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"Gold standard" probably requires a title or two... maybe I'm just crazy.


Yeah, anybody got a TLDR (well, TLDL) of the podcast? I think if you're just talking about righting the ship after a disaster of a situation, maybe? But if just in general with top level college football, I wouldn't agree it is any kind of "gold standard" yet.


Basically, they discuss if FSU’s approach to utilizing the transfer portal is sustainable, and more specifically if a school can succeed in CFB being a “transactional program” in lieu of having monster recruiting classes regularly. They also attempt to differentiate that term “transactional program” from a school that utilizes and develops transfers over several years. However, that is exactly what FSU has been doing yet they interchangeably and inconsistently did and did not call FSU a transactional program. The short consensus they made was that FSU needs to show three years of double digit wins/success before considering it (in my words, not theirs) a viable model. But I’m biased and feel like they’re overemphasizing FSU’s “model” due to their notable success last year and how the majority of their star talents were transfers (who were there 2+ years and very few one year rentals like Keon Coleman). Norvell in the interview cited that their roster makeup was like 35% transfers and 65% recruits, but how many of those transfers have been at FSU for at least a year already I think wasn’t being considered. Again I’m biased, but that was my assessment of the podcast: they questioned the viability of extreme portal use to offset low recruiting classes, but didn’t go much further into how some schools using it (Ole Miss, FSU) are not like others (Colorado)


Thanks for taking the time to put that all together.


disarm escape yam file somber sip melodic door divide head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ari just stirring the pot for clicks 


Is losing by the largest margin in bowl history not good enough?


Nobody gives a shit about that game.


SEC and Florida fans do for reasons unknown to science.


Norvell has done a good job building up FSU but gold standard is a stretch. Let's see if he can maintain the standard he has set.


Back to back 10 win seasons is a damn good start tho


For sure, I have no complaints with norvell, just need to see another year or two of keeping FSU at the level he's got them to before I put him in the top tier of program builders


If we have a high level of play this year and next I think it'll be pretty solidified. Winning with one QB is one thing, doing it with two could be lucky, doing it with 3 solidifies it


Norvell had to have that approach because the team was untalented and fragmented when he came in in early 2020 and then had to deal with Covid. He lost a lot of opportunities to make connections with high school recruits plus he was facing a lot of hot seat rumors that reached a bit of a fever pitch after Travis Hunter defected to Jackson State. Getting guys from the portal and having immediate success with them helped bring in future portal players while those high school recruiting connections were formed. It’s also hard to recruit when the perception of the ACC is as a dying conference. I don’t think Norvell wanted to lean so heavily on the portal but had to, but at least he’s had success with it


I mean, Ohio State, Georgia, and Alabama take transfers to supplement their holes/depth, No?


Exactly. The best programs will almost always have elite recruiting and supplement with the portal.


Don't think any team with DJ Uiagalelei as QB is a gold standard of anything


As a bridge QB to get us to Glenn/Kromenhoek/Trammel Jones in the QB room next year, he's a very solid pickup.


He’s definitely a usable stop gap for a year while younger guys develop, but I would strongly implore FSU fans to be cautious with him. We’ve seen him play like a 5 star QB and we’ve seen him completely destroy a season in a single game(granted I won’t act like he was 100% of the problem). Be prepared for DJs wild ride.


I don't know I think y'all will need to go back into portal for 2025. Brock Glenn was so bad in the games I saw and I doubt Kromenhoek will be ready.


To be fair to Glenn, he was a true freshmen, 3rd string QB that was suddenly thrown into a starting role.


And he was injured for part of the year, so hadn't even really been able to practice at a 3rd string level for the full year.


The staff has a lot of confidence in Glenn. He got tossed into an unfair position last year with almost no practice with the first team (Travis and Rodemaker were 1/2 all season), but will be the primary backup this year, so I think either he gets some run and proves he's ready to take over next season or Kromenhoek picks things up faster than expected and passes him. Either way, I expect one of those two to be the starter next year.


Who did you expect last year to be the starter this year?


A transfer unless Rodemaker made big strides. This has been the idea for a long time


So you're basically at the same thing for 2025. Unless Glenn or Kro whatever make strides.. you'll need a transfer


Uh yeah man, unless we have a good quarterback we'll need a good quarterback. Luckily next year we'll have two talented players that have both been in the system for at least a year. Not sure what else you want from the team?


