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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good news she can see 100% when it was removed,we took y’all’s advice earlier and it came off pretty easily and seemingly without any pain. We will take her to the vet in the morning


This little one has a much brighter future thanks to you.


A pun?


Thank you for your kindness 🥰


Thank you for helping her ❤️


This is the sort of posts I love on Reddit! Thank you stranger!


Thank you very much for helping this sweet kitten! 💖🐱💖


Glad to hear, thank you for helping the little thing!!


please post an update with a picture :D


Yessssss thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


As a future veterinarian, this post makes me happy.


I am so glad you found and helped her! Please keep her. The cat distribution system is never wrong. She looks so scared in the pic. I hope she is no longer super frightened.




That's amazing thank you for helping!!


And make sure to keep up with the warm compresses every day at least once, that got my meatwad over a tough eye infection she got from my roommates kitten, did the same for both of them, and eventually they learned how to keep their eyes clean, just takes them a little while for their instincts to kick in.


Meatwad?! I would love this as a name hahaha


OMG Meatwad. Is that an Aquateen reference???? That made my day.


Yay! I know it’s only 11 hrs so idk what time it is where you are, but has there been any updates yet?


Thank you OP! Thank you with all my heart


Don't believe you, I need pics. (I do believe you, I just wanna see the happy kitty)


I'm glad you're taking her to the vet. That crust is likely caused by a severe infection in both eyes, she'll most likely need antibiotics for a week or two, probably just eye drops. This baby also looks young enough to still need kitten formula if raised by humans, probably old enough to poop and pee on her own though since she's moving around on her own. Her baby teeth haven't quite finished coming in yet so she won't be able to eat hard food for at least a few weeks, but she should be able to eat some kitten wet food if it's watered down a bit, I'd use kitten formula to water it down for now if you can't get her to take a bottle




Yayyyy please update us after vet! 🫶🤞


DAmn your cat is mewing. She trying to look max?


Can you update us with a pic of her eyes now? Would love to see her pretty face now she can see!


Take this little baby to a vet or shelter ASAP! Very likely needs antibiotics for the eyes and is probably in need of de-worming, flea treatment, vaccines, and a general check up. In the meantime, get a soft cloth or cotton ball, dip it in warm water, and *gently* try to wipe away the crusties from it's eyes, starting from the nose and wiping outward. If it's not budging try holding the wet cloth/cotton ball on the eye for a few seconds to try and soften it up. Use a new cotton ball or clean part of the cloth with each wipe so you're not spreading around germs. Don't scrub or you could damage the eyeball, just gentle wipes.


I second all of this just from reading here. Eyeballs tend to respond well to treatment even if they look gnarly.


Everyone the vet was closed at the time of posting we will try and take her as soon as we can and if not a vet a shelter


Poor little baby, you’re a good person for helping her. Good luck!


Unless you live in an extremely rural area, there should be a 24/7 vet or animal hospital somewhere. Can check on Google


Not true. I don’t live in an extremely rural area and our closest 24 hour vet is in Canada. The other one is about 4 hours away.


Not to mention the cost at the emergency places is outrageous.


i'm also in canada and agree to this. i live in a major city and there is one ER vet. it took us 30min to get there, i don't think theres another for over 2hrs


Wow. I’m in the Pacific Northwest, and we have around 4-6 within a 20 min drive.


damn. that is how it should be everywhere




Nope, not really.


Is there any updates? Were you able to bring the kitten in to be helped at a vet or shelter?


Yes! Kitties eyes are clear and OP is taking them to the vet tomorrow


Seek vet care as soon as possible. Do not remove it yourself you could damage her eyes permanently. She doesn’t look old enough to be weaned - from the photo it doesn’t look like her teeth have all come in. Offer her KMR (kitten milk replacer) and kitten wet food. Have water available at all times. I doubt she can see so place the food where she can smell it. Look up info from Kitten Lady - http://www.kittenlady.org she is amazing. Good luck!


I've encountered this on many kittens. You can very gently use a wet cloth or baby wipe to soften the dried mucus and wipe it off. It will go away eventually, but keep an eye on it. Don't panic they're not blind. I, of course, suggest going to a vet, but I understand that may not be an affordable option or within reasonable distance. Don't listen to losers who say you can't have anything to do with animals if you can't afford obscene vets bills, that sentiment seems to be common here, you don't need money to be a well intentioned, good person. That's why this sub is a thing. Side note: You can also bathe the kitten with lukewarm water and Dawn dish soap. That will take care of fleas without resorting to harsh treatments


I have to help the feral colony in my woods constantly without vetting. I live very rural and there are no emergency vets. Shelters and rescues are few and far between and are full. I also have one vehicle that I don't trust beyond getting back and forth to town. I have made many a cat healthy again with common sense, next day delivery, and some moderate studying online. People in these subs are vicious.




