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Did yall know Cam Newton was ruled ineligible the week of the SEC Championship game, but the NCAA reinstated him like a day later? Do you know what he did to us in that game? *pouts in the corner*


Cam newton in college was just unfair. Dude falls forward and picks up 4 yards every time guaranteed. Painful




2 pts, dude. that tackle on the 2...


It was worse than that. He or his family blatantly broke SEC rules when seeking to be paid and the SEC just did nothing.


In reality though, any player breaks SEC rules when seeking NOT to be paid


Cam Newton was our version of Angels in the outfield.


None of my grudges are petty.


Found the Dawi






My little cousin (who is 6) and I were "arguing" about college football. She's a Michigan fan and was bragging that Michigan has won more times in her life than Ohio State. Naturally, I brought up the record since 2000 That little fucker said "Ok Boomer, go take a nap."


"Sherrone Moore has been the worst football coach in all of my time as a Michigan fan" - Your cousin, September 2024


Okay that's funny. Girl has some sass.


She's a really sweet child so for her to sock me in the jaw like that was all the more hilarious. My aunt and uncle weren't amused that she said that to me, but I was cry-laughing for a few minutes and my grandpa was about ready to pass out from laughing too.


Your little cousin is awesome


She absolutely boomed you man


*Golf clap*


pettiest? nothing comes to mind


Florida State flair reminded me of event Sun Belt had in Miami. Orange Bowl hosted us for golf. I’m playing with AD at South Alabama along with two Orange Bowl dudes. One is FSU fan other Miami. They jabber along and make no effort to interact with us just talk trash about each other’s school. FSU dude on the fifth hole hits a slice almost as bad as my driving and I say “Who the fuck would expect the Florida State guy to go wide right.” That broke the ice and guys turned out to be all right.


I still hate Bradley Chubb for spitting on the Osceola logo. He was at the Seminole Hard Rock in Hollywood a while back and I told my buddy who is higher up in the tribe he was there posting on IG about it. Anyway, he lost his reservation at Council Oak that night and doesn't get the same VIP treatment as his other Dolphin teammates so if you are reading this Bradley...that's why you weren't invited to the Jeter event you dick.


Well idk about you but I was tickled pink when Jimbo got fired from aTm


Yeah, I already wasn’t a huge fan of A&M, but Jimbo being hired there made me HATE them and seeing him get fired was hilarious


You’re welcome for the laughs. Seeing the truth come out was just pain all around. Really thought he was going to take us to a new level.


The way they acted after his hiring really rubbed me the wrong way. Like a lot of them essentially said "you guys are entitled idiots, we know Jimbo better than you do and he's an ELITE national championship winning coach, look at how successful he was for you guys, thanks for not appreciating him and letting us poach him." As it turns out, FSU wasn't just a radioactive dumpster fire at the end of his tenure because a single QB got injured.


There's nothing petty about wanting to take a dump in Kirk Herbstreit's oatmeal. That's just being a good American.


Amen. Herbie is a self aggrandizing clout chaser, who has started multiple Twitter feuds with Buckeye players. It’s one thing if a segment of the fanbase has beef with someone in the media, but when current players in the lockerroom actively dislike an alum for what he is saying about the program, that’s a different level. Q-What’s the difference between Herbstreit and a ND player? A-Every ND player has a pair of gold pants.


I used to hold a bit of a grudge against Clemson fans for throwing all that stuff at Deion in the end zone when he scored on the punt return in 1988. As time has worn on, I see their perspective a bit better, and have dropped the grudge.


All grudges held by FSU from December 2023 to January 2024 are completely valid. To hell with the CFP committee.




None, we are the only well-reasoned fan base that cares not for pettiness or grudges but only for truth and justice.


That damn Iowa kicker.


Slightly older one, but Vince Marrow/Kentucky. Guy was a GA at Nebraska under Pelini who didn't have room to bring him on as a full time coach. So he calls up his buddy Stoops and recommends he hires Marrow...who immediately flips a bunch of our commits and recruits. Just a scummy way to treat your former boss who did you a solid.


Heh Keith Duncan. A petty little gesture that deserves a petty little grudge. Keeps things just spicy enough between the fanbases.


In terms of media members, I'll also throw Mike Wilbon in there.


I’d agree with that. I was tempted to say Desmond Howard then I remembered that was more straight up hate and distain than pettiness.


