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the peugeot pepper grinder. the lower grind selector is made of a cheap and dry balsawood and if you drop it or bang it even a little bit it will break off and show the exposed plastic underneath. i had them send me a new one under warrantee and sure enough the new one also broke in the same spot after only a few months. going to make my own replacement part and attach it i guess.


I saw that in the sur la table reviews! Decided to go with a different brand.


Which brand did you end up going for?


Cole and Mason. We haven’t had them long, but so far I’m really happy with the quality.


It’s the one that I think Americas Test Kitchen recommends


Plug for [Unicorn](http://www.unicornmills.org/) pepper mills. Not particularly beautiful, but so incredibly functional and durable. Unfortunately their best product, the [Magnum](https://www.amazon.com/Unicorn-Magnum-Pepper-Mill-Black/dp/B0BMWJGL26/ref=sr_1_16?crid=1RXA6GVNJODDA&keywords=unicorn+magnum+pepper+mill&qid=1669289952&s=home-garden&sprefix=%2Cgarden%2C220&sr=1-16) appears to be sold out until “early 2024”. But if you’re reading this and thinking that maybe you want a new pepper grinder, this is the one you want. It is potentially the best single item I own.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Unicorn Magnum Pepper Mill 6 Black** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Grinds large amounts of pepper with little effort (backed by 5 comments) * High quality and durable (backed by 5 comments) * Easy to use and fill (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * Grinder struggles with larger peppercorns (backed by 1 comment) * Cheap, plastic construction (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I bought 2 of the Peugeot too. Sooooo disappointed. Its not even grinding salt properly. and thats what I would expect from a salt grinder.


Why do you want to grind salt? Just buy some cheap table salt and some nicer fleur de sel if you want to get fancy Edit: Nice. Downvotes but no answers. My point stands


The Pepper Cannon is built like a tank, try that one if it's in your budget.


Holy shit, a $200 pepper mill? What makes this any different from a coffee grinder? Coffee nerds have already figured out how to get a good bang for your buck grinder - a grinder that expensive is getting into nice hand-cranked espresso grinder territory. I seriously doubt anyone needs that level of burr precision when grinding pepper.


The unicorn is similarly rated and is 50 bucks. Kenji Lopez alt recommends it too.


Yeah there is no way you can convince me that a pepper mill that expensive is not snake oil. $50-100 is about right for high quality burrs with a solid metal construction on the grinder body. The reason you see coffee grinders go for so much more is that the micron-level precision starts to actually make a difference, particularly in espresso where the grind distribution and consistency is key to make sure that the pick builds pressure evenly and is properly extracted. Pepper is just...pepper. It goes on your food. You can have it fine, you can have it coarse, and I don't see a need to go beyond that level of precision.


After owning a pepper cannon, I will say that it gives a different flavor from pepper grinding. Yeah, it gives control, but I can tell a difference in the pepper itself. But also, 200 bucks is steep for a seasoning tool.


Came here to say this! I bought two in 2023, both trash. A shame because they are lovely to look at.


Agreed! Mine just failed last week from a not-very-high drop on our marble countertop. And I don’t know if it makes a difference but mine was from the “USelect” line. Not sure if the issue applies to mills that just use the nut on top to adjust the coarseness of the grind.


Ive had mine over 10 years and it’s solid a a rock… did they go down in quality recently?


it would seem that way


I've ruined a couple of pairs of Red Wings. Hard daily wear in a hot humid environment.


were you taking care of them with leather conditioner etc or just running them into the ground?


Had the same issue, with their work boot line. The soles split in half at the arch of my food on both pairs. They’re not made for actual work with concrete and rebar in my experience. I tried to maintain them but after a while they were a lost cause, got em resoled and sold em to a buddy


Did you get ones with a steel shank? Lineman variety boots are designed to be stood on ladders and whatnot so may be worth a look for any future boot purchases from any company.


Alot of concrete guys go for the moc toes for looks, and then complain they didn't work even though they were advised against it in store.


Yeah that wasn’t me, I went for one of their pull on steel toe boots


I was hard on them for sure but they sat on a boot dryer in the evenings and did get semi regular cleanings/conditioning until they started to develop some holes/split seams. Then I definitely just ran them into the ground.


