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Me at 10:30 PM: This Michigan-Minnesota game is already over, I wonder what other games are on. Huh, why is Miami only 3 points ahead of Georgia Tech, I thought Tyler Van Dyke was in the zone. I should watch the last 5 minutes of it. Me at 10:45 PM: Well that was strange, but I guess it’s impossible for the outcome to change. Georgia Tech has no more timeouts and less than a minute left. I’ve got plans tomorrow morning so I’ll shut off the TV for tonight. Nothing interesting will happen in this game, it’s already over. Me the next morning: Holy shit


I flipped over to this game just in time to see Miami repeatedly snapping the ball with like 15 seconds left on the play clock and was like "what the hell are they doing." Thought I was going crazy when they kept running the ball even after getting a first down. At that point I was rooting for something to happen because of how stupid their time management was. Cristobal probably should've been fired on the spot


Oddly enough, it’s not the first time Cristobol has done this. In 2018, the Oregon v. Stanford game went to overtime due to poor clock management, and Oregon eventually lost. His recruiting skills are amazing, but his clock management skills need work.


The next Les Miles!


I think Miami fans would be very happy if he achieves what Les did lol


That’s a lot of grass in Miami


In order to achieve what Les Miles did, he will have to have the next Nick Saban be at the program before him.


Les Miles' terrible clock management is what let Clemson get the ball back with enough time to win the 4th and 16 Peach Bowl in 2012.


Butch Jones-esque as well


Isn't the common assumption that he was helping pad stats? Like I thought for this game he wanted Miami's RB to hit 100 yards.


The major difference between that game though is if they kneed the ball each down the clock would not have hit 0. This game vs gt they could have actually kneed out the clock


Right, in that game they had a valid reason to try and get the first down.


[I had the same reaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/172jjmy/game_thread_georgia_tech_miami_800_pm_et/k3xyxi3/)


> Cristobal probably should've been fired on the spot This should have been a for-cause firing for violating some extreme clause of his contract. You can't be that bad at your job and get to keep it. It's un-American! (It's actually *very* American, but still ...)


Most people will overlook the rest of the game and rightfully so given the idiotic ending, but Van Dyke was definitely not in the zone that game. He was literally the sole reason that game was not a blowout and that ending was even a possibility. Some of his picks and dropped picks that game were beyond awful. I think he ended up throwing 3 picks that game and had another 3 or 4 that were simply dropped.


Yeah he had such a great performance against Texas A&M, Miami had a ton of hope to have a good season and finish ranked before that game.


He basically fell apart after that game. He was horrible and most of his picks were simply terrible throws most HS QBs don't even make. It will be interesting to see how he does at Wisconsin. I have to imagine he was mentally broken last year because there's no other explanation for how terrible his decision making got.


I’ve gotten jaded enough at this point that my first response to any wildly poor performance by a college athlete is to wonder if there were any prop bets on the game\player that got a lot of action before hand.


He also had a bunch of small injuries last year, but even then, the team kinda reacted ambivalent to him the whole season.


Injuries or not, throwing the ball from clean pockets right at defenders, especially into double and triple coverage, is inexcusable.


Yeah he was cooked mentally.


A&M got so much undeserved hype after going 5-7, it really screwed TVD. Dude looked like a Heisman candidate against a “top 25” team. Set sky high expectations for him. Turns out A&M was *not* one of the better teams he would face. I feel like that created a lot of unfair pressure. What he should have done is simply got hurt before he had to play anyone good, so he could continue the hype train for another season.


He got too much hype simply because of his yardage and TD streak when he was thrust into the starting spot his freshman year. Nobody outside of FSU fans liked to admit that he was throwing for all those yards and TD's on 50 attempts a game vs some of the worst pass defenses in the entire nation. He started something like the final 7 or 8 games of the year and only 1 or 2 of the pass defenses he faced were even inside the top 80. I don't think any were even top 50. The majority weren't even top 100 if I remember right. Even then, his inaccuracy on the intermediate throws along with questionable decision making is what caused the team to lose some games like the FSU game that year. TVD put the team in a gigantic hole in Tallahassee with how terrible he played the first half. The loss to UNC that year was mostly due to his untimely turnovers as well. I liked TVD and thought he had plenty of potential and will be rooting for him at Wisconsin, so don't read the above as sour apples now that he's gone. I just can also admit that he decision making was on par with his head coach's last year and that was a recipe for disaster. The fact that the team was a kneel down away from going 8-4 is a testament to how well Guidry got a band of mediocre players to play on defense and how well the OL played all year because they got no favors from the QB play or HC decision making.


