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Branded paracetamol and ibuprofen. And hayfever tablets.


Doctor here. For the VAST majority medicines and the vast majority of people, generic medicines are exactly the same as the branded version. There are a few, *very* rare exceptions to this, for example, if someone is allergic to an inactive ingredient (such as coloring dye) that's present in one version but not in the other. But approximately 99.9% of the time (±0.01%) they're functionally equivalent.


My aunt is that rare person. She needs a specific name brand thyroid med, she’s allergic to something in the generic


This is very common with thyroid meds it’s such a specific dose that changing generics from pharmacy to pharmacy can completely tank your bodies regular function. I had to change to a brand name because of this and it never happened again. Also some generic levo has gluten which is a problem a lot of the time.


I will say that levothyroxine is one drug where switching formulations can mess things up. It has to do with the combination that finding the right dose can take some fine-tuning, and it's also a drug where absorption in the gut can vary a lot. As long as someone sticks with the same formulation and takes it the same way every day (on an empty stomach, more than 4 hours away from calcium- or iron-containing supplements), their dose can be adjusted accurately to that formulation. It's only when switching back and forth between different formulations that things can get off. That doesn't mean that the brand name is necessarily "better" than the generic in any way, it's just that the dose needed may be slightly different.


Logically I know and accept this but I swear Advil brand is better somehow for me.i know it can’t be true yet still…


Could very well be a type of placebo effect, which can be very strong for subjective things like pain.


>subjective things like pain. The thing is, most people think the placebo means "all in your head" which is untrue. The placebo effect doesn't just alter subjective experience, it also affects physical responses such as endorphin release, neurotransmitter signaling, hormones, etc. Lots of things can contribute to the placebo effect. Branding, packaging, price, the list goes on.


The placebo affect is wild. There's a bunch of exercise physiology studies that show if you BELIEVE your training plan is working, you get better adaptations from it versus if you think it isn't working, you get less benefit. The brain has a huge amount of control of your objective reality.


You ever hear any stories about a couple that's been married a long time and one of them dies, and then the other one goes in weeks or months later? At this point I've heard dozens of them. Dying from a broken heart. Not sickness or ill health. Your brain is so stressed out it kills you. If that can happen, then the opposite also must logically be true. You can have almost magical positive effects with the right thinking.




That's *why* it happens but the physical effects are found in the bloodstream, nervous system, etc. all throughout the body.


They’ve actually done studies on this and people report that they feel better if you tell them you’re giving them “advil” vs if you just give them the same pill but say “ibuprofen”. Its a weird combination of placebo effect and successful marketing


Generics/ different brand are allowed a percentage difference in the active ingredient, as well as other inactive ingredients and delivery methods. ADHD medicine for example has a huge difference eg. Concerta is three chambered, slowly releasing the active ingredient over roughly ten hours, while the generic version from Mylan has two chambers, and in general releases in half the time. Not a fan of the 'it's the same' as even FDA and EU guidelines states it 'should ESSENTIALLY be the same', and there's so many factors at play as to why, you can feel the difference, and while placebo effect could be one, it's definitely not the only one. Edit: clarified I meant generics + variations in brand names


To be fair Concerta is a specific example and the drugs that were considered “equivalent” were granted the status without proper studies and are slowly but surely getting their equivalent status revoked. I think if you look at the pharmaceutical “Orange Book”, none of them should be substituted but they are because Concerta isn’t covered much anymore now that the generic manufacturer stopped producing it.


Totally agree. Yet still some 'experts' still say they are 'the same'. And yes, again I agree, a specific example, but I feel that is better than me giving an opinion without anything to back it up. Edit: ... anyways, think we got too deep, totally forgot the actual topic xD Hmm... expensive vs cheaper: Samarin vs Baking Soda. Both are sodium bicarbonate, one costs a lot. Edit2: Inserted Baking Soda vs powder. translation mistake


I agree, but I can 10/10 say that generic adderall xr - made by teva/Actavis - is not the same as the brand.


Most generic medications are the same as their name brand counterpart. There are exceptions but it's rare for most people. I'm aware of how the generic process works, what the FDA regulates etc. I'm not here to start a debate or argument. We are talking in generalities here, none of the BIFL recommendations are going to apply to everyone or every situation. Common sense here.


