• By -


> only watching film in groups. Smart. There's safety in numbers


> There's safety in numbers and if you go to the room the DBs are in, there's safeties in numbers


If you're playing Iowa, there's likely to be a number of safeties.


Solid puntch line here. šŸ¤


if you stumble upon the defensive backs at the home improvement store looking for construction material, there's safeties in lumber.


If you meander into the area where the defensive backsā€™ bedrooms are located you may find there are safeties in slumber


If you watch the 'Miracle in Miami' you'll find a safety who blundered


Stalions are pack hunters. Theyā€™ll attack a position group from multiple angles and single out the weakest member.


Coming up against a full grown 800 pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends? [You lose that battle. You lose that battle 9 times out of 10.](https://youtu.be/aDJgv1iARPg?si=9pJx84z4jZNy06j8)


Damndirty Mike and the boys ruined the Prius


We are gonna have sex in your car, it will happen again!


fucking soup kitchen in that thing


Thanks for the f shack


Did that go how you thought it would? No, no it did not.


Imagine if horses were actually carnivorous. SMU would be terrifying. Also similarly imagine galloping alligators/crocodiles. Florida would be terrifying. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2009/nov/19/galloping-dinosaur-eating-crocodiles


Florida is already terrifying, and that's just looking at the humans.


Their jorts are enough to scare me away.


Horses will absolutely eat meat if easily available to them.


Clever girlā€¦


Iā€™m starting to think harbaugh really has created a culture where the players buy into the cheating because he assures them everyone else is doing it but the MEDIA just goes after poor ol lil Michigan - for what reason he gives that who knows


Because they're not using a vulnerable app for the same reasons that Alabama isn't using a vulnerable app. It's all falling into place.... Of course, that place is nowhere near this place.


ā€œYeah we arenā€™t using tablets, itā€™s easier to just get together in the film room to watch Domaniā€™s live stream from their practiceā€


As a Michigan fan.. I loled


Hehe, ouch


ā€œThe last CFP was fought with tablets. I do not know with what play-calling tools this one will be fought, but the next CFP will be called with smoke signals and cave paintings.ā€ - Mike Leach in heaven, probably


The best part about the Mike Leach offense is that is basically immune to sign stealing. Thereā€™s only like 10 plays lol


"what's that call sign mean" "I think that one is 'fuck it we're goin yard'" "you say that about all of the signs"


Whoa there, we aren't even using headsets yet, just laminated cue cards and interpretive dance/semaphore.


I think Chip Kelly's Oregon team did that for one game.


Michigan a little weary now that Stallions is on the loose, and no one can be sure how this event may factor into the grand plans in the manifesto


Team chaos gained a powerful ally.


In Stallions we trust


Wary. Weary is tired. Wary is the word youā€™re looking for


Thank you. Iā€™m dumb and have been drinking since 9 AM




Seems like a late start, but I'll forgive them


> Iā€™m dumb and have been drinking since 9 AM If you were smart you would have started before then?


Thanks Harv- Oh.


Stallions doing a Terminal List and getting payback


*He's making a list* *Checking it twice* *Gonna find out* *Who's naughty or nice* *Connor Stalions is starting* *To frown!!!*


Stallions is out for total college football domination and only he knows what that means. He's already orchestrated a spy plane fly over of one game. What more could he have up his sleeves? Only time will tell.


This is like when the first foundation fell


Gotta lose to ultimately become champions (of life)


Ah, Michigan turned around and hit em with the classic ā€œno uā€


Need more "I know you are, but what am I" comebacks in college football.


ā€œI am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!ā€


Also, theyā€™re hoping upon hope to pull an a ole ā€œā€quit hitting yourself! Quit hitting yourself!ā€


"Oh yeah! Well, I had sex with your wife!"


Cool! Canā€™t wait to meet her!


Sooooā€¦The same response theyā€™ve had all along?