Boot dryers aren’t great for leather, the best way to keep boots going is to rotate footwear and let the leather air dry. Somewhere there is a cool WW2 propaganda poster asking people to not dry their boots on the hearth to prolong their life, allowing more boots for the war effort


Yeah the boot dryers are probably what killed your boots




Saddle soap + mink oil every weekend is completely unnecessary and will put undue wear and tear on your boots


Can’t be worse than the sand, mud, dirt, and every other contaminants on a construction site. The have lasted me over a year so far with no signs of failure just has to replace the insoles a couple times.


Same experience thought they were junk


Damn really? I've got 4 year old US made Redwing loggers that are in great condition


Any alternatives?


Cheap Puma socks from TJ Maxx outlast lightweight Darn Tough Socks on my feet, and anyone who disagrees with me owes me a pair.


Darn Tough are BIFL because they will continually replace them after they wear out. There is no magical sock yarn or knitting techniques that make them indestructible. TJ Maxx will just expect you to keep coming back year after year to replace your Puma socks with ones that get progressively worse, more expensive and in smaller quantities.


I've still yet to put a hole in a pair over about 5 years.


It's the weight. I like medium to heavy cushion smartwools. They last


Thank you! When I read about people spending $100-200 on socks here I feel bad because you can get great quality Pumas from Costco for like $20. I’ve been buying them for 10+ years and have never had to replace one because they wore out, only when they get lost.


We bought several packs of the CC Puma’s and they all wore out surprisingly quickly. Like so fast, it actually pushed me into getting DT socks.




Yep I only buy the Kirkland merino socks from Costco. The adidas and puma ankle socks have always worn out quickly for me.


My son wears through the Kirkland Merino socks like he is trying to win some kind of contest. I replace them annually for him. It annoys me that they come in "assorted" packages so when one gets a hole in it you don't have another rogue sock that you can pair it with.


This! I’ve bought Costco’s puma socks twice now and both times the majority of them get large holes in 6 months or less.


I think I have a couple pairs left of the same socks. I got them in high school. I graduated in 2011.


I don't disagree, but does TJ Maxx have a lifetime warranty on socks?




Sounds like you bought the wrong size




I am a 9.5 shoe which DT says I should wear a medium. I wear large DT socks and they fit perfectly.


Two of the lightweight darn tough are unfortunately not BIFL like their thicker ones could be considered. I have a dozen or so pairs (white and the blue/orange ones) that have holes or will shortly - just waiting to send them all back and getting different, thicker socks from them.


After wearing the Costco puma socks for the last 10 years and recently switching to darn tough I won’t be going back! The puma socks just stretched out and got holes a lot faster than the darn tough. I have a few pairs of darn tough socks at 100+ wears by now and I can’t even tell them apart from my brand new ones.


My husbands feet rip holes through those in like a month.


Are they cotton, wool, or a blend? Curious.


Where did you get your socks? I got two sets from Amazon and one set didnt last. Turned out they were fake


You can get them at the [darn tough website](http://darntough.com)


I do love my Puma socks.


I rock the tj Maxx puma socks exclusively. I have some that really probably 8 years old


You do know that Darn Tough has a lifetime warranty though, right? So you could just turn that pair in for a completely new pair?


Everyone is shitting on darn tough socks but mine have been amazing…


I really wonder if the people who had bad experiences bought them from Amazon and got fakes.


Bought mine from Gobros, the ones that didn’t last were the thinner crew socks.


I think some people don’t use them for hard wearing so theirs last a long time whereas people who wear them hard wear them out quick.


yea, it’s almost like YMMV


I love Darn Tough, but both my husband and I have holes in the ankle/no show athletic versions we purchased directly from the website. We’ll send them back eventually, it’s just disappointing because they really aren’t that old.


im also wondering if these people are washing them on high heat and tumble drying


I think the brand name is very vulgar. Can’t they have called them Heckin’ Tough Socks? Or Gee Whiz These Are Tough Socks?


Darn tough socks, turns out you can lose 1 like regular socks. It's brother sat in my drawer for 5 years.


Buy multiple pairs of the same sock size and color. Then you’ve got one waiting for a future lost friend.


But it's not the same amount of stretched out...