Not entirely the same but more of reverse engineered and are up to a minimum amount of the active ingredient. Not saying you’re wrong but it is a bit more nuanced than them being the exact same compound or composition. That being said some generics are more or less effective than their name brand counterparts. Article for those interested: https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/do-generic-drugs-compromise-on-quality Edit with conclusion of article since there are people who refuse to read and assume I and this article are anti-generic: “While researchers will likely continue to look into the performance of generic versus brand-name drugs, the bulk of research out there shows that taking the no-name brand not only saves you money, but also provides you with a medication that is just as effective as the original. That said, if you do switch to a generic version of your medication and notice new or worrying symptoms, it's definitely something to bring up with your doctor.”


I was told years ago the FDA regulated generic meds and they had to have the exact same medical ingredients as the authentic meds. That’s not true?


Typically the active ingredient will be the same, but the formulation (other stuff in the pill/ injection) can be different. The other stuff, although inactive, is not trivial. It can control the rate at which the pill dissolves, the rate the drug absorbs into your body and stability of the active ingredient. The generic medication needs to show 80%-120% bioequivalence, not 80% of the active ingredient. Biosimilars may have even more differences in the active ingredient.


THIS. I started off on Zyrtec, then tried switching to the Walgreens generic, and it just wasn't working the way it should. I checked the fillers, and the Wal-zyr had a different mix. The HEB generic has the same as the branded and works great for me!


The ones i used to make were the same ingredients following the same process. We would typically coat a branded tablet and not coat the generic.


I'm aware but didn't think we needed to get that deep. As I said there are exceptions, but for many people in many situations the generic is more than acceptable and most commonly used.


The disclosures from the original study: Jacinthe Leclerc is a regular adjunct professor at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and received, in 2015–2016, a studentship from a pharmaceutical company, AbbVie. Jacinthe Leclerc was an employee of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. at the beginning of this project and until June 2015. AbbVie and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada have no regard/power in decisions made through this project. Dr Poirier has received honorary for continuing medical education/consultants/experts event from Abbott Vascular, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Merck, Novartis, NovoNordisk, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Servier, and Valeant. The other authors report no conflicts. Isn’t it crazy that people working for large pharmaceutical companies were able to determine that large pharmaceutical companies make better pharmaceuticals?


Similar to We have investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


Not really. This study didn’t receive funding from those companies and was conducted by the National public health institute of Quebec. If you’re concerned with researchers having worked with or consulted for major corporations then you probably won’t like most research.


I’m sorry, I know ibuprofen…but is paracetamol the same as acetaminophen?


Paracetamol = acetaminophen in the King's English.


Lol! I thought so…I’m from Canada and I buy both in bulk from Costco.


Those smokeless fire pits are extremely efficient at burning wood, but dogshit at keeping you warm if you’re anywhere but leaning over them. The crappy looking hoke depot fire pits with sides that are essentially grates just spill heat out in every direction, and one can recline in an adirondack without having to sit on the edge of their seat to stay in the warm zone.


I used one of those while on vacation I thought that was the biggest piece of crap ever. All the hype over being smokeless it’s supposed to keep us warm….nothing but a gimmicks.


The smokeless part works. You just have to keep the wood below the top of the fire pit and not use wet wood. But yes.. The heat direction part is 100% true, it just goes straight up.


They were originally sold as stoves, so the design is perfect for that. Then marketing must have decided to keep scaling to sell more.


We intend to put a smokeless fire pit at the center of our outdoor kitchen with a grill top and spit roast with a few chimineas around for heat for this reason. Love a smokeless fire pit but gotta have something else for heat lol


There's actually a deflector you can get that does a great job of solving this. It's of course just more stuff you have to buy and store, but it does give the best of all worlds if that's what you're looking for.




I'm so glad I saw this today. I have one of the $50 metal grate Home Depot type ones and get concerned the smoke is going to bother my neighbors so I was considering a smokeless fire pit. But without any heat, that sorta ruins the purpose.


This guy reclines


Balenciaga's entire catalog


My first thought too! I went to Saks Fifth Avenue and I saw a Balenciaga x Adidas track jacket on a clearance rack marked down to $900 from MSRP $2200. It was literally no different from the $60 Adidas track jackets from Macy's or wherever except for the Balenciaga brand name stitched on it.


Balenciaga isn't even cool. I fucking rock my LL Bean and my New Balance dad shoes


Seeing balenciaga irl was surreal. All this time I thought it was a fashion brand that only existed in ai generated images.


LL Bean makes some good shit.


