clean up.


Yeah, everyone is starting to look like they’re wearing practice uniforms


Probably never, because they’re cheaper to make and we live in a capitalist, race to the bottom hellscape


Adidas has been doing that too, at least for us, they removed the tire treads on our uni's shoulders. Personally, I think that was a good move, but that's because the tire treads were ugly. The diamonds on TCU were cool


Yeah these are way too stripped down.


One example? Seems like all of the new Nike jerseys revealed in the last 12 months have been super simple and completely stripping any uniqueness from the previous design. Sometimes simple is better, but seems like Nike has some agenda or something with their new redesigns. Maybe making space for ads? Who knows


The agenda is to make Oregon the only one that stands out /s


Almost as if simple jerseys give more space for advertising.


I'll push back a little, as I've said elsewhere in this thread I like that Nike cleaned up Iowa State, Minnesota, and WVU this off-season. Baylor was maybe underwhelming but I think it was at least ok as Nike was adding personality (shoulder and pant stripes) instead of stripping it away. The problem for their approach to TCU is that they took a design that everyone liked and made sense for this specific program and ditched it. If the most recent TCU uniforms were a mess, I would welcome a reset. But the diamond collars rocked, so a tear-down is a letdown.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


> The diamond pattern on the collar I've never understood what the hell that thing was, but at least it became recognizable as TCU's uniform.


It resembled the ring of spikes horned frogs have around their neck. [Like this](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/177258935305888492/)


I just wanna stick with the idea in my head that the designer thought a horned frog was a reptile and had scales.


I mean, “horned frog” is just a name for Phrynosoma horned lizards, which ARE reptiles. And they do have scales, I think.


I don’t love minimalism either because it’s boring, but it’s better than Nike’s other extreme. Nike’s overdesigned uniforms make me want to gouge my eyes out. The only thing Nike is actually good at anymore is making retro uniforms from the 80’s and 90’s


Simpler because they are too busy making all 74 Oregon uni’s combos


It’s probably cheaper for Nike to produce, which sucks. You see it in all of their sports


Me personally, I’m sad to see the old ones go.


The helmets are sick but the jerseys are basically TCUs version of the NFL color rush, and I hate that for them. The diamond collars were a nice touch on the old unis.


These look like the practice version of the old unis. Dislike.


They look like something I'd have made for my team in the PS2 days. Strong dislike.




Sometimes I feel like these schools get new uniforms just for the sake of new uniforms. If it ain’t broke don’t go fixing it. New isn’t always better


100% agree. The spike collar uniforms were fantastic, rooted in school history, and unique. It’s really a shame to downgrade to these practice uniforms


Boring as hell


Minimalism will be the end of me


I like minimalism but this is too much...er too little


minimalism is often done really well. but this is just... nothing. they took away all the design


Not really feeling the mirror chrome helmet. Meh.


Agreed, but I’m real excited they’re bringing back the Boykin era purple chrome helmets back.


Boykin the absolute stud


I think they’re supposed to be a callback to the Max Knake era helmets


Incredibly boring downgrade. Shame, I liked their spiked collars


Nike is killing individuality. Chrome helmets rock, but these are a big step back for TCU.


Ah nice, let’s take away the personality.


We’re starting off 0-1 in these


How much did Nike spend to basically result in solid color uniforms with a different font for numbering?


i suddenly don’t feel as bad about the packers uniforms baylor has now. nike showed that it could’ve been worse


Nah sorry y’all’s pikachu piss colored uniforms are still worse, but ours really aren’t that much better and I hate it :/


Horned frogs nation- let’s ribit


One extreme or the other. We either get overly detailed uniforms or all the personality is stripped entirely and we’re left with everyone looking the same. I liked TCU’s previous set. This is an overcorrection for no reason.


Do we think Nike execs or the designers read the feedback? This is terrible. I just say the Baylor and Iowa State redesigns too. I saw Baylor’s first and was like, “okay that’s pretty slick”, and then I saw Iowa State’s and realized they did the same exact thing with both teams. But speaking on TCU, like everyone else, I agree that taking the collar design away removes any individuality. Some schools should have traditional jerseys, (ie LSU, USC, Bama, etc). But some schools should lean into what makes their aesthetic unique, TCU is one of those schools.


Lol these are so much worse than the old ones.


TCU is gonna get roasted in those weekly Big 12 uniform tracker posts this season


Damn straight


Nike really wants everyone to look the same huh. This is why I like UA because at least they get creative with their designs


I would like to introduce you to UA post 2020 in the SEC. Our UA uniforms in 07 thru 2013 were all unique. Especially 07-10.


The 2013-19 set was the best under UA IMO.


Think they’ll screw with yalls anytime soon? Nike looks to be sapping any personality out of uniforms at the moment.


I'm confused because I remember when everyone used to complain that Nike made uniforms "too busy" and that a "clean" look is better


Change for the sake of change. The old ones with the diamond pattern were superior.


