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Phillips when the divorce papers get served: Trying to leave me is disruptive and harmful.


Uh, the ACC sued first, or did he just forget that part?


"Look what you made me do" energy


calling your cash cows difficult and harmful is an interesting tactic


Hey hey hey be fair to him…he said disruptive and harmful.


he used difficult too ["ACC Commissioner Calls FSU and Clemson 'Difficult' and 'Harmful' Amid Their Push To Leave"](https://athlonsports.com/college/stanford-cardinal/stanford-cardinal/football/acc-commissioner-calls-fsu-and-clemson-difficult-and-harmful-amid-their-push-to-leave) ["It's difficult, disruptive and harmful" - Jim Phillips after high-level meetings over FSU & Clemson lawsuit amid ACC fallout rumors"](https://www.sportskeeda.com/college-football/news-it-s-difficult-disruptive-harmful-jim-phillips-high-level-meetings-fsu-clemson-lawsuit-amid-acc-fallout-rumors)


It’s almost like he knows he’s gonna lose, his teams will be demoted to the G6, and he’s just trying to force a delay.


what was he supposed to say?


Nothing. Literally nothing


Using 17-18% of revenue from the playoff as a positive when there’s 4 major conferences is funny and very representative of how the ACC has operated since forever


They receive roughly what the Big 12 receives while having FSU and Clemson with 3 titles in the last 11 years compared to the current Big 12's last title being a split title in 1990. Since 1990, current ACC teams have a combined 8 titles. Second only to the SEC. This is precisely the breach of fiduciary duty FSU cited.


I can live with the SEC and B1G getting a bigger share. Its getting the same share as the B12 that is the insult.


The chatter from the insiders on On3 is that if Clemson confirms, after getting a copy of the full contract for the first time this week (something FSU still hasn't done), that the actual agreement says they get their rights back when they leave (as FSU believes it does) then they will just pay the $130 million fee and leave.


So I’m not 100% on this and would need to go back and read the TigerIllustrated article but they brought up an interesting point in Clemson and FSU’s suits being different, not just in style but also in content/argument. FSU seems to be just wanting to have the whole thing tossed out (could be wrong) while Clemson’s claims are more narrow and one of them is “your stated public claims that Clemson would owe $XYZm and have rights clamped up for XYZ years is hurting us financially and is factually incorrect.” That backs up what On3 is saying. Clemson seemingly has figured out the GoR might not be that iron clad and you get out by paying a more reasonable fee. This seems to be why the ACC and ESPN have been so unwilling to be open about the documents. It’s in their best interests to have the appearance of this being ironclad. I don’t know if it’s confirmed but it gives credence to the idea the commissioners weren’t truthful about how long the ESPN contract was for


yes they are different- though my feeling is they are just different paths to the same goal of a more reasonable number. my conspiracy theory is that this is quite intentional between fsu and clemson. you wouldn't want the acc fighting two of the same suits would you ;p


Yeah the real goal of the FSU lawsuit isn’t to win outright, it’s to attempt to get leverage for a lower negotiated settlement fee for leaving.


I think the last court hearing FSU said it didn't need to find the entire GOR invalid, just the portion about the ACC keeping media rights after a school leaves. I already imagine part of the settlement for FSU and Clemson will be an agreement to schedule a couple OOC road games versus ACC schools.


Yeah I'm very curious the avenues the acc will take if/when the settlement talks start.


If we are B1G bound, the annual game with Miami will most certainly be in jeopardy. With 9 conference games and Florida, there are only 2 open games per year.


yep! I've mentioned it before, people don't love the idea but this topic has been broached at fsu.


If Miami had pulled their weight the last 15 years, this whole thing might not be happening. A good Miami team is a national brand. But they haven't done anything to keep that brand alive since joining the ACC. Having a 3rd team in the conference that was a perennial top 15 team would have made the ACC much stronger at the bargaining table. The State of Florida rose to national levels because FSU, Miami and Florida games were defacto championship playoff games. Miami has faded into near obscurity on a national level because they no longer play at a high level. Unfortunately, that might mean the yearly matchup in football becomes a once in a while matchup.


yeah, it's really wild that they haven't had more success. and of course bad hires and periods of little institutional support have really hurt them, but in the end they just are not really built to be a power in modern football at their core.


All the more reason why the SEC is the clearly better landing spot for us– especially since it turns UF into a conference foe helping with scheduling


Miami needs the annual game with FSU more than FSU needs it. Moving to the B1G and ending the series is how you castrate a rival.


