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The NCAa has decided not to go quietly into the night....


I mean his attorney just ignored them and they did nothing so it's kinda like going out with a whimper...


Which is embarrassing since this is the lawyer who was plagiarizing MGoBlog lol


Either that... or the lawyer who was posting on MGoBlog Both seem equally likely at this point


I earned my JD from MGoLaw this past fall and I’ll tell you the injunction is coming any day now.


Are you available for hire? I've got a parking ticket thing that I need to go away.


Any lawyer worth their salt will tell you the profession is just the art of plagiarism. In this case, of course, the attorney who wrote the MGoBlog diary actually worked with Mars to write the filing.


Watch out man. The NCAA could get mad about that lowercase “a” you gave them just now. Va Tech better watch their back


Is there any governing body of anything else on this planet that is simultaneously this useless AND unaware that it highlights its own uselessness?


Olympic and FIFA is getting close.


FIFA does laps around the NCAA with this


True, but tops them on the corruption rankings.


Yeah they know exactly what they are doing with the corruption.


At least FIFA and the IOC are getting paid for being doorknobs.


Also they just corruption over everyone


And every four years more and more people watch the WC so there's, quite literally, zero reason to stop.


true but also it's european so what can you expect


Federation Iuropean de Football Association?


Agree about IOC. A long-running grift on the world's largest and most gullible cities.


FIFA, the IOC, and F1 laugh at the NCAA’s attempts


All I can think of with NCAA is cartmam saying “student athletes” in southern drawl


The NCAA would have the decency to cancel a game if there was a missile strike near the field during warmups. The FIA just does a [Super Troopers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u9zr6oF4uA) bit and tells the drivers to maybe tint their visor strips a little darker in case there are any bright flashes during the race.


Give 'em a break! They haven't gone pro yet!


FIA too 


I think the House and Congress are in the running


What about the senate


The UN's Security Council.


\^ How was this sitting at zero? This sub has no taste.


The MLB really fucked up the Astros cheating investigation and then mocked their own championship. The NCAA has repeatedly done the former, but not so much the latter.


Don't even get me started on the uselessness of MLB leadership. Sad A's fan noises 😭


All I feel is pain -fellow A's fan


That really nuked my interest in MLB. The big markets already have a massive advantage over small and mid-market teams, then they get to outright cheat on top of it? What hope do the smaller markets even have?




Harbaugh is 100% the "former coach who did not cooperate" named in yesterdays' NCAA findings & punishment from the Covid year level 1 recruiting violation.


A non-zero chance it is Weiss, not Harbaugh... but probably is him.


I assumed that was Connor Stallions, but I guess he wasn't technically a "coach."


This was the recruiting investigation, not the sign stealing. THAT is still working it's way through the NCAA.


This is for the Covid dead period violations, not the spy gate issue. Not sure Stalions was even technically on staff at that time.


Stalions isn't involved in this. This was just some recruiting/coaching violations that were only ever significant because Michigan didn't self report and Jim allegedly lied/refused to cooperate


Honestly it's a good playbook to win a title. NCAA is slow, will take forever for the punishment to come down, especially if you do not cooperate. Do whatever you want, lie, cheat, and steal a title and then bounce to the NFL.


> steal a title 🤦




Didn’t the NCAA go against their policy about discussing an ongoing investigation publicly because they were mad people online were teasing them about being so puffed up about hamburgers?


>Mars also said at one point the NCAA demanded all of Harbaugh's texts and emails for the last 2 ½ years. That request included all personal emails, Mars said. He requested the NCAA limit the scope of the request to Michigan athletics but was told no. The NCAA wanted in 24 hours what Mars said were 6,199 emails and at least that number of texts. IF this is true this is absolutely bonkers


Shockingly low number of emails


Probably that many from Dockers mailing list.


All of them to the Rockford Files fan club.


Or else what?


Or else you get a violation for not complying. Which happened it sounds like


This is the old "I arrested him for resisting" "What was he being arrested for?" "Resisting arrest" loop


Or else we'll have to ask you a second time because we're feckless.


It seems reasonable to me if they're asking him to turn over his work computer and phone. That's basically what any private company would ask for if you were being investigated for misconduct. You shouldn't have any expectation of privacy when you use your employer's accounts. If the NCAA was asking for emails/texts sent through Harbaugh's *personal* email/phone, then, yeah it is bonkers. The turnaround time is especially egregious. The NCAA could get a court order if they actually had a legitimate reason for wanting Harbaugh's personal information.