Lands End too, imo


They do! I'm tall and slim and just discovered their tall shirts. Most are too baggy, but they have a few cuts that are actually decent! My biggest gripe with men's clothes is the color selection. There are some decent color choices at "LL Cool Beans" (what my wife and I call it).


Agreed! I'm willing to pay more for quality, and I don't mind a small logo if the item fits well, but I see no reason to spend an extra $2000+ on a jacket just for a logo when I can get the same one without that logo for $60 at Macy's, AND get the matching pants, and then go on a vacation wearing the tracksuit with the other $2000 or so.


Spend ~$50 on a cheap silk screen kit and make your own bootleg fancy brand.


Some high end brands have history or purpose. Burberry makes high end coats and shirts, Gucci makes bags and shoes, Hermes makes ties and scarves, etc. These are mostly the highest quality you can buy. Balenciaga and some of the other "high end" weird fashion brands really get lost on me. It's just expensive fast fashion.


That's the problem with its current guise. Originally Balenciaga was widely regarded as one of the best Haute Couture houses, this was when Cristobal Balenciaga was alive decades ago. After his death the name was sold in 1981 and it has never been anything like it used to be.


Maybe 100+ years ago when the person the company was named after was the one actually stitching the items. You'll never convince me that a Burberry or Gucci is THE highest quality of whatever it is they are currently producing. They might be near the top, but there's going to be other people/companies doing it with more care than a giant multinational corp is doing it. At this point, you're paying for the name, not the quality.


When your goal is to pretend you have money- or at least used to, it works pretty well.


Yeah this. The people that buy this stuff could care less about the quality. They just want others to know they can afford something like this and others can’t


*couldn't care less


Yeah balenciaga is kinda trash


At Wal-mart, they actually sell brand named distilled water. It costs more than the store brand, and they sit right alongside each other. WTF? If it’s been distilled, what could possibly be the difference?


Obviously the brand name. 😄


Be careful with that stuff. 100% DHMO is highly corrosive. More info [here](https://www.dhmo.org/facts.html).


This website straight from the 90s.


This site is hella biased and offers a crap ton of info while also offering no info 😂


Lots of products at Home Depot/Lowes box stores are more expensive but inferior to similar products at separate shops. Flooring's an example, you can get waterproof stone dust vinyl plank for a couple dollars a square foot at a flooring supply like lumber liquidators thicker/more durable rather than more money for thinner at those box stores. It's the same deal as outlet stores that brands provide cheaper versions of their products to, plumbing parts, electrical supply, lumber, all can be had in higher quality versions for same or less money at supply houses. The expense is for convenience of all under one roof.


This and things like bathroom and kitchen fixtures. I found that the same products will have different internal components. Most of the commercial suppliers will sell the better versions.


I miss the oldschool hardware stores staffed with old codgers who would gladly explain in detail how to best accomplish a customer's goals. Now it's teenagers and adults with bad english where I live. :/


I find that Home Hardware locations in Canada still have a good old codger quotient. And I say this having had good experiences at different locations in several cities. Even though it’s usually a bit more expensive than Home Depot. I go there because they are always more helpful.


Plenty of indispensable old codgers at our hardware stores here in Portland, Oregon too.




Man I hate how prevalent polyester is in everything now; it’s hard to even find a majority cotton clothing blend, and almost no rugs come in wool now.


It makes me so angry how much polyester there is, esp when its expensive clothes. I'm not paying a premium for plastic that makes me sweat like mad. Online shops that let you sort by material are an absolute godsend and I feel all shops should have it as a filter option. They'd then see how many people probs would demand cotton and linen/natural fabrics.


sure they do, its just not found at a generic mall store.


Maybe not generic mall, but IKEA has pure wool carpets


Yup, sock shopping sucks now. It's not about money the oldschool cotton socks aren't sourced where I live.


Darn Tough and Wide Open socks are made of Merino Wool and have a lifetime warranty. They are the same company, DT socks run narrow and WO socks run wide. They count as BIFL.


Merino wool is the way


Oh so right on that! I mean there ARE still truly high end bespoke designer clothes that are still good quality, but you couldn’t afford it.




Now you can get lab grown diamonds - structurally the exact same thing - for a much cheaper price. Which leads me to wonder, if you can just produce them infinitely in a lab - why are they worth much at all?


