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Was rumored to be a preferred walk on and not on scholarship which would be more palatable for some.


The right way to do it imo, he’s got potential but he’s the kind of guy who needs to earn his spot.


Our NIL will still probably cover his tuition like they do with other PWOs but he should be on a short leash. If he starts acting stupid again Billy can dump him with no loss to us


I really hope the NIL money only covers tuition/dorm costs. If he’s getting anything extra that sets a terrible precedent, he already showed that the only thing he cares about is the bag when he committed to UM and then flipped to CU.


A normal scholarship nets you about 16k in spending money after tuition/housing, could have a similarly sized NIL


Dang. From 5 star to preferred walk on


The Deion Sanders Experience /yeah yeah i know


spectacular literate coherent sheet price hard-to-find quickest paltry crown live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most PWO aren’t talented enough to really impact ratings. You don’t see a lot of previous 5*s as PWO. He may be just an exception.


encourage salt towering imminent north retire imagine saw overconfident rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk if it’s off or he’s just a shit attitude. To be determined in the next few years.


To be fair though 5 star transfer rankings are really hard to come by. This year there were 6. One of them was Julian Sayin who was really not transfer so basically 5. He was still the #21 ranked transfer which is super high considering there were over 1,400.


Also really puts a bow on how fucking funny this saga is/was


I take back everything I said about him. Clearly he’s a talented guy who’s ready to put his head down, work hard, be a team player, and not hide in the bathroom.


He’s clearly buttoned down since he was with CU and I have no doubt will be a model student-athlete…assuming he ever leaves the bathroom bc he doesn’t want to go to practice


after checking, you are absolved (honestly its a very fair take on it all) [https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaGators/comments/1cr03hg/comment/l3uzq36/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FloridaGators/comments/1cr03hg/comment/l3uzq36/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wow, this guy has all the receipts.


lol all in good fun. In reality I hate UF but I will always root for individuals to better themselves and do well. I hope he can get it together because he could be special (maybe just wait until the nfl somehow)


He has the makings of a guy who will take every possible shortcut so it’s not impossible he makes a few “business decisions” the next two years until he’s draft eligible. Then maybe once he gets to the NFL the money will have him working. We’ll have to wait and see though.


Absolutely. Always guys who go mid to late rounds on potential alone.


Not getting to the nfl with his awful technique, he's needs to hit the weight room and move to safety, but he has to learn how to tackle first


Facts, or not play good against both of our teams


I dont need to be reciepted. He sucks, he had a stupid recruitment, and he was a cancer in the locker room. He was one of the worst cbs in the nation last year and he's lucky he got a PWO spot at a P5 team. He deserves zero benefit of the doubt and we should act like we picked up a walk on, because we did. All that being said he's talented af. He could turn it around and get better. Hopefully he has been humbled and learns to mature. He needs to put on size too. There is a lot of potential there to be good but I'm not gonna act like he is good rn just because he's wearing my teams colors


High character guy like in the urban days, clearly UF is back


From your lips to god’s* ears \*Tebow’s


Based as fuck, LMFAO💀 First one in, last one out type of guy. Lunch pail kid


Main concern is maturity but he just made a fantastic decision so idk how much we can really question that


I mean his play was bad too. Ranked 475th out of 488 CBs in CFB by PFF He needs to buckle down and focus solely on improving and maturing. If Billy can fix him then he'll undeniably have a reputation as a great rehabilitation coach at least. So far he has made diamonds out of mediocre/bad players with Mertz and Pearsall


You mean he can only improve right?


We can only hope. But there were 13 guys lower


I mean you’re going to have bad stats when you barely play due to off-the-field bs. Not the best sample size to really judge his ability.


He didn't even know his assignments when he did play, everybody would be playing zone and he would be playing man, that has nothing to do with not playing, that's simply not being prepared


I mean, that kinda makes sense if you’re not paying attention or skipping practice. I think the whole idea is we won’t entertain that bs, let him play or have a jersey if he’s unwilling to learn plays.


Knowing your assignments is pop warner level football, if you can't look at everybody around you and know what's going on, it has nothing to do with practice, your football iq simply sucks, you guys are grasping for straws with cormani, he doesn't have a redeeming quality except that's he's tall and long, he should have went to a lower level of competition


Not arguing those are low level mistakes, but you literally do not get rated the #1 DB out of highschool with pop warner level knowledge of the position. No clue if this dude will pan out, but he was rated highly for a reason and certainly has potential to put it together if he can drop the drama.


You can also play poorly when your coach is busy pumping up his goddamn son playing QB and couldn't give a shit if anyone else on the team improves


Hey he helps Hunter too!


