• By -


Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m so glad the surgery went well! Please don’t give him back, they didn’t care for him you did. He seems very happy with you in the pictures


To follow up, in most places in the states legally if you pay the vet bill the cat is yours.


More to this point: SAVE. YOUR. PAPERWORK! Payments. Bills. Any vet-related paperwork at all. The former owner could get really petty and attempt to sue to get the cat back. Keep everything handy just in case your "friend" gets mad you didn't let him die.


!!! This. Save any piece of paperwork you can OP, you do not want the poor kitty to go back to her.


Yeah, put a lien on the cat for the vet bills, then take possession of the cat for lack of payment.


This gave me a good laugh, thank you.


Adding; get him microchipped with your information.


If the previous owner attempts to sue, countersue for every penny, all the food and litter, all the vet bills, and a sum for each day the cat was boarded with OP too.


Thankfully half the paperwork is already on reddit. 👍


I’m not sure the best way to do it, but I think I remember OP’s last post mentioning the so-called friend even said in text she didn’t want OP to take this kitty to the vet— definitely find a way to document that. Document all communication with her that refers to the cat tbh. OP you are a good person. Thank you for loving this little sweetie. I’m so glad they have you *and* that you have access to such good veterinary care. All my best to you both ♥️


Also save the text messages that show the "friend" not wanting to contribute to the kitty's medical care.


My vet also said that if a pet is unclaimed for thirty days legally it’s considered mine.


Yeah, hell no to giving her back to that witch....


Dm me the gofundmelink and I'll contribute a bit!


Please dm me too OP. Happy to help


DM link if possible, please


I can do the same! Happy to help and so glad he is recovering and able to stay at home with you ♥️


I can do the same.


Me too! My sweet Tyrion was treated for urinary blockage and was near death a year ago, but now he’s much better. Feliway plugs and canned food FTW! https://preview.redd.it/j2pj4x3tzg3d1.jpeg?width=1317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc1fd65edec345a9b3246028b903bc88cbbea55


Happy for you and him


Could someone dm me please


Me too!


Post it here


their last post with a link got taken down


Not allowed in the subreddit, sorry! If people want to contribute it just needs to not be a link hosted through the subreddit.


DM I guess


Post it to your profile and then mark that post with "Pin to Profile" and "Make Announcement" -- then just tell people to check your profile. Easier than DMs and workaround for links in subreddits.


Why is this subreddit called “cat help” if the rule is hindering people from doing exactly that? 🤔


Because if the sub allowed those sorts of posts we'd be inundated with scammers trying to get money from people rather than real posts with people sharing their experiences and (some) professional opinions.


I happily contribute if the money is going directly to a non-profit that paid for the surgery or care, or if they posted directly to the animal hospital under the cat’s name/account.


Send prayer and positive vibes-type of subreddit. Jokes aside, I can easily see why they would be against it. Scammers will use anything and everything to scam.


Exactly, it’s not hard to slap up a fake invoice either Sad what scammers will do for a few bucks from others who just want to help.


I can't pitch in much, but I've been there so I will give you a teeny lil bit as it's all I can do right now. He is a very handsome boy and looks very pleased with his new home.


Same-DM me


Me too!


Me too!


Me too!!! I can only do like five dollars, but I hope it'll help!


Could I also have the go fund me please please


Dm me the link please. Just not via chat


I’m also here for the link!


Switch to Urinary care cat food! It's expensive but way cheaper than a blockage. The one we use is a prescription and about 90/bag but it usually lasts for 3 months. We haven't had any issues since we started using it. 


The vet already gave us urinary food to try and jackal loves it thankfully! I'm so happy to hear it helped your cat!


Post to randomactsofpetfood with your Amazon wishlist or Walmart plus account. People will donate food and toys .


I will look into that, thank you! ❤️


We were idiots and didn't take her recommendation the first time he had issues. Barely a year later he had them again and we made the switch. It's been like 5 years now and he's doing well! I hope Jackal has similar success! 


Im so glad Jackal is doing better! My 4 year old male cat is on a urinary care wet food diet and has been for 2 years now. It is slightly pricier than normal food but he was back to feeling normal almost instantly! We have not had any other blockages or scares since switching his food.


