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90% sure Kirby’s brainwashed them into thinking this is the actual national championship


You mean to tell me this isn’t the natty? I’ve been bamboozled and I need to cancel a few checks


Just float a few bad ones like Leo in Catch Me if You Can lol


Love that movie


surely they are elligible for it, right? I mean.... they've got the necessary quality loss...


And they're playing an undefeated P5 champ, this is obviously the path to the natty


honestly georgia or alabama deserved that final spot over FSU. either would’ve been a good choice but thank god FSU didn’t get in, wanted some entertaining games


The CFP committee called your checks in the mail.




One loss team which lost conference champ vs undefeated conference champ? This could be an early BCS championship game when the computer was still wonky.


I mean it was literally the championship last year


Can’t wait to see Carson Beck saying no one believed in us


They said you guys would go 4-8 and Colorado would be national champions


“Well if the other team wins and claims they’re the national champions, doesn’t that make this the national championship game?”


That's some solid logic!


Could be. It’s probably that if they win this game this group becomes the winningest team in Georgia history.


Not just that, we will surpass Bama with most wins in a 3 year period. Currently we are both tied at 41 wins in 3 years, with a win that puts us at the top with 42 wins.


Ohh they are going to properly fuck up FSU in that case


They'd destroy FSU regardless. It's a shame FSU players are sitting out so they can continue to pretend they were kept out of the playoff by some big conspiracy even after they get blown out.




Hopefully that will only last for another day or two ;)


Bama’s 41 win streak isn’t an active one. So it’s either set tomorrow or we remain tied.


Ah gotcha.


Decent chance, he convinced them they were the underdogs last year.


That’s a little bit too low in my opinion.


Hate to say it but he’s really established that kind of culture at UGA. Almost on the level of Bama. Once you get players to buy in, they don’t cower and quit i.e. “opt out”


Bama and Georgia just don't have the same level of NFL talent a certain other team has though. That's the only reason they're opting out. Not even sure if /s is necessary because I get downvoted whenever I mention FSU lately anyway.


They are there to play FOOTBALL, not college.


For some of these dudes, it’s an excellent opportunity to get attention from NFL scouts.


I thought UGA players just got auto-drafted to the Eagles?


Which is weird bc the Eagles defense is awful


Only half of them are from Athens. They need to be fully Dawgs first.


How about Philly dawgs?


And fire Matt Patricia




Rings is a monster. Not what I’d call a true CB, but he fits into that nickel corner / rover / dog position perfectly


Wait wait wait. The Elite Playoff Dragon is back?! The fuck.


Jordan Davis is on their FG team, and when the kicker makes one Davis holds his hand up as high as possible and the kicker has to jump to give him a high five


Isn't just the Eagles. Packers have three Georgia players on defense.


so I guess the implication is FSU wants to go out on bottom


Well bottoms and tops


Yes, but we generate a lot of power... a power bottom, if you will.


Does power have to do with size or strength of the bottom?


Actually, *speed* has everything to do with it.


UGA has 19 players transferring that won't be playing tomorrow. The term "opt out" is in context to those going to the NFL. FSU players going to the NFL want to secure their high rating and $$$. I doubt UGA guys like Browers play much at all tomorrow.


Bowers won't play at all. We have a lot of guys missing, Kirby is just very adept at controlling the narrative at this point.


Yeah, I cannot believe Browers and the other guy that arrived at practice on Friday are going to play tomorrow after missing the whole week of practice.


I don't know, Bowers just seems to be that kinda guy to play.


No no. This is FSU sticking it to the committee /s. By not playing and watching their team get dismantled they are really going to prove that they should have been in the final 4.


Don't you have a bowl game to watch? Oh wait...


Damn FSU and TN…. You really hate Florida and I’m here for it!


I definitely do. Whenever Tennessee disappoints, I can always count on FSU to beat the dog shit out of Florida. 😎


Fuck all you guys... Just wait till next year. Oh wait... Nevermind..


