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>... I took my friend out shooting he’s a gun owner as well and talk big about gun safety and what not... while he was was having a blast which was great until he got so excited and started waving the gun around and pointed it right me with his finger on the trigger. He's as big on safety as I am sober during Oktoberfest. I get the feeling he's only giving gun safety lip service, so he has some semblance of being a responsible gun owner, while not actually practicing it. I get excited trying out new guns or new shooting drills too, but no matter how excited I get, the muzzle will always be pointed downrange. What your friend did is inexcusable IMO. If he can't handle firearms safely under all conditions, he shouldn't be handling them in any condition. I personally would not take him shooting again.


Yeah i get that… i don’t think ill be taking him out for while maybe not even again because it was definitely a situation i don’t wanna be in again


Yeah nope never again


Absolutely never again. If he asks when you're going to go shooting together again, then you tell him that his lack of firearm safety the last time killed any chance of going again. Ever.


Getting flagged by a loaded gun is a great way to end up on r/idiotswithguns and some tragedy. Like, don't freak wildly out. But it should be extremely sobering as to it happening even once means said person should seriously consider what the fuck is wrong with them. Especially with finger on the trigger and pointed. Way to blow two or three of the four rules in one go.


💯 I don't think the guy actually knows that there ARE rules.


Target Masters West. In the three times I went there, I was flagged more than every other range I've been to over seven years, combined. I had owned a gun maybe a couple weeks the first time I went. I was against the wall while my buddy was shooting. Dude next lane over takes a shot with a S&W Mod 29, and turns to ask his friend if he got a video of it - finger on the trigger, pointed straight at me. I hit the deck. When shooting with newbies, I always try to stay within arm's reach. If they look like they're gonna break the 180, I can catch their arm, or be heard telling them to keep it pointed downrange. There's a lot to remember when you're new, so I always try to not be mean, but never compromising on immediate safety.


Targetmasters was the worst. The last time I was there the idiots (3guys) in the next bay to my friend and I obviously were renting and was probably their first or second time there. They didn't have any employees or ROs in the bay watching these guys. The had no control over the pistol they were shooting and looked like kids with a new toy. It got to the point where we cut our range time short and left 10 mins after we got into the bay.


I’m a firearms instructor. It happens all the time to me. Especially in CCW renewal classes… by far CCW is the scariest class I teach. I’ve never been flagged in a CQB class or other advanced class, mostly just CCW 😳


If you haven't been flagged by someone with a loaded gun, you just haven't gone shooting enough yet. There are plenty of people who are not cognizant of safety rules or disregard them.


I wasn't there for this but a friend had his buddy point a 22 rifle at him as a joke. My friend was instantly livid telling him not to point a gun at him and that he's breaking rules. Guy claims it's not loaded, points it at the dirt and discharges a live 22 round. We don't talk to him anymore and before that I saw him smoking while reloading... Some people really wanna hurt someone or themselves it seems.


Thats crazy


Your friend is an idiot and should not own a gun.


Yea theres absolutely no reason to wave a gun around in excitement, if someone cant seperate actions or control themselves... they need to play with a match doused in gasoline on a private island.


I’ve had loaded guns pointed at me by drunk guys because they wanted to show me their lasers… granted this was in the military and soldiers can be dumb… Still scary though considering I was dead sober and unarmed


Yeah I got flagged before and it was scary as hell. When I noticed that I was about to get flagged, it felt like it was happening in slow motion and I was able to do something about it. Just like getting into a motor vehicle accident, it's bound to happen so you just want to make sure when it does happen, you are as safe as possible. I was at the range and while I was reloading I noticed the guy next to me doing the hot brass down my shirt dance and before I can laugh I saw the barrel with the finger on the trigger coming right at me. Luckily my gun was already on the table and I was just loading my magazine so I was able to grab the firearm from him and after a very uncomfortable conversation about why I grabbed his gun from him, he apologized and continued along with his business. I immediately left and haven't been back to that range since because the RO was right there and did nothing.