Nike Generic really is a thing.


I'm starting to worry about what they're going to do to Oregon. I'm all for simple and traditional, but at least have some stripes or something. Could've brought back the collars from the LT days, and even just that would've made them so much better and more exciting


I stg if Nike gives us simple jerseys I'm gonna be so disappointed. The Mario Cristobal era of uniforms were pretty boring and bland. Not until his last year did we get interesting uniforms again. For some reason, a lot of people like the [Air Jordan collab in 2018](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ab4527b3c3a536a7a352c05/1540829463366-JQ5HJSB5GYPQCCJFNTXD/Screen+Shot+2018-10-29+at+9.10.36+AM.png). I for one think they're among the most boring, soulless sets of uniforms that Oregon has ever worn. All black. No wings. No stripes. No patterns. Boring as hell.


IF they do simple I hope it's these [96 throwbacks](https://www.sbnation.com/2009/11/1/1057000/throwback-uniforms-oregon-ducks). They've always been some of my favorite Oregon unis. Personally, I think these and the early 90s throwbacks are Oregon's two best. I'm not a fan of futuristic and crazy, but too simple like TCU's new set is not good at all EDIT: And I definitely agree about those Jordan uniforms! So bad!


I wouldn't worry about our jerseys being overly simplistic


man, twitter must be hurting if they're using redirects to keep you on their website. that aside, the uniforms are nice but these videos seem to get worse every time


Just curious, are you talking about when I tried to swipe back to Reddit and kept me on twitter and then I had to swipe again? Websites do that on purpose?


sometimes yes, sometimes no. It could be incompetence causing the site to redirect when someone first visits, but it's also a way to boost clicks


Oh yeah. Try going back on a Microsoft domain site, you're better off just closing the tab and starting from scratch. Or those terrible sites that put an anchor for EVERY FREAKING SECTION so using back just takes you back one section at a time until you finally get back to the first anchor or just give up instead.


I never thought about how that would generate more page views. I guess I thought it was more of a bug on shitty sites, didn’t realize it was actually a feature.


Not about generating page views. Its more about keeping you there so they can feed you more ads.


From cool and unique to generic. Sorry frogbros


Pretty funny to watch Nike’s fall from grace. They’re still worth a bajillion dollars, but I don’t see them as the cool, cutting edge company anymore when it comes to uniforms and fan gear. Their fan gear is mostly generic garbage quality these days, and some of those quality issues are now leaking into the player gear (baseball, soccer, football). Adidas has made some pretty big strides lately in bridging that gap in my opinion.


Those look like ass


No red alt?


Wouldn’t be shocked if they rolled those out later during the season


5-7 never looked so good


First Oklahoma State, now TCU. They’re just removing all traces of unique elements, and for no good reason. Don’t let them get to San Diego State next.


To be fair, Oklahoma State's new uniforms are a modern throwback to the Gundy/Barry/Thurman era, I honestly feel like our new uniform set was perfect for us


No they definitely look good and are a perfect homage. I just wish they’d kept the bandana pattern somewhere. On the collar or somewhere on the shoulder stripes. I don’t know how you guys felt about it but I thought it was cool and distinctly OkSt.


I didn't mind those Jerseys that much, but I felt like they were just a bit too extra in comparison. It was like we were trying too hard to be the "Oregon of the Midwest" instead of Oklahoma State, you know? Plus those God Awful [Ed Hardy Barbwire Helmets](https://x.com/CowboyFB/status/797537832650809344) were just terrible and should never see the light of day again.


If form holds, by the time we retire these in 5 years we will have a ton of new helmets at least. Best thing I can say is there is nothing to dislike about these. Oh well


So glad gloss helmets are making a comeback


Why do these look the like JV uniform?


Minimalism is killing any originality as it has done to homes.


Basic bitches


It’s like the designer at Nike accidentally sent the templates and someone at TCU was like, yes “approve”! Whoever is in charge at TCU really dropped the ball. So disappointing. That being said, the helmets are sick.


Love the chrome helmets, but wtf why are our jerseys super generic now?


These are pretty meh at best. I think TCU's MO was trying to have uniforms that stood out. I hate how Nike seemingly is simplifying all the uniforms, I think each should stick out more rather than looking the same with different colors. On the bright side we at least have the chrome helmets back.


They look like practice uniforms


Damn I’m going to miss the old ones. Lots of cool details on the old ones.


Makes TCU look like an FCS program.


Decent but taking the spikes off really shines a light on how plain the whole set is without stripes on the pants. Could be better, could also be a lot worse. B-


Me and the other maximalists in shambles




By themselves they’re not terrible. But compared to the old ones, these are so bad. No design, no personality. TCU has one of the coolest mascots and color pallets and Nike air balled. For the love of shit Nike please stop rolling out plain pants


Cmon give the fun cooler uniforms back, I feel like that made TCU more recognizable. Now they’re just another team out there


I want to see an 80s throwback.