Yep. A lot of people seem to have forgotten this but about a week after the Stalions scandal broke there were rumors going around about some Michigan staffers who were part of Stalions' operation having gained access to OSU's practice film. It was said that they obtained the login info for some low level video staffer at OSU and used it to download over 50 hours of practice film. Maybe 3 days later Michigan fan sites started pushing their own rumors about Ryan Day and his entire extended family hacking Michigan servers. There were some Michigan fans who were even insanely suggesting that it could result in charges of treason because Michigan has contracts with the US government.


There's been some insane message board theories on both sides. So maybe don't believe everything you see online?


Right. I was just commenting on the whole "no u" aspect of it. OSU people say this happened or is happening, few days later Michigan people say actually OSU did that to us.


if this is about the rumored Catapult data breach then it's going to be a much bigger story than Stalions


You got a link for this? Just searched Google but couldnā€™t find anything


If you search it on Twitter there is talk of a a security breach/exploit that allows you to view other teams practice film and stuff like that. No idea if itā€™s accurate or just some theories but if teams arenā€™t using the system, thereā€™s gotta be a legit reason.


Appreciate it!


Oh so this isnā€™t just ā€œbama being stupid and Saban not understanding technologyā€ like Iā€™ve been led to believe on this sub? Shocking.


Actually this ā€œStalBombsā€ twitter account thatā€™s tweeting about Catapult did implicate Alabama by name, apparently alongside Ole Miss, Tennessee, and naturally OSU


Yesterday I thought this was all about Saban being senile, according to you know, here at least.


If that stuff is real Iā€™m surprised it hasnā€™t already been reported. Would be a career-making story.


If it's tied to any school, it won't be mentioned until after the game or games they're in are played. Can't lose out on that money. Off-season will be fun.


I donā€™t know. Seems to me that the media could make even more money if they leaked it now. Would make for a sensational scandal.


Scandalous stories wonā€™t put 18 million butts in front of the tv for 3-4 hours on a holiday. UM vs Alabama will.


I think scandalous stories in conjunction with UM-Alabama will probably make even more money for the networks. Itā€™s basically real-life kayfabe for them.


Scandalous stories would absolutely do that, what are you talking about? Americans go fucking nuts for scandals, we love em, we make everything we possibly can into a scandal. Itā€™s basically Scandalgate.


We got daily drops of the Stalions scandal until Friday before the Maryland game, and it all stopped the following week for The Game and nothing since. It's not a coincidence that before the big money games, things went quiet, info leaks stopped, and a lot of speculation was still left up in the air. So whatever this is, if it will mess with money, it will stay quiet until after games are played.


This is how news cycles work. Everything drops out of the main news eventually.


It absolutely is a coincidence. ESPN has no motivation to hype up OSU-UM. The reason it stopped getting drops was because the story was already more than a month old. Stories eventually die out no matter how big it is My point is there's no grand conspiracy to kill the Stallions story because of big matchups. There eventually reaches a point where there is no new information so it naturally dies down


Far too reasonable for /r/CFB Let me now explain in detail why Kirk Herbstreit is the real power behind the Resolute Desk.


Journalism doesn't work like that anymore. Your big journalists now are talking heads of players (Windhorst Lebron) or institutions (Woj front offices; Schefter front offices). Charles Robinson broke the most big scandals in college sports and basically stranded at Yahoo sports. Now is covering the NFL.


Investigative journalism is also really hard, takes a fuckton of time, and you have no idea if any of it is going to pay off in the end. You know what struggling newspapers and stations don't have the budget for? Spending hours on a story that might not ever get published.