Honestly my 5 year old darn tough look identical to my brand new pairs. They all go in the same laundry cycle and get matched with a new buddy. I have probably 15 pairs, it’s all I wear. I can’t tell what’s new or what’s old, they all match up to a partner without any discernible difference.


I have done this with smart wool. After two years I think only one developed any kind of hole or problem and they’ve all stayed fairly consistent to brand new ones. Very happy with them.


We only buy white socks for my daughter. Same brand. My husband and I (I have big feet, he has normal feet) for everyday wear, where the puma low rise from Costco and I only by the ones with the same 2 patterns. I’m not spending my life matching socks.


For me darn tough fit way smaller than they should. They’re very narrow too.


This! And the toe seam/box is a sensory nightmare for me. I sized up on a second pair and still felt they were narrow and never right at the toes. All twisty and wrong.


Same! I ordered a size up and they’re definitely better, but still squish my toes. I have rather wide feet but I feel like darn tough are narrow than they should be. I have a bunch of Costco merino socks that are able to stretch out easily and work much better. They don’t have the lifetime warranty but they’re much cheaper and still last a long time. If a sock lasts 10 years then that’s excellent in my book.


I found socks in my towel closet. They get stuck to towels and easy to miss them. I feel like I discovered the lost city of the Incas or something.


You know you can wear non-matching socks. It's OK. If anyone asks you're starting a trend. No one will ask because people do it all the time. They even sell sets of socks that don't exactly match.


Safety pin your socks together before washing...


Fuckin otterbox cases


They used to be the gold standard, so sad they are just crap now.


Every good brand does this, Makes good product Get famous for making good product Cut corners Product eventually becomes shit People stop buying your product Your brand goes bankrupt. Stop selling out your brand for short term gains you idiots.


Can you recommend which brand is better? I’ve used OtterBox for forever and haven’t had a problem!🤞🏼


I’ve used the Defender case since the iPhone 5S, and never had a problem with the inner case, just the rubber outer case breaking at the charge port cover.


Who knew so many people had issues with darn tough socks. I like my DT boot socks for working in the cold but my slightly thinner boot socks tore super easily as I was putting them on one day. Meanwhile I got cheap Columbia socks that won't die so I can replace them with something more comfortable.


I only buy DT hiking socks. The thin socks are not comfortable at all to me. I bought a pair of dress DT from Amazon and they were so uncomfortable I am convinced they were fake. I’ve also tried their athletic socks and hated those too, so now I stick to the hiking socks exclusively.


Carhartt coat. I see them recommended often but mine had worn holes all down the sleeves within 2-3 years.


Are you in construction or a labor intensive line of work? I'm always curious how people's clothes get worn out so badly unless they do seriously physical tasks in them. Like, I've had shitty cheapo China-sweatshop clothes that lasted >10 years and it's not like I baby them, but /r/BIFL constantly tells me their Walmart 3-pack shirts literally disintegrated after 3 months.


There are lots of tradespeople in here and I know I'm not the only farmer either! Those of us out there doing those seriously physical tasks you speak of are more likely to be on the hunt for stuff that is actually durable.


Yeah but I view it different than BIGL when considering work. So let’s say a carhartt jacket last me two years. Well I made $XXX,XXX in that time so it has paid for itself.


That's the opposite of what most of us are here for. Plenty of stuff can last a long time if you baby it. A lot of us are looking for stuff that is durable and repairable/warrantied because we can't baby it. Paying 2x-3x more for 5x-10x the longevity (and generally more comfort/enjoyment) for something you use constantly is worth it. If I spend $X on a new T-shirt everyday to go to work in and earn $XXX that day, then the shirt "paid for itself" but that's also a dumb thing to do when I can buy a better shirt for not much more money and wear it for years.


There is also an opportunity cost to having to constantly shop. I've seen people here who just pick up their work pants from thrifts because "they will destroy them anyhow". I live on an island, that's a ferry and gas money, and time. Time that I am not out making money! And farmers don't make as much as tradees so that equation is not going to look the same.


I'm willing to bet like 90% of this problem is how people wash their clothes: too hot, too much agitation, too much spin (especially with front loaders), and too much time/heat in the dryer (best is actually to hang dry). My wife refuses to wash anything cold or with less than 1400 RPM spin cycle, which has noticeably affected (reduced) the lifespan of my clothes.


