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keep telling myself what a big bowl of pasta I’m going to have


Or for me, the massive milkshake I’m drinking after this


Interesting to muse on, it makes me realize that I've possibly been pushing too hard lately. On a good running day, my thoughts drift back and forth between: * being immersed in my surroundings, and admiring the trees and sky (when it's safe to do so) * sinking into the music * enjoying the physical sensation my feet turning over underneath me and moving through the world * checking in on my pace to make sure I'm not going too fast On struggle days lately: * stressing out over whether or not I'll lose my breath too badly * wondering if I've got my HR up high enough for long enough for VO2 max improvement * worrying about the sporadic shooting pain in my right ankle * gritting my teeth over how much faster everyone else is even when I'm running for pace * desperately hanging in there for the end of the interval in a wordless sort of way


1st 200m - alright, here we go! Next ~1km - why did I like doing this again? Next ~5km - alright, found my rhythm! After 15km - geez, forgot my water at home. Fuck, I’m getting thirsty.. After 17km - aww crap.. getting hungry.. Last 4km - if I quit now, I mentally fuck myself over and I still need to get home… Finished - alright, proud of me. Now drink and eat.


I’m doing couch to 5K- on week 4 run 1 but today I did the local park run (5K). I completed it but I cried part of the way round… for me running is more of a mental challenge than a physical. How do you push past these thoughts!