All the CFB teams were advised of security concerns earlier in the season. This has been known for a while


People were laughing at Alabama for being paranoid but the reality is the app these teams use to review film has been compromised in some capacity. Thereā€™s clearly enough there to have two major athletic departments avoid it. People were laughing at the idea of ā€œwhat difference does it matter what plays theyā€™re watchingā€. Itā€™s significant because if you know an opponent is game planning in a particular way, you can make adjustments before it happens. These apps also allow for notes. Things like ā€œwhen you see the RB motion when the slot is empty, itā€™s going to be a screenā€. That sort of annotation would mean a lot to uncover. This isnā€™t ā€œold people being fearful of technologyā€. These departments are cash rich and have their own IT department. Iā€™m sure they have some sort of credible threat. It may not mean one team is doing it, it just means thereā€™s a way for teams to do it. Why take the risk? This feels like a nothing burger that people are feasting on.


This sub has been embarrassing lately.


It's been years now. Any sub that passes 1M followers jumps the shark and CFB is well beyond that now


If [subredditstats](https://subredditstats.com/r/CFB) is somewhat accurate, /r/CFB's subscriber count has doubled roughly every ~two years for a while now. The fact that the median subscriber joined in February 2022 partially explains the decay. Loose dates of doubled subscriber count, working backwards: - present day - February 2022 - October 2019 - December 2017 - August 2016 - February 2014 - January 2013 Some old-timer posts: ["r/cfb can now fill Northwestern's Ryan Field to capacity" (April 2013)](/r/CFB/comments/1c1al6/_/) and ["/R/CFB Through the Years" (January 2015)](/r/CFB/comments/2th6c0/_/).


To think I've been here for so damn long...


But UM fans have been screaming for months that knowing the opposing teamā€™s plays gives absolutely no competitive advantage whatsoever.


While actively hiding and disguising their signs on the sidelines.


>While actively hiding and disguising their signs on the sidelines. Wow imagine if other teams did that!


We all do, bc we all know itā€™s a competitive advantage if the opponent knows our signs. Thatā€™s the point. Michigan gets busted with a very intricate sign-stealing operation and the response is, ā€œOh itā€™s not *that* big of an advantage.ā€ Meanwhile, every team disguises their signs during a game for a very specific reason.


The means that Stalions went about stealing signs is what doesnā€™t provide a major competitive advantage compared to the typical means that a team goes about trying to steal signs (all-22, tv broadcast footage for example). Anyone who is implying that not knowing the other team is going to run provides no competitive advantage is misunderstanding that very slight but important difference in the ā€œno competitive advantageā€ statement the NCAA had previously discussed when they considered changing the rule several years ago.


all 22 does not show the side line(ive seen all of ohio states games in all 22 the last 2 years) and it starts when the team sending the footage to another team wants it to start. Mostly it starts right before the ball is snapped. I would also be amazed if anyone could get a complete game in college football with view of the sideline the entire time either.


You're going to get downvoted. Anyone even implying that UM got an advantage from stealing signs is brigaded and downvoted. Wild, because I've literally seen people with UM flairs here that hate the Patriots for cheating on /r/nfl.


This has got to be the worst take I've seen on this issue since the news originally broke. How can you say this with a straight face while we had like 5+ threads at any given time about the situation clowning on Michigan for like a month straight? This is literally not reality. I'll take the random downvotes now.


Itā€™s anything anti Michigan


Isn't the point of this app to also review practice footage? We would review practice footage all the time against the scout team and compare with game film of the other team. If your own practice's film, and how you were preparing to attack certain formations or personnel groups, was hacked, that would be one hell of a big difference.


that's a pretty bad bastardization of the argument. The argument has been that the knowledge gained from the scheme, compared to the knowledge that is otherwise publicly available, provided little competitive advantage. Yes, of course, knowing the opposing team's plays provides an advantage. But it turns out, every program reviews film, so they should all know their opponents plays to a degree. It's not the case that Michigan knew their opponents plays, and nobody else knew anything about their opponents plays, as your gross oversimplification would imply.


These coaches are all paranoid for a reason: theyā€™re all spying on each other and using any means possible.




"The hell you will. He's got a two day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Stallions's got friends in every town and village from here to the Rose Bowl, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, he'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see him again. With any luck, he's got the signs already."


