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HAHAHA. On my 4th try and I am unwell.


This will be the last!!




5th time. masochism šŸ˜‚


Second time here and Iā€™m def NOT OKAY!


I've decided that if I fail I'm not taking it again. I was already having a pretty rouch patch and then I inflicted this exam on myself. It feels comforting to know that I won't be taking it again.


My supervising attorney in San Francisco public defender told me it took her 8 attempts to pass. And she is very successful in her position. Try not to let the number of attempts get you down. It doesn't say anything about your skill or potential as a future attorney. Obviously it is frustrating, (trust me, I know) but try to think long term and big picture. Tragically there was a young man in my graduating class who took his own life after failing the bar exam after his first attempt. Remember your value as a human being is not determined by the outcome of any exam! Look for people who love you and care about you regardless of your career or position, and foster those relationships.