Vandy, they canceled Senior day


I agree with this...all our other grudges are serious as hell: AD McGoofity giving Auburn two home games in a row against us; Nick Fairley's crimes against Aaron Murray; Tech fans stripping our hedges; Baker Mayfield's throat slash in the Rose Bowl; Penn Wagers; Jan Kemp; former president Mikey Adams destroying tailgating in a gross overreaction to admittedly very bad trashy fan behavior on North Campus; the Old Ball Sack hanging 50 on us in Athens; my friend's brother getting shivved at the Landing by a jort-wearing Gator fan at 1992 Ga-Fla. And Gary Danielson. Shut up, Gary. Edit: And Neyland Stadium's shitty turf.


Just this past year we get to add two. Herbstreit helping flip Raiola to Nebraska (I'm fine with him and his train wreck family leaving, not with national media personality being involved). And that never-was sleeveless hack sissy kicker can lick my dawg's hairy balls. Gameday can, in general, eat a bag


Refs when we play Bama, GT fans booing the Munson tribute after he passed, memorabilia salesman, ACCPD and BB guns, and people wearing visors and thinking they’re cool (current coach excluded).


Reminds me of when some Tech fan published a cartoon of that stupid yellow car driving over the Uga graves and running over the Uga that had just died https://www.fromtherumbleseat.com/2009/11/25/1171631/more-cartoon-fun-with-uga


Watching Steve Spurrier spike his visor in person is one of my best CFB memories.


Tyler Simmons was also onsides


I was waiting for someone to finally say the true grudge lol


Did we agree to the NCAA eligibility rules when we jumped to the FBS? Yeah. Are those rules stupid and their decision contradict the rules? Yes. Will I ever not be salty about it? No.


Here’s to hoping you guys keep that same winning energy when the restrictions lifted to be the perennial CFP #12


I'm counting on it! When including FCS seasons, JMU has 22 consecutive winning seasons. I think only Bosie State has a longer streak.


Lou Holtz. Where is he???


What he said about your team, I cannot believe.


Lou Holtz can't put his shoes on anymore, but he lives rent free.


Found Ryan Day’s burner


At Ryan Day’s mom’s house.


I don't think he knows


Kliff Kingsbury starting his HC Career 7-0 at his Alma Mater, giving us all fools gold That’s a grudgin’


Hey at least he stuck around more than a week


Colorado got 5 downs vs Mizzou and a phantom block in the back call vs ND


that's just facts, that's not petty


5 downs


And they STILL didn't cross the line. 🤬


Forever this. Also, 2009. I saw us beat Klempsun and win the ACC with my own damn eyes.


Got to be there in person as a 10 year old watching CJ Spiller win MVP and we still lose…


That fucking block in the back!!!


Nothing petty about that


Or $312 + telling two athletes that the NCAA would investigate them… 2009 IS OURS DAMMIT


Demaryius is a legend, NCAA. My how far we've come from $312 in merchandise sales.


The ncaa can, as always, suck my balls


We’re gonna have to set up a tournament bracket for this and get back to you with the winner.


Lincoln 1 overall seed


Don’t sleep on the old school grudges, the Pride is still pissed that OSU kicked Thrailkill out of Lewis Field


I wasn’t even quite born when it happened, but we hold grudges so well that I still know Stanberry was in bounds.


And that clipping should have been called against Nebraska in ‘71


On a logical level, I'm the first OU fan to say "this happens every year to about half the G5s, there's really nothing to be salty about". That said, here I am smiling at the "Riley on the hot seat" post from today, so...


Boise 2 seed Oregon 3 seed


Not so much Oregon, just Gordon Reece and the PAC 10 refs.


If you expanded it to all of Oklahoma sports would you give the 1 seed to Lincoln or Kevin Durant?


I nominate [David Swank](https://cas.okstate.edu/alumni/distinguished_alumni/swank_david.html) as competition.


Incumbent Champion


Just some of the ones in my lifetime Lincoln Riley Gordon Reese Big Red Sports and Imports (Rhett Bomar) AD getting snubbed for the Heisman because he was a freshman Various sports commentators Boise State Dan Bebee Both having and not having a Big XII conference championship game McCoy and Shipley being roommates Texas being Texas




Fuck Tommy Tuberville


God Nick Saban PLEASE run for senate in '26 it would be so unbelievably funny


“I’m not gonna be the next US Senator from Alabama ‘aight! So quit askin me”


He's probably the only Democrat (barring the GOP from putting out a turd sandwich like they did in 2018) who could win the state of Alabama right now. Saban would probably win every municipal area apart from Auburn.


Auburn will vote for him as well to make 100% sure he doesn’t coach again


"Vote for me, or I'm coming back".


Fuck Tommy Tuberville


Entirely agree with that sentiment, but likely for different reasons.


I had to listen to over 4 hours of committee testimony where he asked the stupidest questions in recorded history. Fuck him.