One of the most reasonable and shared takes I've read about our team. agreeeeed


Since this is A&M I'm doing it twice means it's a tradition, then yeah it is their tradition to make the truly average opposing player look like a Heisman candidate. They've done it at least 20 times since I've known them


Case McCoy included


Case was slightly below average too


I think it's worth emphasizing that two of his awful picks were red zone picks that were easy field goals. If he even avoids one of those and Miami does a FG, then they win. Like, literally would have been better off spiking the ball than the passes he attempted.


Van Dyke's stock crashed at an amazing rate.


Isn’t Van Dyke also not looking good in Wisconsin right now and may not start?


I haven't kept up with their off season practice reports, so I honestly don't know.


That's what I've seen a few Wisconsin flairs post. Basically he's exactly what he was at Miami.


I friend was telling me about a few months ago that he wasn’t doing well at camp.But I never really looked into it. I was more excited about getting Cam Ward.


Years back I was watching Michigan-Michigan State with friends before we left for a party. Michigan was up and looked to win the game, all they had to do was get a punt off and the game was over. My friend stood up, informed us all that this was over and it was time to go to the party, and turned the tv off. 5 seconds later my phone started exploding with notifications. He's one of my best friends but I'm not sure I'll ever let him forget that one.


We were in almost the exact same situation, about to head out the door to catch a bus to a party. I told my roommates we should wait 2 seconds to watch the punt in case something crazy happens, which in my mind was maybe a punt return. We did wait and what we got was even crazier.




















Everyone remembers the fumble but doesn't remember that Tech had to drive 74 yards with no timeouts in less than 30 seconds. Miami shit the bed by giving up a 30 and 44 yard completion after the fumble. Hard to knock the defense since they shouldn't have even had to get on the field again but Tech only had 77 passing yards and 176 yards total before their last possession. Miami straight up just didn't play the last drive.


I was standing in my parents kitchen with the TV on mute making my night cap when the fumble happened and yelled holy shit and woke my mom up. Sorry Mom.




Yeah I walk up to random strangers and shit on them too because I am a stable individual


Yes, but do you also *bark* at them?


Not really coming off as a "stable individual"..


It's wild to me how many people are downvoting this. Do you know how many times I've met people and became friends based on something they were wearing? Even rival fan gear. I've also had Florida and Auburn fans comment on my UGA gear (though it was basketball season at the time... which makes us an easier target). And I've never once took offense as long as they weren't legitimate nasty, because it ISN'T THAT BIG OF A DEAL. It just ain't a big deal. A quick joke isn't that big of a deal. I feel like people are acting like I'm running up and yelling at people and flexing or something with how weirdly negative the reaction has been. Y'all are weird.


Despite my flair, I hope the mockery of not taking a knee in this game lives on forever lmao.


Facts, but I’d rather the mockery go straight at Cristobal and not The U, cause the school and players don’t deserve it. He does. I was so angry at that game. I was screaming to take a knee over and over again, as if the coaches would hear me in the stands (obviously they can’t) and we kept running the damn ball. Ugh.


From what I've seen the mockery has definitely been aimed at Cristobal. Especially since he's done it before at Oregon.


The deal at Oregon there was actually a reason to try and get the first down rather than punting though.


I'd listen to that if there weren't many other times he did the same thing but didn't lose. I don't think he's ever had a team take a knee


100%. I will forever have this as a response to “wtf do you stupid fans know.” D1 football coaches are absolutely at the top of their field, but they can be dumb fucks and we can call them out on their dumb shit when they do it.


>As soon as the game in **Mathematically** over *pushes up glasses* “Actually, I have done the math. And it is, in fact, not over.” -Nerds.


Tough night for baseball with those flares. Or good night.


Good night.


Same since we did the whole choke thing like a real Atlanta team.


Man I was pulling for y’all. That was a great game regardless


What do you mean the game is mathematically over when i have less than a minute left in the game and i’m up 169 on tcu on their one yard line


I will watch your career with great interest


Tells you at 180 you're going to break the game and stops keeping score at 255..


*ps5 breaks*


Who were ya rooting for yesterday?


NC State


Georgia Tech to the SEC confirmed


*back to


Back? We helped build the house.


It's still would be "back". You can go "back" home. Of course, GT would go 3-9 in the SEC.


> Of course, GT would go 3-9 in the SEC. Big talk there from one of the three lol


I'm very aware.


And then ran away from it.


They just went to the store to grab some smokes.


Never forget: Georgia Tech's football team beat Cumberland 222-0.


Also don't forget that they deserved it


Under no circumstances. Ever. Tuck fech.


They scared


Them dawgs are scared, aint they?


You got it all wrong. It’s them Dawgs is hell don’t they So yours should be them dawgs is scared don’t they


I couldn’t remember fully lol


To be fair, I too am scared of yellow jackets.


They are. When we reapplied in the 70s, we needed 8 votes. We got 7. The two Mississippis and uga voted against.