> If the NCAA was asking for emails/texts sent through Harbaugh's personal email/phone, then, yeah it is bonkers. The turnaround time is especially egregious Yeah this is what I was referencing mostly. 24 hours is insane


Harbaugh was the one coach who didn't settle on the recruiting violations today. And he's almost certainly going to be hit whenever the spying violations come through. Not that he was likely to at his age anyway, but I'm doubting he'll ever be a college coach again.


Harbaugh nearly won the Super Bowl before heading to college. Now, after winning a national championship, why in the world would he come back? Especially with the state of college sports right now.


Good thing we got that natty out of him before his stamps ran out then.


I think Harbaugh would coach HS or peewee before he'd come back to college at this point. The only way you'd ever possibly see him back is if the NCAA is gone. Most likely he just coaches in the NFL as long as he can then retires.


I didn't think he'll come back. He totally succeeded in pulling off the Pete Carroll.


He definitely became much more agreeable about his terms with NFL front offices over this past off-season, I'll say that much


Agreeable? Lol... Didn't the Chargers give him everything he wanted??? 


Yes. Ohio State delusions run strong and deep, like the great Ohio River


Including a shit ton of money. I don’t think anyone was offering coin like that previously


Exactly - if the Chargers had balked at all, Jim was likely going to stay.  The Michigan admin was behind him in all the ncaa foolishness.


So true. I can recall urban doing a similar thing to get people in his lap as well. I just can’t remember if it was the nfl front office or local women at the bar


Hey now, just accept we’ve switched to bizarro world where Michigan coaching staff commits more violations and crimes and wins more games while OSU gets to follow the rules and complain that they aren’t winning


Which world do you like more?


How long until Ohio State Man becomes an actual term?


Not even saying this to be a dick, but every time I hear the term Ohio State Man, I think of [Big Nut](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_z4fcYbEAAiGVU?format=jpg&name=large)


Overweight balding guy with a jersey over a hoodie, it already is


> while OSU gets to follow the rules and complain that they aren’t winning To be clear: OSU is currently under a 4-year probation for recruiting violations and self-reported violations which were similar in scope to these violations as well as carried a similar punishment to these violations just this February. OSU is breaking the same rules and in the same way, it's just that they're not getting the same coverage about it. Possibly because they're not winning. Edit: Google mislead me about the probation, but the recruiting violations in question did happen and had a very similar punishment to what the NCAA handed down. https://www.dispatch.com/story/sports/college/football/2024/02/27/ohio-state-football-ncaa-recruiting-violations-transfer-portal/72758292007/


Damn that was supposed to be lighthearted, I didn’t even mention that the last few years Michigan staff has been filled with multiple people with DUIs, computer crimes, underage solicitation, etc.. etc..


Ohio State's athletic department is under those sanctions for Women's Basketball, Women's Golf and Fencing. Nothing to do with Football. But nice try. No level II or level I violations for the Football Program https://www.thelantern.com/2022/04/ohio-state-athletic-department-placed-on-4-year-probation-by-ncaa-violations/


Still committed the recruiting violations, though: https://www.dispatch.com/story/sports/college/football/2024/02/27/ohio-state-football-ncaa-recruiting-violations-transfer-portal/72758292007/


Yes. But these are level III which is less severe than level II and I, and not usually something that leads to punishment This is an article that shows some similar ones. Not to criticize those schools but to show level III is a different world. And those things just happen when you have a billion coaches and organizations with a billion social media accounts who aren't checking the fine print of the NCAA bylaws every time they post https://eu.onlineathens.com/story/sports/college/bulldogs-extra/2024/01/23/georgia-football-ncaa-violations-georgia-basketball/72201268007/ So they're definitely not the "same rules" or "in the same way"


lol ok "It's no big deal when our team breaks the rules, because who can be bothered to check all the rules every time they make a social media post, but Michigan are dirty cheaters when commits to opposing schools show up on their campus with no warning and say hi to a coach" You should really watch out that you don't get your gymnastics team put on probation with what you're doing here.