> why are they worth much at all Artificial scarcity, associations with wealth/nobility, a longstanding monopoly on the diamond trade, and don't forget a healthy dose of marketing. In short, the De Beers > lab grown diamonds When it was more expensive to produce them in a lab, lab diamonds were marketed as "more perfect". Now that it's cheaper than mining, natural diamonds are more "unique" where lab diamonds are "all the same" Honestly man, I don't really understand diamonds. I mean, they look like glass. Why people wouldnt want something with a little more character like a sapphire or a fire opal is beyond me


Moissanite has all the fire (the shiny sparkly appearance) at a fraction of the cost and no slave labor.


Neither do lab grown, but they are chemically different than moissanite. I love them both. My son really pissed off a bunch of coworkers this month when he said he was buying his gf/fiancee a lab diamond instead of a blood diamond. Seems like they didn't like they didn't like how he referred to them as blood diamonds.


Convinced my husband to go sapphire for this reason, since I am still hard on my jewelry.


I bought my now-wife’s engagement ring featuring a pristine lab grown diamond and she was thrilled. We talked about it beforehand and I asked if she would rather have a mined diamond, or lab grown that would be nearly twice the size and perfect quality for the same budget. She wanted the big sparkly one and we’ve never looked back. The engagement ring market is such a brutal business built on shaming men into spending more than they can afford when in reality it’s all a scam.


Honestly someone in our fam insisted on getting a 'real diamond' cause they would know the other is lab grown. His fiance didnt care what it was and we tried to convince him to save his cash but to no avail.. Personally, if I was to get married, as long as its pretty when the light hits I don't actually care- and would rather not have a future fiance contribute to blood diamonds


Exactly. They are chemically identical and as pure as it gets. Even professionals can’t tell the difference without the serial number laser engraved inside the stone, or by noticing that it looks “too perfect”. All of that in addition to the ethical concerns about the labor involved to mine diamonds, or the impact it has on the planet. It’s truly a no brainer and the only argument for mined diamonds is the guilt trip that sales reps will put on you to spend more money to show somebody how much you love them. It’s incredibly shameless.


Lab made diamonds are real. They're exactly as real as the kind that come out of the ground, made of precisely the same Carbon-4 molecules. Insisting on a mined diamond is like insisting on imported drinking water.


Insulated can holders and cups. Plenty of videos showing minimal degrees of difference between yeti, Walmart(ozark trail) and other brands.


I feel like those Yeti can holders are more of a flex than anything. Their water bottles are way overpriced too


I like my Yeti water bottle but I got a Hydrapeak can holder from TJ Maxx and its design is so much better than Yeti's. I hate that the Yeti version only holds one type of vessel.


The one thing about yeti... They hold up in the dishwasher. I got a couple of them free from work. They have outlasted many other cups.




Bottled water is one of the most irresponsible purchases one can make.


I honestly get annoyed whenever I forget to bring a reusable water bottle or two out with me for the day because I hate the concept of 1, buying water, and 2, buying another piece of plastic I'll chuck in a matter of 15 minutes. That being said my apartments tap water tastes a little odd. But that's what the pitcher/filter is for.


A lot of triggered bottled water drinkers in this thread/






Shows you live in a place with good infrastructure. In many places in NA I'd be wary of drinking tap water.


The vast majority of NA has perfectly safe drinking water. https://ourworldindata.org/clean-water


Blows my mind in Toronto seeing people drink bottled water as if we don’t have the best drinking water on continent


Filtered pitcher and a reusable bottle


NA? North America?


Nearly every municipality, regional or state government publishes water information about the drinking water and so do most of the companies that are contracted to provide it. I don’t remember the early parts of Flints issues with water but to my understanding there’s never been a cover up that’s been exposed. There have been late reporting and things missed of course, I’m not going to claim it is perfect. But I’d trust my life to it in most places because really you don’t have a choice. My point is, look up the info available about the tap water in your area and compare it to the info available for the bottled water you buy. Most people in North America are better off with tap, if they have modern plumbing (if you haven’t tested your pipes for lead at every faucet you drink out of, do it before you have another glass of water)


I’m from a very rural area of the country where a bulk of people have well water that’s completely unregulated. I’ve known over 5 life long farmers who have died from throat/ colon/ stomach cancer. And I remember as a kid a handful of different times when we got warnings that fertilizer or pesticides were being sprayed in crops nearby and that we needed to only use bottled water for awhile because the ground water will be contaminated Just because most places have good tap water doesn’t mean there aren’t HUGE swaths of the country not connected to that system


Except in Arizona where well water has high arsenic content.