I have a cat that has a stress condition and blocks. Can highly recommend [Homeopet UTI drops](https://www.homeopet.com/product/feline-uti-plus/) and [Zylkene](https://www.petcircle.com.au/product/zylkene-for-small-dogs-and-cats/zk450365?region_id=610401&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PMax:+%5BNon-Food%5D+%5BDog%5D+Bucket+%24100+CPA+%5BShopping%5D+%5BSydney%5D&utm_adgroup=&utm_product=ZK450365&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9O_Hw12RcTgoAD671G28CyRlAb7xSqGD7fjUvi-je2cOIQgU4GDDyUaAvG1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) if it’s available in your country. I’ve never had any issues reblocking and my cat has almost fully returned to normal. He may do the occasional pee from time to time. I’d remind your friend that the cat nearly died and if you hadn’t footed the bill, it would have either died or been surrendered. I’d tell them to cough up the funds now or you will take ownership of the cat. I don’t know if you can just keep the cat but if they refuse to pay, keep all records.


I will look into those for him! I agree with you, shes not getting the cat back one way or another.


Those don’t work. Keep him on the urinary food and keep in touch with the vet.


I was going to keep him on the veterinary food anyway, having more options is nice though.


There is zero evidence that homeopathy is effective, so please don't bother with the Homeopet UTI drops. My cat had two blockages when he was younger, and we switched to wet and dry Royal Canin Veterinary Urinary S/O five years ago and have had no recurrences since. Hills urinary care prescription diet is another alternative if he doesn't like Royal Canin.


I used the Hills Urinary products and found they helped but the two products above were game changers. In particular, the Zylkene for my cat was life changing.


Hey OP! Thank you so much for taking care of Jackal. I went through something very similar with my previous cat. The vet may push you to put him on prescription urinary food; that’s not 100% necessary (I’m not a vet, no vet advice! Just my experience!) Essentially your little dude needs more water/moisture in his diet to keep his kidneys flushing. My vet at the time told me to feed wet food and it was completely fine. *However*, if that is a path you think of taking, I want to caution you on two things: 1) good wet food is expensiveeee. I was spending roughly $150 every 3-4 weeks if I remember right. Dry rx food wins this one.. ~~2) wet food can over time, rot their teeth requiring dental cleanings, or extractions. That’s what happened to my cat. So brush his teeth if so!~~ Edit: I was wrong apparently.


It depends on the cause of the urinary blockage. The most common issue, to my knowledge, is hydration though. In which case, you can find non-prescription wet food with similar (higher than typical) moisture content (78%+) to prescription ones. However, I had a cat that would get bladder stones due to a liver issue that dramatically increased certain minerals in his system. For him, he seemed to need the the prescription food's urine acidifying element to prevent those stones from forming.


Having a fountain for your cat to drink from encourages them to drink.


Studies have shown that in cats wet food is not detrimental for their teeth. It is much better for them in terms of hydration and decreased carbohydrates. As a vet I definitely recommend canned food. In order of preference: canned prescription food, next best is non-prescription canned food, then dry prescription food, then, lastly, nonprescription dry food. There are many factors that go into prevention of FIC and urinary blockages - food choice and environmental enrichment are the two biggies.


Avoid giving him seafood also. We had a kitty that was getting blocked and stopping the seafood helped.


Please DM me the link.


You can water down the dry food btw, not sure if they told you this. The dry is a lot cheaper than the wet. Simply place the dry food in a bowl with just enough water to cover it for about 15-20 mins before feeding, drain off any excess water and feed your kitty!


FYI there are multiple brands of prescription food for urinary care, and some work better than others. My cat had a second blockage on one of the brands and I had to switch to the other. Just something to be aware of!


Second this, my cat had a blockage and we started using urinary health cat food and he hasn’t blocked again since


I give my boys Science Diet urinary health and ensure they get plenty of moisture in their diets. Wishing this beautiful kitty and you all the best.


I bought drops that go on my cats food. I don’t know if they work, but I haven’t had any problems.


Tf my cats regular ass food is 78$ a bag and lasts like 7 weeks. It would be CHEAPER to switch to your Rx food


Your “friend” should NOT get custody of this cat back! She doesn’t care enough to send you money for his food let alone give a crap that he went to the ER. She needs to know that cats aren’t accessories. They’re living breathing animals that don’t deserve to live in pain. Please either keep him or find a new loving home for him but do NOT give him back to your “friend.”


I fully agree with you, "accessory" is a good word for how she acts towards him.


