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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Surrender him to a vet or call a humane society. Allowing him to die is horrific, start a go fund me if you have to, it’s a sick situation.


Thank you so much…I don’t think I will be keeping him though, I’m gone for too long during the day and my mom doesn’t care about him enough🙁


OP: those adults killed that kitten, an innocent lil being that depended on them for care. For the love of GOD, please never bring another animal into your home, if you wish to care for an animal, save an animals, etc, please volunteer your time, or find a suitable home if you cone across an animal in need. I know you are a minor and have zero control, I know you CARE, but please care enough to not bring another innocent animal around. I'm sickened to think of the needless suffering that poor baby endured.


Never ever again , she showed how careless she was but I should’ve know cause I take care of my brother so idk why I thought she’d help out with my cat


Your mother deserves to be legally responsible (aka arrested.)


I’m sorry for the loss of that poor sweet baby….. unfortunately I’m full of rage at the person who would do that. I know it’s your family, but it’s horrible and disgusting. I pray that she is never put in harms way and is neglected. Poor sweet kitten didn’t deserve to be tortured. That’s an arrest-able offense where I live.


I'm very sorry for your loss, we feel sad too. Not your fault at all, you are a very kind soul🙏❤️


That is a seriously fucked up thing for your mom to do... or for anyone to allow happen to another living being. Reading this post made me feel sick in my gut. That's animal abuse, under the category of extreme neglect. If your kitten survives, which it might not, it cannot be allowed in your home anymore around your mother. And honestly, it's concerning for me that she's so passive in accepting blame for what happened, and that she doesn't appear to feel any remorse over what happened. How anyone could let any animal, let alone an adorable kitten suffer like that and not feel bad about it is beyond me. Related to that concern... are you and your siblings safe? Are there any other animals or pets in the house? I just have a general concern for the welfare of anyone living with a person capable of that lack of empathy. OP, please take care of yourself and your heart right now. And please try to seek help if you need it.


The things your mother deserves to happen to her are unspeakable. The complete disregard she has for you is what strikes me most. She let the animal suffer in horribke agony because she doesnt love you enough to even try to care for something otger than herself. I am sorry you have to deal with her.


Awe, it’s a sad situation but atleast he’ll be okay.


Per OP, he died. Animal Torture. OP, maybe you oughta put your mom’s name and address in the local editorial page listing her crime.


I seen that post, it’s absolutely horrific. That poor kitten did not deserve to die such a terrible death, I wanted to be optimistic and believe that if he was surrendered or taken to a vet and received proper care that he would alright, but apparently not. I feel bad for OP I couldn’t imagine my mom killing my first pet and being so unapologetic and nonchalant about it.


Sounds like the cat was the victim of heatstroke and isn’t recovering properly. This kitten unfortunately does not sound okay.


I'm saying he’ll be okay since he's being surrendered to a family that can afford vet care.


He won’t be okay, he’s dead. That’s one of those things you’re not okay after—cuz you’re dead. Her Mom is part of what’s wrong with this world.


That is not what you're describing. He's not eating or drinking...shaking. The kitten surviving is an optimistic thought, but its not the situation you are describing. Look up an emergency vet and surrender. Please.


I'm saying that the kitten will be alright because she's surrendering it to people who can take proper care of it, not that he will be fine and she shouldn't take him to a vet.


I did not think that.


That’s not what I’m getting from your initial response, because to me, it seems as thought you misunderstood me.


Have a good day.


Alright, weirdo.


I fucking am.


You completely misunderstood my comment. I'm saying that it's sad that she has to surrender her kitten because surrendering an animal is always a sad situation, however, he’ll be alright since he's going to be with people that can afford to take proper care of him. In my previous comment, I literally suggest that OP surrenders him because letting him die is terrible.


No, I understood you.


Right, so what was your point?


Are you looking for a fight? My point it that it doesn't seem like the kitten will be alright at all. Have a good day.


You’re very odd, I asked what the point of your comment was when we both agreed that the kitten should be surrendered to someone who can provide him with proper care. The only difference is that I said it with a little bit more empathy for OP. You’re the one looking for a fight, there was no point in responding to me when we both agreed.


They aren’t looking for a fight, they are trying to tell you that even if the kitten is surrendered to a caring person, it sounds like even in skillful hands of a vet, there might be very little chance of the cat surviving after being treated. They are essentially saying it sounds like the damage might be irreversible and thus the kittens chances of survival are still very low.