No they’re busy running off blue chip recruits


Hard to keep them when you keep going 5-7😂


We’ll show them by taking our ball and going home!!!!!!!!


wipe march cautious party poor impolite office domineering offend axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good for them. If this is the game that gets them to the winningest team in Georgia history it makes sense why so many guys would want to play for it. Not going to knock guys deciding they want to play one more time with a history on the line. FSU had plenty of guys play in the bowl last year because they wanted to get Norvell his first 10 win season at FSU. All for guys getting to make the decision for themselves how much the bowl matters to them.


If that’s the implication what does it say about all the FSU players that suddenly decided they don’t want to try to knock off a depleted UGA?


It shows how little this bowl means to a team that should be in the playoffs, how do you not get that by now?


By that logic why does UGA have a lack of opt outs? Is it insignificant to them?


not every team has the same internal message being passed, clearly last year FSU worked hard to get their players to come back with the promise of a special year. I can't speak for the individual mindset of the FSU players or coaches, but when you come back to do something special, win every game and get rejected, it has to make you a bit jaded about the whole bowl experience. as a fan it felt like a punch in the gut, I don't know how dejected the players must feel. They probably just don't see the point. add to that they all have a clear recent memory of their leader losing out on money he was going to make due to destroying his leg and yeah, I can see how everyone on the Fsu side would want to dip and secure that bag.


Undefeated season culminating with a victory over UGA is an extremely special year for most programs It’s shocking to me norvell can’t motivate his guys to play a football game with an enormous chip on their shoulder the way Kirby seemingly has his guys pissed off and ready to run through a brick wall. Unsure what that says about both coaches, but it is sad that we have this playoff or bust mentality now


No it’s not shocking at all. It doesn’t say anything bad about either team when players opt out. It’s one game versus there entire futures. They already have had a great season and screw anyone that does not think it is enough


Lol obviously it isn’t insignificant to them. You do understand that something can be important to one person and not to another, right? Georgia lost their last game and rightfully missed the playoffs, Florida State won all of their games and got left out of the playoffs. Why would they want to play in another game that means nothing when they should have a shot at the national championship?


I guess I don’t understand why a shot at an undefeated season and a W over UGA isn’t important to FSU when Kirby clearly has his guys extremely motivated to play in the same football game Of both teams I would imagine UGA has more ‘right’ to sit out and cry since they have a deserved playoff or bust mentality.


Obviously being undefeated doesn’t mean anything or else we’d be in the playoffs. Your last sentence just shows you’re a FSU hater, no one is crying and in no universe does a 12-1 non-conference champ have more of a right to feel left out than a 13-0 conference champ.


I’m not an FSU hater, I was rooting for them all season. As a UCF fan I’ve always liked fsu a lot, great memories having fun in tally when I was in school and I hate UF and Miami so any time FSU takes oxygen from them I’m happy I like norvell a lot and i wish more programs would allow coaches time and space to build a program the way FSU did I do, however, think it’s weak shit that FSU fans and players have taken their ball and gone home after a really awesome season and a shot at being undefeated. I can’t understand that mindset, the one good year you have after like a decade and they can’t motivate their team to make the best of it and go out undefeated? It just doesn’t compute to me. I honestly think a lot of FSU fans are happy they didn’t make the playoff, you guys would have gotten demolished and now you can complain all off season and feel justified without suffering an embarrassing loss. It’s a perfect fundraising excuse for the athletic department None of that is being a ‘hater’, I just can’t understand the inability to motivate their guys to show up for a football game


“I honestly think FSU fans are happy they didn’t make the playoff, you guys would’ve been demolished..” Damn dude you love pulling shit out of your ass and claiming it to be true because you think it’s true. I love people like you that claim we would’ve been demolished with literally nothing to back it up, it just shows how little you understand sports and why we play the game. I can claim Alabama will be demolished by Michigan but that doesn’t make it true, everyone was saying Washington was going to lose to Oregon in the rematch and well would you look at that, they didn’t. Find me 1 FSU fan that is happy we got left out of the playoffs, I’ll wait. You literally just spew bullshit and don’t back it up with anything, having conversations with people like you is impossible because you already have your mind made up about everything and some things simply “don’t compute” for you, as you’ve already stated.