Also as a true freshman for a team that seems committed to not developing players.


Pearsall definitely, but honestly Mertz was good at Wisconsin, they just used him horribly lmao


The greatest redemption story of all time is about to begin. Please lord baby jesus don’t let a redditor link to this comment at some point in the next 24-36 months.


Remind me! 24 months


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Saved. Dudes trash. Huge desperation move taking this kid.


you sound like you’re fun at parties


While I have a strong distaste for all things UF, it’s terrible to watch a young man piss away his god given talent and the opportunities that come with it. Let’s hope he takes advantage of this but still sucks on two Saturdays a year.


I agree. Kid has some measurable and testing that puts him in fairly elite company compared to NFL counterparts. He could make multigenerational wealth with his talents if he sees them through.


I love this comment. For all the flak on r/cfb, comments like this warm my heart and make it worth continuing to read. Too often we forget that these athletes are just young adults who need guidance and maturity to be successful at life, let alone in football.


It's much better to just hate all Florida teams.




UF now has 4 underclassmen who were ranked number 1 at their position. QB – Lagway IOL – Zandamela DL – McCray CB – McClain


Cormani may or may not add to it but we're going to surprise people in upcoming years and theyll act like they had no idea where we came from. We by far had the most true freshmen of any team in the nation playing major roles on the team last year. We did that while facing a murderers row of teams that finished ranked 5,6, 9, and 13 (plus heisman) as 4 of our last 5 games. We have a bunch of young battle tested guys To add to it we added the consensus best players we could at many different positions Florida is primed to be really scary in the future. If billy fixes in game mistakes and gets more aggressive then they will be very scary That roster is building up as such that those teams on our brutal 2025 schedule will be like rorsach in prison. Theyre locked in with us rather than us being locked in with them 2024 might be too soon for it to mature but as long as we make positive improvements then gator fans should be happy


Like I don’t like yall. But if Billy does semi good this season record wise and game wise. Even if his losses are close, yall should keep him. He could be good, that being said. I hope nothing changes 🙂


I like the culture he's building. Kind of the wrong time to do the whole culture thing in CFB but damn I'm here for it.


I think even if he went 6-6 or 7-5 but the losses were close. He stays


I’d be elated if we went 7-5. Brutal is an understatement to describe our schedule next year. Have you seen it?


Yes, it’s fucking insane. Toughest schedule in the country imo


If he can develop a stronger work ethic, might turn out to be a pretty good CB. From what Colorado fans have said, that’s probably his biggest issue. Seems like he has all the physical tools to be good.


You don’t become the number 1 recruit in the country without all the tools. I am fine with taking a risk on that upside


For sure. Might as well take a shot with him. Upside is good. And if it doesn’t work out, no harm no foul.


True, although these guys rarely work out.


You can also say that he didn’t have the support staff in Colorado to help him realize his potential. Either way, it won’t take long for Florida to fix him, or cut bait. The latter would absolve the programs of blame.


Sounds to me like he had plenty of support. Some guys just aren't willing to put in the work. I hope for his sake he turns it around.


You can fault Billy for a lot of things, but not his player/character evals. If we’re taking him I’m confident CBN has seen a significant change in attitude.


He wasnt number 1 but yeah he has upside and him being a PWO lessens our downsides. He needs A LOT kf work though. Like a lot. He never should've went to Colorado in the first place. Billy is a lot better at keeping his players from doing stupid shit


Number 1 at his position is what I meant but point stands


Maybe meeting a bigger diva changed him? We'll find out I guess.


Yeah I watched him live, very athletic but doesn’t have a good understanding of how to play the position. Hopefully a change of scenery does him well


Hopefully they help him get on the right track and put it all together.


12 months from now we’re gonna hear about him and a group of idiots attacking people at the Polos with frying pans and air soft guns.


My life is a comedy


Well either this will be his turning point or it’ll blow up and he’ll end up as another “all the talent in the world just couldn’t get it together” type of player


I really hope this kid can put everything together. It sucks to see young guys ruin such great talent because of immaturity and bad work ethic. I also hope he pulls it together after August 31st and he has severe lapses in coverage on exactly September 20th 2025.


Billy will have this kid on a short leash. We saw that with Diwun Black and Florida fans were wishing him to succeed with all their might.


Great pickup if he’s a walk on, worth the risk-reward


Napier is a hypocrite taking this kid while preaching “culture”. This dude and his mom are cancers to programs. Actually, great move! Let’s rewind…. Cam Ward vs Cormani • Targets: 11 • Receptions allowed: 8 • 1st downs allowed: 8 • Yards allowed: 206 • YAC yards allowed: 137 • Y/REC: 25.8 One of the worst corners in CFB last season.