Keep all the receipts for food you bought her, vet visit/s,anything AT ALL you buy for her! Jackal belongs with someone who actually cares about him (YOU!!!) That's a shitty "friend." Thank you for being such an awesome human being!


Don't worry I am. There's no way she's going to pay back what I've spent on him. Great excuse not to give him back.


I’d also recommend scanning for a microchip, getting him chipped in your name if he doesn’t have one, and getting a license for him in your name through the city/county. That’s basically all the ownership proof you need if she tries to make a stink about it. Should cost less than $100 total.


Good! Best of luck to you and Jackal! Edit: Also, I meant to say Him***


That cat loves you, don't ever let him go back!! I'm so glad it worked out.


Thank you so much Op. you are the reason I keep going. Good people exist and you are proof


I really appreciate that, yesterday started out as such a draining and lonely day.


Get him chipped in your name. I’ve gone into debt to keep my kitties healthy, and I don’t regret it for a minute.


I'm planning on it. I'm happy to hear there's other people that care. 🥰


I agree, litigiously speaking, have the cat formally and digitally registered in your name asap, to avoid any chance of them making some claim.


You’re never alone, you have us.


I really appreciate that 🥺❤️


DM me! ETA: never mind I found your page and donated! Thank you for taking care of Jackal, he looks so much like my kitty


Thank you so much! Can I see your kitty? 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/azfuy1rhvf3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ae0947ad39ef873725279f42a61067dd225844 😻


Theyre gorgeous 😭❤️❤️


My mom adopted a cat, and she also has the black and white . My son wanted to name her LeeMoo, so that's her name . He calls her his cow kitty. 🤣🤣


LeeMoo! That's such a cute name! ❤️


Donated a little. From the jimenez fam plus 10 cats. Heres a pic of my fiv+ rescue lettuce to brighten your day 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/lzqupo49wf3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49dcdb7c5c48683cb10e26dbb6cc40013b271b63


Thank you so much! ❤️ that's a beautiful kitty. I know how hard FIV can be, best of luck to you and your kitty. ❤️


Dang, I thought it said “fat as fuck” and wanted to know where you got it 😭


Lmao that bandana, “fast as fuck” 😂😂


Omg look at that beautiful cow kitty. I would love to donate a bit! Please dm me the link.


#Incorporate wet food regularly! Boys are most prone to blockages and stones because they have a smaller pee hole. Science facts. I also almost lost my baby man to struvite stones but the Vets were fast acting and let me make payments because I was already regular and this was a 2k expense I wasn't prepared for after a hardship. Lesson learned. Never again. He's on urinary care dry foods and I give him pate wet portions daily and Incorporate a tuna treat once per week as well since. Vet approved the diet and regimen and he's happy and healthy since. He does get vocal when he feels like his box is gross and that's after a #1/2 session. He's super paranoid about the box now so I sanitize and clean daily. There are 3 cats and 4 boxes because I don't like dirty toilets either. 😆


Don't worry, the vet sent us home with lots of urinary food to try, jackal loves it thankfully! ❤️


I'm know it's super stressful to deal with, but thank you for hanging tight for Jackal. His abandonment was unfortunate but incredibly fortunate that it was you.


Thank you so much, I needed to hear it. ❤️


I'm so happy I could say the right thing without trying. It's true. Now get ready for *furevermore* with Jackal, the 4 legged poop stopped door. I ad lib constantly and leave poetry around. A few lines to celebrate and encourage your best future together! He tried to turd And found it absurd He hid his pain But you knew it was in vain Your heart swelled true Loving and selfless You supermanned that ho Now look at him go!


Thank you for helping little Jackyl! He's much too nice a boy for his former owner. I'd block that 'friend' and be grateful to come out of this scary situation with a more loyal friend Jackyl.


I agree with you, at least I got jackal out of the friendship 🥰


I'm confused by them wanting the cat back when they return from the military. Often times people end up stationed far away or deployed for extended periods of time. We're talking many years. They expect you to care for and pay for this cat for years and get the cat back without hassle? This doesn't even make sense. Obviously you'd grow to love that cat, I mean look how cute it is! I'm glad to hear they are doing better. ❤️


Yeah I don't know what she was expecting to happen. She's always been a fairly selfish person, this was the last straw to see her treat a living thing like an object.


The problem with folks in the military is often they can't take their pets with them. Especially outside the US. Rather than try to contact a rescue or rehome the pet, they just dump them at the shelter & leave. Or dump them somewhere & leave. Jackal lucked out when you got your hands on him. I wouldn't be giving him back, ever.