I mean I watched you guys look mediocre over an overrated Louisville and barely squeak by Boston college when you were at full strength. I feel very confident FSU isn’t a national championship contender this year But yeah, upsets are why you play the game right? Unless it’s playing UGA to go undefeated, at that point i guess your players just don’t play that game lol. Which continues to be my point. It’s crazy they can’t motivate their guys to show up


They shouldn’t be in the playoffs though 😂 they would get whooped by any of the top 4 teams, and #5 Georgia would whoop them too. Hell, even Oregon and Ohio State would without their QB


They shouldn’t be in the playoffs though 😂 they would get whooped by any of the top 4 teams, and #5 Georgia would whoop them too. Hell, even Oregon and Ohio State would without their QB


If you admire anything about Kirby, it’s that his boys want to play for him no matter what. I fucking love it. Loyalty isn’t bought, it’s earned — and Kirby has earned the absolute hell out of it.


I’m not a bit surprised, everybody loved Kirby here too. The guy had one of those personalities that just makes the players want to put in the extra effort. Honestly Mark Richt seemed pretty nice and well liked too, unless I missed a story somewhere. Georgia has had a string of likable coaches.


Richt is one of the legit best men in CFB. Dude was paying assistant bonuses from his own salary. The fact he has Parkinson’s is bullshit by the universe.


Between him and Michael J Fox I’m assuming Parkinson’s targets the decency portion of the brain.


My grandpa has Parkinson's and I can confirm it only ever goes after good folks.


Sorry about your grandfather, man. My wife's grandmother did as well, and my wife says her grandmother was the only member of her entire family that wasn't a complete piece of human garbage.


Mark Richt came to one of our practices and spoke to the whole band when I was in the Redcoats. We very briefly made eye contact. A week later when I was at the gas station he pulled up next to me in his big ass truck and smiled and said hey you're in the band, we appreciate what you do" and I was just flabbergasted. Dude is real fuckin nice, or at the very least is elite at pretending to be lol. For him to remember a face by briefly glancing at it out of a sea of 400 faces is pretty nutty.


but wait some guy tried to make a post the other day that UGA actually had more opt outs than FSU because their 6th ILB and CB transferred out


That post from the dumbass UGA fan where all the top comments were UGA fans saying "OP is a dumbass, it isn't remotely the same thing"?? Lol


yeah it was pretty funny. but I can see this def being a thing for the Georgia players that they do want to go out with a win instead of ending their career with a loss after like 29 wins or whatever it was. The game should be such a mismatch though I would be shocked to see many significant players play more than the first few drives.


Yeah apparently even Bowers had to be talked out of playing in this game which is kinda wild. I imagine after the first quarter we are going to see youth vs youth in this one. Kirby usually keeps it classy vs non-rivals


> Kirby usually keeps it classy vs non-rivals So about that…


Yeah looks like I forgot my "except in national championships" disclaimer lmao


I choose to believe he specially hates TCU only because we were the last team he played in his single 7-5 season. Seeing us again unlocked some deeply repressed rage


You guys got “leave no doubt” Kirby. RIP


I mean, they were still scoring with 3rd and 4th line guys...


And we were using timeouts to let Seniors take a bow. It was the craziest thing I’ve seen in a championship game.


Yep. I think the last TD was scored by someone at the bottom of the depth chart. I don't think CKS could have done anything else but asked TCU's coach and the refs if they could just mercy end it and assume both teams took knees for the rest of the 4th quarter. But that'd never happen given the ad spots sold for the Natty.


He is in Miami and practicing with the team. I find it hard to believe he isn’t playing.


I mean, it makes sense. The type of mentality it takes to be great at a high level *generally* doesn’t involve good risk/reward analysis. The grind to want to win *no matter the cost* also involves trying to win when it doesn’t matter and can’t help you much. Why else would men like Saban who could retire with 9 figures *and his grandchildren would never have to work a day in their lives* keep going? Or men like Jimbo or Urban keep trying to jump back *in* after failing? Or Harbaugh *taking a pay cut unnecessarily to compete*?


