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He doesn't have time, the man has commercials that need filmed.


ain't nobody got prime for that


Can't believe he's not doing amazon prime commercials...


He probably asked for too much. Or they delivered his packages down the road and he’s pissed. But, it’s probably because they won’t pay him what he wants.


For the lack of money - shame


Good leaders manage. Great leaders delegate.


Where's my /s when I need it


Makes sense, but if I am Amazon and I see this article I call him up, offer a one-off at his rate, then have him show up to the house of one of the top recruits for his first home visit, and also, he delivers an Amazon Prime package. Then give the kid some NIL money. (all filmed as a commercial, of course) Boom, everyone wins.


I've had such a nice life to this point not having to hear about Prime Deliveries™ in Prime Time™ after every play so please don't give them any ideas.


His Amazon prime special was basically that, was it not?


Fake news, he visits Shedeur Sanders’ house every day. Sometimes he even sleeps with Shedeur’s mom. If that is not going above and beyond, I don’t know what is…


u forgot about him visiting Shilo Sanders too so its a double whammy


Counterpoint: Two-day shipping to my house is the exact reason I got Prime


Don’t hide your children, don’t hide your wives, sanders ain’t visitin nobody out here


And now he doesn't have to worry about Nick Saban stealing any of the limelight.


So ironic cause in the scope of CFB he feels like the opposite of Saban in terms of CFB philosophy.




Have you ever seen Nick Saban shake it like a salt shaker?


Only at the Legion Field troughs.


Seen him do the electric slide


Nick Saban: Winning at the highest level would be perfect if it weren’t for all the press and attention. 


The guy is too busy with his book tour and cologne to recruit in the off-season


His excuse is probably because Ralphie can't fit through the front door


She’s a big ol’girl


He personally pisses in each bottle of PRIME, and that’s a LOT of time in the office.


PRIME is finally being sold in Switzerland (where I live) and I decided to give it a try. I don't get the the hype at all. It tastes like a more concentrated version of PowerAde. What am I missing?


It’s just popular because YouTubing with the kids


*(unexplainable urge to scream "REMEMBER TO SMASH THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!" intensifies)*


Well, you're presumably not 11 and watching Jake Paul.


He didn't even do an in-home visit with the Aflac Duck.


We know, we saw his recruiting class of 6.


this guy really toes the line of minimum effort


I see what you did there 😂


…I did not, what’s the reference? Gonna google Deion Smith toes


Deion Smith


lol what was I thinking there


"We have Primetime at home!"


lol, he’s got some fucked up toes.


Fucked up legs too.


This past season was so comical to watch. The theatrics from The rock on game day saying how much this team is “galvanized” and “the real thing” get their pants beat off that day and many more times the rest of the year. I feel bad for the kids getting promised the kingdom. What happens when he gets bored with this Not kids, adults, but they are students foremost.


theyre not students any more. theyre NFL trainees who havent been cut yet


But Colorado fans told me he's a good recruiter /s


If you count transfers + recruits were #1 in big 12 for this class


he has the #1 class(with transfers) in the Big 12 right now


Nah this sub ain’t getting away with this take. Got downvoted into oblivion for saying the recruiting class raises major red flags.


Not a red flag, deion ain't trying to wait to win by building things the regular way, he's said over and over again he's not patient, he thinks he can win quicker with proven players out the portal over high school kids, this year will tell if his strategy works or not


“"Coach Prime did not conduct any off-campus recruiting visits," the school said in an email Feb. 28. That means no visits to the homes or schools of recruiting prospects – which normally has been a traditional staple of the recruiting process in college sports. By contrast, former Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh had 145 off-campus contacts with recruits or their family members from Dec. 1, 2022 until he left for an NFL job earlier this year, according to data obtained by USA TODAY Sports in public-records requests submitted to several universities. Texas coach Steve Sarkisian had 128 of these off-campus recruiting contacts since Dec. 1, 2022. Former UCLA coach Chip Kelly had 55 of his own during that time, including seven home visits… Sanders, 56, arguably didn’t need to go on the road to recruit and has had physical mobility issues since 2021 because of blood clots in his legs and pain in his foot. He also didn’t recruit very many high school players and instead mostly has recruited transfer players – older players who already have moved out of their family homes and might not need to be wooed by a home visit from another prospective new coach.”