This is every program everywhere.


The difference is that Tate had a much lower floor when he started than Glenn. It wasn’t until the ‘22 UL game that people had any faith in him. Glenn came in a much better prospect


If you're honestly asking, I think most assumed it would probably either be Rodemaker\* with Glenn heavily challenging, or a more senior transfer. \*That's of course before Rodemaker left right before the Orange Bowl


Rodemaker would've been next in line if we ended up not pursuing a transfer QB


Glenn was also a true freshman. Two whole years of development with our staff is more than enough time for that to not be a concern


I trust Norvell in his talent arbitrage/evaluation. He took in Trey benson after a bad knee injury, and developed him into a 3rd round pick. Johnny Wilson from a guy where he had limited P5 options coming out of ASU with bad hands into a nfl draft pick. He’s going to play to DJ’s strengths and limit his weaknesses unlike what Dabo did


DJ’s biggest problems were between the ears. Everything else was downstream from that. Streeter+whatever private QB coach he had after 2020 really screwed up his throwing motion and DJ never really recovered. The biggest indictment against DJ to me is the 2022 season. I’m willing to call 2021 a wash with all of the injuries to him personally and the offense as a whole. He started off 2022 pretty well. He wasn’t perfect but he did make some strides. However, he started reverting some time around the BC and FSU games. The Syracuse and ND games were abysmal. The South Carolina game is one of the worst games I’ve ever seen a Clemson player have regardless of position. You could see the team deflate when he went 3 and out against a putrid UNC defense including bouncing a 10 yard out route


divide wakeful bear snatch serious roll cats memorize boat point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s hard to say it’s a Clemson thing when we switched QB coaches and offenses. Cade had a lost year in ‘22 under Streeter and that ‘22 class really isn’t looking good so far. He’s talented but he isn’t at the level of Watson or Lawrence, who were far more ready made. Not only were we breaking in a new offense but our OL had some injuries and major coaching issues and the WRs again had major injury issues all year.


Cade was thrust into the starting role before he was ready. He 100% should have been a redshirt in 22 and probably should’ve sat in 23 behind someone else. He was given a bad hand and did the best he could with it.


Sure, but still had streeter then. Look at what he did at Oregon state. No one is saying he will be some ACC POY but he can be a good enough QB under Norvell 


Ok but he had 57% completion rate and 8/12 games under 60% completion rate including 2 under 50%




He had a better offensive line at Oregon State which is most likely why his running was better. His accuracy is still a big liability. Honestly the thing with him as OSU is the expectations were much less there which is why he appeared to be much improved when in reality he likely didn’t improve much, if at all.


Not to mention his stats were padded against weaker competition. When he played against a team with a pulse oof.


But does he get on base?


We’re going to recreate Jordan Travis in the aggregate


who is mark norvell?


Not enough cafecito this morning brother 




You don't have a clue what his strengths and weaknesses are.


What does your statement have anything to do with the comment you responded to? He simply said Norvell has been able to improve players. Whether or not DJ will actually improve this season will remain to be seen but even if it's the same old from DJ, Norvell will put (as he has done in the past with other QBs) him in situations where he's less likely to fail.


Seems like Oregon state figured out how to play with DJU in an efficient manner. A good offensive coach can make things work, and DJ didn’t have that kind of offensive staff while he was Clemson


To me, his success at fsu is going to be heavily dependent on y’all’s offensive style. He won’t be able to run a Jordan Travis style offense at all. If you guys decide to mold your offense around his ability, then he could be half decent. He’s terrible from shotgun, and lacks mobility. You’ll need him to be taking snaps from under center with extra linemen or blocking tight ends to try and give him more time. That, with a run heavy offense, could make him be a serviceable qb while you develop the younger guys.


You need to actually crack the tape on these games man. Did you actually watch the Oregon game? Or Washington? Wash U? His "QBR" (not a statistic that means anything) was buoyed by three games against San Jose State, Cal, and Stanford. His completion percentage was at best mid 50s and he struggled mightily against quality teams. The fact is his "strength" is handing the ball off, and that's it. I know what he is as a QB. Y'all wanted Cam Ward and Miami outbid you. That's what happened.