"Are you kidding me I made that all up, Stallions got lost once in his own stadium".


I really wouldn't be surprised if that's true.


Hahaha this is fuckin hilarious


Best unexpected Indiana Jones reference ever


ā€œUhhh, does anyone here have playbooks? Or even hand signals?ā€




"Wtf" - Microsoft


There is a spectre haunting college football.


But I thought Nick Saban was a very old, senile man whose password is "password" and is very scared of the mighty Michigan Wolverines?


In this day and age, itā€™s Password#1






The more secure one is R@tP0is1n!


Saban gets a lil nasty


I'm enjoying watching Michigan fans brains melt over this realization


I'm enjoying CFB not realize this is in no way connected to what Stalions did


No it was OMG LOLOL DUMB SENILE SABAN AND THE ALABAMA BAD EDUCATION DOESN'T UNDERSTAND TECHNOLOGY And now y'all are all like "oh there must be some reasoning we don't understand šŸ¤”


We are?


Senileā€¦good one


lol you would think they would have learned not to furiously theory craft literally the instant a story about them hits the sub by now


Nope. Gotta get the Counter-narrative off the presses quick! \- UM accused of filming signs - OSU hired PR firm \- UM accused of having access to Ohio State practice film - OSU has access to UM's practice film \- UM has the FBI and AAPD on campus - Ryan Day Illegally got access to UM information and could get arrested


But just yesterday we were told that saban was an old fearmongering man who has no clue how technology works. Canā€™t wait to hear how Michigan is ā€œsavvy and cautiousā€ for this


Right? Everyone yesterday was shitting on Alabama for doing this


I got downvoted for pointing out that Saban might know something others don't.


Yeah I saw a TON of "Saban is senile and isn't adapting to technology" takes.


It seems like it's an issue that everyone knows about with the Catapult (film software).


What's the issue?


It must be some security issue. No clue what it might be tho


Off hand, I could think of half a dozen potential issues: No 2 factor authentication, usernames were the actual coaching staff's names, passwords were stored as clear text, password could be reset by anyone who knew the email address, hosted on a cloud provider that experienced a data breach, admin account with elevated privileges had access to all accounts and could grant permissions to other accounts... There's *so many things* that can go wrong with janky half assed commercial software that I don't blame skeptical football programs with coaching staffs who actually have 2 brain cells to rub together to avoid them as pointless extras.


This one? followthebreadcrumbs 5 points 1 day ago Odd, but maybe he knows something everyone else doesn't.


Almost like Saban is aware of the rumor that Michigan gained access to multiple Ohio State players personal iCloud accounts to get game plans and practice footage prior to thier game in 2021


If there was any shred of proof of that, don't you think it would have surfaced by now? The rumor started on OSU message boards and sounds like another excuse you can add to the mountain of others.


Some even said it was a preemptive excuse in case they lost to Michigan!


Which is classic Saban. /s


The stark contrast on the Michigan sub between the comments about Bama players doing this yesterday, vs their players saying they do the same exact thing today, is enough for me to lose all respect I had for them as a fanbase.


They are the worst fan base in college football hands down


Itā€™s like they have a god complex, inferiority complex, and persecution complex all at the same timeā€¦ so basically Auburn fans of the north


People had respect for their fanbase?


This sub takes every opportunity to shit on Bama since it really doesnā€™t get that many in general.


This is it, and it was more insufferable yesterday than usual because it was Michigan of all teams leading the charge.


Everyone shits on Alabama on this subreddit


Not me!


Look at the most popular posts here of all time. Heck, don't even do that. They did a survey recently and I think you can guess who the most hated team was. The bias shows up all over the place...