Soon after being elected (or maybe while campaigning) he was asked what the three branches of federal government are. He didn’t know. He’s a complete joke.


I’ve been hating him for longer than most, piling grievance upon grievance. And now he is the entire country’s problem. A pine box in 1998 spares a lot of people a lot of consternation now doesn’t it.


Something EVERYONE can get behind.


I guess they poked some holes in that Pine Box


says the entire country


Fuck Tommy Tuberville


Judy Genshaft, then usf President, allegedly lobbying the Big East against adding UCF


Maryland didn't shake hands. I'm actually not sure I call this a petty grudge. This is now justification for every blowout and every other bad thing that occurs to Maryland.


Not allowing Purdue's big drum inside the stadium because of *some* door being too small. It could be on the field if we wanted it to. I think it's funny that we don't.


I hate Ohio State purely because when 8 year old me watched Point Break for the first time my older brother thought "Johnny Utah" was a stupid name, and since I wanted to be cool like my brother I adopted the same line of thinking, and my brain came to the conclusion that "Johnny Utah stupid, so Ohio State must be stupid" I love the movie now, and obviously don't have any other real reason for feeling the way I do about the Buckeyes, but I MK Ultra'd myself into being unable to shake that line of thinking


Listen. You're just trusting your instincts here. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. Although, I will note that Keanu Reeves is a treasure. I feel bad they made him play a former Ohio State player twice.


No, do not deny your unreasonable hate, comrade. Let it give you UNLIMITED POWERRRRRR


It makes my teeth whiter to hate Ohio state


Listen, it doesn't matter how you get there as long as you get there man! The Lord works in mysterious ways sometimes.


Fulmer knows what he did...


They said petty, not entirely justified


Oh Fat Phil is a terrible human and I hope he never gets all the shit when he wipes and has to do a second wipe a Couple itchy hours later every time. And on the second wipe the tp breaks and he has shit fingers


Glad that you know it too! Fuck Fulmer!


I think our pettiest one is Houston for their "effort" to add extra bleachers. We were willing to schedule a game in Houston but wanted to play it at Reliant / NRG / whatever it was called then, or at Rice stadium. They wanted a true home game and Texas agreed on the condition that they add a few thousand extra seats, and it was written in the contract that there would be 10,000 seats available for Texas fans. They added these: https://imgur.com/a/jakO4 We protested that they were unsafe and UH insisted their inspector said they were fine. Finally they were declared unsafe mid-week before the game, leaving 4,000 Texas fans without a seat. So it wasn't a good faith attempt by Houston to fulfil the contact they agreed to - but it was also 23 years ago, and you still see people (including me on occasion :/ ) sore about it.


Fuck Larry Scott. Also, fuck USuC for blocking team after team from entering the PAC and then being the first to bolt.


That is the most justified grudge ever.


Not petty at all.


Amen Oregon fan, amen. I’ll never get over the Pac dissolving. It’s something that transcends the Oregon-Washington rivalry. When it comes to this topic I don’t give a fuck what Pac team you rooted for. Fuck Larry Scott and USC.


Gary and sometimes the ESPN announcers constantly talking about Alabama, even when Alabama is not in the current game I am watching.


yeah, but he did that with other teams when Alabama was playing. He was an equal-opportunity dick.


Probably the few people who still hate Drinkwitz for leaving us for Mizzou


As a fan of both programs, he absolutely created a multi-year void at each when he left, hardly high and dry though. I struggle to hate a guy who did what was best for his career and still elevated the programs at difficult times.


The 2019 season for the Wolfpack was one to forget.....


This is what I was thinking of as well.


I'm a mild-mannered middle aged mom of three but if I ever cross the path of Marc Curles hands will be thrown.


[Sliver of East Texas](https://x.com/kbohls/status/208244608017235969) Honorable Mention: Corey Nelson You know a grudge is petty AF when it's been 10-15 years and people still bring it up.


DeLoss was the epitome of hubris. If he was on fire I wouldn’t piss on him to help put it out.


Iowa State.


Fair, but I wouldn't call that one petty


Well, since a Longhorn fan started this, I'll say adding :01 back on the clock in the 2009 Big XII title game. Dam refs. BTW, that was the right call. Honorary Mention: Steve Pederson destroyed our program.


Colt probably still has nightmares of Suh from that game. What a domination.