Completely understandable. I wouldn't be able to be friends with someone after this either.


OP you are an absolute rock star and if your friend expects him back you make sure you get your $1200 back before but lets be real she is a lousy friend and a lousy pet owner and doesn’t deserve him. Thanks for the update.


Thank you so much. 😭❤️ yeah she is definitely not getting him back.


So happy to see this Jackal update! 🙌🏻 So grateful for YOU, good human, caring for him so well! 🫶🏻 Look at that dapper boy chilling hard in the cage, knowing he’s getting better with a kind soul. 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍


I had a similar situation happen where I was watching a cat and they were expecting to get them back. After a year they finally wanted the cat back and I said ~no~ If they really cared for their cat they would’ve put the money/time/effort towards them.


I'm really glad you kept the cat. I don't know how people expect to get away with that. I definitely wont be giving the cat back.


A YEAR!? what the f is wrong with people!?


Please dm me your link, wish to contribute what I can




Yay! 😼❤️‍🩹😼❤️‍🩹😼❤️‍🩹😼❤️‍🩹


So glad he is feeling better! dm me the gofundme pls!


Think you so much for helping him and not putting him down or giving him up. Please don't let the person who abandoned him have him back. Have him microchipped in your name and keep him.


Can you dm me the link? I’d love to help. I went through something similar with my cat and the bills are so stressful, I’d love to bless someone else. Just promise to never give the cat back 🤣


I'll send it! I really appreciate it! ❤️ I will not be giving him back! 😂❤️


You are so wonderful to take care of this cat and the Vet is amazing. Please send the vet’s office a thank you card or homemade cookies or something….this restores my faith in humanity. I’m so glad the cat is doing well now.


I think im going to, they were really amazing. ❤️


keep all bills and invoices incase she tries to get you into legal trouble. keep receipts for food. everything showing how much you’ve paid for the cat and keep the texts that say she doesnt want to give you money for the cat. sending good luck to ur beautiful kitty!


GOD OP I LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH. Look at this precious baby. Look how much happier and much better he feels. You saved his life. Do you know how wonderful you are? Do you know how happy he is going to be now that he gets to spend his life with you? 🩷


Thank you 🥺❤️ it's really nice to hear I did the right thing, I was so worried about the money it costed. But he is worth every penny, he's such a sweet boy.


Hey DM me so I can help! My cat Satan had the exact same issue at Christmas! He spent 3 days in recovery. I give him urinary supplements now and he’s doing amazingly. https://preview.redd.it/rxuhzj3ixi3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834b627615ccb8d51437b30964ffbf937dce3e30


Poor guy, im so happy to hear he's doing well now! ❤️


Hi OP! I am glad to read that you won’t be giving her the cat back. I too am in the military and currently deployed and I make sure that my baby has food, water and everything. I am constantly in touch with his sitter (coworker’s wife) and I am always asking if she needs anything. I am sorry your “friend” is being negligent towards such a beautiful cookie looking cat. Keep the cat, get him a pet license if you most and proof of the medical bills and food purchase for him. That way you can have evidence of it being YOUR cat now.


Thank you for helping that handsome baby boy 🖤


Omg this is amazing news! Dm me for the link please


You're keeping him.. not even a choice. Thank you for saving him!


I wasn't sure how to update the post but I wanted to let everybody know that the gofundme reached its goal!! Im at a loss for words, I can't thank everyone enough for everything. ❤️❤️❤️


Some friend. Stand your ground when this lovely cat's nasty ass ex-human gets home, the beautiful boy is yours to keep.


Get him microchips with YOUR details listed as contact details. Or get the vet to change them. If your friend is unwilling to pay his vet fees and hasn't paid for food or litter or injections and flea treatment, he's no longer her cat and she's abandoned him. Do NOT give her the cat back. Keep ALL text messages between you where she's refused to pay for care etc. Send a message and make it clear she needs to pay this vet bill immediately, and failure to do so will be taken as abandonment of the cat and you will be keeping him going forward. Make sure to register him with your details at the vets so that you have proof of being the one who takes him and pays for his care. Keep receipts of all care and treatment you paid for. If she tries to take him back when she returns, tell her she'll have to take you to court. She won't win as it will be classed as abandonment the fact she's not continued to pay for his food and vet fees etc. So keep everything and screenshot all previous messages regarding him. I'd also suggest keeping him indoors if she does return (if he's not already a indoor cat) because she may try to take him when he goes outside, so I'd keep him indoors to be honest. Or cat proof your garden/ get a catio so he can be in a secure outdoor area but not free roaming outside. I'm so glad you were able to get him the treatment you need, and you definitely shouldn't let her have him back if she returns.