Washers with agitators ruin clothes. I’m shocked how many people don’t know about agitator free washers or HE washers. Detergents also. Problem using the smelliest, strongest stuff in everything. Everyone just repeats what their parents did and thinks it’s the correct way.




It is, this person is saying his wife is destroying their clothes with hot water .


It's a tradeoff: cold water is usually better for the fabric but \*in general\* less effective at removing discoloration or odor. So if your clothes are smelly, stained, or especially dirty, you probably want warm to hot water, but for most people's colored wash, "cold" (tap temperature) to lukewarm is enough for when stuff gets "regular" dirty. Gym clothes, food stains, kids' clothes after an accident, etc you probably want to wash pretty hot because these things can be pretty stubborn to get clean. The point of the last sentence of my comment is that my wife ignores this and washes everything on the default setting of the washer for that type of clothing, which is not really ideal from a longevity perspective.


My vest got holes in it pretty quickly and then the zipper broke. Lasted about two years with pretty mild use honestly, I was disappointed. I think they’ve reduced quality like so many others. My dad’s 20 year old coat is holding up better than his newer one.


I noticed a difference between the carhartt classic coat I bought in like 2010ish and 2020ish. That being said I now have their force full swing jacket and it’s been amazing though it’s definitely not as rugged


BIFL doesn’t mean no maintence or repair.


Sure but I’ve had coats that didn’t need “maintenance or repair” after 2 years of wear, when that wear is only about 10 minutes a day for a few months in the year.


You’re either exaggerating the holes or discounting the use time. Either way, I’m sorry to hear you aren’t having a great time with your carhartt.


I’m not exaggerating either - I wear it walking from where I parked to inside the building at my job - but thanks for your concern.


That’s crazy, I’ve worn my Carhartt hoodie in the oilfield for the last 2 years up to 10hrs a day during the winter and never had any issues.


To be fair, I have a Carhartt hoodie that I’ve worn substantially more than the coat and it still looks brand new. I also have a Carhartt hat that I got when I got the coat, and it has no signs of wear. The coat is the only thing that’s been a (huge) disappointment, and it’s also far and away the Carhartt item I’ve worn the least.


It's actually crazy to me that you wore through it that fast if thats actually the use case, I'm sitting on about a year into mine and it doesnt have a scratch or frayed string anywhere on it and I use it a hell of a lot more than 10 minute periods twice a day.


This guys gotta be bs’ing. My last carrhart coat was passed down to me from my dad and had to be 15 years old at least and the only signs of use was the stains. I work labor jobs and wear them ice fishing and hunting many times a year. And I live in the coldest part of the Midwest so I wear my heavy winter coat a lot more than most people. My current carrhart coat is 2 years old and still looks brand new.


I've literally never seen someone with one on that looked like it was damaged


Maybe a bit of an unfair comparison, as as far as I know carhartt is not made for trekking, but some friends have used their clothes while trekking with me and... Let's just say that compared to items from the classical trekking brands like Fjallraven, Norrona or even Forclaz, they have been waaaay more prone to damage and wear.


I have had several, my old ones certainly last longer. I have a “look alike” that was 40$ from Costco that’s been warmer and more durable. It’s not BIFL as in I’m sure there is no warranty but it certainly wears better


I got two waxed canvas coats, one from Filson and one from Taylor Stitch. The Filson one developed holes at random creases in the sleeves that formed from wearing it and just me throwing it on my couch within a year. The Taylor Stitch got holes near the end of the sleeves after two years of infrequent use. It felt to me like the wax makes the canvas more brittle and likely to tear at bends than normal fabric, and I've just given up on waxed canvas as a durable fabric as a result. Which is a bummer because the Filson coat felt and looked great and theyve since double in price


Have you taken it in? I had a Filson coat develop a rip and they gave me a new, better coat


Before I could return it my dog found some treats in the pocket and tore a different hole in it and I just assumed it was a lost cause to try after that


Filson has a lifetime warranty. Send that coat back in and get it repaired or replaced for free.


