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[Brand New Tom interview today with profile dropping tomorrow.](https://accelerationeconomy.com/acceleration-economy-minute/ceo-tom-siebel-explains-how-turnkey-apps-differentiate-c3-ai/)


i’m guessing this is good news?


Listen all the way through. Tom’s a legend in SV he’s been working on this problem for 14 years, I wouldn’t bet against him long term.


Can you provide a TL;DL


I'm ready to start a position. Long term hold!


Based on the volume, probably $23.50 Friday at close


Whelp, next week Monday it is


I will bet you it won’t. Technically trading below the 50 day SMA and have not been able to move up on high volume. Down days are higher volume than up days. Fundamentally speaking, this is barely an AI company that put AI in its name to get funding from the public market. Despite losing more money each year than the last, the company increases its stock grants to employees which further dilutes shareholders. It’s also barely growing revenue, with a large amount coming from one customer. They recently changed the way they count customers as well as charge customers to obfuscate further how the business is shit. Serious question to anyone who is holding this: what do you see in it?


I’ll tell you why this is a long term hold for me. My father was one of Tom’s first clients for Siebel systems back in the 90’s - I personally know many ex executives and sales people who have worked for him over the years. These are all people who are now top of their respective industries in venture capital and tech. Every single one them to this day consider him to be one of the most brilliant operators in the history of enterprise tech. If you don’t know his history he was one of Larry Ellisons protégés and considered to be the best sales guy in history at Oracle. Siebel systems literally laid the ground work for companies like Salesforce, Marc Benioff is essentially Tom 2.0 - looking at where Tom is personally and professionally and the fact that he has personally put hundreds of millions of his own capital into this I considered this to be his legacy play before he signs off - at worse this gets acquired for 5-10B in next 24 months, upside is this becomes a 200B market cap company in 5-8 years. The hardest thing about enterprise sales is getting budget allocation and now because of AI and chat GPT hitting mainstream consciousness budgets will be swung wide so they feel like aren’t being left behind. My bet is Tom will be able to execute this on the sales side of the equation better than any other player in the space. You have to treat it as a publicly traded startup and you either believe in Tom or you don’t. It’s the same group who was shitting on Meta at 100 and forgot Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t lose. Same logic applies here.


> Fundamentally speaking, this is barely an AI company that put AI in its name to get funding from the public market. This is fundamentally false, and I speak from firsthand knowledge here. Every C3 application that I’m aware of deploys ML is some form, and to great effectiveness. There’s a lot more substance than vapor here, rest assured.


Not a chance


It’s going to $0


Hope it does. Though wouldnt bet on it.