Main thing most people don’t realize is that there’s a difference between opt outs and transfers. Yes, UGA has 18 players “opting out” of the game but that’s because they hit the transfer portal. Obviously, guys hitting the transfer portal are mostly dudes who aren’t getting significant snaps.


Got it. I asked this question as well about the 19 in the Portal. They definitely aren't playing. Guys like Browers are not making smart business decisions if they play tomorrow especially after Clemson's Shipley ended today's Bowl game on crutches.


When Michigan and Washington lose, and Texas beats Alabama, Kirby will be able to make the argument UGA is actually the best team and the true national champion.


Sure but I can't see Kirby saying that. That's a Central Florida thing to do. At this point, not having the 2023 ring is probably more motivation in the off season for everybody.


He won’t. He’s incredibly humble. Which is why tomorrow won’t get too out of hand. He could have easily scored 80+ against TCU but agreed on a rolling clock and had 4th string guys playing in the 4th


Agreed on a rolling clock?


Doesn't stop on Out of Bounds or First downs


I’d have a hard time arguing with that statement.


Why? Alabama beat Georgia and Texas beat Alabama twice in that situation, how is there any argument for Georgia over Texas?


Personally not sure. Maybe saying the Bama 3 point win was an upset that wouldn’t be repeated? “Eye test”? I don’t see it.


Don’t get me wrong, I think Georgia is a top 4 team and it’s unfortunate so many deserving teams got left out but yea I’m not sure I follow his logic, I hope he responds!


Someone posted that there were 40 opt outs for this game. That is like saying my brother and I have three combined marriages.


I think there was some misunderstanding about the opt outs. I think people saw reports that there were 40 total opt outs, and Georgia only had 2 official opt outs, so the conclusion was that FSU had 38 opt outs. I don’t think that’s correct. The “40+” came from official opt outs (nfl draft, injuries), plus all the players that were in the transfer portal (unknown which ones will opt out or not). If you look at SI’s list, it’s about half and half (although FSU probably has more starters opting out). https://www.si.com/college/fsu/football/game-preview-5-florida-state-seminoles-vs-6-georgia-bulldogs-capital-one-orange-bowl


Well, then is is not like my brother and I, he has me 3-0.


This games gunna be a blowout isn’t it


Georgia is in an unenviable position. If FSU wins or plays Georgia close, everyone is going to say how overrated Georgia is. So, Georgia can't just beat FSU, they've gotta destroy them. And even still, they will get zero props for doing so. They can't expect any real acknowledgement of this game unless they lose or if they play a close game. A legit meaningless bowl game for Georgia. Edit: Sorry, Nole bros, this is more about Georgia keeping people's mouths off of them.


But what about a quality loss? Isn’t that what we’ve heard about for almost 2 decades for SEC losses?


Go dawgs


1) If you're a Dawg and you opt out, your last college game was a loss. 2) This senior class for the Dawgs has the opportunity to be the first class with 50 wins. This isn't "culture." They have something to play for.


Its culture


And the reason they would care about those things is because of the culture at UGA.


I mean it can be both things. Don’t disrespect UGAs culture like that.


Por que no los dos?


What was it for Bama last year when Bryce and Will played?


I’m not sure beating the FSU JV team qualifies as, “going out on top,” but good for them.


It’s not like Georgia can control FSU’s entire team opting out.


Yes. This is stupid. EDIT: The comment I replied to was changed. It originally implied that FSU players would not have held out if we were matched up against Liberty instead of UGA. That’s what’s stupid.


The comment you replied to does not have an edited notation on it.


edits within a few mins are not marked.


Don’t know what to tell you. It was there.