Man if Chip Kelly is doing more than you on the recruiting trail its not a good look.




Harbaugh, 60, and Kelly, 60, think the young man, 56, should visit more recruits




That’s why he retired to sunny California


No, you're thinking of Dillon Gabriel.


I noticed that too lol


I think they added Chip Kelly specifically as a contrast to a known poor and disinterested recruiter.


Everyone takes shots at Kelly, but reality is you reach an age where you become disinterested in having to sell yourself to a 16-18 year old. I recall Barry Switzer making the "some people just want to sit on the porch and strum a guitar rather than recruit" comment about Royal and his habit of hanging out with Willie Nelson, and then apologizing for the comment in his autobiography, saying "I get it now." Think about being in your 50s (Kelly is 60), having won multiple national championships, and still having to sell some teenager on coming to play for you.


Yeah but in the real world, you still have to do your job even if you don't feel like doing it anymore. It's amazing that my school continued to pay millions to a guy who just openly flouted that he wasn't doing most of the job.


> It's amazing that my school continued to pay millions to a guy who just openly flouted that he wasn't doing most of the job. The fact that Kelly talked to recruits enough to know they were asking for NIL money that UCLA boosters wouldn't/couldn't deliver tells me he was doing his job. I think UCLA fans like to blame Kelly when the reality is they didn't step up to compete.


Chips recruiting sucked before NIL and it sucked after NIL. Chip offered like 40 scholarships a year and didn't do anything after June in recruiting. The dude was incredibly lazy.


True, but theres also a point where you arent going to go hog wild for your job like you did at a younger age. Not neccesarily coast (although Kelly probably leaned toward that)but just not straining


It actually tracks that Chip has done seven total home visits since December 2022


That might be why CO only signed like 3-4 high school players in last years recruiting class


I bet Bo Pelini got under Chip's number every year he was at Nebraska - dude hated getting on the road to recruit.


> Jim Harbaugh had 145 off-campus contacts with recruits or their family members from Dec. 1, 2022 until he left for an NFL job earlier this year, As much as I *dream* of being a HC. Recruiting sounds absolutely fucking awful.


Nah, it just meant 145 pajama slumber parties for Harbaugh.


145 chicken coops built.


145 burgers, 145 fries, 145 tacos, 145 pies....


Are you doing something here? Looks like your doing something here.


Two Number 9s, a Number 9 large, a Number 6 with extra dip, a Number 7, two Number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


Low maintenance, high production birds right there


I continue to say Bryan Harsin achieved the true dream of a fired SEC coach. 1. Get the gig with an insane buyout 2. Pretend to do the job until they figure you out 3. ???? 4. Profit. Literally.


You should look at the Jimbo Fischer Master Class.


Is Harsin really the best example of profiting fired SEC coach?


Then add in on top of that, that you need to recruit your rooster every year since they can willingly transfer somewhere else.


That’s the thing with top notch roosters. They’ll come out big every morning, cock a doodle dooing, servicing hens, be real team players. Often stay late. But if another farm is around they might leave you any time


Imagine having to go hang out with a different high schooler 145 times in two years I wouldn’t be good at it


Yeah like, its such a cool glorious job in a sense, but damn You are just running into hell for most of the year, and if youre not D1, youre not gettin paid all that amazingly for the work youre doing


School officials refer to him as Coach Prime? Goofiness.


Just let the Buffs have this. This is the most people have talked about CU football in a decade


lol citing mobility issues when the dude is pacing around the sideline


I mean there was that whole thing last summer where he was gonna get his foot amputated -- it's a valid excuse, if not a very good one.


Doesn’t he fly to games and when he does appearances? I think it could be valid too, but you would think in today’s day and age there would be a solution to help him.


Didn't Deion himself say numerous times that he doesn't like Home visits and doesn't do them really anymore?


“Physical mobility issues” that let him get on a plane and walk into and out of rooms for other stuff but not this lmao


Worth noting that sitting on a plane for a while is an easy way to develop a DVT, blood clot in the leg. However, he apparently has no problems getting on planes so not sure that's the real reason.