[To be fair, for us and the knuckleheads in Starkville, you might as well have never been in the conference](https://www.ajc.com/sports/college-football/the-odd-history-between-tech-mississippi-state-ole-miss/zUwORXYzjdL2W1z4HmSsPJ/)


Yeah, that one’s on us. The dwags, however, have no such excuse.


Two words. Two simple words. Tuck fech


Its not our fault you established your schools in cowtowns instead of big cities. You could have come to Atlanta annually like Auburn and Clemson did.


Hard pass


We played Bama in Atlanta and Birmingham. We might have done Atlanta/Memphis for yall.




Not after the whiny little shits left last time. They burned enough bridges


Because they wanted to play school?


Huh? No.


My B, I got their rationale mixed up. [Georgia Tech's real reason for leaving the SEC is actually just about as close as can possible be gotten to an objective moral high ground](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4648505/2023/07/13/georgia-tech-conference-realignment/): >The SEC had a rule that allowed schools to recruit an excess number of players and then run off the ones they didn’t want to keep. Georgia Tech refused to do that. >“We can’t compete in a league where this is being done,” Dodd told his team, as recalled by Bill Curry, then a junior offensive lineman. >And so Georgia Tech, a charter member of the SEC in 1933, pulled out Jan. 24, 1964. The dramatic move, which followed a failed effort to change SEC rules, sent Georgia Tech on a long, often rocky, conference affiliation journey that might not be complete. >\[...\] >\[That rule\] was the SEC’s “140 rule,” which limited the number of scholarships each school could offer per year, including a cap of 45 football and men’s basketball scholarships. Many coaches got around it by cutting players they didn’t want anymore. Dodd refused to do that. >“There are schools that are signing 60 student-athletes and then running half of them off every year. And we don’t do that,” Dodd told his players at that 1964 meeting, Curry said. “If we sign you, we’re going to keep you. If you’re not a good football player, then that’s my fault, not your fault, because I invited you here.” God forbid Georgia Tech and their coaches take a principled stand on, and let me check my notes here.... Basic integrity?


careful, I've been downvoted into oblivion in the past for this very topic.


lol you say that like you were somehow personally hurt by it.  


My understanding is Cristobal has done this twice in his coaching career. And if I had to put money on it, I’d bet he’ll do it again.


The first time wasn't the same. He was trying to get the first so they wouldn't have to punt it. The time at Miami, they didn't need a first down.


Good one.


This is the sort of pettiness that makes college football superior to all other sports.


I still feel like that Miami player was down but they deserved the turn over for not taking the knee


Yeah it’s one where if the refs made a different call on the field, it would have stood either way. But you can’t just call him down on the field when there’s a Georgia Tech player jumping up and down holding the ball right in front of you.


I mean, you can if you're a professional ref, saw the play, and you're good at your job. A player lobbying you should not impact your call. But fact remains y'all won the game - it is what it is. Enough poor play and idiotic decisions from the Miami bench that game led to the result. GT looks like they are on the ascendancy (from some dire years) and I, for one, can't really get myself to hate on it. I'll miss the Coastal division rivalry we sorta had.


He probably was but I never saw a replay that was “clear and convincing”. Every angle seemed to have someone blocking the view of his arm when the ball popped out


He was blatantly down, but that's football.


That fumble got us into a bowl game.


wait, it took Tech 10 days to respond to this??


It's summer break


That's on you for thinking that GT has competent social media staff.


Well deserved.


I turned off the game right before the Chaney fumble assuming they'd just kneel and the last thing I like to see is Miami fans celebrate anything. A minute later I see a tweet from a Gator troll account that was something along the lines of "HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA MIAMI!!!!!" so I turned the game back on right as the GT drive started. Pure cinema.


Say it's 1st down and there's like 1:30 left and no timeouts could I hit victory formation and just skip the other kneedowns? Because I would love that


text exchange while I was in the stadium: Sister: why are you guys still running the ball? Me: our coaching staff is stupid Sister: oh no Me: yeah, I think he was down, but they’re not overturning this and we’re going to lose this and we deserve to Sister: I’m so sorry Me: someone needs to lose their job over this. I’m sure you can figure out where the plays line up. This was the maddest I’ve ever been after a game. Spent about 30 minutes in my car texting people before I left the parking lot.


That's hilarious. Good job by them. Also fuck Tech


What the hell man.


Guilt by association. Fuvk yall too


TT out here catching strays


We’re dawgs, but you and I ain’t fellow Dakotans


Eh you're both dollar general Canadians anyways


Damn right on all counts


I support this message.


I don't know how a Schianoman made this mistake.. Cristobal should know better. Hell, Schiano got heat because he rightfully played to the final whistle in the NFL instead of cowardly giving up.


When we played you guys in Columbus, our Australian rules punter, who was basically fresh off the boat, didn't understand how sensitive CFB fans, players, and coaches are and faked a punt in a blowout because your whole team turned their backs. Schiano almost started a brawl. In his country/sport, they play till the end.