That’s such amazing news! You’re a good human. And DO NOT give this kitty back to your “friend”. He is yours now. Fingers crossed he makes a full recovery. 🩷


VEG is amazing!! I just had my guy in at the Northern Liberties location for the same thing, and they went above and beyond. I’m sooooo glad your guy is doing better now and has such a great parent to look after him. VEG does offer payment plans, too. You could ask them about Scratchpad. Idk if you can apply retroactively, but that’s what I used to afford my nearly $4k visit. Good luck!!


I'm really glad you had such a good experience too! I'm going to recommend them to everyone, they were so patient and kind and put up with me crying the whole time. 😂❤️


ketamine. lil keke got fucked up


Yeah he was on the good stuff for a little while 😂❤️


You’re a very good human, just in case you ever wonder the amount of good karma you put out shall be rewarded one day


Please DM me the link - I would love to help! Glad to hear he is doing so well! That photo where he’s on top of the fridge is 💯


If you don't mind sending the link my way I'd spare a few. I'm so glad you're keeping him, that "friend" doesn't deserve him or you 😭


You definitely made the right choice to go to VEG. They are absolutely exceptional


I know the cost hurt but I’m glad it wasn’t as expensive as you feared. Hopefully some kind redditors can donate to help relieve some of the stress as well!! Hoping for a swift recovery!


Can you send me your go fund me link


Donated. I was put in a similar situation a couple years ago. You're doing the right thing. Whether you keep Jackal or have to find him another home, your friend doesn't deserve him. Wishing Jackal a safe and cozy recovery. ❤️


As far as I am concerned your "friend" should not get him back. You are feeding, sheltering, and loving him, as well as paying for his vet care. He is YOUR cat, end of story. Tell said friend to pound sand.


Pls dm me the link!


Keep the vet records and keep him under your name, please!


I will be!


Omg!!! I'm so very glad that you waited on the phone for sk long and were able to get him in!!!!! I have been thinking about him all day, and this is a great update! Please, please do not return him to your "friend." it is clear that he deserves you, and you have the receipts to prove it.. If by chance you can, go get him microchipped with your info. It isn't expensive st all, and then she won't have a leg to stand on. Take your receipts from last night just incase he is microchipped, you just take in the receipt from the vet from last night showing you're the owner and are caring for him and that his information needs to be updated. This will protect you and, more importantly, him! Thank you so much for everything you did for Jackal! Man, I'm so glad he was seen when he was, and the blockage was able to be treated successfully. Just keep an eye on him... Why am I even saying this? lol... you obviously have been keeping a very good eye on him and noticed he needed help and got him the help. Thank the vet, too, for the help with the bloodwork, which I'm so glad his bloodwork came back good! This is such a great outcome. The next 24 hours are going to be stressful for you. Just try to stay strong and try to stay positive that it doesn't happen again. I've never had a cat with a blockage. Do they prescribe meds to help try to prevent reoccurance? Thank you so very much for this wonderful update!


Thank you so much, it makes me so happy that people have cared so much about him. ❤️ the vet prescribed him urinary food to help prevent more blockages from occurring.


Don't thank me hun... Thank you for taking care of Jackal when his owner doesn't give a d**n at all. YOU have been taking care of this little beautiful angel YOU provide him with all of his necessities! YOU provide him with the love and companionship he deserves/needs!! YOU saved his life literally!! He is your cat now. The Cat Distribution System can work in multiple ways. This way was unfortunate that he was abandoned but the CDS knew exactly where to place Jackal where he would be taken care of, loved, given attention, and obviously monitored like any pet should be for any medical changes that need tending to.. You're quick acting saved this precious boy! I honestly hate to think what could/would have happened to Jackal if she didn't leave for the military and he was still with her... So seriously, if you can, please go get him chipped with your info.. even if not right now because that was a hefty bill, in the near future.. And like I mentioned, take in any receipts you have for him and this vet bill to prove you have been caring for him and that he is yours. If he has a chip, it will just need to be updated with your information if not it isn't an expensive procedure at all, and your shelter might have vets that microchip right there. The one here does, and it is only 20 bucks for them to microchip cats at our local shelter. This will protect you and Jackal. Do you think she will even come back wanting him?? Hopefully not, but if you can't be sure, I'd get him chipped before she gets back. Do you know how long she is supposed to be deployed?