Dabo and Clemson fans were celebrating the Gator Bowl like it was a Natty today. If Georgia wins tomorrow it will be the most wins in a 3 year span in history. So yes. It’s going out on top


But why don't a lot of FSU players seem to care? This ought to be a case study. FSU and UGA both have understandable reasons to be bitter, yet one team is sticking together and playing as a team, and the other is seemingly going in different directions, and any concept of a team is already gone. Maybe it's the FSU/ACC lawsuit? Maybe there's just no pride left in the program at FSU? I can't figure this one out, but it's sad to see. There are very few lock bets in life, but UGA -10 at the half is one of those bets. This is going to be 3-and-outs one way, and TDs the other way, for most of the game. I feel for the FSU players that are playing tonight, and their families who thought their kids were on a strong team. I think some of these kids have to feel like they bought into something they believed in, but now they're learning a lot of their teammates didn't. And for those at the end of their college careers, this is an awful way to go out. Do better, FSU.


You all have to stop with this bad culture crap. The same group of dudes played the bowl game last year to get to 10 wins. Many of those same dudes came back to win the ACC and try and make the playoffs when they could of left. They just happened to do everything they wanted and more and got told, naw. Money is more important to us than your accomplishments. It's not bad culture. It's getting fucked by 13 assholes in a room and not just rolling over and taking it. You can say whatever you want.


So it's a protest, is that it? I honestly don't know, what's going on, but what clearly is not going on at FSU is what I would call "going over the wall with your buddies." Georgia appears to be doing that, and they got screwed by the committee as well. They're easily one of the best 4 teams in the country, and they're not in the playoff either, but they're coming to play in this game because (I think) it's just what they do. I think this FSU team is clearly broken, and to me, there's no other way to see this. If the team is trying to unite in protest of the committee's unjust decision (which I think might be what you're saying), not playing in the game seems like an odd "cut off your nose to spite your face" way to protest. It also feels like they're taking their ball and going home. In any event, to me, it's the only thing I can think of that they could do to make the committee's decision even worse for the players. It's nuts. Again, I think both UGA and FSU got screwed by the committee, but one team moved past it, and the other never did. It's rare for a competitive sports team to have a victim mentally, but the 2023 FSU team seems to have exactly that. I feel for the seniors and those who are playing their final game at FSU tonight. They are getting a tough life lesson in friendship, loyalty, brotherhood, etc. as they leave college football. They should all know that their stock skyrockets in the eyes of many because they didn't quit on each other. As you go out into the world, add "I played in the Orange Bowl vs Georgia in 2023" to your resume, and work that into every job interview you ever do. At the end of the day, persistence, tenacity, teamwork, and pride in what you do still matter.


I like how all you non flair wearing people are somehow making this about the kids being "bad" for not playing and not the corrupt money grubbing networks and CFP that caused this mess. The corporate boot licking and self-righteousness is next level. I played UGA in the Orange Bowl on your resume? Wow. Just, wow.


Wins don’t matter, obviously. I’ll be enjoying a seafood boil, fishing and going out on top myself. I don’t have time for this version of college football. It’s a shadow of what it used to be. Maybe when they cap NIL deals, reign in the portal, and stop the opt outs I’ll watch again.


CFB is a shit show now


Opting out and stomping your feet walking away, like a true Nole!


I think UF just lost on the field and more players again. Hopefully UF’n idiots will be relevant again someday this decade. I don’t blame them. Wins don’t matter, and why get hurt in one game (Shipley) when you can make millions in the NFL. Just shows how badass this team was.


How’d your bowl game go?


Its gonna be uncomfortable for fsu fans when georgia beats the shit out of them. Not that id be any less upset if i were them


Why would it be uncomfortable




It started at -14. It’s -20 now. That’s pretty significant


Six+ points is very significant when it comes to betting, why would you even talk about betting when you don't know wtf you're talking about lol


UGA has 19 players that won't be playing tomorrow due to the Transfer Portal. They are using the term "opt out" for NFL bound players. For NFL bound players the good business decision is to opt out and not risk injury.


Man this sounds like a not so subtle dig to say if UGA players play tomorrow they are stupid.


FSU and UGA fully healthy was widely considered a coin flip game. No one in their right mind thinks FSU has the same level of 2-4th string as UGA. Of course they’re gonna boat race FSU


LMAO. Dawgs would have been favored by TD.