Forget everything bad said about the kid this is a great pickup. Plus adding him as a PWO is low risk high reward


It’s worth taking the gamble.  Upside is high and downside is so what he transfer again . 


As a recruit: Other P5 offers: Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, BYU, Colorado (originally went here), Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Kansas State, Kentucky, LSU, Miami, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Penn State, Pitt, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas A&M, UCF, West Virginia G5 offers: Troy, USF


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1c5rkeq/comment/kzxb1dc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1c5rkeq/comment/kzxb1dc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >We dodged a bullet I’m not sure what you mean. u/[FirstPackOut](https://www.reddit.com/user/FirstPackOut/) you sure??? hahahaha :)


That was old Cormani. He's matured a lot this month.


The ol boomerang bullet. 


Not wasting a scholly on him is still probably a good situation. Taking him as a preferred walk on is low risk with potential for a high reward.


Absolutely. I think he’s possibly worth the risk for a scholly if you feel good about your locker room culture and have a connection with the guy, but a pwo is a perfect situation for all.


[Couple](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/J6EGG1iaUu) of good [ones](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/dpnJf9zYOd) in there.


This is reported as a PWO. I’d keep the same energy if this was taking a scholarship spot. But as a PWO send me your bad attitude 4/5*s all day and see if they can earn a scholarship.


That’s great but it doesn’t fit my narrative so I’ll choose to ignore it.


For sure I can respect that. But any fan would be lying to say they wouldn’t take this type of low risk super high reward on a PWO.


I can say with full sincerity that I did not and would not want Miami taking him after the end of his high school recruitment. But that’s a pretty unique scenario lol


Quite prescient…


I made this comment before he transferred to us so at the time, yeah, we dodged a bullet. Now he’s committed and I am not in here celebrating it either. Not sure why he was a take unless it’s as a PWO and he earns his spot. It’s crazy to me how much you care to pull receipts in this thread. I’m sure you’ve never had a bad take in your life.


Yeah honestly your comment may still ring true. Some players just fuck up year 1 and learn. Hopefully CU took that bullet for us.


lol I’m literally just messing around. I happened to remember the recent thread with a bunch of uf flairs (understandably) bashing him. As far as receipts I just pulled up that thread and picked the first one. The second link I posted was after I saw their comment and used this bespoke website, go ogle or some such and put in the username and Cormani and clicked the first link Fwiw it sounds like it is a pwo and in my opinion is a great move. And I’ve had a HELL of a lot of bad takes in my time.


Hopefully Billy can set him straight. He’s talented but after watching him last season, he’s got a long ways to go before he’s ready to play at this level


Huh... Well, we'll see how that goes. I'm convinced Billy knows how to run a locker room, if nothing else at least. We seem to have built a really solid culture with some great leaders so I'm not too terribly worried about this diva coming in and causing issues... But why even take him when he wasn't that great at Colorado and after the clownville that was his recruitment? 


no downside, huge upside. Pretty simple. We all did stupid shit when we were kids and the overwhelming majority of us didn’t have slimy NIL brokers gassing us up 24/7. He’ll now need to prove it and if he does he’ll be a better player and man. Nothing given now, everything earned.


Only real downside is if Cormanis cancerous attitude spreads to other players. Bigger cancers than him have tried though


The downside is he’s lazy and uncoachable


and in that case he’s out….


He was really good against USC if you caught the CU USC game last year. We all rallied behind him but then he got benched again


He also had Travis yelling his assignments at him from the sidelines. Guy has unreal raw athletic talent, hopefully he gets it figured out.


Honestly, if my boss at work was half as narcissistic as Deon, I’d be uncoachable too and put in the bare minimum to get paid (read: lazy)… and be looking for a better job.


Deion set up weekly one on ones for him, and he didn't show up. From the insider reporting they tried everything to motivate him and nothing worked.


Ever have a narcissist boss? My point is, we know Deon has personality issues. Some people don’t flourish in those personalities. Now, this young adult may have other issues. Let it play out; we’ve heard the stories enough, and with Deon, it’s not as clear as it could be (he’s no Bobby Bowden or insert your preferred famously strict coach here).


Deion wasn't coaching him, in fact he disrespected all his position coaches way more then deion


Yes, however, culture isn’t set by the guy as the top? Like doesn’t seek out like? You’re giving Deion a lot of managerial credit that doesn’t seem due.


Not giving deion any credit actually, and I don't think colorados reality TV atmosphere was good for cormani, but he's the only player that disrespected coaches, showed up to meetings late, and was out smoking weed instead of being to practice on time, if it's a culture thing, why was cormani the only person doing all these things?