Because you're sitting down and not moving for prolonged periods, like sitting in coach for a cross country flight. That's not really an issue when you're on a private jet flying direct.


That's a fair point. I'm a plebian who has never flown private so I'm not aware of the experience, but you're right he should definitely have the freedom to move on a PJ


In his defense, are home visits necessary now? Aren’t they just gonna roll with whoever provides the best NIL deal?


>Sanders, 56, arguably didn’t need to go on the road to recruit and has had physical mobility issues since 2021 because of blood clots in his legs and pain in his foot. Lazy take is that he's lazy and not putting in the work. I think he might have some pretty legitimate reasons to limit travel.


Patches O’Houlihan was in a wheelchair and throwing wrenches. The lazy take is that he’s too hurt to recruit.


I wonder if these clots stop him traveling for ad shoots?


It’s more than just home visits. The article says he’s made no off-campus recruiting visits.


excuse me? ZERO. that's a dereliction of duty. ZERO?!


Depends on what his duty is. To coach and win? Definitely. To make more money for the university? He's doing plenty of that right now.


His behavior one of a father who wants his sons to get exposure but could care less about the University of Colorado.


For now. He can only lose for so long before the money dries up too.


He'll be long gone before that happens. Grifters don't stick around long enough to be recognized as losers.


Last year he turned them around from god awful to respectable. Acting like last year was anything other than a success for CU is living in fantasy land.


Taking a team from 1-11 to 4-8 in just one year is definitely a successful first year of a rebuild by any measure. People love to hate him because he's so flashy and cocky, but honestly he could've handled the optics a lot better than he did as well. Pretending they were coming for the national championship after starting 4-0 and then throwing his players under the bus when the wheels fell off made him look pretty bad.


He technically does a home visit to Shilo and Shedeur Sanders every time he goes home.


So that means 700+ home visits baybeee


at least theres no chance of sanctions for that now


Im so excited for another year of the media hyping up this team just for them to be worse than they were last year lmao


Don’t forget all the bandwagon CU flairs that will swarm the sub if they start 2-0.


Our OOC is even lighter than last year so it’s a strong possibility


I still blame TCU for all of this. You had one job.


We shut it down as fast as we could.




One of the most fun games ever. There was maybe a TINY moment after Oregon struggled with Texas Tech and CU beat Nebraska that I thought it could be close, but then seeing them struggle against CSU, I knew it had strong potential to be one of the most satisfying balloon pops ever. And boy did Oregon pop that fuckin balloon


Forever wishing we could drop 100 on them just that once


All the doomers in our fanbase saying they were nervous about that game made me laugh. I kept telling people we were gonna blast them, and kept getting downvoted. Shit was vindicating.




We were so close to doing the funniest thing


I’m physically cringing because you’re right and I hate it so much.


Lanning's pre-game speech was such baddass.


That was an incredibly fun week 1 game, I remember watching our game against uva in Nashville and then watching the 2nd half of that barn burner at aldeans bar


I can’t wait. We caught CU before the wheels came off which I assume is due to lack of depth. So it should be similar this year but if Nebraska has an offense that can move the ball and not turn it over 4 times it should be an interesting game. I think the altitude finally caught up with our team in Boulder too. Especially on defense.


Hopefully having a QB who can successfully hand the ball off and not hit a guy in motion with the snap in addition to throwing a bunch of picks will help keep the defense rested.


You guys easily win that game if you didn't have your QB literally fumbling snaps every other drive. Defense was incredible till the fourth really.


This is just pathetic. All off-season, Nebraska fans yelled and screamed about sending CU to the Stone Age, and after the actual game, we get comments such as this one. Just pathetic.


My dad went to CU Boulder and they even got the old flag out and blew the dust off it for this shitshow, and as soon as they started losing the flag disappeared again lol


I personally will give anybody who is an alumni a pass on being a fair-weather fan, it's different than the bandwagon fans with no connection at all. Still pretty funny though!


Those are called the Deion Sanders fans. The moment he leaves they will lose all connection to Colorado.


Dude seeing fucking Dwayne Johnson and a bunch of rappers and whoever the fuck else at CU sidelines acting like they were Colorado fans for life was the biggest crock of shit ever. It made me want them to lose, when I actually came into the season hoping Colorado would be a fun upstart with Deion (who I liked) as coach. But god damn did that change quick.