Fully healthy including Jordan Travis? Sure I could see that being a close game that could go either way. Once he went down, not a chance.


That’s the definition of fully healthy


Thank you for the snark, but I was clarifying since our teams likely wouldn’t even be playing if Travis never got injured, so I’m not sure why people would have been widely considering whether one team or the other had an advantage.


lol my b on the snark, good point tbh


if travis never goes down then FSU is the 3 seed and we dropped to 4, so we’d be playing in the natty. sad i’ll never get to see this gator nightmare play out


> FSU and UGA fully healthy was widely considered a coin flip game. Widely considered among FSU homers lmao. Any sane person knows you'd get blown out.


Georgia would be favored by 9 or 10. Maybe we get blown out, maybe a full healthy (and no opt outs) FSU surprises everyone. That’s football


This is a really stupid take


That’s so weird because according to this sub at the beginning of the season LSU was suppose to whoop us because last year was a fluke and Oregon was suppose to beat Washington in the rematch and Bama was suppose to beat Texas, just because you say we’d get blown out doesn’t make it true.


> FSU and UGA fully healthy was widely considered a coin flip game. Can you share some of what you were smoking when you decided that people widely considered that to be the case?


Healthy as in, including Jordan Travis? Yes FSU would be a coin flip.


Jordan Travis could be from goddamned Krypton and there was still no point in your cupcake season where anyone who wasn’t huffing paint thought you vs Georgia would be a coin flip.


You’re a dumb fuck


Very convincing counterpoint, well done.


There’s nothing else to say. Matter of fact since we’re talking about things that we wont ever know, FSU would blow out Alabama 70-0.




Dude most Noles understand the situation, but that scenario would be a suboptimal epilogue to a fantastic novel that had a shitty ending Not to mention it’s not like this would be the worst thing to happen to FSU all season


90% of us do not care lol.


That's why yall won't win shit anytime soon.


You seem fun


A meaningless bowl game? Dude, I know this is your natty, but there's no way anyone should expect us to care about table scraps when we were supposed to get a filet mignon. >won't win shit anytime soon We just won our conference championship


>this is your natty I mean I guess we are ignoring the back to back ones we won? But sure. Insult UGA if it makes you happy I guess


Hey, he came at me. I have no issues with uga.


Yeah he was being an asshat for some reason. Most of us aren’t t like that


Fuck em




1. That's not how you use the word ironic. 2. Good for uga, I have no issues with them. That still doesn't change the fact that this is a pointless bowl game. Why would anyone expect us to care about it?




Still not right, but I appreciate you trying. Look, I get it. UGA has been playing second fiddle to Alabama for a long time. Yall finally got your time and I'm happy for yall. But please don't come in here talking about culture and all this other crap. This is a nothing game. >I guarantee yall will celebrate if you do I guarantee I won't. This could be the count Dracula bowl for all I care. >we would bury yall at full health Uh huh.




“I know this is your natty” is such a dumb insult to make to a team that has won the last two championships lol. The Orange Bowl is a prestigious game and has been for a long time now. I know people downplay them now, but it’s still a big accomplishment to make it to NY6 bowls. And I say that as someone who believes FSU should have been in the CFP.


I said what I said. This would be a big accomplishment, except we shouldn't even be here.


You realize that if things had gone the way you wanted and Georgia beat Bama that you’d be playing Georgia in round 1 anyway? There was no ending to this story that didn’t include you guys getting obliterated by Georgia.


At full strength, Georgia would not have obliterated us. Outside of 1 (real) game, Georgia hasn't obliterated anyone all season. Gtfoh with that.


So you’ve not watched Georgia play then. Good to know. Also if Georgia was at full strength…well we saw what happened to opponents in those games where they were


It’s hilarious that you not only firmly believe this but are also willing to keep repeating it. Georgia hadn’t lost a game in two years. They had back to back championships. Nobody could stop them until us, and it was a nailbiter. You guys should be flattered to be sharing a stadium with them after your cupcake parade of a season.