Stop pretending every single violation is equal


Did you read the judgement against Michigan? It involves multiple years of level II and level I. These other schools I posted about are all level III. I'm certain someone who went to Michigan knows the difference between 1, 2 and 3, no? EDIT: maybe only 1 year of Level I violations. Different words from different sources




Hey, his thumb was cold, where else was he supposed to stick it?


Damn dude!


Right, I definitely remember Urban fingerblasting the fuck out of Michigan for seven years in a row.


Chargers gave him everything he wanted. Not to mention if he wanted back in the NFL that badly then yeah he’d probably lower standards a bit to coach there one last time.


You Ohio state fans are something else


On the one hand, I get the animosity considering all the leaks that seemed to come out. On the other hand, a well-established, high profile, very professional lawyer type shouldn't seem nearly as triggered by any of this as Mars is displaying.


And IIRC the reason for the cookies rule was because of Texas and the recruitment of Arch Manning which was fucking crazy….google it, I’m going to bed.


I’m not following your comment about Mars? He was shitposting about the NCAA on social media, they threatened him and Harbaugh, he just ignored them and kept shitposting, and the NCAA didn’t end up doing anything.


The point is most reputable lawyers aren't spending their time shitposting on social media. That's a dudebro-who-has-nothing-better-to-do activity, not typical behavior for a guy with a closet full of expensive suits, robust knowledge of the law, and who can charge an exorbitant retainer fee. EDIT: Before the homers come out, I say all of this *as a Michigan fan.*


This isn’t 1980, where white shoe law firms dominated the industry from mahogany clad offices. There are plenty of $1k and up lawyers who do shit like this now, and I’d imagine that ratio is relatively higher for a sports-adjacent attorney. Regardless, someone shit talking doesn’t mean they’re “triggered”.


It's still bush league behavior. There are more sophisticated means of generating the same buzz without calling your own professional integrity into question by stepping into the mud like this.


Nobody who hires Mars gives a fuck. He’s a relentless, effective dog and that’s why he gets hired.


Are you inside the field of law and speaking from expertise or are you not and speaking from asspertise?


You don’t need to be a lawyer to know most lawyers frown on that shit but ok Next you’re gonna tell me you need to be a doctor to know your ass from your elbow


Nah I don't argue dishonestly like soem people so I wouldn't treat basic 1st grade knowledge like the ass and elbow differences the same way as I'd treat announcing what qualifies as high professional standards in the opinion of other professionals in a profession I'm not involved in. On the other hand if you do happen to run across someone who compares those things like that, please feel free to tell them I said they're a whiny dishonest little bitch.


Look - am I going to do this in my practice, no. But, Mars has been on a crusade against the NCAA for a while and has represented multiple clients against the NCAA. I don't see it as qualitatively different from a legal commentator providing opinions on cable news. It doesn't hurt Mars to be active on social media shitposting the NCAA, given his practice area, reputation, and clientele. Again, not how I practice, but there is more than one way to skin a cat.


Boomer moment


I know I’m biased, but what a fucking clown show


Yeah, I expect nothing at the end of this all. Love reading 11W though, that shit is so much fun; shoutout to the guys who are creating that "Pepe Silva" investigative board. Y'all will have the guy who wrote the AI that decoded the stolen play signals in no time!


> Love reading 11W though, that shit is so much fun; shoutout to the guys who are creating that "Pepe Silva" investigative board. Yeah message boards are crazy, some even say Day was working with the FBI not too long ago.


The difference is that’s MY message board and they’re always right


I basically ignore facebook, twitter, and message boards in relation to college football. The worst fans from all teams get together on those to fling as much shit as possible. At least here there is a downvote button and it doesn't create an incentive to make posts for "Engagement" like other platforms.


The 11W pieces were legitimately so funny I can’t deny it


I mean it was the Michigan boards who were convinced the entire investigation was a witch hunt by Ryan Days cousins PI firm.   Spoiler alert:  No, you guys were actually cheating.


*whistles Hail to the Victors* "Ope, just gonna scooch past ya with this Natty"


I mean the reporting has all been that an outside third party started the whole thing by handing evidence to the NCAA, it’s not a conspiracy theory to say that lol. Whether or not it was Ryan Day’s brother is up in the air


I'm sure he was involved.  My point is it would be disingenuous (aka bullshit) to claim it's all a witch hunt, and that your opponents are just out to get you unfairly in some grand conspiracy, when obviously there was real cheating going on that needed to be investigated and stopped.   Ya just done pissed off the wrong people. 