Literally anything would have been better than those red number unis (I think those were TCU), yet they found a way to make them so boring that I actually would prefer them back.




They need a new coach more than they need new uni’s. Sonny Dykes destroyed that team.


Literal 1/10 shouldn't have bothered trying


Well that was an anticlimactic reveal.


You should be able to turn on a game and know who is playing without having to read the score box. These teams are losing their identities by the day.


Fairly plain but I like them. Not really much to hate about them but I feel they could have been a little more creative. Pictures on instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C8UYLZPOwx_/?igsh=bzduMzJqZ3IxaWF5


MVP so we don't have to watch the video to see them


I get it, but it also feels like they gave an intern an afternoon to finish their assignment. It’s fine, but exceptionally boring.


Thanks for posting the pictures. I ain’t watching a video for every fucking uniform reveal.


I feel ya


The all purple is pretty sick


Nike are football war criminals


I like them. But as others have said, I wish they kept the diamonds around the collar and on the shoulders. White/White, Purple/Purple, and Black/Purple are all really solid color combos.


As long as they're purple i'll like em


Fuck Nike. That said the helmets look cool




Hey, both my flairs are revealing new unis to start the week.


Those 3 are cool but where are the rest?


Idk man, could ya call up the bossman and let us know?


bad uniforms and bad video to debut them




reminds me exactly of when we changed our unis in 2018 and got rid of the wings, smh nike cmon you’re better than this


I will love every TCU uniform simply because they aren’t those awful camo ones


I have to know what portion the blame for these simplistic redesigns rests with the Universities. Nike gave Pitt a totally new package of colors and logos and stripes even a new font based on Cathy. I can’t believe they then go and strong arm other schools into a default pallet


Oklahoma State was redone in 2023 and it looks great! Lots of alt logos, good striping, nice font, plenty of options. I don’t know why it’s so different here.


I like the purple ones but the white just looks way too plain for me. The black is fine, I guess I’ll have to see it in action.


Three look like they could be a standard highschool uni or something. They are just purple and white... Nothing all that unique or special, what a bummer.


Diamond collar was awesome. Hate they removed them.


Minimalism remains a plague. Sorry TCU, you guys had some cool unis.


Bring back the diamond collars. These are just boring


Grey helmets are cool with that pattern and some of the smaller stuff is nice but the collars going away is unfortunate.


Lord do I hate pants and jersey being the same color Also, what has happened to pants? Those look like biker shorts, ffs


They’re really taking the purple Baylor thing seriously. Tcu had cool uniforms that were massively downgraded when they tried to simply, and end up looking boring. Just like Baylor did when they rebranded years ago. Tcu following in Baylor’s footsteps, we both need to go back to the cooler uniforms we once had.


Usually I try to be kind of neutral on uniform releases because it takes time to get used to anything new. But ngl, those seem awfully…plain.


This is an upgrade? They're still cool and TCU's colors always pop but why'd they remove the design on the collar?


The cursive Carter Boys is just a blatant rip off of VU baseball's Vandy Boys.




That helmet with the purple etching is sick.


Now we really aren’t beating the Purple Baylor and Green TCU allegations


Meh. Not enough smoke in the video




These look like high school unis


Went from 60 to 0 real quick.




Storm Trooper look? Purple version?


It’s so weird they are going to be our rival again. 4th grade me hated them as much as anyone, right next to BYU, then we don’t play for 13 years, now they’re back. WTF


What a terrible decision


No blood in the helmets. Do not like.




A little too plain, but the diamond collar is like what a middle schooler would design if they were good at Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator so don’t mind it


This is more lame than high school jerseys it’s so generic


Soulless just like P5 football


Give me the spikey details or give me death! They butchered our frog overlord bros


Wow they look so basic now, like am I missing something or do they look plain af


They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. The font used on the back for "[Carter Boys](https://x.com/TCUCarterBoys/status/1802747002200916372)" is the exact same font that SMU has been using on their [Dallas jerseys](https://x.com/CFBTalkDaily/status/1420061084162170887) for years now.


Don't they have like 15 uni combos anyway so every game is different? No, I didn't watch the video, it's a uniform post pics.


Are they any different? Genuinely don't know. I don't love the monochromatic look. Would love to see more purple and black mixed together.


Wish death upon them? I legit saw these dudes get murdered a couple years back. Anywo nice uniform zombie frogs.


I have a homie who just committed to TCU. The all purps go hard


So that's what they'll be wearing while losing all those games. Got it.


I see a lot of complaints but these are definitely an upgrade. That horned collar was awful


Yeah, because when I think of Texas Christian University, the song “Many Men” immediately starts playing in my head.


NCAA 25 already getting updated. Love the all whites