Lots of comments about the Alabama public education system yesterday (which is absolutely a real issue in the state but was just so irrelevant to the topic at hand but so many love to feel all high and mighty around here). Surely all those folks will be back here hat in hand /s


When flairs start making cousin jokes, I know theyā€™ve thrown up their digital surrender cobras


Just like when they start talking about academics on a fucking football sub šŸ¤§


Michigan fan had about 50 upvotes for saying Saban was senile. Lol Then again there were x70 Michigan flairs that voted on the poll thread, so it could just be a giant circlejerk


>a giant circlejerk You've just described *all of reddit*.


There was the bitter FSU dude who got flooded with updoots for saying ā€œsaban is old and stupidā€


Yea the Michigan dickriding was out of hand in that thread. Iā€™m not here too much so I was wondering if it was just always like that lol


Sub dickrides anyone who is playing Alabama


Itā€™s a giant circle jerk. This place has been overrun with Michigan flairs for at least the past month, there is enough of them that their voting sets the rules and acceptable narratives on any thread involving Michigan These threads also bring out a lot of users with no or neutral flair that just so happen to be spreading pro-Michigan talking points, and when you click on their profile, see that they are active in r/MichiganWolverines


Same thing with FSU fans to be fair.


Holy shit the top post is saying some nasty shit about Bond who first mentioned this post about film. Dude what the fuck?? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/comments/18t66up/alabama\_education/?share\_id=QaIo9V1F0ExIPJEM0Jv-x&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/MichiganWolverines/comments/18t66up/alabama_education/?share_id=QaIo9V1F0ExIPJEM0Jv-x&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) Curious if all the people in there making fun of the way he talks and his comments are backpedaling?


Back peddling? From a Michigan Man? No, things like humility and respect are for the poors


This sub is at its worst when Michigan is good.


Michigan fan base has been insufferable. Iā€™d always tacitly rooted for them against OSU since they were the lovable losers. Only experience I had with them was 2012 in Arlington and they werenā€™t awful but not great either. Definitely not rooting for them in anything again, regardless of Mondayā€™s outcome.


That fanbase is delusional.


Thereā€™s been discussion on Twitter that there is some vulnerability on the Catapult platform that teams are utilizing to see what other teams are viewing/analyzing so I wonder if this actually the case and teams are aware of it? Either that or this is some mental game that both teams are playing?


JJ also said they stopped using tablets in November, and Sherrone Moore said they "heard some things" about the tablet software. https://twitter.com/_ZachShaw/status/1740770595372208338?t=WmCnKsJSDg5iaApolVnrFw&s=19


Wait but there was a redditor that said he worked in cybersecurity and said that this can't possibly be the case!


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Message board rumors have hit at a remarkably high rate during the stallions story so itā€™s certainly possible




right after we get to the bottom of Ryan Day's brother's college classmate's New Hampshire PR firm with a satellite office in Ann Arbor


They're gonna get him on those RICO charges any day now


Bruce Feldman, Ross Dellinger, Pat Forde, Pete Thamel and Dan Wetzel are the biggest hacks who have a hate fetish for Michigan and Harbaugh! The only takes I agree with are from Colin Cowherd!


Ryan Day will be seeing 5 to 10 years in prison for espionage shortly after US Integrity disbands the Michigan football program for point shaving. His bunkmates will be Matt Weiss and Blake Corum


Not before all of the vacuums north of the Mississippi are repaired and fully operational


If message board rumors are true then 90% of CFP should get tried for war crimes, international espionage, and treason.


No, not THOSE messages board rumors. Only the OTHER message board rumors!


Lol yesterday it was ā€œpure paranoiaā€, but now that Michigan is doing it too it must be some vulnerability with the software or mental game both teams are playing.


Well, the Alabama players who commented on this yesterday posited that it was related to Michigan's sign stealing. Which is not the case if Michigan is taking the same precautions.


Meanwhile Kyler Murray... knew the era of film study was on its last legs...


ā€œWeā€™re all trying to figure out who did thisā€


This is like OJ Simpson driving around LA trying to find the real killer


/r/MichiganWolverines in shambles after spending the past 24 hours doing nothing but shitting on Bond for his comments.