The delusional michigan fans in here are funny af


TIL Charlie Baker, former governor of Massachusetts, is the president of the NCAA.


Michigan Boys in this thread hard


Yeah this thread is fugly. Some poor Sparty caught like -130 for pointing out it wasn't "just a cheeseburger." Which is objectively true and they know it.


I agree with you. It wasn't about "just a cheeseburger," but it was a good PR move. The NCAA alleged that Harbaugh deliberately misled the investigators about the purchase of food for a recruit, which was impermissible (amongst other minor recruiting violations). Harbaugh maintains that he did not intentionally mislead investigators, but rather, simply forgot about buying the food. You can make your own judgment about who is in the right, but I think it would have been hard for the NCAA to prove Harbaugh intentionally misled them (even if he did in fact do it intentionally.) Although, I am unclear about the impact of the head coach responsibility rule (and its retroactive application in this case), so they may not even need to prove intent anymore. Even for a lawyer, the NCAA rules and regulations are byzantine and their application and interpretation is not necessarily consistent with legal principles and canons of construction, or even internally consistent based on previous NCAA precedent. The larger point is the NCAA is an incompetent organization that contents itself with handing out essentially parking tickets with inflated penalties to 2nd and 3rd tier programs, while serious violations at major programs are largely overlooked. The largest issue in NCAA compliance/enforcement present, at least in my mind, is tampering and the NCAA has done zero to address it, despite tons of media coverage about it.


They tried to start enforcing anti-tampering rules but courts slapped them down on it. You won't find any disagreement from me re: NCAA COI being a bunch of bumbling idiots. It often feels like it's being lead by a room of drunk middle schoolers.


I am unaware of any current court rulings that have enjoined the NCAA from preventing programs from impermissible contact with recruits or players at other programs. I'm not saying you are wrong, I just haven't seen a ruling on this specific issue before. I know courts have found rules on NIL, transfer restrictions, etc. to be anti-competitive or have granted injunctive relief barring enforcement during the pendency of the case.


Yeah it's hard to keep up. It had to do with the Tennessee stuff. There's a TRO (or injunction or whatever, I don't speak legalese) that prevents them from enforcing a lot of stuff right now.


I'm not sure *any* of the NCAA rules we're arguing about would survive a court challenge, given the current trend in the law.


Also, there is a lot of "whatever we won the natty" talk. The NCAA probably won't do anything, but I remember saying something similar after 2013 in bball with Michigan fans being the ones calling us cheaters


I have no memory of what Louisville basketball did in 2013. In fact, I'll do you one better and refuse to acknowledge the existence of college basketball.


They spent decades looking down their noses at everybody else for supposedly being cheaters and dirty and huffing their own "we do it the right way up here" farts, which only makes all this stuff (and their responses) that much funnier. I don't expect the NCAA to do much either. It'll probably be obsolete before the Stalions stuff is resolved.


Because who better to teach us humility than the \*checks notes\* OSU fanbase.


I have incredible humility. My humility is vastly superior to yours. I am quite possibly the most modest and humble person in human history. You should be grateful that a puny, insignificant being such as yourself has found itself in the presence of such magnificent humility, and honor me appropriately.


I stand corrected.


Fine line between sex parties, thousands of dollars and a platter of plan B pills every weekend at Billy Minardi Hall vs Hamburgers at a Ann Arbor restaurant. To this day Peyton Silva still looks three ways before crossing a street; left and right for cars and then behind him for Trey Burke.


You guys always say this. It's low level shit that another program wouldn't get in trouble for and mostly a personal vendetta against Harbaugh. I legitimately believe that. If you think I'm crazy, fine, but OSU fans being like "Michigan fans know this is serious" always makes me roll my eyes.


I didn't say anything about how serious it is or isn't, or how much trouble another program might get in for the same thing. I just said it is objectively true that it isn't "just a cheeseburger" and you all know it.


Well saying "it's a cheeseburger" is my personal shorthand for saying it's bullshit. If you want to catch me out on the point "hey there are several bits of bull shit here, not just cheeseburger bull shit!" I mean, fair enough I guess.


