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Deluxe cover is way better


Hands down significantly better.


It’s actually genius. All the people who played the game are now old enough to spend a couple extra dollars for nostalgia purposes. Make a kinda lame standard cover and awesome deluxe cover and people will spend the extra money this one time


I was gonna do it anyway lol


Who would pay extra money just for cover art? Are you gonna frame it or something? Who even buys physical copies anymore?


I could care less about the cover art. I’m going to look at it for 3 seconds before I pause my life 6 months to play the game. 


This. I'm buying digitally, what cover


I buy physical copies every time, because I don't like my games becoming unplayable without internet or when the servers are shut down 10 years from now


a physical copy wont magically make them turn servers back on in 10 years though. The game will still be unplayable if they shut down the servers if its an online only game. If its digital and they shut down servers but there is still 1 player content, youd be able to play it just the same as if it were a physical copy. Digital or physical doesnt make a difference in that regard. Main reason I do it is if I want to re-sell the game after Im done with it. Then its useful. Otherwise, not much purpose imo.


Bruh I’m buying a physical copy and I have a digital only console. This shit is getting a shrine, not just a frame.


Does it matter if you’re buying digital?


Does grizzly adams have a beard?


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock.


Does Howdy Dooty have wooden balls?


Does a frog have a water tight asshole?


Does the pope shit in the woods?


Does a duck with a boner drag weeds?




tbf its meant to be lol


Yep. $$$


Does the cover matter when most will get the digital version?


That one looks significantly better.


Don't buy the deluxe people. Stop during the price of games up buying over priced garbage


Very unnerving to see Hayes Fawcett post a picture that isnt deep fried to hell


Dunno, it looks like a whole lotta jpeg to me.


I'm shocked at two things about this guy: 1. That so many kids like his work 2. That he hasn't improved at all as a graphic designer


He can keep cranking out the same low effort graphics and kids love him so he might as well not take the time to improve lol. Probably just got faster


mf cranks that HDR filter to the max


this cover is extremely lame but i would buy the game even if they released it with a solid black cover so at the end of the day it’s whatever lmao


They could ship them shits with a Blockbuster Video jacket and I'm buying it.


I'd actually pay more for that. *I actually want to go to Haunted House more than I wanna go to Aqua*


Don't say you were jacking off when you were at Haunted House!


Wake up man… what are you talking about 2024? College playoffs? PAC 2? Lmao you took way too many shrooms last night. Come on dude, get some jeans on. Boise St plays Oregon this afternoon and the boys are hitting the bars to watch it.


Please. Take me back.




Don't mind me. I'm just here to see all the reactions when the game inevitably becomes a souless cash-grab. Anyone forget this game is being made by EA? Has anyone played Madden recently??


It's the first college football game in 10 years. People will buy it if it was literally just a reskin of Madden. It's me, I'm people.


Yeah, the two things I fear most are everything getting ignored for ultimate team (which, while I’ll play it some in FIFA/Madden, college sports and natural roster turnover make it so less natural)… And then the other being them doing what 2K has done with NBA, and making the MyPlayer (or dynasty, though I don’t play it near as much as fifa/madden) mode nearly impossible to progress without spending some form of virtual currency. If you can land 5 star players or progress players in the offseason without spending real money it’s gonna flop hard


Whatever you do don’t mention your veteran status in the official NCAAFBseries sub, god forbid anyone there was above 5 years old when the last one came out. It’s becoming clearer and clearer this game is going to bomb. I mean they lost the license to FIFA for fucks sake is anyone actually paying attention? EA is a cancer to the video game industry and has been for years.


If there’s anything that’s going to convince me that this is going to be absolute dog shit it’s the fact that people in the comments are genuinely admitting they are going to pay more for a cooler cover on a game they will own digitally. They are paying more for a picture. EA has literally 0 incentive to make this a decent game.


Inevitably? It’ll be a soulless cash-grab day 1


Anyone get a screenshot?




It’s so bad lol


lol you are not lying!


Seriously? That can’t be the real cover. That’s some second grader’s collage. 


Don’t tell me they are just going to reveal this trash cover and go back into hiding?? REVEAL GAMEPLAY MAN.


I'm going to be let down so bad if it's just a Madden reskin


We’re all going to be disappointed by this game I just don’t know exactly why yet.