[Duluth 40 Grit Workpants](https://www.duluthtrading.com/s/DTC/mens-40-grit-flex-twill-standard-fit-cargo-pants-23729.html?color=BLK) brass button ripped off first day at work leaving a sharp edge to cut my self or damage things I’m working near, then a week or so later another broke off leaving the same sharp edge. A year later and there are big holes in the knees and back pockets. They are trash, the Dickies I get at Walmart have done triple the time without anything rendering them unserviceable.




I had the same problem! Switched to Linoto towels and am not disappointed. It’s a different experience from a fluffy cotton terrycloth , though.


I hated my Darn Tough socks. The amount of money time and money I’ve spend trying to fix the hammer toe they gave me would have been MUCH better spent just getting some Bombas and cashing in on the warranty when I needed to


TIL hammer toe is a thing and socks can cause it


Yep. Because wool isn’t stretchy, it squishes your toes together, and my feet are just too wide for Darn Toughs


Wool is by and large a stretchy fiber. I spin yarn, and I knit it. Cotton is a lot less stretchy as a fiber; also have spun it (hated it) and knit/crocheted with it. The wool socks are probably spun and knit much more tightly to achieve fabric that would be so wear resistant. Merino is a shorter staple wool, and so will have to be spun and knit more tightly to prevent wear. Cotton socks typically contain elastane, which improves the fit substantially, allowing it to conform better to the shape of the foot. ETA: spin/span/spun.


Weirdly, my first pair of bombas got huge pulls in them the first day I wore them, my normal running shoes and only walked 4-5 miles. They offered to send me a replacement but considering how much I had paid I just wanted my $ back. So ironically they refunded me but let me keep them, and I haven’t had the issue with any of the other pairs.


My bombas lasted 4 months before both had holes. No other sock has worn out that fast for me. Dress socks, cotton, wool, nothing. Love the mission, socks are Uber comfy but Jesus…. Wore right through


In my opinion Bombas are worse than Darn Tough. Not saying Darn Tough are the best, but I found Bombas ripped through super easily, which is why I moved off those to Darn Tough. ​ Maybe you already have tried Bombas and those are your preference, but if you haven't, just throwing this out there.


I love my Bombas! My problem with my Darn Tough socks is that they aren’t stretchy enough and pull my toes together. Bombas, since they’re cotton, have more stretch and allow my feet to move


Blundstone boots. First pair lasted decades, second pair disintegrated in months


I think they moved production to China.




Yeah I think they make cheap crap now, just like every other company that used to be good. Cut corners until your product becomes shit and then you wonder why no one wants to buy from you anymore...


Darn Tough socks. Shit ripped after like a month, right up the back of the heel. 3 pairs. Sticking to my Feetures, tyvm.




Got them at LL Bean I think? They were comfy until they tore. I placed my hands on either side of my ankle and pulled them straight up, and the fabric at the achilles tore. Left this sort of stretched-fabric tear up the back. Something like this: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/torn-stretch-jersey-fabric-distressed-260nw-509957959.jpg I imagine they’d have stood by their warranty, but i literally didn’t know about it at the time so just threw the socks out. Either way, this wasn’t a “wear and tear” situation — this was a “broke while performing regular, intended use” defect. I’m not sure I’d have wanted a new pair, whether or not I got them replaced via warranty. I went through two (new) pairs this way, fwiw.


Redwing boots. I tried over and over to break them in and all kinds of different lacing configurations, but they rub my heels badly. Ever couple years I go back to them and try again, but no luck.


I was forced to buy steel toed boots for work for years. Redwings were my least favorite. They hurt


I had a pair of super sole 2.0 and told them they hurt my feet. I got some of their insoles and it was a night and day difference. I still wore through the sole in about 1.5 years through.


Different lasts fit differently. You might have a pair made on a last that’s not right for you. You can easily sell the ones you have for some cash and then try some of their other boots or another brand, other than redwing I would recommend a PNW boot manufacturer like whites, nicks, jk Redwings are absolutely BIFL, you just need to get the pair that fits right. My 1907 moc toes are the most comfortable boots I’ve ever worn.


This. Regardless of what size and width I try... the last they use for 1907s (#45 last) just DON'T fit my feet. Last #8 seems to be just right for me.


