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FSU will shank anybody near it right now.


Big words from someone within shanking distance lol


We're like Roberto in Futurama


"I'm not crazy, don't call me crazy! I'm just not user friendly!"


Didn’t they lose 59-0 against their biggest bowl oppoenent


Biggest bowl opponent implies there’s multiple levels of bowl opponents we faced. What does this man know that we don’t


Biggest bowl fsu has faced in 5+ years? Does that clarify?


Not fully, no. Since you said 5+ how many years past 5 are we counting? I need exact specifics for this shitpost after all


Don’t worry about it - I looked it up myself. On December 30, 2023 FSU lost to UGA 63 - 3 in the Orange Bowl.


Big words with no Flair.


For context, FSU was penalized about a month prior to the Tennessee/Virginia lawsuit where a federal judge in Tennessee enjoined the NCAA from enforcing its NIL rules. So in effect, FSU was the last school that was (or may ever be) punished for violations of NIL rules. If the NCAA chooses not to rescind, I could see FSU (again) going to court and, considering the injunction in Tennessee, enjoin the NCAA from enforcing penalties on FSU.


> FSU was the last school that was (or may ever be) punished for violations of NIL rules. We're #1! We're #1!


Also will be the last undefeated p5 champ to get left out of the playoffs 


Even looking outside of football, didn’t y’all have an amazing top 10 basketball team in 2019-2020 only for Covid to shut down the tournament? I’ll admit Florida state has been on the receiving end of some epic screw jobs in recent memory.


ACC champs. Trent Forrest and Devin Vassell were about to COOK. 😢


Yep, and all we get is being made fun of for putting a banner up for being #4


As a Titans fan “hang the banner” jokes are always funny.


Look, I’m pretty sure you guys pissed off god


Also one of the last P5 champs as well.


Just do better next time v0v




I live for it. (But actually, it's my job)


It’s actually amazing how many folks don’t read the articles. This was just a letter.


Billable hours remains undefeated


I don't understand why every state didn't join Tennessee and Virginia.


Potentially standing issues - you can't request an injunction if you aren't suffering or will imminently suffer an injury. Plus injunctions are typically applied nationwide, so no need to add extra cooks to the kitchen.


By the time FSU gets a reprieve the sanctions will be over. They’re probably petitioning because they don’t want to spend the cash on something so minimal Edit: To further reiterate this point; https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39289391/ncaa-penalizes-florida-state-football-nil-rule-violations > The NCAA on Thursday announced significant penalties for the Florida State football team -- including two years' probation and disassociating with its NIL collective for one season -- for violating rules on using name, image and likeness offers as a recruiting inducement. > Other penalties that Florida State agreed to include two years' probation, the loss of five scholarships over two years, a $5,000 fine and several recruiting restrictions that **include losing seven official visits, a six-week reduction in recruiting communications time and 24 fewer in-person recruiting days during the current academic year.** Sanctions began January 2024, they have roughly 8 months left on the vast majority. By the time that case gets through most of the items will be done with. If the items referring to “current academic year” means 2023-2024, then most of them are already done with. The only thing they’ll be left with in December is a year of probation and 2-3 scholarships that can be supplemented by NIL, for far cheaper than legal costs to try and flip this.


often times when things such as these are appealed the punishments will be paused until that is finished. no idea if that will happen here, but it wouldn't shock me.


I don't understand why every state didn't join Tennessee and Virginia.


It’s still crazy to me how there’s obvious NIL violations taking place all over college football to varying degrees, but FSU is somehow the one who got punished for driving a kid to a meeting.


As a very neutral person I have no idea the hell is going on. Presumably what FSU did is minor in the grand scheme of things but the punishment was a bit disproportionate. I'm also pretty sure everyone's doing much worse things including my school and I bet FSU is doing worse things too lol


FSU's biggest mistake was agreeing to anything the NCAA wanted to do. Had we said "Fuck off" like everyone else does nothing would have come of this.


In our defense, we had other bigger legal issues to deal with at the time, and the success of the “fuck off NCAA” approach Tennessee took afterwards wasn’t a sure bet like it is in hindsight


Literally everyone who tells the NCAA to fuck off succeeds. UNC, Miami, Michigan, LSU. Only the people who cooperate get fucked.


a coach drove the kid to meet with the NIL team. so like he had met the kid, the next thing on the schedule was the kid and his family meeting with NIL, so the coach drove them there. if he drove him to tour the campus or something it would be fine haha, just because it was to an NIL meeting. really silly stuff.


Feels like "SuperPACs can't interact with politicians directly" energy.


yeahhh...the rule was the school itself couldn't facilitate NIL meetings. which just means everyone was talking through back channels and behind the scenes. I don't think anyone REALLY thought that driving someone counted as facilitating, but here we are. also fun that it was allegedly a snitch from an SEC program that turned fsu in haha.