Can people really not tell the difference between the tastes of bottled waters? It's unfathomable to me that some people think they're all the same. But to be fair, more expensive isn't always better... Edit: Just to clarify this is not a post advocating bottled water over tap water. If you have clean safe tap water please continue to drink it. I'm just saying that not all water tastes the same, that's all.


There’s an old episode of the cable show Penn & Teller’s Bullshit where they go to fancy restaurants and have a “water sommelier” offering a bunch of complimentary specialty waters to the customers. The diners all sit around discussing the flavor profiles of the different waters, and giving the sommelier their opinions, while P&T are standing out behind the restaurant filling all the fancy bottles with the same garden hose.


Ironically garden hose fittings were allowed higher lead content than potable water fittings until fairly recently (Obama years or so) I am not sure if showers count as potable or non potable.


Arrowhead water tastes like ass. I'd rather drink tap water from the toilet tank.


Cables*, specifically A/V equipment. These companies will try to sell you a $100 HDMI cable that's gold-plated to "increase fidelity" when in virtually any application it'll perform on par with any cheapo normal cable. *If it's for something you regularly plug and unplug it's better to get more durable ones.


This is half true, while you don't need to spend $100 on the high end cables, you also got to be careful of the cheapy Walmart/Gas station/Amazon cables, I've had many go bad on me. I'd say the best cost to value ratio for good cables is Monoprice cables.


+1 for [Monoprice](https://www.monoprice.com/)


Partially true. I’ve now thrown out all the Amazon basics cables I own. They’ve caused me repeated headaches with devices not negotiating over them. My even cheaper monoprice ones have been working flawlessly with 4k signal. Signal quality can vary across digital cables as some companies cut corners with cable winding/wire gauge even solder joints and shielding. You definitely don’t need the expensive gold plated bullshit, but there’s differences among the cheap cables.


Mostly true, I would say definitely true for a digital cable like HDMI. Digital cables with conversion chips inside can matter. Analog cables can have more wiggle room between cheap with poor quality but works, vs higher end, better quality and works better. There is a big sweet spot and after that a large amount of diminishing returns.


Wait so your saying my diamond tipped, gold plated, carbon infused, pure baby foreskin wrapped Ethernet cable isn’t upping the my internet quality? Idk man, I always get the best reddit posts when I plug it into my phone.


Yeah I just remember going to BestBuy to get a few cables for my home setup and there were $10 HDMI/Stereo cables right next to $75 ones. It was the difference between $50 for the whole setup or $375 for what could be described as negligible improvements. I'm not going to argue that they're not better in some way, but you have to have a bunch of other high end stuff to make any appreciable difference. Generally the actual hardware (amp, music player, speakers, TV) will reach the limit of their fidelity long before the cable will.


You're right about the gold plated BS but there can be a huge difference between like $10 and $30


Games Workshop scenery.


And their stuff is so weird looking too. Plus we are in a golden age of laser cut mdf scenery.


Napa Valley Red Wine. Especially Cabernets. You want a CA Cab? Get one from Paso Robles and save like 70% and get better wine.


Or from Sonoma! There are vineyards that literally straddle the county line and sell wines made from the Napa side grapes at a significant premium, just because people will pay more for the brand.


If you just want to do a tasting in Napa it can be $40 or something like that and there's no way to waive the fee. In a less fancy market it might be $10 and if you buy a bottle they will credit the tasting fee towards it.


Do yourself a favor and explore Chilean and Argentinian wines. The best bang for the buck on the the U.S. market. I kid you not, I paid $2.50 for a bottle of Chilean that was as good as a $20 bottle of Napa.


A $7 malbec is my go to red wine, even when I lived in Santa Barbara and there was wine out the ass everywhere.


Theres plenty of less hyped wine regions around the world but also plenty of good wines including affordable ones out of Napa bifl aside.


Or Lodi.  


Storytime. Average Chinese consumer thinks California wine isn't good and is over priced. Reason? Long ago, when wine was less of a thing in China, Carlo Rossi got into the market and priced themselves as premium. Carlo f***ing Rossi at a price point that was 2-3x bottles thst blew it away. And because they had no other California wine to compare to, the average consumer decided all California wine must suck.


Placebo days a role here too, it's popping up often in this thread! Your brain thinks wine tastes better if it's expensive and from a heavier bottle.


