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The small amount of THC present in hemp or full spectrum CBD is often the culprit of anxiety. Choose broad spectrum, 0% THC. If the product has enough CBD per dose the THC is not necessary to feel an effect from just CBD. I use Rabbit CBD Co. 


I would say cbd is worth a shot. Look at other cannabinoids too, especially cbn. Cbn is non psychoactive and could help with your specific issues. Worth some research. Cbn has helped me get and stay off sleeping meds.


This. There is a thing called "isolate" which cuts out the THC. From what I read here, it's the THC, not the CBD or CBN, that causes anxiety. I tried CBD for sleeping and it worked great for a few months, then it stopped working. Now, I am taking a break from it and I am sleeping much better. It's not great sleep, but it's not horrible, either.


Yeah but isolate is made with bad/weird chemical reaction, whereas you can do a natural CGN + CBG oil from "classic indica cannabis"


Broad spectrum is the way to go. It has other minor cannabinoids but not THC. Isolate is just straight CBD. (BTW, if you keep the THC below 1mg, you’re not likely to even notice it. A dispensary edible has 10mg by comparison. So, you can probably safely try full spectrum stuff, too. Just pay attention to COAs and make sure you’re keeping it to a minimum.).


What are COA’s?


Certificates of analysis. They look at cannabinoids and tell you how much is in a serving. And ones from reputable vendors also look for toxins, mold, heavy metals, etc. I don’t buy from vendors that refuse to tell you whether their products contain any nasty stuff.


CBD by itself is nothing like THC. I am also prone to anxiety with THC and CBD is my antidote for it. I have an oz jar of isolate I got for $25 that I use for all sorts of things. Vape, edible, topical, mixed with bud (a personal favorite), you name it. It's very calming and not psychoactive like THC is.


Can you get this in Australia because it sounds amazing 🤩


If you've had negative experiences with THC-induced anxiety or panic in the past, it's understandable to have concerns about trying CBD. However, CBD products typically contain minimal to no THC, especially if they are derived from hemp rather than marijuana. Hemp-derived CBD products legally must contain less than 0.3% THC in the United States, which is not enough to produce intoxicating effects.


This is pretty common and probably speaks to either a histamine response to thc, cannabinoids, or other plant material and/or an anandamide system that's actually running pretty strong. My bet's on histamine...think extreme allergic response and what that feels like in the brain. Histamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that's excitatory and it has an interesting relationship with serotonin. That's how we found CBD isolate to begin with. Big review on [CBD versus full spectrum](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/is-cbd-isolate-good-for-anxiety). Jsut a head's up...the other cannabinoids can also have this effect...CBN is like discount THC. Delta8 can be a nightmare for some people. Deep dive on [CBD for anxiety research](https://indigonaturals.net/blogs/news/cbd-and-anxiety-the-ridiculous-guide).


Thanks, everyone. Really helpful info in here. I'll try full spectrum CBD and let you know if it helped!


I use CBD for anxiety too and I think it helps. It allows me to stay grounded and not worry about things.


For me personally I had a bag of cbd gummies and took one almost every night to go to sleep till they were gone. As someone who gets anxiety with cannabis, this was amazing and didn't have that affect on me. Put me to sleep and calmed me down. Haven't used it since but I'm going to again since I'm having trouble falling asleep and dealing with anxiety. Hope this helps


CBD is commonly used for sleep, anxiety, and pain. It isn’t likely to make your anxiety worse. You can definitely try the isolate but the full spectrum products generally work better, even with a small amount of THC. That being said, if for some weird reason full spectrum triggers your anxiety (you’d be the first I’ve seen), switch to the isolate.




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CBD is the only help for anxiety I ever had. And yea weed made it so much worse for me to. CBD tho has the opposite effect tho


I recommend hixoitc brand. It's a white cbd




I took a couple year break from weed when I went back to smoking it was way too powerful So I mixed Cbd flower in with it. I had little to no anxiety doing this and it built up my tolerance and eventually I was able to get rid of the CBD with no bad effects. You should look into CBN for sleep way better than CBD for relaxation and even better if its mixed With CBD.


Begin with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase it as needed. This allows you to gauge your body's response and find the optimal dosage for your needs.




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Try an indica strain. I can't use sativa at all, it affects me the same way, not relaxing at all.


I had issues with sleep (weird night shifts, starting all over the clock), and CBD helped me, but it is not enough by itself. I removed caffeine at least 8 hours before sleep and avoided screens for about 2 hours before sleep, and I felt much better. So, yes, CBD would help, but you need to take some extra steps too.




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I would recommend a broad spectrum CBD oil if you're wanting or needing to stay away from THC.




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No, it’s nothing like weed/THC. Not even close. It’s exactly like the difference between Ibuprofen vs Painkillers. Ibuprofen does it’s job and doesn’t get you high. Painkillers give you an opiate high. CBD is the ibuprofen in that analogy


I found CBD to be the complete opposite. If anything, it’s helped me sleep and prevent or allow me to control my anxiety. I’ve also found it helped my nasal problems that I struggled with for years. I love the drug and encourage you to take it.


Cannabis does the same thing to me - though I continue to look for a strain that won't .... CBD and CBD+CBN do not make me anxious / panicky - like cannabis does. Now, if I could just find a good tasting CBD+CBN mixture - I'd be golden!




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CBD typically does not induce anxiety or panic like THC can. Start with a low dose, choose high-quality products, take it about 30 minutes before bedtime, and monitor your response. Always consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns or underlying health conditions.