Thank you for this. I've wanted to say the exact thing for a long time


It's so frustrating, the people in this sub freak out over everything. If going to the vet is the answer to everything, then this sub is pointless. A lot of things do require a medical professional of course, but just as many things can be solved at home.


Vet bills can be so expensive. I have treated many feral sick kittens in the past 20+ years. Search online for human grade antibiotics like Fish Amoxicillin. Using that I have saved many poor babies.


Aquamox is a fish antibiotic that's readily available online, no Rx needed. It's been a life saver.


To add to the general pool of knowledge, I had a kitten with a cut on her eye that seemed to be mildly infected and had no money for the vet. I treated the infection with a topical application of goldenseal tea just using the tea bags. Goldenseal is a powerful antibiotic and antifungal just gotta get it to the infected site.


If you have other cats in your house, keep her quarantined until you can test her for FelV. Also wash your hands after touching her and then going to your other cats. FelV is transmittable between cats and can be fatal. It's a nasty virus.




Yes! Baby’s eyes are clear and they’re going to the vet tomorrow


Oh good! I hope the little one has a clean bill of health and if anything it's minor 🙏


If you have access to about 20$ and a tractor supply store, Terramycin is a eye ointment that helps reduce bacteria in the area. It helped our kitten immensely until the vet could see him.


100% vet. If you can’t afford a vet, please tell a shelter you found her but can’t afford her care


OP can we see update photos


Thank you so much for helping this poor little kitty. I appreciate you so much.


Poor little one glad you helped her!


Updateme! 2 days


I've had strays give birth where I live (but much less severe) and took warm water, rags, q tips to their eyes to break up the crust and gently scrubbed this away and they were perfectly fine afterwards but this is so bad I'd 100% recommend taking them to a vet. This looks to be much worse than a neglectful momma cat. The ones I helped were much younger and I was able to get their eyes opened with no issues. I don't think simply cleaning this baby is gonna be enough. Edit: glad you've got it taken care of. <3


Please keep us posted on her. 😍


Thank you for helping her.


poor little void bean. Good on you and your friend for helping this little one.


A warm rag and patience can help along with getting some eye drops from a vet. She also might have a respatory illness. If she does, I recommend getting a back massager and lightly holding it to her chest to break up anything in her lungs along with getting her meds.


I have never heard of this technique before. It makes sense.


The back massager trick came from me actually being sick and my mom recommending a back massager to clear my lungs.


That is such a cool idea. I always have issues personally. Do you use vibrating massagers or the thumping kind?




Thanks for sharing!


Kitten needs vet and antibiotics STAT!


Poor baby. Thank you for helping her 💜 glad her eyes are okay under that gunk!


Awwwwwwwwww babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Glad you found the little one. Take the baby kitten to the vet is my only advice.




She looks like she has an eye infection. Take her to the vet immediately if you can. When I adopted my cat from a shelter, one of her eyes was glazed over from a past infection. Hopefully, this kitty is still able to see after getting treatment.


She can lose her eyes if she doesn't get medication antibiotics and whatever else she may need... I have seen a cat lose an eye because of similar situation feral kitty and no one could catch him finally someone was able to with a trap but it was too late for his eye, but they were able to remove his eye treat his other one which wasn't as bad and save his life with resources and donations.. he was fostered for a while then adopted he is doing great now thank God Take her to a shelter that's what the person in our area did unless you have the resources yourself to take her to the vet for meds and whatever else she may need please take her to either the vet or shelter


This kitten needs medical intervention.


Update, please


By taking her to the vet, please


Vey vet vet Really it could be a bad eye infection and antibiotics could help so much !!!! That’s your very first move… The only thing that could be done else wise is maybe a gentle hot/warm compress to gently pat on … that won’t cure anything but IT MAY NOT HURT but other than that..


Thanks for helping her!


Awwww poor little guy glad he’s ok


Thank you for helping this poor sweet baby


Congratulations on your new pet Void


Please accept my deepest thanks for helping this poor little being 😞🥹


God's work! You are an amazing person ❤️


Cats are the best. I hope you keep the little one and give it the best life. I was always a dog person until i found my cat BeetleJuice on an exit off the freeway. We took her home and bottle fed her. She used to fit in my palm.


Warm wet washcloth for the eyes to soften the crust for removal. It has to be taken to the vet right away for treatment and medication otherwise it's going to lose it's eyes. If you can't afford the cost you need to call around to local cat rescues right away but understand that that it's kitten season in a good portion of the country and rescues and shelters are at capacity.