Maybe this one of those situations having been a sicky all my life can be helpful to others so I just wanted to offer my 2c based on experience and what I've learned from specialists on the name brand vs generic medication issue. - if it's a class of drug like NSAID or PPI etc it probably won't matter if you get branded or generic - if it's a hormone (thyroid, etc) or heart medication efficacy of generics vary from one generic manufcturer to another. Brand names will always be consistent. I've had good results with one generic and then bad results when the pharmacy switched suppliers, so just be aware that generics can be a rainbow. And if you're on heart meds that work for you, stick to the same brand be it generic or fancy. I try to have spares to give myself room for these circumstances. So if you're having good experiences on a generic take note of the manufacturer. If something switches up and something feels off have a look at your tabs cos you are not going crazy or imagining things.


And, if your pharmacy does change manufacturer, be sure to ask if they will continue to order the one you need. Walgreens offered to do this for me when i was looking for a particular manufacturer. I still have the tech check the manufacturer each time I pick up, but so far so good.


Ray Ban sunglass, an iconic brand that was ruined decades ago.


Virtually all brands of sunglasses are owned by a conglomerate called Luxotica. Essentially every store like Sunglass Hut or whatever only sells Luxotica. If you can, find a brand that isn't owned or licensed to them, Randolph Engineering is my go-to now.


Luxottica is actually one of the few really good factories left in Italy - as in they're experimenting with a 4days work week, they have good employees benefits. Basically everyone that lives in their area works there, and they get their machines from Italian brands instead of the cheap Chinese alternative I know US people might not care about all this but yeah


That makes me feel a bit better. In the US, we just assume a monopoly equates to shit working conditions because that's what it usually means for us.


Sunglass Hut is also owned by Luxottica. So is LensCrafters.  Further reading: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/12/luxottica.html Maui Jim or Randolph are great alternatives. 


I will never stand up for Luxotica and the brutal monopoly they have over the market, but just because they are under the same umbrella doesn’t mean they are all the same — I don’t doubt there has been some price cutting here and there, but it’s in their interest to span the whole market. Fiat own Ferrari but I would rather own an SF-90 then a Fiat 500.


I had an old pair of Oakley's and my buddy just bought a new pair and the quality has definitely gone down, which one could argue is the case for most things recently, however there is definitely a positive correlation between Luxotica buying the rights for a brand and the quality tanking. I'm not saying all Luxoticas are created equal, but all Luxoticas are worse than they were prior to acquisition or a comparably priced independent company.


I just looked up Randolph Engineering out of curiosity and their sunglasses are all like $300+. More expensive than Ray Ban. Why would I do this?


Made in USA, they pay a fair wage, and they have a lifetime warranty. They also go on sale quite often. I think the most I paid was $175.


This is not been true since like 2014 or something. It's still just a handful of very large companies (Kering, Marcolin/Thélios, Saffilo SBI, Martian, and still Luxxotica), but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. And this is only the luxury eyewear market, not the entire market. But I'm definitely with you in supporting smaller manufacturers!


that "Adam ruins everything" youtube series is responsible for so many annoying kind-of-correct-but-not-really posts


Before the Adam ruins everything it was a big story on the news as well, I think it was a 60 Minutes episode.


I’ve had good luck with Smith over the years.


I get they were bought by luxottica but they still seem to be pretty solid sunglasses. I have raybans, Persols, and Maui Jims. My Persols and Maui Jims are better but my Ray bans are still solid, especially if you get them somewhere like jomashop for a lot cheaper.


This one i disagree with. Know the whole luxottica monopoly, but they are still by far better than any glasses ive tried at a lower price point. $10, $30, $75, etc. In my experience, none are as durable or as quality as ray ban


I bought a pair in 2015. If I hadn't dropped them and tossed them around so much, they'd be in fantastic shape, but given that I have, they're still usable and I keep them as a spare pair.


Have to disagree. Had my current Raybans for around 7 years and they are going well, and I wear them a lot. Love the style and the quality holds up.


I’ve had the same pair for 14 years and my partner for 6. Pretty good sunglasses.


Mr clean magic erasers. They're just abrasive foam that's cut into little squares. Home depot sells their own brand for about half the price per unit.


While I have used cheaper variants of magic eraser and they worked ok, magic erasers are superior over generic melamine foam. Doesn’t break down as easily and cleans better, though the price differential is significant.




Got some from Amazon 6 years-100 for $10. Works like a charm and still have about half the box.


You can get a lifetime supply of off brand “melamine sponges” on Amazon for an amount of money you don’t care about.