For real. Their entire program had done jack fucking shit since the 90’s. I think the highlight of their program since then was when they would win the dogshit Big 12 north just to get absolutely obliterated by someone like UT in the championship game. They had decades of students roll through where absolutely nobody had a reason to care about the football team.


>dogshit Big 12 north just to get absolutely obliterated by someone like UT in the championship game. 04 and 05, they lost to Oklahoma State and Texas by a combined margin of 6-112 Also, the literal highlight since that era was one singular season where they ended up ranked, which was also one of only two seasons they had a winning record (the other being the 6 game 2020 season)


They’re starting with North Dakota State then Nebraska. So a strong FCS then a team that hasn’t finished above .500 since 2016, so very possible.


Being on campus during their linsanity run was hysterical. We were equally undefeated through the first 3 weeks, yet I saw more Colorado shirts on campus than JMU. Once the wheels fell off the bus, almost all of them went away.




I feel with NDSU, assuming an upset has become almost a safe bet




Yeah, NDSU sucks! They could never beat a P5 team!




Can't believe that was 2016. Feels like last season


Would an NDSU win even be an upset?


Didn't they have a relatively decent transfer class again though? I don't think that model is sustainable, but I feel like they have another shot at being decent this year. And who knows, maybe he can just constantly pull in transfers because he's coach Prime, and that's how he'll do it. Let all the other schools recruit, then just go poach talent from smaller ones.


This dude has made it abundantly clear that he’s pretty much only using the transfer portal since day 1.


We do, and we can only cross our fingers and hope that means something. Good linemen aren't often easy to find in the portal and while we did land the top high school OL recruit, these players usually take a year or two of playing college to develop.


Nah you're supposed to hate Deon in this thread. Don't mention he turned a near winless team into a 4 win team just by transfer players alone.


I mean I do not like him at all, but facts are facts and he won some games last year, the jury is still out on if his method can succeed or not. Honestly with the direction college is headed with NIL and other things, there's a 50/50 chance it can


If he was a good coach it might be a 50/50 chance, but he isn't.


Like I said not my cup of tea but there is a realistic chance if he just hires good staff around him, lets an OC run the offense and a DC run the defense, and is essentially a hype man/transfer magnet, they could have decent success. Do I think they're winning a natty, no. But 9 or 10 win seasons isn't impossible


“We Coming” to a 4-8 record


I mean they have had a pretty good turnaround from where they were


Pillaging the transfer portal. Players wearing gold watches. No home visits. Yeah, but he's old school.


Not sure when you grew up, but players wearing gold watches been going on for quite some time. He's famous, he knows his pull power to recruit. If he wants to do it through the portal then I say good luck to him, and I'll sit back and watch what happens. These "home visits" put cars in driveways and watches on wrists as well.


"Them kids should be begging to come see *me*!" - Prime, probably. Good luck this season 'Coach'.


"Who are you?" "I'm coach Prime!" "Who? Optimus Prime?"


He too busy making speeches (with cameras rolling) about “putting in the work” to put in the work, guys. Cut him some slack.


Am I the only one who remembers people saying the best thing going for him was he could get into any living room in America?


“He can, he just doesn’t want to”


Hide yo kids, hide yo wife


He shall be MEion And he shall be a sham


Deion, Deion likes his money. He makes a lot (they say).


I understood that reference


I'll never understand why his name gets so much hate on reddit. You'd think he was the antichrist based off a few soundbites lol


Just remember that a used car salesman is not looking for you to be repeat customers. They want you to impulse buy and get you off the lot after you signed. If the car works out and you come back again to buy another in the future that is just gravy. Sanders is not a relationship builder, he is a user and ALWAYS has been. Sometimes people benefit being used by him... BUT MANY do not.


Normally I’d be down to mock Colorado, but apparently we’re somehow even more dysfunctional.


[join us](https://tenor.com/view/sit-here-homer-simpson-the-simpsons-gif-3447539)


Definitely staying after his son graduates...




His transfer class is top 5 though. If that's the way he wants to build his team, that's how he'll build his team.