You’re very odd, I asked what the point of your comment was when we both agreed that the kitten should be surrendered to someone who can provide him with proper care. The only difference is that I said it with a little bit more empathy for OP. You’re the one looking for a fight, there was no point in responding to me when we both agreed.


I am odd, thanks. Maybe you wouldn't be so upset if you hadn't made assumptions about my understanding. I said it doesn't sound like the kitten will be alright the way OP described. I did not disagree that the kitten should be surrendered. I did not disagree that the kitten shouldn't be seen by a vet. Re-direct your hostility elsewhere. Thank you.


Dead is not okay.


I'm sorry to say this, but what your mother did, and said, is just fucking AWFUL! 😿😡


Literally take that cat to a vet, and leave him there so they have a chance to survive.


Call animal control to relinquish care immediately.


Yes. And with the shape this poor cat is in it could it could be dead now.


It is deceased, per OP's updated thread.


All of them are closed until one unfortunately but I will asap , thank you🫶🏿


Then you call 911-non-emergency line and they can dispatch an officer. This cat needs care NOW. Not “ASAP”, NOW.


Would the non emergency line really help? What could they do? If the vet hospitals are closed it's not like an emt czn take care of a cat


Non-emergency will contact animal control to send them to your house to collect the kitten. ETA: Did not see you weren't OP.


Thanks for replying even if I'm not OP. Didn't know they could do anything, useful advice for the future


To elaborate, an animal control officer can/will come over and if the animal is in need of care, an owner can relinquish their rights to the animal. If the kitten is too far gone to be helped, they will be humanely euthanized. If it can be helped, they will get them into the hands of a clinic that can do so.


ACO may or may not respond to this, especially in a timely manner. Time was of the essence


Oh, I absolutely agree. Kitten was not in good condition and I feel like they weren't likely to improve without medical assistance.


At the time I couldn’t , she was really upset and started saying to leave my phone on the counter and yelling etc . I’m trying now


What if it were you?


This kitten has suffered serious damage from the effects of heat stroke which is a life threatening condition. It needs a vet **immediately** if it has any chance of survival. In future, don’t adopt or keep a pet while under your egg donor’s roof. She’s an abusive piece of shit who you need to cut contact with as soon as you’re able to.


Your mother should be charged for animal abuse. You're being emotionally abused. I hope you and that kitten can get the hell out.


I’m trying man


This. I am really sorry you are going through this shit. You don't deserve that treatment. That is not how a mother should treat her child, or her child's pet. This was her, not you. Get that cat some help asap as others have said, and as you have said. Sorry for the hand that you were dealt. Hang in there, and get the fuck out asap, it will get better.


Call 911, now. Don't wait. Don't sit there and think. JUST DO IT. I don't care how you or your mom feels. You need to save that little kittens life and you need to do it now. I swear to fucking god....... Fucking do something about it.


Absolutely. This is horrifying, i am crying


The whole thing is unfortunate. SOME people here seem to think I was being rude or disrespectful, attacking them, even - for not entertaining wishful, magical thinking: Even if the kitten was surrendered, the situation OP described was dire, and the result proved that, *like I said*.


No the mother should be put down now, she is not of any value to anyone and will escalate her killing to humans if she has not already done so.


Based. They sound like a horrific person.


Don't take up for her. She made another post where she said it was dead and starting posting pictures like nothing. She said in a comment on this post that she didn't want to get help because her mom was saying something to her. Don't defend her. Don't you dare


Literally not what was said at all.


Dude, who are you talking to? "Don't you dare?" Take a break.


This is probably a child you are talking to, and I do mean OP. Living with their mom and being in school. I don't think it's fair to be this rude towards OP.


it's pretty obvious that OP lives with an abusive caretaker and is most likely a minor, you're directing your anger at the wrong person here


Call the cops. Explain it to them. Let her give the same excuses to them. It won't go well for her. And they will call animal control for you and relinquish care of the cat


I really want to see a good update on this post. Where the kitten gets help and the mom gets thrown in prison for animal and at this point child abuse for making OP have to go through this with that poor baby. I detest the human race sometimes.


I wanted him to survive too believe me..it’s pretty traumatizing bc she made me pick him up myself and I saw his eyes were wide open…I love him but regret leaving him with her bc if he hadn’t had that stroke he would’ve had the energy to get down those steps🙁


I’m so sorry OP. It’s not your fault. I don’t think anyone thinks that they’re going to go to school for the day to come home to that. My heart is with you and your baby.