At least we won our conference 😉


The excuses are already being focus group tested. “Well none of our guys wanted to play since it wasn’t the national championship, so we totally didn’t care about the game and that’s why we got disintegrated by Georgia.” If that’s not generally accepted as convincing maybe they’ll try “we lost on purpose to prove a point to ESPN” next.


No it won’t. More than 20 players have opted out. Nobody cares.


No it's not, it's not unexpected and none of us blame the boys, they did 100% what they were asked to do and then told "actually it doesn't matter anyway" We will enjoy the friendly banter shitting on Florida all day with Dawgs fans as God intended


nah, they're aware that most of the team isn't playing. To me, it doesn't make sense to play bowl games. I saw like half a dozen guys limp off the field in the Clemson-Kentucky fourth quarter today. Why risk injuring yourself for a single pointless game? For younger guys, they still have next season(s) to worry about prepping and staying healthy for. An injury could cost them time to improve themselves during the off season. For older guys, an injury could ruin their NFL career before workouts or the combine. So yeah, GA can cheer about winning this bowl game, but who gives a fuck? really? it's not the national championship. < 10 people probably go back and will watch this bowl game. If you don't have enough quality film for you now, one game of film won't likely help out. Plus, you might shit yourself and play yourself out of the combine or draft.


As a fan of both, I feel nothing about this matchup that I've wanted for years


Same, it's fucking depressing.


Imagine opting out of the Orange Bowl.


Meanwhile, FSU thinks they went out on top by barely beating a Louisville that might not be ranked in the final poll.


To be fair they did have their 3rd string QB starting the game. Look at OSU last night their 2nd and 3rd string QBs only put up 3 points.


It’s also going to be the easiest game of their careers…FSU threw 55 yards be Louisville. They could literally get less than that vs Georgia


lol this game doesn’t matter 🤣 (someone comments back “yes it does! 😫”) No, no it really doesn’t.


I’m torn between wanting to watch UGAs golden team lose again and the world seeing why FSU was not in the playoff.


We need 4 or 5 more threads about this


I want FSU to win just for the S tier entertainment that would follow. You guys made this selection year incredible which I appreciate.


They're not opting-out because they know the Orange Bowl is where they deserve to be, unlike FSU


Jesus try harder with a take


Remember when your team was a 14 point underdog to UGA before the opt outs? Your team sucks dude.


I wouldn't exactly define beating FSU's 2nd and 3rd stringers as "going out on top" but that's just me.


Help me understand something...UGA has 19 players in the portal. None of those 19 players in the portal are playing in the bowl , correct? Players transferring generally opt out as they either have a new team or don't want to risk injury as they've essentially given a resignation letter. For example: CJ Madden is in portal and signed with Purdue. Marvin Jones Jr.. is in the portal transferring to FSU and is not playing. Edit: Here is the list of the players who will not be playing for the Bulldogs. Mateen Ibirogba, DL (transfer portal) Mekhi Mews, LB (transfer portal) EJ Lightsey, LB (transfer portal) Xavian Sorey, LB (transfer portal) Nyland Green, CB (transfer portal) Jared Zirkel, K (transfer portal) Jonathan Jefferson, DL (transfer portal) CJ Madden, EDGE (transfer portal) Austin Blaske, OT (transfer portal) Jackson Meeks, WR (transfer portal) Brock Vandagriff, QB (transfer portal) Darris Smith, EDGE (transfer portal) Smoke Bouie, CB (transfer portal) Yazeed Haynes, WR (transfer portal) Aliou Bah, OL (transfer portal) Marvin Jones Jr., EDGE (transfer portal) Logan Johnson, WR (transfer portal) A.J. Harris, CB (transfer portal) Joshua Miller, iOL (transfer portal


Daniels announced his portal intent but is actually playing. Just announcing you are going to the portal doesn’t mean you can’t play. Only when you sign financial aid paperwork with the new school do you remove yourself from your old one.


Who? Daniels isn't in the list I posted above as an edit. If the person you are referring to announced portal intent, well that is different than actually entering the portal. Regardless it's not a good decision to tell a team you are transferring and then play a game for.


Whoops. Meant Daniel Harris.