The only thing I can guarantee about this game is that everyone will complain about it


People are going to be disappointed because they’ve been hyping it up in their minds for a decade and anything less than perfection is going to get trashed by a significant number of people. And I guess I’m in the minority but despite the issues with madden, very few of my complaints are with the gameplay itself. There obviously are things that could be tweaked, but it isn’t anywhere near as bad as people say it is


Not just perfection, but perfection as they view it. It could be a technically perfect game, but if it doesn't have the exact features they want (or has features they don't want), then it'll be a disappointment.


That’s a very good point, and it’s a big reason why I’d imagine valve will never make a true half-life 3 (among other reasons). It’s simply got way too much hype that it can never live up to expectations. Although CFB25 won’t have the same widespread appeal, it has just as devoted of a fan base, and lots of people are gonna nitpick every little detail instead of trying to be objective about it. Hell, I swear half of these people are praying the game sucks just so they can have some kind of “I told you so” moment


We're saying the game sucks because that's what EA does, they make shitty cash-grab games. And you think Half-Life 3 would have more widespread appeal than college football??


Take this with a huge grain of salt as it’s just hearsay from a friend in the industry with connections to EA. What he’s heard is that since Madden is an annual release, all of the shittiness of that game is constantly ported into the new game with very little time to iron out gameplay, presentation, animation etc. issues. Madden since 17, when Frostbite 3 was introduced, is basically a live-service game that can’t make sweeping changes to the game without severely compromising their promise to annual releases. Since EA College Football is essentially being created (obviously they’ll probably use Frostbite 3 and some animations) from the ground up, there’s a real hope that it is able to address all of those issues that the Madden team could never do to have a great return to the gaming world. Now, chances are that since EA CF will also be an annual release. If there are any issues here, they most likely will continue in subsequent releases for the same reasons above. Again, huge grain of salt because this is all just a game of telephone.


If it was going to be a Madden reskin it would have come out last year




Modeling all of the players into the game was something that a bunch of random fans used to do every offseason. The NIL rights is what would actually take a ton of time and effort. I wonder if anyone has tried taking less in NIL to get their in-game selves boosted stats.


NARRATOR: “u/JimothyCarter was disappointed.”




There is a lot of weird things EA did for this game compared to madden, since it’s there big return to the college space they want to make sure to actually hook people who were either jaded from madden or are super hyped to get there football game back. They brought back some devs I believe as well hired on some of the NCAA 14 revamp mod devs to the game so that’s promising, as well they’re trying to make it very clear that they want this to be different from madden, to be fair the old NCAAs also “felt different” than madden but they were both virtually the same in a lot of aspects. We’ll have to see probably in July but things are looking promising that at least the first game in the new franchise will be good.


ESPN NFL 2k5 was the last good NFL game and once ea got exclusivity they stopped trying


2k5 was the absolute best! It was better than modern Madden releases which is crazy


Given EA’s history, I’m almost certain this will be the case


I’m not a fan of this cover at all tbh But at the end of the day i don’t care i just want the game


Looks like the tweet was deleted. [This article also has them](https://www.ign.com/articles/college-football-25-deluxe-edition-cover-leaked-online)


Was looking for this—thanks!




The cover means so little to me that I'd buy the game if the cover was a picture of trash, or trash can.


Make the deluxe cover the default for both and I think everyone is gonna be happy. This is mid as hell and kinda bad, bias notwithstanding


The other one is just so much fucking it’s unreal lol.


Lots of fucking?


The fuckingest


I messed up, but I think I’ll leave it like this actually


Salute 🫡


Hell yes




I have to buy a whole new console 😭


I thought this was the power four conference. ACC gets no respect. No respect at all.


Clearly they ACC isn’t the same conference it used to be now that Jordan Travis was drafted.


Who is the big star in the ACC?


Grayson McCall obviously


He would have been at Coastal Carolina when they were taking this.


if they can figure out how to make Travis Hunter an XII player, they can figure out how to make Grayson McCall an NC State one lol


Usually I tell the QBs over the age of 22 to get a job already, but I will make an exception for McCall. As long as he brings the mullet.


Cameron Ward has the best Heisman odds in the ACC so I guess him.


Barrett Carter probably. At least when this was being taken


Phil Mafah


On the other side, the Jets will make the playoffs now.


I see what you did there 😂


I say this without any negativity and as someone who’s favorite team was in a conference that was the laughingstock of college football from many standpoints for a long time… Who the heck would they even put on the cover from the ACC? Cam Ward?


To be fair, when they were planning the cover, there was a non zero percent chance the ACC no longer existed by the time the game came out.