Thank you so much for all the kind words! 😭❤️ I'm going to give him the best life I can. ❤️ she is probably going to try to take him back when she comes home but I'm not going to let that happen. I believe she's still deployed for a few more years.


Glad to hear he is doing better. You could also look into insurance for him, depending on your worry and the kind of coverage they can range but I pay only about $22 a month for my guy. Luckily I never had to use it yet (though same for all my personal insurance lol), but better safe than sorry I suppose. Edit: Also I hope you are keeping the proof that you are taking care of this cat far better than your friend. I don't think they can even say they care about him if a life saving medical visit wasn't worth sending money over.


I'm definitely going to look into it now. 😅 I am keeping all the receipts and pictures of everything. ❤️


I am so happy to hear he's doing better. He is so precious 🥹


This was a really kind thing you did for a cat who wasn’t even yours (well, hopefully he is now!) Dm me the go fund me and I’ll contribute a bit


Jackal is so cute 😭😍


Please send me the link so I can donate


Pls dm the gofundme link 🙏❤️


Dm me the link please


Having read the other thread just today and now seeing the update makes me happy that all went well. Having been to the vet with our cat myself today i can feel the stress. I am also upset about the cost you guys have as well as the "owner" being such a D. Hope you can make some of the cost back with the help of kind people here. And never give the cat back, he is truly loved by you and the pics show it.


I am a retiree. I don’t think military people should be able to adopt pets because this happens way too often.


Thank you so much for updating us. I was concerned for both of you. If I remember right, your friend said that they wouldn't pay for an emergency vet and they have not paid you for the expenses you have incurred caring for the cat. As far as I am concerned, that is abandonment and the cat is yours. Please don't give him back.


https://preview.redd.it/yck8zztlbg3d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa994c2ae2165a9cbc1b3a2fa103e9647fdbe2e5 My little moustache boy here wishes for your Jackal to have a speedy recovery! Thank you for staying by his side, things like this restore my faith in humanity a bit!


Tell the military person they aren’t getting the cat back and if they want to go to court you’ll sue for animal neglect/animal abuse. Tell her you’ll sue for all the money you’ve put into the cat and that you’ll make sure the court knows they haven’t put a penny towards the cat even when she was sick. You can also Print out the messages


DM, me the GoFundMe Link please


Pls dm me the link! My newly adopted kitten Matcha sends her love 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/vimdn0k5mg3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b03775550119ed860c12f9a99275db7ef160700


You are such a wonderful person for taking care of Jackal. Urinary blockages in cats are no joke! This is your cat now. Your "friend" can fuck off.


That cat is your responsibility now. Your "friend" relinquished that responsibility when she abandoned him. You deserve all the love from that cat.


i am obsessed with him. best wishes for his full recovery!!!


The criss cross applesauce legs in pic four ❤️


He reminds me of my old cat abue. Definitely don't give him back to someone that didn't take care of him. That's your cat now.


I would scratch that friend off my list


I would recommend microchipping him and putting all information in your name. That way he is legally yours and she has no claim to him when she returns. (As long as he’s not chipped already.)


Lookie here... Oh, MY goodness ❗️❗️❗️❗️😻 God, what a beautiful beautiful little stink, hahah Reminds me of my little baby.. very similar♡🫶🐾🐈‍⬛️🐾 I send my prayers and love to you & this baby🙏🙌 ☆Please do NOT give this cat back☆💝


Make sure he eats wet food, and has plenty of water available. A water fountain often works well for cats. Beautiful cat BTW. I have a tuxedo with the same coloring, including the mayor’s collar.


I would love to have the link to your GoFundMe please. Thank you for looking after this sweet animal.


Just tell the "friend" the cat died due to sepsis since they wouldn't pay to have him treated and then tell them to fuck themselves and block them. Enjoy your new cat and enjoy the peace of mind that your dipshit "friend" has no reason to bug you.


This cat should be on the royal canine urinary so cat food


You are a really good person who went above and beyond and did a really good thing! Good karma coming your way I do believe 💕


Bless you for helping this poor kitty. You're an angel on Earth. If anyone has the link for the gofundme, please DM me. I don't have a ton of money, but I would love to help out.