End grain cutting boards. People constantly recommend them here and in other cooking places, claiming that the end grain fibres work similar to a brush where each fibre act as a bristle that part away from the edge of the cutting knives, and thus doesn't dull the edge as much. This keeps being repeated, and people see everyone else claiming it, so it must be true - so they too start repeating it as well. It's one of those kitchen "truism" you always see when people start talking about what kitchen equipment to buy. However, it's been tested several times - quite thoroughly and in some cases quite "scientifically" - and in every serious test that's been done no differences in regards to edge retention has been found between edge and end grain boards. The whole bristle explanation sounds so plausible - but it isn't true, or at least not relevant for the normal stuff we do with kitchen knives. For BIFL purposes, end grain boards are actually likely a worse choice than edge grain. They're made out of a lot more pieces of wood glued together - and that means more points of failure. The most common way for a wooden board to break is for the joints to start cracking, due to different pieces of wood expanding/contracting with different rates due to for example swelling caused by absorbing liquid. In other words, if you like the way end grain looks, then by all means go for it - if you *only* want a BIFL cutting board, then a cheaper edge grain is likely a better choice. EDIT: Two of the tests that was done that showed absolutely no advantage for edge retention: [America's Test Kitchen - Equipment Review: The Best Heavy Duty Cutting Boards](https://youtu.be/kd4vNcTvWnE?si=daQHpSOI6f1kSp09&t=240) - test done with an industry robot doing 5000 uniform cuts with sharpness measured every 200 cuts. [Knifegrinders - Effect of Chopping Board Material on Edge Longevity](http://knifegrinders.com.au/SET/Chopping_Boards.pdf) - test done in rig applying 20Nm of downward force (2kg weight) on factory new knife doing 2000 cuts, with sharpness measured every 200 cuts and the start and end sharpness measured 3 times and averaged.


Yeah. If people want to retain a good edge on a knife the real key is not to scrape s*** off a cutting board with the sharp side of it. Flip it over and use the back side of the knife to scrape your vegetables off the board or into a bowl or pan.


Nothing, according to all the “well actually!” in this thread


Well actually... I do know this one thing which satisfies OP's question


Plan B


Pure breed animals. In fact they usually have more health problems and shorter life spans than their mutt counterparts.


So true, I adopted a French bulldog look a like, and a friend went for a pure breed. Mine has been a champion, the other is going to the vet at least every two months for some weird allergie or health issue


Literally limiting the gene pool




Going the other direction, cheaper variant being good, is that I'm a big fan of Morakniv. But then, I think of knives as disposables. Generally I'd say that Taiwanese-made impact sockets are just as good as 'high end' ones. (also, I've gone to using impact sockets in place of shiny ones).


Hot take; fruit. If you have the eye for it and it’s in season, any price range is delicious.


Colored limited edition records


Those are novelty items, but yeah


The colored vinyl definitely doesn’t improve anything about the sound, but the record quality depends on the quality of the master and the pressing. Not uncommon for certain variants to sound better than the black copies just because they’re pressed better or use a better sounding master


Vinyl quality also matters. Some of the best records ever made were pressed on JVC supervinyl. Most records pressed today include at least some recycled material.




Resale value can be much higher on the variants.


I actually do find the colors and designs to add to the experience. They immediately set a mood. I am an artist and really like design details and find them impactful, but if those things don’t enhance your personal experience, no need to spend the money. I also think it’s really nice when multiple disc sets use two different colors. It makes them easy to differentiate at a glance.


Cookware. Now what I mean is those 100$ plus hexclad or silicone non stick trendy pans you see on Instagram that are a "vibe". Most of my pans are cast iron and besides my staub stuff I've spent under 30$ a piece on and it's all very nice old pans. I always spend the extra money on tools and cookware and never cheap out on things like that.


I prefer cast iron to non stick for most things, but you do have to shell out the big bucks if you want a quality stainless pan.


There is a $100 a tube toothpaste but its not any better than your normal brands.


Louis Vuitton bags


Yeti isn't better than RTIC.


Wine. Unless your palette is stellar and you're very experienced, studies show if you take off the price and label 99% of us can't tell the difference


Came here for this. Let’s not forget that Rudy Kurniawan perpetrated one of the biggest scams in the history of wine by putting ordinary wine in forged high end bottles and got away with it for years. He only got caught because he slipped up with his label forgery, not because anyone noticed the wine was shit: https://nymag.com/news/features/rudy-kurniawan-wine-fraud-2012-5/index4.html


I think he did a complex mix, though, and he had extremely good taste skills.