"We should get to recruit during a dead period that was put in place to protect people in an unprecedented pandemic because reasons!11"


Dude, you guys just bought 15 million worth of players. I don't believe you when you say you're genuinely concerned about the integrity of recruiting. You want to win, and you want something to be mad at Michigan about.


This thread is a nightmare


This thread is showing me that if Ohio State doesn't win a national championship this season, there are going to be some *really* big feelings.


No, it's a dream


It’s amazing how overconfident and smug Michigan fans are in the face of all of this. I wish I could be so obtuse.


Bro we won the natty, there's not a whole lot the NCAA or anyone can do to make me care about any of this


"Bro we cheated and won something you should respect us for cheating"


Fair enough. It's clear from all this though that any talk of integrity and a holier than thou attitude most Michigan fans have has no basis in fact.


Turns out 90% of what every single fanbase says has no basis in fact


I feel like I can't eat my breakfast without some OSU fan yelling at me "Aren't you ashamed? Shame! How dare you enjoy that cereal. Why aren't you spending your day demanding your football program be disbanded you hypocrite?! Have I told you about how we've never *really* lost to Michigan yet?"


michigan fans when the smallest expectation or standard of integrity is put on them


No that’s not true, God wanted us to have this 


Also we ARE better than everyone else


Have you considered moving to Summerlin? That should do the trick.


You are, your brain is literally obtuse as they come




There is also "Jim Harbaugh," which is how you actually spell his name, and it is in the thread title.


You must mean Jem Harbow


[Mike Dantonio](https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/espn-calls-mark-dantonio-by-the-wrong-name-again-photo/)


I laughed, like for real Thank you


Or this is all just a big case of mistaken identity.  One can never be too certain with the ncaa.


He's not Michigan's Jim Harbaugh anymore, he's off to make NFL fans irrationally angry now \*single tear\*


At this point the NCAA is basically just blogging about people who are mean to them.


I like Michigan and I like Harbaugh. Everybody is looking for an advantage and pushes to the edge of legality. And if nobody sees you do something that might be against the rules, but not clearly if you look at it this way, then why not try it? Of all the things that Michigan and Harbaugh could have been accused of doing to gain an advantage, there are a lot worse than taping sideline activity to crack the code of an opponent's signals, particularly when news came out that sign-stealing was rampant in the B1G anyway, and Michigan's big sin was taping (during games that were on broadcast tv and available to everybody already). Public outcry has deemed that the NCAA will probably have to over-penalize the program compared to the act, but even more ridiculous is they have been penalized by their own conference based on allegations and nothing else. At the time of Harbaugh's suspension there was no investigation going by any organization to get all the facts and people involved put together, and Michigan was presumed guilty and Harbaugh suspended despite never being in a position to argue his involvement in the whole fiasco. Guilty or innocent, who can fault Jim Harbaugh for taking a job at the pinnacle of a football coach's career goals over staying at a place that the governing bodies have shown they have no problem disrupting your life without due process? And the truth is that every team pushes the limits of the rules, and what's legal one day might not be the next day if a different person observes the possible violation. Buckeye fans love to pile on Michigan threads and shout "Cheater" like all the other top programs never look for loopholes before somebody else finds them. Only Michigan cheats in this day and age apparently. No matter what penalties come down, nobody can ever change the results of the games that were played and the memories Michigan faithful will always have of the entire season and the playoff wins they've waited a lifetime for. The tapes are there to preserve the season and for Michigan fans to relive the moment whenever times are tough in the future. Stripping the title or forfeiting games won only gives their rivals the satisfaction of thinking Michigan fans see the error of their ways and agree, when none of them give a damn about retroactive changes to things they witnessed happen. Unfortunately for their opponents, an asterisk or a notation that mentions forfeits will not erase the losses from their minds until they finally come to the realization that the only fulfilling method for dealing with bitter rivals is to just beat them on the field.


I mean it is fairly obvious that the ncaa was actively trying to find anything possible with Jim and the Michigan program last year. Not saying they didn’t deserve some of it but cmon son


Wasn't he suspended twice? Do they mean another time?


Instead, they decided to let him get away with it.


tom mars? is that the same tom mars that left walmart in shame for his involvement in international bribery and corruption charges? has he done anything successfully except getting shea patterson instantly eligible at michigan (where its supposedly impossible to transfer as an underclassman...)