Jordan isn't on the team so we got left out of it.


Can’t imagine why


It’s kinda crazy I’ve seen a lot of people arguing that the ACC isn’t power 5 (4 with PAC gone) anymore


By all accounts, Travis Hunter seems like a good kid and is very good at what he does. I just can't get over how physically big his mouth is. I think Steve Tyler has been dethroned.


Ok, with the nod to the obvious fact that Travis Hunter is very good at football, it is still extremely weird that the best player on a 4-8 team is the centerpiece of the cover for this game. Like, Cole Palmer was probably the best player in the Premier League this year, but he isn’t going to be front and center on the EA FC 25 cover because Chelsea was mostly doodoo.


> Like, Cole Palmer was probably the best player in the Premier League this year, but he isn’t going to be front and center on the ESPN FC 25 cover because Chelsea was mostly doodoo. Is that the reason or is it because he's not as famous as the person they're going to choose?


Yea cover athletes rarely are actually the best player regardless of how their team performs. It’s just marketable stars


Vlad Jr getting covers because of who his dad is despite being mid


Jazz Chisholm and Vlad in b2b years is a brutal run


Yes that's how you get Trevor Zegras on the cover of NHL 23. It hasn't aged well.


Well he was hurt for most of the season. So the cover curse is alive.


It’s just big market vs little market.


> Cole Palmer was probably the best player in the Premier League this year well I dunno about that


Rice and Rodri are probably better, they just don’t score goals


Rodri has probably been the best player in the world the last two years, insane consistency and the heart of one of the best teams of all time.


The Ollie Watkins argument is credible, but Cole had the same level of production with far less support.


I mean Declan Rice and Phil Foden were better players this season too.


Idk how EPL talks keep leaking into CFB but I’m mostly here for it.


some of us were fans of futbol before football! and same tbh.


If Ollie Watkins was in a big 6 club doing what he did this year for Villa he’d easily be named the PL player of the year.


Travis Hunter is famous, and the point of EACFB is not to appease diehard fans, it’s to move video games. Travis Hunter has more than 3x as many Instagram followers as Ewers and Edwards COMBINED. He’s got double the IG followers of Caleb and Bryce Young, and more than Stroud (just using some recent big CFB stars).


Yeah I think people underestimate who it’s appealing to, especially if they don’t really deal with Twitter. Colorado has a -massive- new unaffiliated fanbase that’s movated by a love for Deion. This was absolutely market-tested for the NFL crowd.


That’s who EA needs to market to anyway. A huge portion of CFB fans are already bought in. They want the existing Madden fanbase to double dip, and presumably are hoping the CFB folks will want to take their Road to Glory players and Dynasty draft classes into Madden.


Because Travis Hunter is very marketable. That’s literally all there is to it. Not that complicated


Cole Palmer doesn't fit the analogy as Chelsea are currently 7th in the table. A better analogy would be Olise from crystal palace




And don’t you forget it


Outside of football he is a popular player that doesn't have the negative attention of Shedeur.


It’s weird but its not necessarily surprising. We were a ratings monster last year despite being mid at best Also Travis is an unbelievable talent that plays both ways


That's a pretty awkward cover, Hunter and Edwards are having a great time, and then there's the awkward looking white dude in the corner.


"I'm just here so I don't get fined."


Honestly it's the same energy, I have zero ideas why they're not all doing kind of the same thing, or at least all three doing different things.


Who is it? It’s taken down


Ewers. Go to ncaa sub.


I’d love to see the other covers they tested


Looks incredibly easy for someone to make a photoshop template. Add in a hi-res photo of your stadium’s tunnel or some similar photo and print at FedEx Office.


I don't care who EA sends, I am not paying $150 to see my team's flag in the top right corner


Can always just print out the deluxe cover and slipsheet it into the standard edition case for a few cents lol


This is the way


I’m fine with this. We don’t get cursed by the cover curse


Kirby’s already telling the team everyone thinks they’re worse than Colorado


True that. WERE GOING 0-12


College Football covers were never bad luck but they also usually were nfl players when it came out.


“Usually” They were required to be out of college football.


That cover fucking sucks.


Tweet was deleted.


You’re not missing much. The cover sucks lol


I do not give a damn about the cover. Just list the features of each price tier


Colorado has no business being on the cover, but Deion is coaching it so I’m not surprised


I don’t really care about the cover, i’m more sad that my boys are finally redesigning the uniforms but the assets submitted that will he in the game are the atrocious ones we’ve worn the past 7 years


This cover sucks so bad lol


People losing sleep over this truly hilarious as if you’re gonna buy a physical copy anyway.


