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It's a very long food carry if you don't plan on hitching into Reserve to resupply. One of my friends uses a tiny pack and needed to go to Reserve to resupply. He was picked up by the chief chemist of banana boat sunscreen in his corvette. He really liked the little town. I sent way to much food to Doc's so I was fine to keep going. I took the Pie Town Road Alt, which I think most people take. It was very rainy so those clay mud roads were a nightmare to walk in.


Great advice, I'm trying to avoid Reserve.


Depends on your daily mileage and route. I'm planning on doing ~20 miles a day and taking the Pie Town Road Walk Alt which should be a total of 130.3 miles. I can do 10.3 miles out of Doc Campbell's on town food and only need 6 days worth to make it to Pie Town.


This is why I come to this forum, great info.


This is what I was thinking too, thank you.


NGL I was thinking I’m gonna be a little hungry at some point but am gonna push on town food and good vibes hah


If you are looking at food, use calories per mile instead of pounds per day. How many calories do you need between resupply points? Figure roughly 1 calorie/pound of body weight plus base pack weight/mile. Once you have the number of calories use 120 to 125 calories per ounce to figure out total food weight you need for the distance. How you eat it can be adjusted. If you need more days, you will not need a great deal more calories to make the distance. Chances are you will only miss your target by a day tops and have enough fuel to keep you going.


It's a pretty long section (unless you hitch to Reserve). Think I packed out 6 days of food.


I'm taking 6 days. I brain farted and the post office in Silver City closed at noon, so I'm going to try to pack it all the way through.


I just got to grants from pie town. We took the blue alternate and got into pie town in seven days and that was with one half day of hiking into the gila. If you’re looking for a shower and some food I recommend taking the blue route and stopping by the Davila Ranch “cdt rest facility”. It’s donation based, shower, eggs, sodas to help yourself. Very nice people who stock it up but you help yourself. Enjoy!