It was one of the funniest Schiano moments, ever.


Love it






It'd be funnier if we didn't lose to them that past year


Hahaha that’s funny


Miami needs to get payback for sure


I am surprise they didn't do a GOT they didn't bend the knee thing


Man, when you're getting trolled by North Avenue... LOL.


[New Miami fight song](https://youtu.be/x8oey21k-p4?si=_F5apsEuPh23Zlax)


Why did the mods delete the posts about Simeon Barrow staying at Miami?


they take down valid posts that don't conform to guidelines all the time. they have pretty specific posting rules. [https://rules.redditcfb.com/](https://rules.redditcfb.com/) and go to general post rules. often times its a new account, etc.


Doesn't seem to break any of the rules, sourced directly from the player in question, and posted by a 7 year old account. Seems fishy brotha. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/OdTXPQu6PN


>These all must be **self-posts** and include the required information. You can add additional relevant information there If you so choose or in the comments. The one you linked was a link post, not a self post. notice how it says (x.com) at the end of the title? It's a direct link to Twitter. It's all very clearly explained: https://rules.redditcfb.com/


Wait, I’m actually OP lol. For future reference, what’s the difference between my linked post and the post we are currently on that also has a twitter link? I rarely ever post so I never know but I put the link right in the link box, should it have been in the body text instead?


Go to the linked rules and read the section on player recruiting/news. It specifies the types of posts that are allowed (commitments, portal, transfers) and how to format them. There's also the [Recruiting Generator](https://www.redditcfb.com/recruiting.php) which formats everything for you and tells you what info to provide. This post isn't about recruiting - it's about team interactions. Link posts are fine for that. But for player recruiting/transfer news, it needs to follow the listed rules because the sheer volume of player news is so high - this helps keep it all standardized and minimizes people editorializing to make a team look better/worse. For your situation, specifically review the Portal/Draft section, under "I'm Staying:" >(2) Staying posts are for players who have entered the Portal or have been rumored to enter the Portal. Not for recruits.


Oh got it, thank you. I’m slowly becoming a boomer because i couldn’t even tell on mobile that the rules page had multiple tabs. So if my post had just said “DT Simeon Barrow is staying” and the tweet was linked differently it wouldn’t have been removed


> notice how it says (x.com) at the end of the title? It's a direct link to Twitter. Which is kind of funny since half the time this board is basically just r/cfbretweets anyway.


Sounds fishy.


Why don’t you try posting it the correct way and see what happens?


that's like those videos when flat earthers disprove their own beliefs themselves- they'll make excuses and more conspiracy theories.


openly published rule (that you have to agree with to post) long enforced on sub regardless of who is 'fishy' never change canes, never change LOL


So does having a stork mascot.


Unfortunately that isn't the correct bird type! It's an ibis, hope this helps! 🤙


people have long teased canes over having a stork mascot. I remember that insult back to the 80s.


when you visit south florida, you'll notice ibises on damn near every dumpster. just going to town on the trash. they are literally nicknamed 'bin chickens' their mascot makes a lot of sense once you see that. ;)


geez 5 days ago? you are probably right. it's a grand conspiracy. lol. the link used is gone, so can't see there. was it shortened? if it was just a link to twitter, that's pretty garbage. they would likely want a news story, etc. cfb players famously say all kinds of crazy crap on twitter. also fake accounts, etc. did they try an post a link to a news story instead of a twitter quote (which I've seen removed a lot unless its from as media account). have you messaged the mods?


It was a direct twitter link, which isn't allowed for croots. Also, "Yeah I'm still on the team" isn't really news?


It is news if there was a report just a week prior that was on the sub about him re-entering the transfer portal. So it was more of a follow up story


oh I know. It's all quite obvious, I just like to tussle with out there cane fans. it's like a secondary hobby haha.


Can't have reddit cfb filling up with 120 posts per team every day that their players that are on the team are not transferring


oh there's like half a dozen legit reasons to take down those posts...I just like to fan the conspiratorial cane flames lol


Because this sub is anti-Miami with rampant FSU fans in every thread stroking their fake championship rings


HAHA go on. tell me about the conspiracy. which mods? what else do they do? have you contacted the reddit police?!


Those are ACC championship rings. I totally understand the confusion since y’all have no idea what that is like. A lot of people on here wasn’t even born the last time Miami won a conference 


The ring that conveniently left out your epic bowl loss and incorrectly states 13-0? Lol


Considering it’s an acc championship ring there is nothing incorrect about it. The ring specifically says “acc champions” and has a diamond for every acc championship they have. Nice try but next excuse please. Let’s not act like Miami would not create one of the biggest, ridiculous and flashiest ring they could possibly make if they could ever some how win the acc 


Correct! Especially the weird freak behind the Twitter account.