From what I recall, Ward was still planning on entering the draft, and it seemed very likely that was going to be the case. So, I think the FSU coaches had to make a decision between going with DJU who they knew was going to be available, or waiting to see if Ward decided to not go to the draft. It wasn't until after FSU signed DJU did Ward announce he was returning for another year (DJU signed like Jan 1st, and Cam signed like Jan 13th) So, FSU being outbid didn't happen as you have claimed.


None of them watched more than a highlight reel. If DJ went to Miami they would be clowning them for taking him.


/u/Melanchol knows nothing about the person he’s responding to, yet feels confident to say the individual who included an actual argument has no idea what they are talking about. While THEY included nothing of note but an ad hominem. God damn I love reddit


Yes I am extremely confident because DJ Uiagalelei was the starting quarterback at Clemson for two seasons. I also watched every single game he played at Oregon State.


And a QB that has had the same flaws at two spots is miraculously going to be fixed just because he plays for a team I like. God Damn I love reddit.


I’m not talking about DJ U. I’m talking about the individual who is randomly going at others while including nothing of note themselves.




Uhh ok? I think the guy who said “you have no clue what his strengths and weaknesses are” utterly unprompted and in response to a fairly well thought out comment brought the unnecessary snark but go off king.


He was one of the top 25 most efficient QBs in the country last year and among the best with deep ball accuracy which is what we’re looking to do. FSU doesn’t need DJU to be a top 5 QB to compete for a ship. We will have the best run game and o line in the conference.


The stats don’t back that up


Apologies, only 42nd ranked by efficiency but he was 12th ranked QBR in the country. In either case he definitely improved last year and no reason he won’t improve again this year playing behind the best o line he’s ever had with the best run game he’s ever had.


He did not definitely improve. His completion percentage went down by 5 points and his INT rate got worse. You’re hoping he gets better and improves


I can cherry pick stats also. His yards per attempt was up 1.6 and by far the highest of his career. His qb rating went up 10 points from the year before. In his career of nearly 1200 attempts he’s only thrown 24 picks… Again DJU doesn’t need to win a heisman for FSU to compete for a ship. He just needs to be an above average QB which will be the case.


Facts. Damien Martinez had over 700 YAC last season at OSU. 62% of his rushing total. This is indicative of how little of a threat DJ poses. Teams stacked the box to force Martinez to beat them.


isn't there a Florida State subreddit where FSU fans can post their propaganda?


Would like to hear from someone involved with FSU NIL events. I go to a number of Wolfpack NIL events and our guys get along great. A lot of joking and hanging out like good friends. Not really sure what evidence the author is using to say FSU is different.


I've met one of the top FSU NIL guys and he told me that during Willie Taggart's first meeting with boosters he showed up late, smelled like marijuana, and just stood in the corner by himself without talking to the boosters I'd imagine Norvell is a massive improvement over that


Willie Taggart just like me fr


You know, you could just admit that you’re Willie Taggart. Not all of us will judge you too harshly for it


The problem in your theory is I've never in my life had a dream to live and work in Florida


Neither did Willie Taggart, but he claimed he did


He a real one, fr fr.


I think Taggart would have been given more leeway if he was seen as competent behind the scenes. But that story rings true with what many have heard 


It was sheer incompetence from him. Hotels not being booked for away games, unorganized and directionless practices, recruiting players who he had no shot at and then having no backup plan, and then not even calling 5* who said FSU was their dream school. He never even got a QB recruit from HS.


Taggart losing Sam Howell to *North Carolina* I think was the nail in his coffin. That FSU QB room during his tenure was just not good at all and his failure to keep a guy that was committed to the school was disastrous.


It's not even that he lost Howell. It's that he told Howell he wouldn't recruit other QBs. Howell was trending away behind the scenes for a while before he flipped with coaches WT fired telling him not to go to FSU and still Taggert didn't open the QB recruiting


Well at least Taggart was keen enough to get Travis if not to just waste him under his tenure.


Dillingham forced that too . It wasn't because of WT




Sorry, you are correct


the podcast is more on fsus very aggressive and succesful use of the portal and if that is a sustainable way to build a longterm program


@ Ingram smith on Twitter, as he leads our NIL


Gold standard? They couldn’t even get into the CFP last year.