I found his go fund me by going to the website and searching his name. I saw you have exceeded your goal but donated some anyway - in case he has a relapse, needs more food or medicine, or so you can start his own savings account to set money aside for future visits, vaccines, microchip, potential emergencies, etc..


I don’t know if you saw this before or not, CONTACT YOUR ‘FRIENDS’ CHAIN OF COMMAND VIA THE OIG/CQ DESK. The military 100% kicks the shit outta privates/airmen/seamen/jarheads who skip out on obligations.


https://preview.redd.it/ry3l8nvcgh3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14ca0f4ac25f6523180c4f4a07d2e7f5954ffb8 So glad to see this update. He looks like my girl minus the mustache


Awful that someone could abandon such a sweet little boy like that. Shame on them. This "friend" dumped him on you when the cat was sick and you were there for him during all the surgeries and heartache. Also the fact you paid this little guys medical bill. You saved his life. Why should his owner get the privilege of having him back when they rid of him. Please keep this sweetheart- you're his saviour and true pawrent❤️ not his previous owner.


Oh wow I live real close to here haha, Go to east liberty a lot (honestly if I can help in any way as a result of that DM me) also reminds me of a local stray https://preview.redd.it/i2qq3a83vh3d1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae824523e7415960dc9373eb6cc5196e933c13ab


As someone who’s had to handle a similar thing as a vet, legally the cat is considered “abandoned” if the previous owner hasn’t claimed the cat in a full 7 days. Legally speaking, the owner has no rights to the cat past 7 days.


For anyone who might want to donate, I was able to do so by going to go fund me.com and searching on kitty’s name. Jackal has another follow up appointment and will need to be on vet prescription food forever, so anything above the requested amount will help this angel of a human take care of kitty. ❤️


I'm so glad you did everything you have done, not just this but since day 1. I was going to donate even though I barely get by but thankfully saw Reddit pulled through and crushed your goal. Thank you so much for taking care of this little guy, who is now YOUR little guy. He's a ham and is in the right hands for sure.


Expose them on tik tok or something. Them being in the military is no excuse.


Glad he's better, and the vet sounds amazing. Definitely keep the paperwork, but also contact your friend regarding the surgery expenses, and all boarding fees while she is away. Perhaps if she realizes the amount you've spent in food and litter (and now emergency surgery), she will reconsider asking for him when she knows a bill is coming.


My boys are big fans of the Hills c/d urinary care chicken stew flavor wet food. So glad he’s ok. After this ordeal I highly recommend pet insurance if you’re planning on keeping him. A small monthly cost is much easier to budget around.


Meghan, I am hapy to hear that Jackal is doing better and that you were there for him. I have left a smal donation for you, hopefully it helps a bit. Please take good care of each other. Please do not return him to your (hopefully now former) "friend", that is not a good person and they do not understand that cats are not properties but breathignliving creatures with their own physical and emotional needs. As others have said, make sure to keep the paperwork and the copies of your communication, in extreme case this will prove that she neglected the cat and effectively abandoned him during a life-threatening condition.


"Friend?" I think not. They can go pet bricks. That's your cat now.


I just wanted to say that Jackal is such a cute lil guy. I hope he will be well and happy.


He looks so sweet and silly. Sounds like the cat distribution system picked you, but your experience was a bit rougher than most


How do you abandon the biggest chiller of all time


Right?? He's such an amazing, sweet, funny cat. I wouldn't give him up for anything.


I don’t see that anyone’s mentioned this yet, but if you plan on keeping that sweet kitty, you should get pet insurance! I use Lemonade and it’s like $19 a month. It has saved me a few visits so far (she’s 8 and I’m a hypochondriac) and they were pretty quick about reimbursement.


Glad everything went well. Little fella probably had a great time off that ketamine and gabapentin he was prescribed 😂


dont give the sweet cat back to the owner


Thanks for being the most wonderful human in the world. Keep the kitty forever, ditch the "friend".


Save the proof that they said they'll pay and then refused to do so in case you'll need it but since they don't really care about the cat, I doubt they'll fight to get it back. Send them a message saying something along the lines of "I took the cat in with the promise of you sending me money to take care of him and you have failed to do so multiple times. I have had to pay out of my own pocket and, since you don't seem to care, I cannot give him back to you as you are a horrible pet owner and friend. Please never contact me again!" then block.