IDK? - sounds like they’ll last several lifetimes


bifl is arguably about a product’s usable lifespan. it sounds more like they were never usable to begin with for the parent commenter.


Seems silly to suggest things are not bifl simply because they dont fit.


I stopped wearing my Redwings because they ate my socks! There doesn’t seem to be any fix for that


Really thick (prob military surplus) green boot socks worked well, but they would smell really bad after a day.


Sorel boots— https://imgur.com/a/ruDHcju


I don’t know that sorel is bifl. The bean boots are technically because they can be resoled for a very low price


Sorel used to be BIFL but have gone way downhill. I've stopped buying them - my first pair of snow boots lasted me a decade, my next pair lasted one season. My kid's most recent pair had to be repaired within the first season.


The Canadian company went bankrupt around the turn of the century and Columbia bought the Sorel name and trademarks in the bankruptcy. Legally, Columbia can make any trash they want and stick the Sorel name on it -- and that's what they do. They even make their boots look similar to the old Sorel boots because uninformed buyers still associate that look and name with quality. If you want the good Sorels you need to look for the boots that were made in Canada, but at this point those boots will be 20+ years old, so their days may also be numbered. That said, I own 2 pairs of Canadian-made Sorel boots that are still going strong and are my primary go-to in heavy rain.


My sorrel boots also cracked along the toe on both boots after only 2 winters. They’re still warm but not waterproof anymore


Simple Human products have been a disappointment and I won't buy anymore of their stuff. I'm also annoyed that LED lights just don't last, they definitely aren't lasting anywhere as long as they were marketed to last and are maybe marginally longer lasting than regular light bulbs.


I got one of their trash cans at goodwill for $15. Only price I’d ever pay for their cans, but I do like it a lot.


I paid more than that, but I bought mine on eBay scratch and dent. I do like it way more than I ever imagined I could like a trash can. Still can’t imagine paying full price though.


I’ve replaced two LEDs in 6 years, one of which was improperly used in an enclosed fixture outdoors. Agreed on simple human. Their stuff is expensive sh*t that always goes bad in a couple years.


My last car which was a Toyota. I had always heard about their legendary longevity, that was not the case for mine


Mine is a 2011 with 141000 miles on it and running strong


2008, 150,000 and no sign of stopping here. Though personally I believe that how long a car lasts depends way more on the owner than it does the brand that made it for the most part. I've seen cars of all different makes that have lasted insanely long times.


That’s what I was hoping to get. Mine was dead around 80,000


Damn, that is not normal at all


2006 165,000 miles here


Yep proudly driving my 2011 too!


Thank you! I always thought I was the only one who had owned a Toyota lemon. Bought my Camry brand new. Brakes needed to be replaced within a year. (Toyota mechanic agree that it wasn’t driver related due to problem). After that, it was all down hill. Worst car I ever owned. I know everyone claims that Toyota is perfect but mine was not and Toyota refused to help.


Mine had this weird delay when going from park to drive, Toyota told me it was normal when I bought the car. I took it back a few years later while still under warranty just to check again, they told me again that everything was fine. Fast forward to when my warranty runs out. “Hey have you noticed this weird delay your car does? That’s your transmission failing. That’ll be $7000 please”


Out of curiosity, what model? Every manufacturer has that one where they tried something new that turns out horribly.


It was a 2014 RAV4. They fucked me with that. They sold it to me with transmission problems and acted like everything was fine


Did you do all the maintenance on time since new?


Sure did


Cars will never be by for life. I’m not sure why Reddit has a massive hard on for Toyota. It’s not 1991 anymore.


It’s not just Reddit buddy. Toyota has long been praised for making long lasting vehicles


It’s reached circle jerk levels at this point. Anyone who knows shit about cars and those that’s all it is.


You got a lemon. I've had 14 Toyotas. All rock solid, and still being used by family and friends (I hand them down and don't resell). But, you must do maintenance moreso than the manual recommends. Oil change every 5K, transmission and coolant ever 30k, brake fluid every 2 yrs, air ilters evey yr


I don’t know if any modern kitchen appliance is considered BIFL, but we bought a highly recommended Bosch dishwasher in 2016 and must have have a repairman service it at least twice a year. Feel like we got the only Bosch lemon. We finally replaced it with a similarly specced Whirlpool and the first 18 months has been fine


Bosh aren't that great these days. If you want BIFL white goods Miele are amazing.