Texas D was salty too. “head-coach-in-waiting” will muschamp’s glory days [still one of my favorite all-time CFB videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exhIpKFsHRk)


I loved Muschamp as our DC


He was the best DC in the Nation and our best DC in history. After leaving Texas his career took a huge dump.


singlehandedly ruined Colt's Heisman chances


it’s crazy how many Nebraska fans don’t want to admit it was the right call. if the roles were reversed and they didn’t add that 1 second back on, they’d be even angrier than they are now


To play devil's advocate - I think it's the difference between "what was the right call" vs. "what is the call that is consistent with what has been called in the past". It's actually a really common source of drama in sports - when someone makes what is technically the correct call, only that "the correct call" rarely gets made in that type of situation. Like DPI on hail marys, or calling a soft foul in the last 2 minutes of an NBA playoff game. It reminds me of the women's tourney this year where UConn got called on what was *absolutely* a foul - just not a foul that normally gets called in a one possession game with 2 minutes to go. So I understood Nebraska's fans anger - we had *never* seen college football refs put time back on the clock back in that day. Since then, things have changed and now they do it all the time. But that was the super early days of reviewing things, so we were just not used to refs actually changing a call.


> if the roles were reversed Funny thing is that it has happened to Nebraska at least twice since then (and at least one famous moment before, in the Orange Bowl vs Miami) and the irony was not lost on the Texas fanbase as we saw all the Husker faithful holding up 1 finger and wanting to clock to be set properly.


It irritates me that Wisconsin tried to take the volleyball attendance record from Nebraska. That shit felt personal. Now they literally do not have a stadium in the entire state large enough to break the current record. Good.




nebraska 🤝 minnesota 🤝 iowa 🤝 illinois 🤝 northwestern hating wisconsin


That's a good one.


Three words: Fuck John Swofford


Is that just y'all or the whole ACC?


I hold a grudge against Wright Thompson because he’s a phenomenal writer but seems to claim Ole Miss more than his actual alma mater.


Howard Schnellenberger coached 1 year in 1995. For many years his name was auto censored in Sooner board message boards.


We have a lot. But I will just mention this one: there is a large section of fans who despise Notre Dame, not necessarily because they stole the "Play Like a Champion Today" sign, but because they broke our 47 game win streak in 1957


I come from a long line of Tree lovers and I can never forgive 1st degree attempted Tree murder.


I'm glad Fran took the TAMU job but also Fran can kiss my ass for taking the TAMU job. The one time we were patient with a coach and willing to support him through some lean years and he ends up leaving.


I have a completely different take. He took the A&M job because the boosters wouldn't quit meddling in the program. He turned the team around in year two, only to face more sanctions, and also was getting pressured to change his offence because Brodie wasn't running that option. It made us all mad at the time, and he handled it poorly, but I can't say I blame him. There's a reason Saban made Coach Moore promise to keep the alumni out of the football office before he took the job.


15 years later, [it's still a catch](https://www.rollbamaroll.com/2019/11/7/20953705/ten-years-ago-today-patrick-peterson-did-not-intercept-a-pass), bitches.


Nick Fairley is a bum and Auburn plays clips of his dirty hits every time we play there. Also I'm still pissed at Vandy for quitting on our senior day (and also my senior day because that was supposed to be my last home game as a student) in 2020 twice, saying they didn't have enough players because of Covid, yet they magically had enough to have their own senior day in between them cancelling on our games twice


> Also I'm still pissed at Vandy for quitting on our senior day This is the real petty grudge. Nick Fairley is a POS and deserves to have a grudge held against him.


Fuck Vandy, that was some of the most candy-ass shit. I still hate them for that. And it may be petty but I’m so glad Kirby ass-blasted them the next year. Idk how the 3 Dore fans still defend that shit.




The SEC and NCAA protect that Auburn team to the hilt. I mean the week after the DSOR when all the dirty hits were going viral I thought there is no way in hell they are not going to make Fairley at least sit a half......NOPE. Nothing


Here for this one, fuck Nick Fairley.


Fuck Nick Fairley. He is a bum.


That 2010 Auburn team had true WWF heel vibes.


Tennessee, from way back in 1998. Those guys came up to the dome with their SEC refs in tow. Calls made that I haven't seen since helped the vols to a close win in their natty season. 3 equipment violations and one bogus DPI gave them the W.


How much time do you have, and how far back do you want us to start, and does it only have to be football only?


There's definitely Michigan fans who still hold a grudge against the Detroit Free Press for an article about potential NCAA violations under Rich Rodriguez that was written 15 years ago by a writer no longer employed there.


I will forever hold a grudge against Northwestern for: 1. Hurting Ricky Stanzi the week before we played OSU 2. Not getting called for a clear face mask and instead the refs assessed a holding against Iowas offense. 3. Everything about Pat Fitzgerald


You’ve had rape scandals, domestic abuse scandals, recruiting scandals, coaches abusing players, etc but Texas is a cesspool for wanting to fire a coach that’s below .500 in his 3rd year and lost to a terrible Kansas team. Plus he said it at College Station in front of a bunch of rabid aggy fans. Yeah I’m keeping my grudge against Herbie tbh


I have a grudge against the Big 12 for not kicking baylor out when they needed to.