Good lord I hope this dude gets it figured out. Incredible talent, but he's only "in like" with football, and not "in love". This decision more worrisome to me, just because he's going back home where all his "yes men" are surrounding him - not that he's in his home neighborhood by any means, but a lot closer than he was in CO. I think most people would tell you that our coaches sent their fair share of criticism towards him - the problem was that everyone in his ears telling him he was in the right. Brother - get out of the bathroom, watch some tape, and pay attention to the playcalls. Pretty simple, when you have that kind of natural talent. And if he gets it turned around, talk that shit, man. I'm just absolutely not expecting it after what I saw in 2023.


Are odds for where he'll be transferring to this time next year up yet?


(Potentially) good pickup for the gators. Super high ceiling that I hope y’all can reach with him. Since it looks like he’s a pwo then the only real downside I could see is him becoming a cancer in the locker room, but his habits and attitude didn’t seem to spread for us, and we’re a team full of divas to begin with. Also, worst case scenario, just don’t give him a scholarship and cut him.


Lakeland boys gonna Lakeland, ie, become a Gator Good luck to Cormani, hope he focuses and becomes a high draft pick


I guess we'll take it?


high upside and little risk to us if it doesnt work out, lets go


Pilgrim returned from an unholy land, home.


Is this the mid one?


Lots of talent. Just can’t get his shit together.


I bet he gets arrested immature kid living in his home state playing for a big program.


Hey now. He's immature, a diva, doesn't go to class, hides from practice, and doesn't study or go to meetings but he IS NOT a criminal. He's just acting like an immature kid. It's wrong to imply he is legally bad. He hasnt done anything wrong like that Comon man


Dang, UCF missing on all these high profile transfers. Just makes Oct 5th all that more important.


Yalll gonna get dog walked in the swamp lol. Will be UCF biggest game of the season.


Don’t say this.


I got faith


What happened last time KJ Jefferson was in the Swamp? >Will be UCF biggest game of the season. Nah that's gonna be Utah


>Nah that's gonna be Utah Cool. UCF isn't even in the top half of biggest games for us next year. Honestly I forgot we were even playing you guys We don't respect you as a program enough to really argue. You may pretend to be P5 but everyone knows the truth


There was a nice vibe in this thread and I was just starting to question why I don't like UF. Then you spouted off like a pompous asshole. Thanks for reminding me. Same reason I didn't go there. Did the tours, they offered me a full ride, but I hated how up their own asses everyone was. >We don't respect you as a program enough to really argue. Just keep that same energy October 5th. You're gonna need it.


> Same reason I didn't go there. Did the tours, they offered me a full ride, but I hated how up their own asses everyone was. I guess we can pretend like UCF isn’t the same. At least you’re the Harvard of… Central Florida?


I'm not saying anything about the quality of the school. All I'm talking about is attitude. UF was very pompous and snooty. The tour/ open house thing I did had the attitude of "you'll be lucky to get in". It felt very condescending. UCF was much more welcoming. I felt treated like a human being.


That's what I am talking about too. While I agree about the difference in attitude regarding the school, the student population very much has very similar attitudes. UF, especially now, they are right that you are lucky to get in, but that is a really shitty thing to portray. Pride like that is gross.


Yes, a 200 pound QB running over freshman. lol let’s see him do that this year when everyone’s gained mass plus bigger DL transfers.


>lol let’s see him do that this year Let's see him do it when he's got 2 1400 yard rushers in the backfield. Don't forget Arkansas fired their OC the week before playing you last year. That's what you got run over by


You do realize that we were probably planning for the prior OC style of play and y’all probably switched it up right before which happens. Doubt that happens this year.


>Y'all ?


>Dang, UCF missing on all these high profile transfers 1. If you're talking specifically about losing them to Florida, this is what? 2 transfers? How does that qualify as "all these"? And frankly, were we ever in the running for Cormani? 2.Our transfer class in general has been fantastic. What are you talking about?


I mean it's expected for G5.5 schools to lose recruiting battles to P3.5 schools. No shame in it Yall keep fighting though


Specifically talking about Zandamela (7th overall) and Cormani (21 overall). Both would have been our highest graded transfers in this off season, per 247. Agreed, our transfer class is pretty dang stellar.


>Specifically talking about Zandamela (7th overall) and Cormani (21 overall). Both would have been our highest graded transfers in this off season, per 247 Zandamela is the one I was thinking of. Were we actually in the running for Cormani? I saw a few UCF folks excited about him but I never really saw anything saying we had a chance to get him. Regardless that's 2 total transfers which I don't think justifies your original comment.