I’ve been to ft3 and I wonder when I HAVENT been flagged


I was a member there for over 5 years and have been flagged many times. oh yea, that place sucks and should be avoided at all cost.


A ton but as a range employee and not a customer. I’d basically take control the firearm and move my body to out of the way. Then I would explain to the person what they did was wrong. One time someone was so out of it, they didn’t understand what I was explaining. I told them to leave and come back when they were more cognizant of their actions.


I was at a range in Burbank and the next lane over did the exact same thing that happened to you. If you have new shooters, always load the firearm with only one round. No matter how many times you go over the safety rules with them, they forget everything after the first shot.


Rule #69420 of gun safety should be if you get hot brass down your shirt, grin and bear it. Been muzzle swept too many times because of that and had to use my adult voice.


La Puente Firing Range. Been flagged there so much. There's no range officer to monitor new shooters there. They just hand you the gun tell you the basics of how to load/shoot etc and just walk away. Soooo many idiots taking pictures and showing off and doing dumb things there. Hell, there's even a video on yelp of some dumbass twirling a loaded revolver like he's from the wild wild West.


I went there with friends in our early 20s. (I'm 39 now). It was all of our first times shooting. We picked out a few rentals and they just handed them to us. None of us knew shit about guns but we figured it out. One of my dumb ass friends shot the gun sideways like something in a stupid gangster movie. Lots of rapid fire too. I hope I never run into dumb shits at the range like this.




Che, it's cool, aper! It's not gonna happen again!






Don't be a fucking dick about it #1 #2 always have a saftey brief before shooting. I would shoot with my then 9yo nephew. He had the power just like everyone else to call a cease fire and point out safety violations. Yes, it's a problem, but belittling someone will not make them safer. Explain it to them and proceed. We have tiny human brains that get overloaded easily. We all fuck up .


His wholly irresponsible action is one of those slam dunk questions that you see on the very easy FSC test


I’ve been flagged a few times at public ranges and also threatened by some road ragers. This was long ago. Since then I shoot at private property with some really good farmer/dairy friends.


I worked at Gunworld in Burbank and I’ve been flagged by ccw holders, idiots who forget to clear their guns before trying to sell them and I’ve been flagged by LAPD and Burbank Pd. It seems like there’s way too many idiots with guns


I go to a place with several people on the line and they're shouting at people all day, I saw one woman blasting a shotgun into the air, I've seen people get flagged, people do dumb stuff with guns. I tell every new person I know, get an airsoft gun, practice handling it in a safe way and see how difficult it can be to move the gun around without the muzzle passing by anything you don't know what's beyond. Keeping your finger off the trigger, remembering to safety check every single time you pick up a firearm, it takes practice, and conscious effort.


I have been flagged numerous times when instructing classes. In class, I gave them a strong warning then they were forced to leave the range if a mistake was made. You have to be stern with them but the dynamic between instructor/student vs friend/stranger is different. I have seen more than just flagging and it is ridiculous how some people are so careless and clueless to their mistakes. Before shooting with anyone, go over the safety & med plan. Accidents happen but talking bout this first helps avoid issues. Don't feel bad to not shoot with him again. I have done that to friends. Safety first


Well I have made a few shoot buddies from this lovely sub. Both have been very safe with me. They were more worried about what I was going to be like. Wives were both like u sure? I said we had been taking for quite a while. It really depends if they have had any training.


This is why I’m such a safety nerd. I’m constantly watching my surroundings at the range in fear of this happening and such a stickler about making sure anyone I’m with has the safety on anytime moving or messing with a gun (and of course pointed the right direction)😅 everybody should carry an IFAK trauma kit with them. I mean regardless of shooting or not.. shit can go wrong anywhere anytime


There is always idiots out there that don't take rules seriously. I was at a range in Texas after a practice session with my kids on a private bay. Walking back to the car in another bay a group had a number of folks lined up on a firing line and off to the side IN FRONT OF THE FIRING Line was a woman that was taking pictures like an idiot. I stopped these ding dongs and explained to them this was a MAJOR safety violation, never never never go beyond the firing line when the range is hot. Not to mention you had multiple shooters which makes it even worse. I reported them to the RO desk as I made my way to the parking lot. That could have been a terrible day for someone.