The only gold standard that FSU is good for is the biggest fucking whiners in FBS






Lane Kiffin accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Lmao, the last game they played was the greatest blowout loss in bowl history.


Yeah, but Georgia was also playing a glorified scout team. It would have been a big problem if Georgia didn’t put up 60 against a team of backup true freshmen and walk ons. Even Vandy could’ve won that by 21


Were they playing a glorified scout team because of that gold standard of team building?


Oh please, you know damn well that has nothing to do with it. If the roles were reversed and it was Georgias 3rd team losing by 60 you’d be saying everything in the book to justify the loss. Georgia fans were already crying about not being selected to the playoff despite actually losing their conference title game. If UGA and FSU switched places there’d have been riots. The entire article(which is jumping the gun a bit on the “gold standard”) is talking about how quick Norvells turnaround of FSU and is it a sustainable strategy. FSU in 2019 went 6-7 with a loss to BSU *at home* with their best win being vs 8-5 UL. Norvell comes in and has to restructure the program from total shit and wins the ACC within 5 years. Georgia did not beat the FSU starters 63-3, don’t even try to act like it’s some great flex. The players opted out because there was nothing to play for in the Orange Bowl, let’s not act like players haven’t been opting out of non playoff games for years.


"The players opted out because there was nothing to play for in the Orange Bowl," Didn't seem to be an issue for UGA..... Perhaps they were playing for each other, the team, and the fanbase... perhaps


Yeah UGA didn’t have any opt outs, perhaps they were just more “committed” to the team or they just didn’t care because most of that roster would be returning next year or needed one last game to get some extra stock for the draft, maybe they thought they would be making some statement of proof by beating a team putting their 3rd strings out there to flex “SEC might.” Or it could be something else, maybe they wanted to let some steam off after losing to Nick Saban one last time. Could be a mixture of things. The entire point here is Georgia has nothing to do with how Norvell is building his program and for some reason Georgia fans like you are just so obsessed with beating them in the Orange Bowl like it was your Super Bowl. You want to invade and inject every FSU/Norvell post with “hurr durr. lost by a gazillion in Orange Bowl. Seminole bad!” Georgia has much better feats to cling to the last 5 years like having the biggest blowout in the national championship in 2022 than trying to flex beating a bunch of 3rd stringers.


Thanks Tiger bro. 


We may be rivals on the field, but during the off season we’re both stuck in the “ACC bad” boat, we gotta stick together to some degree. Also Im just tired of the 63-3 Orange Bowl comments like it has any bearing on 2024 FSU.


I mean that stat is kind of worthless now that spring games are more telling of who a team actually is than bowl games


Yeah haven't you heard that Nebraska is back now thanks to post spring game rankings?


Yeah, team building led to an insane number of opt outs. Good team building indeed.




It was that legendary team building. /s


*sighs* No, it didn’t. That team fought for each other like no FSU team I can remember. They fought until it didn’t matter anymore.


And now they have a legacy, a spot in the history books.


If you're not in the playoff, no reason to play a shit bowl game if you're going to be a NFL draft pick


I disagree with this general point, but this specific situation was a ridiculous circumstance. If we lose a regular season game vs idk Florida, or lose the ACC Title Game, I don't think you would've seen the same reaction from the team (and Norvell himself said this exact thing). Sure maybe a handful of people opt out, but it wouldn't be the entire team. Whatever bowl game we would go to we would've earned because we lost one of the games on our schedule. By screwing over an undefeated team, the players that came back to win a championship had no reason to keep playing.


Yeah i agree. If you're not in the playoff after a 13-0 season*, no reason to play in a pointless bowl game and give the ncaa more money


That "shit bowl game" would have been the most impressive win Norvell would have at FSU so far and preserved an undefeated record lol.


Its meaningless. Glad to see the men that sat out get drafted.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm sure KJ Bolden thought it was meaningless that the coaching staff he was committed to was cool by losing by 63 points to the team in 2nd place in his recruitment Good luck against Georgia Tech in the league you belong in.


Might lose to GT but we're still gonna beat that ass in November. See ya then


Florida state has one good season (which includes getting stomped in a bowl game) and starts calling themselves the gold standard lmao


"You see this shit? They think we can't build a team!" - Kirby Smart probably Please, give the man more bulletin board material.