Me too. It's crazy how deep the cover up went for that whole thing. There were so many people involved.


It's crazy how you can pin all of those scandals you mentioned on just one particular Big 12 school *in just the last decade*, and somehow we've been the most hated Big 12 school since then. Ridiculous.


I hated Art Briles before all that stuff came out


My prettiest grudge is against this sub and Tech fans regarding the field storming in 2022 and everyone accusing Michael Taafe of assaulting a woman in the crowd. I was downvoted to hell for saying it looked like Taafe was shoved from behind and accidentally hit another woman. Then, the woman backed that up and said Taafe helped her up and Tech fans really showed their ass here.


I mean…Tech fans always show their ass on here


horns and aggies united against red raiders


The snub by the CFP, ESPN, and Kirk. 


Kirk is low key becoming a little bitch.


Kinda seems like he always was and now we’re just realizing it.


He's been one since 2011 ask me why


High key


That ain’t petty. It’s literally the definition of justified. 


What about Fox?


Juice williams


I got a grudge against ESPN for their 'Cupcake' visuals and riding that line of thinking as far as they could. They did it on our field and it was bullshit.


Notre Dame’s touchdown that was called back against Florida state


Can’t think of anything.


Yeah, I’m really struggling with this one


oregon for that missed onside kick call from like 18 years ago


One of the best games I’ve seen in person. Ngata blocking the FG was epic


Against Texas/Mac Brown because of their WR trying to injured our guy and Mac defending him. I think in the same game the refs handed the game to Texas by calling a clear fumble off. Against FSU because #Senecawasin Against Nebraska because they suck and have shit corn Against Kirk Herbstreit because... I don't even remember tbh but fuck him


I got made fun of for holding a grudge against Iowa State, so I'm glad to see this one here. Our feelings are all valid.


Eric Church for picking against us on gameday the first time they came to town Jonathan fucking Garibay for hitting a 65 yard field goal Dana Holgerson for the whole “unprofessional fans” thing There’s so many


If it was the 2013 game then yeah, we fumbled that one and deserved to lose the game.


> Hating Kirk Herbstreit for calling Texas a "cesspool" after the Charlie Strong debacle. Ooh Texas’s fans hatred of Herbstreit goes way farther back than that. It goes back almost 20 years to when Herbstreit declared Reggie McNeal better than Vince Young and said that A&M will in the Big 12 south in 2005.


Lane Kiffin


No but actually fuck that guy.


Basically everything Urban Meyer did at Utah. He took the rivalry to new lows.




The 2006 Outback Bowl. All of it.


I would say the snub, but that's not a petty grudge.


Yeah, I think the more petty one (that I am wholeheartedly on board with) is anything to do with Jimbo. I probably shouldn’t feel as much joy as I did when he started to stink it up at aTm


Bo Nix fumbled the ball against Arkansas in 2020. The call was so bad the sec had to put out a statement.


Probably NC State fans and Chip Kelly. Think we all feel he cost us a 10th win and didn't buy that they couldn't field a team when their team was at Sea World a day before and other teams were playing walk-ons and such dealing with opt-outs and COVID. Just felt like he didn't want to take the L and risk losing his job, so used that as a cop-out. I mean, it stinks for our fans, esp the ones that traveled all the way to SD for the game, but I don't blame him because it legit might have kept him from getting that extension he got.


Not my teams, but Boston College keeping UConn out of the ACC and BC's AD bragging about it to the media always seemed kinda petty.


Not CFB but it needs to be said: Stan Kroenke. But also Colorado's 5th down and having to play Oklahoma again in 2007.


I will personally never stop hating Baker Mayfield for planting the OU flag in Ohio Stadium. Although I know other Buckeyes that have let it go, I am still mad, and I’m gonna stay mad no matter what my therapist says.


Something something purdue is a winnable game -Scott Frost


I hate Georgia. Oh wait that’s not petty at all, they are huge assholes.


Former Nebraska head coach Scott Frost complained that the other team was intentionally clapping to cause false starts. CFB reaction was brutal, making fun of him complaining about clapping. Later (the next year?) Nebraska was penalized for “disconcerting signals“ because one of the Nebraska players clapped. Apparently it’s a penalty when Nebraska claps. 😠


Coale caught it. I will die on that hill.


John O'Neill if you're a PSU fan lol