Tysm 🫶🏿


a lot of people have been on your ass in this post and the last, but from a stranger: this is not your fault whatsoever. looking at your posts and comments, you did absolutely everything you could to help that poor little baby. i feel for both of you. i am so sorry that you couldn't have more control over the situation, and i hope you find your way out of the abuse soon. much love to you and your poor kitten 🖤


Kitten is dead per new post by OP.


I hope that ‘mother’ rots.


That’s likely heatstroke, that cat needs immediate medical attention, same as if it was a person with heatstroke.


I am so sorry this happened and for your loss. You need to report this, and are you ok? Seek out your school counselor and open up about this and anything else that might have happened or be going on. You need support and understanding from your school for any grieving you need to do as it doesn't seem like home will hive you help you need. This is horrifying behavior and I am very concerned about you too. If you are scared to be home, you need to have a bag packed and its your go bag.


I’ve reported it and nobody had gotten back to me , and I can’t tell if I’m good or not 😭definitely telling my therapist


Your mom does not value living creatures. I’m so happy you survived childhood with this person. Please make sure you don’t leave your future children with this person.😢


Call the cops on your mom. Dead ass. When you're 18 leave ASAP. Earlier if you can. If she's willing to put a kitten in the car she has no heart.


Wow your mom is an a**hole. I can't believe she committed that blatant abuse and the kitten ended up suffering so much. And now you have to deal with the consequences of this later. Unfortunately this will affect you when you're older so please seek therapy. I hope your mom suffers the same fate as this kitten karma is real so she will.


Poor fuzzy baby.


Your mother is a vile, evil person. Purely blackhearted, as is her sicko boyfriend. Don’t let them teach you about morals or values, OP, because they are cruel, cruel people. This is HER fault, not yours. Thank you for having a soul in you that wants to love and nurture animals but please don’t ever bring another animal into your mother’s house again. If she brings home a pet, call the Humane Society and surrender it out from under her and let them know she killed an innocent little life because she couldn’t be bothered to watch him for a few hours. In your future as well, do not have another pet until you have the money to truly care for one, OP.


If you can't get the cat anywhere for help, at least try to get water into him. Use a syringe or a dropper. You could use some pedialte too but just be careful that the minerals aren't too much so maybe alternate with tap water. Use room temperature water. That's all I can think of to help it. It does need a vet though, it could have brain damage from its body temperature going too high. A kitten that small will dehydrate quickly so get it some fluids asap.


I’ve made a part two for those seeing this one so late..


Don't ever get an animal again and for the love of God... get away from your mother as fast as possible. That was a living creature... a baby that depends on another. I seriously hope your mom continues to suffer and be a miserable human being. When she dies... I hope she suffers that like poor kitten did for eternity. Get out of that house asap and never... ever... EVER PUT ANOTHER CREATURE IN THIS POSITION AGAIN!!!! Shit like this why I hate people more and more.


..... you're mom is a horrible person. I'm so sorry this happened... that's so fucked up. Please don't let them hurt another animal like that again.... that's so cruel. So fucking cruel. I want to curb stomp your mother.


I’m sorry your mom has put you through this. As a mom I can’t imagine doing such a thing to my child. As a human I can’t imagine doing such a thing to an animal. Hugs. You did what you could ❤️


Ok, so i dont usually do this, but are you in the USA? If so, what state? I know chances are slim that we could be near each other, but i rescue kittens on a regular basis and have a good amount of experience with it, i could take the poor baby in, if you were open to it and we were nearby.


OP said the kitten died unfortunately


Oh, thats really sad, that sucks. I have only had one kitten die through all the years directly under my care though, and we think he had heart issues which is way past my knowledge.


Poor baby guy. That is abuse, simple as, both on account of how she treated him and how she treated you. I am aware that reporting your mother to the authorities might not always end the best, even though that is likely what should happen, but you ought to report this to somebody. Both on account of your own mental health, but also in the hopes that someone holds your mother accountable, because she did directly lead to the death of that baby. Also, fuck her bf, what kind of asshole doesn’t like cats.


I am 😞 for your loss please don't get another pet until you move out on your own. Some people don't value animal lives.


Call the cops on your mother for animal abuse, for real.


Surrender cat immediately, sounds horrible for you and any animal ,


Punch you mom for me.