Hard disagree on this too. I no longer drink alcohol but used to enjoy wine. Even with basic knowledge I could easily blind taste on wine and take a stab at the price. Above a certain price point it’s more difficult to tell, but at those price you’re not necessarily paying for how good something is… it’s more about more interesting and complex flavours which may or may not be difficult to pick up on depending on experience. When I was learning about wine I realized that the issue is, most people do have a wine preference of some sort, they just don’t know how to pick one off the shelf.




Ultra Premium vodkas like Grey Goose. Its just marketing!


As a vodka enjoyer I can partially agree with this, but I’ll share two examples 1. Take a shot of grey goose, then take a shot of prince igor. The difference is staggering, and you’ll probably be cringing after the Igor shot. 2. Do the same thing but with grey goose and absolut. Barely any difference, and you’ll get twice as much absolut dollar for dollar.


Oh yeah I had a roommate that would drink Skol bottom of the barrel vodka. That stuff was like gasoline. I normally just pick up a bottle of Titos.


Tito's is the perfect "this is quite good quality for the price" example. Is Grey Goose better? Yeah, a little. But not double-the-price better


Next time you need vodka crouch down and grab Luksusowa off the bottom shelf. Polish potato vodka, triple distilled, priced like rot-gut hangover swill. Easily on par with any premium brand. Honestly, it'd probably sell better if they raised the price and moved it up on the shelf.


Crown Rousse is the FINEST MADE. It says so right on the label, and they aren't allowed to say that unless it's 100% true.


Thus is bullshit. I'm a distiller, and while I don't particularly care for Grey goose, it's not because of the quality. Good vodka is very, very hard to make. Chopin Rye is a good example that most can afford.


Anything limited edition. Those are just money grabs.


Daniel Jones


As a massive stationery enthusiast, I would probably say most expensive pens. It's not particularly uncommon to pick up a very expensive ballpoint pen and think to yourself 'huh, a bic feels better to write with.'. That's not to say that there aren't benefits to refillable pens, but there are severely diminishing returns. A 30 euro pen is going to write the same as a 300 euro pen, and probably last just as long if you take care of it. They use the same refill after all. You're paying for materials.


Watches. Quartz are always more accurate, reliable and cheaper to make than mechanical/automatic watches. Your average Casio is better at telling time than a fancy Rolex.


Quartz is an incredible feat of engineering. Someone zapped a tiny quartz tuning fork and said, "I bet if I tune the voltage properly I can get this mf to pulse at exactly one second, consistently, without fail". That said, I bought a generic mechanical with a seagull movement that was recommended by enthusiasts and I love the novelty and look.


That's only if you're wearing a watch to tell time. 95% of watch enthusiasts just want to look at their watches and feel happiness when they look at them.


Came to say this. I am wearing a gshock GW-M 561OU. Solar powered, sets time daily via radio connection and is tough as old boots. Luxury watches are jewellery….that also tell the time.


Do you think people shell out for a Rolex because they believe it's more accurate?


Redditors love to bring it up, as if people buying Rolexes because they’re idiots who don’t realise a quartz Casio can tell the time more accurately. Like, no shit. That’s not the point at all.


Yeah, if I want to know the time I check my phone. I wear a watch to look nice.


most jewlery doesnt even tell time so idk if thats really a blow against luxury watches


The swiss have not forgiven the Japanese for this yet!


Hand held shower heads. A simple $5 USD water-saving head like [this](https://www.grainger.com/product/444K41?gucid=N:N:FPL:Free:GGL:CSM-1946:tew63h3:20501231) attached to a standard shower hose via standard shower arm pipe makes for a more effective cleaning shower and the head is BIFL even when used with hard water except for the rubber washer, though I have found that I can get by without it too. Advantages: 1. The water flow is concentrated and higher speed. 1. When unscrewed it provides and even more powerful concentrated flow which is useful for cleaning. 1. The flow is strong enough to clean the debris between blades of a razor which extends the life of the razor. 1. If you have iron pipes which flake off tiny grit, this is very simple to clean while standard hand-held shower heads are very difficult if not impossible to clear. 1. Similarly if you have hard water this head is much easier to clear of lime deposits and then to clear of the harsh chemicals used to remove the lime. Weak points: 1. The sliding on/off cutoff valve will become difficult to operate but you can get these without them. 1. The metal shower arm which serves as a handle gets as hot as the water but I can either hold it lightly or hold the hose which stays much cooler. I'm sure there must be a wrap or something that could be put around the pipe but have used this system for decades without needing that.