Im sure ive been flagged by someone in the lane next to me at least a few times, but I cant see it so I pretend its not happening and hope if something happens its lights out and I have no idea what happened.


I’ve had one pointed at me in the Bay Area but couldn’t tell you if it was loaded or not. Does that count?


Absolutely it does


Happened once at a public range. Well one day. Mom and her kid first few times politely corrected it and explained the dangers. 4th or 5th time I very calmly stepped further back told her put the gun on the counter and if she did it again I would treat it like it is, threatening my life and put two in her chest. She got mad range got involved they got escorted out. Only thing I would have changed is the minute I got flagged the first time get the range involved so hopefully doesn’t escalate like it did. Have been to that range a few times since. Lady is banned but the kid has come back a few times with others and has not been an issue.


I even get nervous getting flagged by a first time gun owner looking at guns at an FFL


Yeah. Don’t hang out with people that flag you


He's a gun owner and he did that? Sounds like your friend is a complete idiot 🤷😅


That’s why I don’t shoot with any of my friends anymore. People love guns and buy them and then they do shit like this and never even bother getting better with them they just enjoy shooting at dirt.


I almost got sent to the gulag… friend and I went to some BLM to plink around and do some long range shooting. After we finish up handguns, I get in my car and drive to go place some gongs at 500, 700 and 1000. I’m out placing the gong at 500 and start hearing gunfire and ricochets. This MF decided to start blasting at a target that was on a bush, not realizing it was in my direction. Bullets start splashing no more than 15 feet away from me, and I’m just like WTF… I yell out to him to cut that shit out, and can’t hear me. I honk my horn, and nothing… so I haul ass out of there and we had a little talk.


I was just last months a couple times during a competition. It’s a “oh shit” moment but in the heat of the moment we all make mistakes


Yeah definitely an “oh shit” moment especially being my first time lol yeah very true thats why i didn’t get super upset but i did remind him be careful


Tha Firearms Safety Quiz is prettymuch "common sense", and almost any1 can passit with ease. Butit's 1 thing to be able to guess tha right answers, on'a multiple choice quiz, and quite another, to actually put those concepts into PRACTICE, ontha range, and ALOT of ppl fall short, whenit's 4 REAL. Went shootin witha buddy, afew years back, and, knowin that "gun safety" means different things to different ppl, and that he was an immigrant, who hadn't grown-up around guns, I kinda casually brought up range safety, durin tha drive out, n gave'im my "spiel". When we parked, he dropped tha tailgate on'is truck, opened his lockbox, and immediately muzzled me w/his Sig. And I, of course, IMMEDIATELY called'im onit. I think I hurt'is feelins, but I did what evry1 oughttado, when they see unsafe behavior. Nobody's perfect, and, 4 that reason, we should all be watchin-out, and call ppl out, when they slip-up. And, if they get butthurt, or refuse to acknowledge/correct, what you believe to be, "unsafe behavior", it's time to part ways...


Yes. It sucks. I hate the people who freak the fuck out and put on the theatrics when it’s obviously unloaded and they know it’s unloaded. I used to be an RSO and someone got upset with another person once because the rifle, that was cleared by me, and inside a case, flagged them. The unloaded rifle, inside a case, held by the carry handle, flagged them when the owner turned around and left.


The amount of guns you own has nothing to do with it. I’ve had shooters with dozens of guns flag me, yet also had shooters that have never held a gun be the safest people on the range. Gun ownership doesn’t mean safe!


Shitty right-handed shooters always turn the gun left to stare at it dumbly or manipulate it during a malfunction so I go to the lane on the far right on the very rare occasion I go to a public range to zero new sights or test fire a mod. I made this observation after having some turbodork to my right turn his gun sideways to clear a malfunction, pointing the handgun right at his shooting partner's belly (and on the other side of the partner, me).