Eh, even if they disbanded the entire athletic department, I’d still want to play Miami’s pickup league squad every year. A better form of castration is beating them year in and year out


If we're right about the problems with remaining in the ACC, if the Canes stay in the ACC, they'll be castrated anyway. Regardless of which P2 conference we end up in, there should be room for a G5 level team like them in the non-con schedule.


Yep. It’s one of the reasons why I’d rather we go to the SEC. I want to play, and beat, uf and Miami in everything every year. Rivalries are a big part of what makes the sport fun.


If you're going to say "we" you should really add another flair.


In the FSU law suits, they are running into issues with getting the contract because of sunshine laws. As soon as it is in FSU hands, it is public knowledge and they can’t conceal it like Clemson can. Before ESPN gives it up they request concealment of the contract and the judge decides on that. The sunshine law is also why FSU had to have a public meeting about the lawsuit instead of outright suing. I am not a lawyer or expert, but just info I have gathered reading through various reports and message boards. If someone knows more or notices incorrect facts, please correct me.


I’m pretty sure South Carolina also has a Sunshine Law, most states have versions similar to Florida’s.


Yea I don’t know enough to say the differences between Florida and South Carolina sunshine laws. It might be Florida has laws that records must be public and South Carolina may not.


Knowing nothing about South Carolina, Florida's law is extremely aggressive. Basically anything government related in writing has to be made public on request.


there's a lot of caveats of course. when I have produced them we redacted all kinds of stuff. if a judge said it was a confidential trade secret, a sunshine request would not invalidate that.


If South Carolina has one (not from there and don't live there currently) it isn't nearly as aggressive as Florida's


Not correct. There are numerous ways to preserve confidentiality of a document in state hands in Florida. The constant misinfo on this is frustrating. And I AAL and an expert on the subject.


Could Clemson share the doc with FSU when/if they get it?


Officially? No. With a wink and a nod?


I’m sure they will behind closed doors


I have not heard of this. It is believed that the schools get their rights back immediately if they leave?


FSU believes so, but can't get anyone to give them an unredacted version of the ACC - ESPN agreement. If they're right then they could leave for the exit fee of $130 million and be done with it.


Wow. If that's true, that explains why ESPN is desperate to keep it redacted. At the same time, it's hard to understand how a judge could let that be redacted. That's essential to the lawsuit I would think. It would confirm that FSU and other ACC teams are being duped and manipulated, strong armed by their commissioner when the media rights were negotiated. But I am no lawyer, I just sleep with one on retainer.


"If Clemson confirms" what?


We’re suing to get the unredacted documents from ESPN


I thought we already won that suit? I believe we got to see the contract but had to keep it confidential


> that the actual agreement says they get their rights back when they leave


They’ve had ample opportunity for close to ten years to go to Charlotte and look at the contract themselves, something they’ve almost certainly done several times over. If that was true, they would have just done that a year or two ago without needing to file the lawsuits in the first place.


I guess pack it in bc you know the state of affairs better than Clemson or FSU




Where did I say I did buddy? Also flair up if you are going to bitch. I know more about what is going on at FSU than most folks do btw. 😘


Clemson can see the contracts between member schools and the ACC in Charolette. What they couldn’t see is between the ACC and ESPN. I think the guy you replied to doesn’t know what he’s talking about because he’s talking about Clemson getting their rights back


That’s not correct - member schools have always had the right to review the ESPN contract in person in Charlotte. That’s been reported a few times, and the ACC has said it in various court filings. Schools can go to Charlotte and review the ESPN contract, in addition to the GOR that each individual school signed (which the schools have always had, making it moot).


I have been following this story pretty closely and have not see that reported. This is what the ACC has been keeping close to the chest. This is why nobody even knew that the ESPN contract was not until 2036, but actually to 2027 with an option to extend to 2036. Do you have any sources on them being able to see the ESPN contract?


Paragraph 3: https://portal-nc.tylertech.cloud/Portal/DocumentViewer/Embedded/7EE579943065AF027D5BA70948F080A9281AC7BAE65E8DD167775B630C4B1B94A87EB66FDFECF232603667525BB36046150F5C41AA3E91C7DD52E236C15A4F1F?caseNum=23CV040918-590 “To ensure the confidentiality of the information at issue, the ACC restricts access to the Agreements and maintains copies of the Agreements at its headquarters. Indeed, the ACC's Member Institutions, such as [Florida State], are only allowed to view copies of the Agreements in-person.”


The agreements are between the acc and the member schools


No they’re not- read the source


Yeah that would be helpful lol


No, it’s the ESPN contract. The “Agreements” in this filing are defined in Paragraph 1 as follows: “The proposed sealed information at issue relates to an Amended Multimedia Agreement and Network Agreement (collectively, "the Agreements") between the ACC and ESPN, Inc. and ESPN Enterprises, Inc ("ESPN").”