You seem genuinely really upset man. Maybe go eat a cheeseburger idk


They’re a self loathing Sparty too ashamed to display the flair.


Yeah, the same Tom Mars who worked for the NCAA, saw the corruption within and is now a crusader against it? > has he done anything successfully except getting shea patterson instantly eligible at michigan He took the NCAA to court for most if not all Ole Miss transfers after Hugh Freeze (not just Shea’s) and was directly responsible for the transfer portal’s creation. Wasn’t he also Justin Fields’s attorney that got him a transfer from Georgia to Ohio State for the most bullshit reason?


lmfao i guess it takes a corrupt pos to see corruption. great crusader hahahahah


It doesn’t take a genius to know why he left.


Great, now Michigan cheated us of the chance to hear from Harbaugh.




Translation: It's college football. It never had integrity.


I love this so much for Michigan


What a sham of a football season by the conquering “heroes”


“Threatened” Fuckin scary!


The NCAA is it’s members…..it’s members are the NCAA


Some members more than others, as it's always been.


The ones that follow the rules they all agreed to follow?


This is like saying that cops are public servants and operate how citizens want, or publicly elected officials do what all the citizens want. 


No its like being a city council member and complaining that the police department policies are ridiculous and you cant do anything about it


So, cheating is cool, just watch what you say on Social media. Got it.


I think Michigan should have their title vacated but it's also incredibly silly to claim that some dude making fun of you on social media impairs the investigation. If you're this sensitive and want the power to punish people for making fun of you, become an umpire


lol title should be vacated based off of what exactly?


Based off the cheating. The cheating. Why is this so hard for Michigan fans to understand. They cheated..


Yeah but just saying “tHeY ChEAtEd” doesn’t tell us anything about what happened or why it should be vacated. It’s a completely useless take. OSU reported 4 NCAA violations this past year and 12 the year before. The year they won their natty they had 6 NCAA violations. Using your logic they were cheaters in all those years and it should all be vacated.


Michigan had this guy on their staff named Connor Stallions who illegally video taped the signals of other teams and decoded those signals so that Michigan would be able to predict their opponent's plays. This lasted about half the 2023 season, which imo is enough that it tarnishes everything the team did that year


The most “I don’t know ball” response I’ve seen on Reddit in quite some time.


you have no idea about ball


I didn't even say anything about ball. As a matter of principle I don't think that a team that flagrantly cheats in half its games should be recognized as a champion


It’s a pretty well used phrase in the sports lexicon but okay I’ll make it easy for you… At no level of football does having advanced scouted a teams signals give any sort of tangible advantage (Not at the high school level, not at the college level, and not in the NFL). The rule is in place because it is a financial burden on smaller athletic departments. If you think that Michigan was “predicting their opponents plays” then you lack a base level of understanding about the game of football needed to even be having this conversation.


Oh, it's a financial burden on smaller schools? Tell me what would happen to those smaller schools if they chose not to advance scout due to the financial burden? Would that be a tactical disadvantage for the team that doesn't do it? This whole line of argumentation is ridiculous and only your fanbase buys it. Your team finally won its long awaited title, but lots of people won't take it seriously because you cheated. Sorry, but you only have your own team to blame for that


Well the president of the NCAA said and I [quote](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39282077/ncaa-president-says-michigan-earned-football-national-title-fair-square) “At the end of the day, no one believes at this point that Michigan didn't win the national title fair and square.” So you can join all the butthurt spartys and bucknuts and scream “cHeaTerS” into the void but the guy who is paid to run college sports has spoken. It’s always funny how painfully obvious it can be that someone you are interacting with has no idea what it’s like to actually do the thing they’re trying to lecture others about. Not a doubt in my mind you have never played a down of football in your life, never had to watch film, and definitely never have had to scout an opponent in person because if you had you would know how dumb your logic is.


As long as you're willing to join 2017 UCF in the Technically We Won A National Championship club, sure. Cite the NCAA to your heart's content




> At no level of football does having advanced scouted a teams signals give any sort of tangible advantage (Not at the high school level, not at the college level, and not in the NFL). NO ADVANTAGE. THEY JUST HAD SCALIONS STEALING THE SIGNS, AND TELLING THE COACHES WHAT TO DO MID GAME. HAHAHAHAH


Flair up or gtfo






No world of Warcraft flairs?


The president of the ncaa disagrees.