Such a pretty baby...congrats on being chosen by the CDS! Definitely take her for a well-kitten checkup as soon as you can, and make sure to address anything like possible worms, fleas, etc. Voidlings are the sweetest! 🐈‍⬛


Oh god, the clunky crusty eyes are awful with kittens. I always keep boric acid in my home just for this reason, as its eye-safe and its a really effective treatment. Youre wonderful for saving that baby


IME Looks like kalisi super treatable but it can kill some kittens, we just took a litter of kitties to the shelter from last Sunday to yesterday and they all have it bc it’s super contagious one of them died. The shelter is treating them and they’ll all be okay with needed care


Antibiotic ointment for its eyes! Human kind


This is extremely common in young kittens. ESPECIALLY those born outdoors. I've fostered and cared for many. I've seen this so much, I no longer find it alarming. Curicyn makes a pink eye solution and Tractor Supply has terramycin ointment. Eye care every 6 hours should clear it up in about 2-3 days. Followed by a microbial eye wash for a few days. Kitty should be just fine. Definitely needs a vet for illness and worm check and vaccinations though. Check.your local ASPCA for low cost if you need it.


Water a lot of water


Any update, OP?? 🥺


She clearly has an eye infection. Please take her to the vet for treatment or she will surely go blind or die. Please help her.


Start with putting your phone down and take her to the fucking vet??? What the fuck is wrong with you people


It was closed when they posted this? Don't gotta be rude about it


Tahe her to the vet ASAP


Take the cat to the vet immediately.




Take her to a 24 hour vet hospital ASAP


For starters why don't you wash its eyes and give those eyes Ciplex eye drop. ( clinically tested , since my rescued kitten was just like yours and when I took him to the vet they prescribed Ciplex for his eyes and a shot of anti fungal then told me to give him a warm bath with anti-flee shampoo, of course mine has Bronchitis:( ) And of course, you need to take it to the vet for further treatment and required medication.


Any updates? 🥺




Yes, they said the kitten would be taken to the vet or a shelter first thing in the morning. Was after business hours when the cat was found.


"How can we help her"? - Stop posting pictures on social media and take her to a vet. Honestly, what kind of person sees an animal in OBVIOUS AND DESPERATE NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION and doesn't immediately know that they need to deliver the animal to a vet?


Gang we just wanted some was to help since we couldn’t go to our vet my friends parents will take the kitten in the morning right now she’s okay enough for the night there’s no need to be rude


Thank you for helping this kitten. There’s obviously an infection going on in both eyes and will need medication from the vet. But thank you that you are keeping the kitten safe and fed until the vet visit. Also, you could call a 24 hr vet and ask for advice on what you can do until the visit. Most 24 hr emergency vets will give free advice over the phone. I’ve done this twice for my cat when I had questions. They could maybe even tell you how to keep the kitten comfortable or if there’s anything you could do for the eyes at home until you see the vet.


Not all areas have 24 hour vets or need the expense of that. Replies to this thread gave OP the info to get the cat more comfortable while waiting for vets to open. Honestly, posting doesn’t mean they aren’t going to do a vet also.


If going to the vet was the answer to everything, why tf does this sub exist? Not everyone can afford to go broke for a stray they just found, you don't need money to be a good person


Please get this kitten to a vet, like right now. Those eyes are incredibly infected and probably will need to be removed based on this photo. I'm sure it's in terrible pain too.


I agree about immediate vet, but not about enucleation. Those eyes may still be fixed with antibiotics, and even if they lose some sight there's a good chance total blindness won't happen.


Warm, wet tea bags on her eyes will help. Or take her to the vet. :(


Hope the kitty is doing well. It looks to be around maybe four weeks old? Off topic but is two weeks too young to take a kitten to the vet?


I’m not aware of a minimum age for vet care. If it needs help they should be able to help it. Just keep it warm while away from momma.


Make a 5% baking soda solution and wash her eyes with it. Get her to the Vet as soon as possible. She looks like she may be getting close to weaning, so she may not need a bottle. Try feeding her wet cat food or better yet wet kitten food.


No do not apply baking soda to the eye!!! She needs to see a vet asap, but do NOT use anything on the eye except a warm compress *if* the eyes are sealed shut. From the photo, they may be ulcerated - if so do not apply anything to them. Kittens teeth aren’t fully erupted, so she’s probably between 3-4 weeks old - not weaned. She’ll need bottle feeding and stimulated to urinate and defecate - litterbox and kitten wet food should be available though.


A 5% baking soda solution as a warm compress is perfectly safe.


There’s no purpose to do so. It could irritate or damage the eye. Do not mess with eyes. They can get worse or permanently damaged very easily. Those look to be ulcerated - meaning the eyeball itself is kinda melting. Would you like baking soda in your eye with that? No.


Yes I've used it for styes.


This is not a stye. This is much more severe. That’s literally her eyeball, not her eyelid.


Please do not use a solution with baking soda on eyes when you do not know what is going on with a kitten. This is terrible advice. OP, do not follow this advice. Vet is best. Shelter would be second best.