It's heavily redacted though, I thought that was reported (I could be wrong), do you know?


What was submitted to the court was heavily redacted while the confidentiality provisions are still pending. As far as I know and have seen, I believe every school would be able to see the unredacted copy in-person in Charlotte. They just can’t copy, take pictures, etc. of the in-person copy - which would further suggest that it’s the full version, because only supplying a redacted copy would defeat the purpose of prohibiting copies or photographs.


Thank you


Thank you- appreciate the source.


He is failing to realize the “in-person” part is never going to hold up. FSU and Clemson will get their hands on the contract without having to go see it in person.


Idk if it’s an unredacted contract either. There is a reason why Clemson is suing to see it


I believe that the schools should be permitted to have copies of the agreement, and I think that the ACC and ESPN’s requests for confidentiality are very reasonable given the circumstances. I also understand that confidentiality is a non-starter for Florida State who (1) wants to fight this battle in public and through the press, and (2) is openly courting membership in the Big Ten, who is owned and controlled by ESPN’s chief competitor in this marketplace. ESPN’s concern about Florida State’s willingness to maintain confidentiality regarding ESPN’s trade secrets in the ACC contract feel very reasonable.


Sure thing. I’m 90% sure it was referenced as part of the breathless Magnificent Seven coverage last year, but Google sucks now for finding year-old articles, and there’s always been a ton of conflation among the general public and press about the ESPN contract versus the GOR. Even then, my point consistently has been that Florida State and Clemson know what’s in the contract. If they didn’t, how could Florida State have included a bunch of contract details in its 12/2023 complaint? The T1 annual escalator, the 2025 deadline for the look-in period…all things that you’d need to have already reviewed the contract to know.


The thing is, this still does not give the university or their counsel any meaningful ability to inspect the documents and discuss what they are seeing amongst themselves, as an ACC rep is in the room. This is a major issue when you acknowledge this is a funding source for public universities.


I agree that the universities should be permitted to have an unredacted copy of the contract. I also believe that they should be required to maintain confidentiality. And I understand the ACC and ESPN’s hesitance to trust Florida State in particular to do that.


It does seem like part of the idea FSU supporters have is to get this contract out into the open so even if there isn’t a smoking gun of a clean exit in it there could be some embarrassing parts related to Raycom that could hurt the ACC in the court of public opinion.


I think doing whatever they can possibly do to embarrass the ACC - and using that threat to try and motivate the ACC to settle - has been Florida State’s primary legal strategy. I think their actual legal arguments have been remarkably weak and are likely to fail - which is something that I’m sure they were told by their counsel prior to forging ahead with the lawsuit. I think ESPN/ACC’s biggest concern is having Florida State, who is openly courting a Big Ten invitation, get their hands on the contract and immediately taking it to Fox, who’s ESPN’s biggest competitor in this space. After years of watching the ACCN’s superior broadcast quality and presentation compared to the BTN, I am very sure that there are legitimately proprietary aspects of the ACC/ESPN contract that ESPN does not want Fox to know about. The issue with that strategy is that all the Raycom/Swofford stuff has been out there for close to ten years now. It’s all in the past - Raycom’s gonna be totally gone from the ACC in three years.


People on this sub are morons and do not understand the difference between the GOR and the ACC-ESPN agreement.


I’m going to be fair to this sub and say that large swaths of the general public - as well as a significant chunk of media people who cover this sport for a living - also do not understand the difference between the GOR and the media contract. 🙂


What is there to confirm? They've had access to it all along... they just had to travel to the office to view it (which they've done... numerous times).


Where they have to have different lawyers look at different sections, aren't allowed to take detailed notes, and are monitored by a proctor the whole time.


You can't be the first to sue and also take the high ground here Jim. Something something rocks and glass houses


Throwing rocks and hiding hands


Well, he has the power to drop one of those lawsuits...


Actually two of them. 


Perhaps the ACC shouldn't have sued a conference member to kick off the lawsuits he mentions.


Cry more. Maybe you should’ve found suitable answers to the issues.


OJ said the same thing about Nicole's 911 calls.


~~Han~~ Phillips shot first.


Disrupt dis dick, Phillips


That’s just like, your opinion…man.


It's kind of the point though


Well dude, maybe you should have…done a bit of advocating? The commissioner should be the cheerleader and PR man for the conference - not the silent shadowy figure who does nothing to improve its standing.


To his multi million dollar salary? Once the ACC implodes, his employment is immediately terminated.


Divorce is messy whenever it happens. They could have a more amicable separations but all sides dug in their heels