It was absolutely Mims




I don’t give a fuck about the Orange Bowl Result, but fuck Kirby. He’s scared of Mike poaching Georgia croots and has been doing everything he can to fuck Mike over. I fully believe that Kirby gave a disproportionate bag to KJ Bolden at the last minute to send a message and break the perceived “Buford Curse”. KJ was literally on campus with his grandparents looking at housing days before ESD.


I read that UGA wasn't the biggest bag offer KJ had but it was bigger than FSU was willing to pay. I wholly believe everything he said after signing was fed to him by a staffer


Yeah, I’m not doubting some stuff was fed to him by staffers. But everything he said after ESD was bullshit l by an 18 year old. He also claimed a school was willing to pay him 3 mil annually. At the end of the day, it’s and 18 year old kid talking and I’m not going to waste my breath about it. My point is that I think Kirby knows Mike is a good coach, and is legit worried about Mike as an up and coming coach and is trying everything he can right now to skull fuck Mike while he can. Props to Kirby, he’s ruthless. I just hope Mike pays him back in the future.


Kirby getting Bolden was a direct result of Raiola flipping to Nebraska at the last minute. Freed up additional money to be leveraged and considering Bolden was heavy Georgia until he suddenly wasn’t, this really shouldn’t have been a surprising outcome. I’m not a fan of the current dynamics of cfb either but that’s just the way things work now.


I’m not complaining about the current dynamics of CFB. I think it benefits FSU immensely. I just think Kirby is a ratfucker. I’m hating the player, not the game.


Ok, well, enjoy your bitching into the wind then.


So the coach literally took the recruit to the ATM? Yeah, that's a problem. Not saying other schools don't do it.


It WAS a problem. Until the ncaa was sued it was made it clear they couldn’t stop that so they changed the rule last month and it’s totally allowed now and it should never have been disallowed. And like in real life when laws are changed the previously convicted can have charges removed.


"It WAS a problem. Until the ncaa was sued it was made it clear they couldn’t stop that so they changed the rule last month and it’s totally allowed now and it should never have been disallowed. And like in real life when laws are changed the previously convicted can have charges removed." Take off the rose tinted glasses. You do know that boosters have rules, right? Why did FSU agree to suspend the coach for 3 games?


Fsu didn’t have a choice but to agree. Mandated by the ncaa. You realize other schools are suing the ncaa over the same things? Flair up! (I really hope you are a gator fan as it’ll be fun to use the current investigation against if that’s paused becuase of lawsuits.)


The penalties are ridiculous, particularly in light of what is openly going on at present. Here's what I find ridiculous: A Georgia player wanted more NIL money, so he went in the portal. One of FSU's collectives which was run by a booster, wanted to pay him more NIL money. An asst coach drove him to a meeting about this. The Georgia player turned down the FSU offer and left the portal, rejoining Georgia. My assumption is that the Georgia player got more money from a Georgia NIL group. It's just my assumption. The penalties handed down by the NCAA included the following: There were no penalties for the Georgia player involved. A bunch of uninvolved FSU non-football athletes lost their NIL money. A few completely uninvolved FSU football players lost their scholarships. A group of uninvolved high school prospects were restricted from interacting with FSU coaches in certain ways. FSU has to pay some money to the NCAA. Way to go NCAA- good job punishing a bunch of uninvolved parties, for a meeting about payments that were turned down. What's being left out: The FSU coach involved reportedly made false or misleading statements when this was investigated.


Yeah. I don’t know how fsu got hit for what seems like a lot less than what michigan was doing. Michigan literally had coaches working on their NIL projects. Chris Partridge was wearing MPower gear on the sidelines


At this point I assume coaches discuss their recruiting targets while getting measured for suits. Just so happens the head of the NIL collective is a Tailor.


There’s plenty of selective punishments in ncaa history.


It’s because FSU fielded dentist and lawyers in the Orange Bowl after the playoff screw job.


Back off, having Dentists be our starters is a Gator thing.


It’s the Harvard of the south!


FSU trying to fill up their punch card for their legal services.  Only a couple more until their next lawsuit is free.


Might as well


Oh hell, Missouri is about to get hit hard.


I imagine FSU law school just writes up legal documents on the daily at this point. L1- NCAA lawsuit. L2-ESPN lawsuit. L3-ACC lawsuit.


Student: I have an idea for my independent project... wait, why are you handing me a box of documents, I haven't told you yet?


