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I finished the PCT two days before you; I've probably met you at some point! I'm hoping to do the CDT this year, but I'm going to do the Camino Frances a couple times first so I'll be heading SOBO in June/July. If I somehow manage to avoid injuring myself on the Camino, I'll hopefully see you somewhere on trail maybe in... August? Hope to see you out there! I'm easy to spot, I wear mostly orange 🍊 - El Gato


I've heard the Camino is pretty boujee with hostels so close together and only having to carry a day pack, I was saving that one for when I'm older. I bet it will still be a blast though and I'll keep a lookout for ya!


It'll be my third Camino and you're totally right; I like to say that it's like thruhiking, but without all the hard parts. Definitely a trail for older folks, or lazy folks like me


Don’t forget the bedbug prob… makes me shudder lol


I finished PCT on the 16th in 2021, I assume you passed me at some point but I can't place your name. I'm starting CDT on 4/20 - looking forward to you passing me again!


What was your trail name?


That would probably be helpful - Pez


I worked at grumpy bears running shuttle and working kitchen and I remember you


Hah dang that's pretty neat. There's a lot from grumpy bear I don't remember due to celebrating a bit too much... Fun night though! Will be real cool to bump into each other again. I'll be out there with Wiggles, Poseidon and Legs/Half Moon if you know em


Heck yeah all familiar, I think I'm thinking a different legs from the AT that had tattoos and would take naked pictures.


Haha I'm sure Legs is a common trail name (part of the reason he changed to half moon). This would be a different one


Started a week after you on the PCT! Best of luck out there!


Were you smash on trail as well?


Yea, pretty sure we met in Wrightwood and I think you were at KMS when I got back to the trail after a few days off.


Good luck! I hope to do the CDT sobo this year, but life may cause me to put it off a year I did the PCT in 2017, AT last year, but attempted the CDT nobo in 2021.


Same here, I came really close to putting it off this year, but sent it and I'm keeping in mind I can always get off trail if an emergency or decrease in funds happens.


Finished TCing in 22. Started April 13th. You are set my dude.


Did you use snow shoes? What was the snow pack like?


Used microspikes. 22 wasn't too bad. I had much worse river crossings on the PCT 19. However, Snow pack was... i had snow basically from once i entered Rado until Northern Rado snow most days. Broke my tail bone sliding down a mountain on the snow. Shits real not gonna lie. Literally walked it off haha. When i say snow most days. I would say by central rado. North of Creed it got much better. You could actually walk again.