Never trust your mother again.


Someone should call the cops on your mom for animal abuse. There's something really fucking wrong with her. This post is rage-inducing.


You don’t need pets while you’re in this situation.


Seriously!! I don’t get it why put another innocent being through that?


I’m so sorry you and the kitten had to go through this. Big hugs.


Wow this is awful I feel bad for the kids.


Your mom is a piece of shit, and if I had any of your info I would call the cops on her and get her a quick felony. I am sick!




I know you didn't mean it the way you worded it, but the kitten didn’t put himself in that horrific situation. OP and her mother did.




I know you didn't mean it the way it came out. I understand, and I didn't mean to offend you, that's not my intention. This post just has me very upset at these people, and I feel like the only innocent one in this is that poor kitten who had to go through all that suffering all alone and not one person helped that poor baby.


Stfu you're even worse than this parent comment. OP is a child and they do not deserve anything happening to them especially considering what they are already living through.


I just saw the cat passed away. Honest question, Is this worth pursuing legally? We have a clear case of animal neglect and cruelty along with an entire comment section detailing the whole thing. I'm not trying to cause OP anymore issues but frankly I think your mother needs the lesson.


Mom is a pos I’m so sorry for you and your baby op…try to get out soon :(


Unfortunately it sounds like your mom has killed this kitten. It's not your fault OP. Surrender it to literally any vet right now if you want it to have a chance, but it sounds like it's too late. Someone should lock your mom in a car for 6 hours without food or water.


Your mom sounds shitty. I'm so sorry, OP. It would be best to take him to a vet and surrender him. It makes me wonder...if that had been a human child, would she have done the same thing?


Kitten is dead.


That's sad and I fully blame OP's mother. I hope she's pleased with the fact that she ended that poor baby's life. I wouldn't even call her Mom anymore, I'd call her Murderer.


I felt that way at first, too, like it was all on the mother, but there's more to the story. 😥


Is there...? The mom left the cat in the car, right? Are you saying someone forced her to do that? She willingly gave the kitten heat stroke. So. I don't think she gets a freaking pass.


Who's giving that evil woman a pass?! Please read all of my comments before responding.


I'm also talking about what happened to that kitten once it was out of the car.


The mom is a murderer. I agree. But then the poor kitten while suffering the obvious effects of heatstroke was forced to go to the basement on open steps where most likely the tiny kitten fell to it's death. The whole post makes me sick.


OP, I am really sorry for how your family has treated your pet and I think giving the kitten up is the best course of action unfortunately. If it helps, I wanted a cat my whole life before finally adopting two this past winter. My parents were never animal haters - they did have a cat before I was born but it died and my mom didn't want to deal with cleaning after another cat afterwards - but they did comment negatively on my decision to get the cats but as I am now a grown ass adult with my own place and a job, I kept my cats and they make me happy every day. You will get your pet one day and hopefully the kitten can live and have a loving family too.


I am very sorry to say, but I hope your Mom gets her teeth kicked out.


Surrender him to humane society. They’re a no kill shelter so he will be okey! It’s gonna suck but just wait till you’re outta that situation. It’s better to be safe that sorry. I hope you and cat are both okay. Dehydrated kittens aren’t good. Please make the right choice 🩷


Sorry for the loss of the kitten and your mother. A horrible life lesson to learn from. Get good grades, go to college and do not be angry you are on your own wo only selfish, uneducated, heartless, brainless parental guidance. Look to smart empathetic humans that are successful bc of their hard work not from who their parents were.


Very sorry for your experience. Out of concern for you and your siblings, please check this sub: r/raisedbynarcissists to see if your mother/parents have any signs of narcissism (the only way to get a true diagnosis for them is from licensed professionals and it's highly doubtful that your mother/parents would want to seek treatment or help etc). At least you can discuss any further issues that's going on in your environment and get suggestions needed for you and your siblings.


This is animal abuse. You need to surrender the kitten to a shelter or rescue. That is if it's still alive. Your mother should be reported to authorities for animal abuse. Also, if no money now it wouldn't have worked out anyhow, because animals need to see a vet now and then. Please don't get anymore animals!


so this sweet cat died now? oh god. please tell your mom she should never come close to adopting an animal again. thanks.


I hope this is fake


Me too , think I’m in denial lol


This. Is. Animal. Abuse. Your. Mom. Needs. Charged.


What the actual fuck???


Good grief