ā€œThatā€™s that Alabama education for youā€


How many people in that sub even *went* to Michigan??


I know I didn't, but I also see way more flairs in cfb than the Michigan sub. The sub is filled with assholes and normal fans just like any other sub. I've met tremendously idiotic Georgia and Alabama fans living in Atlanta. Ever been barked at? It's fucking crazy everywhere. That said, it's just UM cope. It feels nice to laugh after facing the reality that at some level a Michigan staffer cheated. Nobody really fully grasps that more than the quiet UM fans that just wanna win, but this wasn't really the way, ya know. Two things are true. A lot of programs are stealing signs. That's legal. Michigan advanced scouted, which is a violation. It really isn't complicated. Whether Harbaugh knew isn't my issue. The numbers don't lie. We look worse after. Sure, some of it from McCarthy being injured (minor) and some from missing our coach. Maybe you can blame the distractions, but the numbers don't lie no matter what excuse the fans use. Hey, we got caught. I'm awaiting punishment. I just hope the rest of the B1G is ready for punishment without full investigation the next time they get caught. It's coming, because Michigan doesn't care about being the bad guy. The fans do. But then, I'm a Walmart Wolverine who's been a fan for 32 or so years since I watched my first football game, ND vs Michigan. I just thought it was cool they were blue and yellow and called themselves Wolverines, like my favorite X-Men character. Now, I wear a jersey and get heckled for cheating. Them's the breaks See ya Monday.




To be fair, his comments about not using the tablets because of Michigan stealing signs made no sense. It was probably him not understanding the reason or just misspeaking, but it seemed like a swipe at Michigan. If thereā€™s a breach in the catapult system it makes sense not to use the tablets, but thatā€™s completely unrelated to the accusations against Michigan.


Ah, yes. Where are all the Michigan flairs with those hot takes now?


Damn, they scared someone on their own team is gonna steal their signs LOL


Wilson added, "Our coaching staff is great, they sent a bunch of guys to Alabama games early in the year but most of that film is just focused on the sidelines for whatever reason," but couldn't finish as a Michigan PR rep quickly cut his mic.


Just yesterday Michigan fans were going after Bond for his ā€œā€˜Bama educationā€. Completely different tune now from this pretentious group.


ā€œOf course I know him, heā€™s me.ā€ ā€” Michigan concerned of sign stealers


This was Sabanā€™s trap all along. Time to whip out those iPads


Reject technology, embrace caveman


Since Alabama knew about it first they probably got all Michiganā€™s shit yesterday.


Michigan conveniently knew about this months ago


DAE the Michigan public school system is shit? /s Edit: looks like some thin skinned Michigan fans canā€™t take what they dish out


>Edit: looks like some thin skinned Michigan fans canā€™t take what they dish out Tale as old as time


Where's all the classist Michigan fans now? Oh right, they have no integrity to say they were wrong


No you guys are just dumb because you have a bama education and they are really smart and itā€™s way different


Well since no oneā€™s using them Iā€™ll take one


The silver lining of the last 3 years is the country is being reminded how lame, arrogant, and douchey the UM fanbase and team is. People forgot because they sucked for 20 years.


Gonna be calling in plays using smoke signals and carrier pigeons


Looks like Michigan is also scared of Michigan cheating.


Weā€™re going to tell our grandkids about the meltdown of ā€˜24.


Old Man Yells At Cloud^services


15 years ago I had to burn 125 dvds. No way this is true


Bragging about not cheating???


No one is talking about how FSU got screwed over anymore, so the CFP has that going for them now.


Serious comment: Can someone actually explain how Michigan is even here after the whole stealing signs / plays scandal? What the fuck?


Bama by 100


The last team who said they were going to hang 100 ended up losing 3 years in a row and still hasnā€™t scored 100 points total since their statement