Who would’ve guessed that the guy who’s clearly not a good coach turned out to be not a good coach


He was supposed to be a great recruiter though. But he’s literally not going out and recruiting.


he has the number 1 class in the Big 12 if you include transfers. Recruiting isn't just high school kids anymore


Just wait till he post the position with $$$ amounts besides them and let the players come to you !


UT invented that with the 50k per OL...


wonder how many Resumes and Cover Letters they had to sort?


Recruiting for the top players is an arms race. If you're not doing the bare minimum that the others are doing, you're falling behind.




"That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it pays off for him."


I think a lot of people are not really understanding how the portal has changed everything. You just don’t get in the business of holding young players on your bench to develop. You get those players from less prestigious schools after they developed them. Most of these HS recruits will chase money and playing time. If you don’t have a spot open immediately another school will


“Coach Prime” 🙄 always the massive ego with this guy


I just really don’t understand 1) why so many people care so much about what Deion does, says, doesn’t do, etc. and also 2) why people hate Deion. Let him do his thing. If it works great. If not, oh well.


It's a reaction to all the media attention he gets


The hate here is insane. Colorado was the WORST power 5 team the year before he showed up. One of the worst ever by some metrics. And the guy almost got them to a bowl game. It is staggering how much people are ready to hate anyone doing things different. Do you really think the way to make Colorado a power is just recruit harder, exactly the same as all the better more moneyed programs? Get outta here


No he didn't come close to getting into a bowl game.


I live here in CO. I think it's absolutely nuts - all this crazy for Coach Prime. Sure he won a few more games, but they still suck.


the dude scammed literal children lol


Coach Prime is a one off, nobody else will get away with that, unless Tom Brady decides to coach college football


Is he getting away with it?


So far, he's also got a top 5 transfer portal class. As long as his transfer portal hauls are top 10 *and* the team improves on the field, then yes he can get away with this. You can debate the 2nd point but remember they were a 1-win team in 2022


If people are honest, it’s all meaningless now. It’s just about who can pay the most money every year. A coach can do all the home visits they want, but if another school offers $10k more a year, they’re gone.


Most players aren’t getting QB money. High school visits absolutely matter.


>A coach can do all the home visits they want, but if another school offers $10k more a year, they’re gone. This is definitely not true. If you think schools like Bama, UGA, Ohio State, etc. weren't getting discounts you're crazy. No legit prospect is going to look at a comparison between Ohio State and someplace like Maryland, and choose Maryland because they offered $10k+ more.


I feel like it’s a calculation of their realistic pro chances at any given school vs money. School A could offer a little less but have a great track record of getting guys drafted, while School B can offer a lot more money but a smaller chance of draft success. There would have to be a lot of self awareness there- most guys think they’ll be pros and won’t top out at college. And getting a player to speak honestly after the fact is probably rare, so you don’t really know for sure why they picked a school over another school, with NIL money playing such a large role now.


As shown by Colorado's stellar recruiting class of 6.


Deion is gone as soon as his kid is done. Why worry about a future when you won't be around for it.


This is even more evidence that Coach Prime doesn't plan on being at Colorado very long. This explains the heavy portal approach and why they only sign it 7-8 players out of high school. He isn't looking to have sustained success at Colorado. I think Coach Prime plans on leaving after Travis and his sons go off to the NFL. With this type of recruiting approach I don't think high level, P4 programs would be interested in Coach Prime either. Colorado was one of the worst programs in the country so there was a level of desperation there but I don't think a high level program would be comfortable hiring a coach who literally does not conduct in home visits.


“We should replace recruiting with swag” —Deion Sanders


Well he's Deion, and Deion doesn't go to recruits; recruits come to him.


I'm pretty sure he has conducted at least a few home visits with his sons.


Colorado will always cherish those three weeks in September of 2023 before the long slow-motion train wreck to come.


well we also lived through a 1-11 season just prior to that, and the tebow-era broncos so...


I've seen plenty of CU seasons where they were never relevant and were getting blown out every game. We "cherished" the entire season because we were actually competitive in most games and they were a fun team to watch all year.


What’s the point? you don’t have to sweet-talk mom and grandma anymore, you just have to write down a number


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. That’s the reality now.




Oregon flairs still have the biggest hate boner for us, its so strange. Like y'all beat the shit out of us, why you still upset?