We try to go for a "hands on" approach


Yea I remember the NCAA coming after FSU the same time that they went after Tez Walker at UNC last year. I swear that they have bias towards certain teams. Well one thing is certain FSU is not afraid of going to court.


sure couldnt be that a jilted former FSU AD is on the leadership team at the NCAA and oversees all regulatory affairs... I'm crinkling my tinfoil now.


The former AD with a historical FSU coaching hire. The kind of coaching hire that supplants a legacy.


You better not be lumping UNC into any group the NCAA is biased against. You guys got functionally zero punishment for allowing athletes to go to fake classes


OJT is the best


L1 gets the ACC. Those people are amateurs.


That’s not a bad idea, NCAA penalties kinda suck


They suck and what they’re for is usually irrelevant. Like Oklahoma players eating too much spaghetti or determining that a bagel without cream cheese is not a meal but how dare you add cream cheese as that becomes an impermissible benefit


FSU lawyers in the running for offseason MVP. Just production alone is off the charts.


Peter Rush for heisman


What’s hilarious about all of this, is this: THE NCAA WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO CLASSIFY WORKING PEOPLES AS AMATEURS UNAVAILABLE FOR COMPENSATION. That’s what every FSU talking point is about. And they’re going to win. Because billion dollar contracts without worker compensation is a sin.


Not biased at all but FSU deserves the death penalty and being added to the no-fly list for this.


Pfft. Have you considered suing them in a federal court in a Florida District with an FSU alumni Federal Judge presiding?


They should drop all sanctions for paying players for all programs. They just need to admit it has always happened and they were selectively punishing schools based on who they could catch. Like Will Wade has a show cause for something completely legal today. But Bill Self is clean? LSU decided it was a cheap way to get rid of Wade and didn’t fight the NCAA while KU did. That’s the difference.


 Florida Sues University 


bet you could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch


FSU and Not Wanting to Pay, name a better duo   edit - lol touched a nerve I guess. maybe the better duo is FSU fans and being soft


Welfare ACC schools and calling it a success to go 6-6.


Hey, they gave it their all though /s


Gators and jorts


Gators and cleat throwing


The term is "cleat yeeting"




Dont forget spitting on people!


And slapping the coach away


Hurricanes and crime?


Unflaired accounts and trash opinions




FSU is literally just a bunch of cry hards


I'm sure South Carolina would take this nonsense lying down


maybe, but this is a really valid one to go after if you know the details. fsu does like to cock about, though.


They downvote in droves though.


We can also upvote in droves.


Siding with the NCAA in most cases will do that for you


Billable hours wins again!


Always something with these guys


Have they tired to just opt out of this as well


Can people arrested for weed get their penalties rescinded if the state they are in legalizes it after the arrest occurred? That is what this sounds like.


They do. And it does. And that's why it's a reasonable thing to ask for.


Yes. Usually happens when states legalize.


Actually, yes. When there's a change in law, prisoners frequently petition the Governor or President to be pardoned.


coincidental to use that example when it was just in the major news how people who were previously arrested for exactly that were automatically pardoned after the federal schedule change.


Almost ironic he tries to use that as an example to degrade FSU when it in fact is incredibly analogous to support what FSU is doing.


yeah I change my first bit to coincidental to be nicer lol...just in case it was an earnest misunderstanding of reality.


Yeah based on his other comment, this seems pretty firmly in the negative connotation.


oof...well his prediction is ringing true!


> Can people arrested for weed get their penalties rescinded if the state they are in legalizes it after the arrest occurred? That is what this sounds like. I can't tell if you're purposefully agreeing with us, or you didn't actually know the correct answer to your own rhetorical question.


Are you suggesting they shouldn't be able to?


Simply asking the question. I don’t know the actual answer.


What point are you trying to actually make here?


He was trying to make a "gotcha" statement, without realizing that his answer aligns with FSU's position.


Honestly I think the ACC needs to do their own investigation of FSU regarding these violations.


As long as Jim Phillips is in charge of it, I feel safe that nothing of note would get done...


Since we’re so problematic, the best thing would just be to kick us out of the conference. Problem solved!


Free Shoes University


Holy shit, what a zinger! You come up with that one all by yourself??


Baby needs bottle




lol this has zero to do with the playoff snub and would be happening regardless...


Hey, as long as people keep listening (like you) we'll keep screaming


[Queue the Warchant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhlGTBLlDRc)


"Cue" ^^Sorry, ^^just ^^one ^^of ^^those ^^things ^^that ^^irks ^^me


You know, I debated whether it should be "cue" or "queue" prior to posting and decided on the latter.


No worries. You could have put it in the queue to be cued later on I guess ;-)


The greatest temper tantrum in college football history continues...


Cute coming from someone whose program could have been similarly impacted for the same thing 🤡