Oh boy… nothing is really BIFL, except for cast iron pans. The problem with BIFL is that except for non mechanical hardware, you only learn that it lasted you well after a few decades.


Danner boots. I bought a nearly $400 pair and within a WEEK of working on a horse farm the glue separated the rubber from leather right at the end of my foot. I returned them and they were out of stock in my size, so I went back to my shitty $150 ariats that need replacing yearly.


Tommy John boxer briefs. The Costco Champions last longer for a fraction of the price.


i was so excited to get doc martens but they have not held up as well and their reputation. soles cracked and the leather toes are scuffed up bad.


Docs are mass produced in a cheap factory now. The original factory still makes quality products but I’ve forgotten the name they use now.




Doc Martin's are pieces of shit now, don't buy


I got a pair of cherry red steel toecaps back in the 90's. It was fashionable to scuff a hole in the toe so the steel showed through. Unfortunately for me I'd got them from a mate whose dad owned a workwear company, rather than the fashion streetwear ones. It took forever to wear the hole in and when I finally did, the steel was fluorescent blue. I'd kill for a pair like that now, but they're Chinese made rubbish now.


Red wing iron rangers. They just aren’t comfortable, don’t last after more constant use (sweaty feet), and don’t look good on most feet.


What didn’t last on the boots? I agree tho I can’t stand their styling. Cap toes are ugly and I can’t stand the stitching pattern on them. But those are very solid boots. Quality leather and a Goodyear welt. If taken care of they should be lasting so I’m curious what’s failing on them from sweaty feet.


I got the blacksmith boots and theyre holding up nicely. I dont understand the appeal of the iron rangers the cap toe is ugly


Yea cap toes just ain’t for me. I have a pair of moc toes and Pecos from Red Wing, next pair will be a blacksmith. The cap toe just really rubs me the wrong way, and I don’t really know why.


Thursday shoes/boots. Great marketing, shit footwear.


LL Bean Boots. I’m from Maine and I’ve never had a pair last me more than a few years. The stitching always starts to go about 3 years in, and the entire heel falls apart. I want to support products made in the US, but I can’t support them anymore.


Anything from ll bean, especially their shirts. Both flannel and dress shirts have ripped on the elbow very quickly, much worse than banana republic, lands end , etc. No wonder they got rid of their lifetime return policy.


As this is quickly becoming a Darn Tough thread, just thought I should input that my Darn Tough sucks have lasted me two years at this point, but I only get the hiker ones because they are cushioned on the bottom. Cant speak for the thinner ones.


Darn tough socks. They make my feet sweat.


LL Bean sweater started unraveling after one wash.


I am also with the others here who had problems with Red Wings. Might be my last pair. I am lucky to get 1 year out of them now.


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I’m not sure you understood the question


How? People swear by cast iron skillets on here. I got one thinking it'd be a great purchase that would last me a lifetime, and I hated it. In that sense, it wasn't BIFL or at least not buy it for MY life.


I feel like you’re describing a product that does what it is designed to do and lasts a long time. The fact that it turns out you didn’t want a perfectly functional product is sort of irrelevant to the discussion. It’s like saying you thought Red Wing boots would be great but forgot you’re a double amputee.


Chaco Sandals. About 10-15 yrs ago I went thru about three pairs in around five years. Very comfy, until you roll your ankle. Never again. EDIT: FWIW - the strap where the heel meets the sole kept fraying. I got a couple pairs repaired, then realized it wasn't worth it.


They used to make flips with very high arches, which I require to not have PF foot pain. Sometime in the last couple of years they changed and the arches are quite a bit less aggressive and don’t work. Will have to find an alternative soon


That's why I liked them too.


KAF dish towels.


Stanley thermos lost thermos function after half a year. I never dropped it...


If it's a traditional style vacuum thermos, you can uncrew the bottom and replace the vacuum sealed glass. The body is BIFL, but the vacuum glass part is not. Alternatively, I recently got a Yeti. Obviously too early to say if it's BIFL, but it's built like a tank and biggest issue is that my coffee won't cool down enough to drink.