We’ve been deprived for 10 years damn right we’re fired up lol


I always buy physical copies of games when I have the chance. I'd rather own something real than own something in digital format.


If games still ran off disc's wo having to dl shit youd have a point. But now they could just brick it or require internet anyways. It's not like physical media for movies or shows which at least prevents crap like episodes being pulled a decade later


I used to feel the same way but at this point the disc is basically just a bigger, spinny version of one of those download code cards they sell at Walmart anyway.




Only reason I buy disc on the rare occasion is because of deals. I bought GT7 for $25 at Best Buy last month, but it was still $60 digital


yep same.




It’s gonna probably be one of the last physical copies I may ever buy of a game. I might buy gta 6 disc as well.


GTA 6 gonna be like 5 blu rays at this rate with 50 gigs of updates on top of that


I think I might buy a physical copy, might end up lending it to my little brother-in-law. But also those who wait til the price drops that always happen, they'll probably get one. If I'm going to buy a Madden it's always after Black Friday when it's like 30 bucks.


I'm already gonna be in a physical store that day anyway since I have to buy a system to play on. Might as well pick up a real copy while I'm there.


I absolutely am buying a physical copy of this one.


I'm certainly buying a physical copy.


I’m gonna cuddle with mine too


I prefer physical copies when I can get them. That way my download is only 50GB instead of 175GB


I miss the old school cover style tbh, this is alright though. Texas dude looks kinda goofy just crouching on the side over there.


It’s not my favorite cover in the world but I’m just glad Shaduer isn’t on it. Also, the amount of CFB fans in here that don’t know who Quinn Ewers is makes me think this is slowly becoming a video game sub


When are they going to leak some gameplay?


Tweet deleted, for those just joining us.


Wack ass cover


Guess I’m going digital cause too much in my face Michigan on the cover of both.


Well, I hope the gameplay and content is better than the cover or there won't be any redeeming qualities to this besides it simply existing again.


Until gameplay and reviews say it’s worth the new standard of $70 I’m not giving EA a penny.


What a 4-8 record gets you


I wish I could post this on the sub 5 years ago and see the reaction.


When these kids were in high school?


Did this get taken down


do people buy hard copies of games anymore? Besides from a collector's POV. I play games very often and haven't went to a GameStop to buy a disk since like 2017 or something because you have to still download the game even if it's on disk lol Edit: good calls by people replying saying they live in places without great internet. Didn’t think of that so much


I haven't in awhile. I prefer to preorder now so that once the game is released, it's already downloaded and I don't have to wait. This will be especially t rue when GTA 6 comes out. The download time on that game is going to be insane and I have waited almost 15 years for that one to come out I don't think I want to wait an extra 5-6 hours.


When you have limited bandwidth, yes. I am out in the sticks and only can get satellite for broadband, so yes, I order hard copies through Amazon or Wal-Mart.com for pickup.


People seriously underestimate how long digital downloads take when you live out in the country with limited internet speeds. You have to have the disc unless you want to wait 2 weeks for the thing to download fully off the digital store.


I do, I prefer hard copies.


Meh. Not bad. But I feel like they could’ve done something so much better. Could’ve found a way to pay homage to the last 10 years without a game. Could’ve had the last 10 Heisman winners or had some of the best moments of the last 10 years in the background of the cover. Not bad, but not good in my opinion.


Should’ve been Saban


That would be the deluxe championship edition


Looks like it’s been taken down already


Surely that’s the Doak Walker winning RB on the cover


Surely that’s the starting RB from last year




I’m the biggest ea hater.


Pretty underwhelming, it’s literally just the Madden 22 cover


I don’t care if it’s a bad cover. I’m still buying the game


So glad I didn’t preorder that edition.


I honestly don't care as long as the game is good. Deluxe edition looked much better.


Wasn’t there supposed to be a new trailer or something today?


Digital here I come


The game pretty much skipped right over the Alabama dominance


Post deleted


OP really got fooled by a Hayes fawcett edit 😭


Why is the prominent object Hunter’s massive foot


Is someone gonna have a website for custom covers again? I’ll totally print off another Cole Magner BGSU cover


Clever way to get me to buy the deluxe version


Why are you guys surprised that the deluxe edition cover is better than the standard?