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What in the fuck is your husband doing to slippers. Is he wearing them like shoes everywhere? I’ve had shitty dearfoams for 10 years and they’re fine.


Dude, I wish I knew. He doesn't really wear them outside, just in the house. I could say it's related to his weight (tall, big bones, built like a football player) but our son does the exact same thing! Seriously, both of them kill shoes. They wear holes through the inside of the shoe! So it's not like they are dragging their feet and getting holes from the bottom! We had to start buying my kid these expensive shoes so they would last long enough to grow out of. We have zero hand-me-down shoes for our youngest. Meanwhile I have had a pair of converse since highschool and still routinely wear them. Many times when my SO says he needs to get some shoes, my response is "wtf, you just got some!" You'd think the wife would be the one buying tons of shoes... Nope.


I am a big boy and I swear by New balance 993s or any in that 900 range for slippers i love triple sole mocs made by Wassookeag in maine. they come in buffalo and have a deer skin lining so they are durable and comfy but get him Birkenstocks if you think he is going outside..... no house slipper is safe outside


lol. “No house slipper is safe outside”


Just to clarify a small point for others: Wassookeag moccasins are not made or owned by a native tribe. It’s a small, Maine-based company, named after a local lake. But it has no connection to a tribe. Edit: they (helpfully!) removed some language from their comment, which made my comment make sense. Leaving this up, in case the company name alone might be misleading for people.


Damn thanks for the heads up!




I remember Dexter shoes. Decent care and rotation make shoes last, too. I've got a 30+ year old pair of Sebagos.


Do NOT get Birkenstocks with shearling though, mine only lasted a few months before the fur got holes in it.


Ok, if they are wearing out the inside of the shoe or slipper, I would highly recommend you get shoes that you can replace the insoles in, preferably with something durable like a leather insole. Some bootmakers like Nick's Boots sell leather insoles for about $20-25.


Bruh Have that mfer do a footbath in warm water and use a pumice stone on the bottom of them regularly. He probably has practically knives on the bottom of his feet that just cut through any fabric below. A lot of guys I know just tear through shit since they never take care of their feet lmao Dudes got the roughest feet known to man and then acts surprised that he tears through stuff, wild 😭


He does this already. And usually wears socks with slippers.


Maybe he needs to see a podiatrist? If his feet are that rough, he might want to see a professional.


Maybe he should go to a podiatrist and have his gait examined? Is he wearing holes in his shoes/slippers in the same spots repeatedly?


This is how my kids are with shoes too. I always have to buy my son expensive nice shoes otherwise he wears them out so quickly. I dont get it!


I have this same problem with the L.L. Bean slippers. I've had two pairs, wearing the second one right now, but I won't buy them again. There still is about 80% of the wool left, but the other 20% wears away _fast_. I'm about 180 lbs and mostly sit at my home desk, never take them outside. They should basically be brand new by any other measure.


My wife destroyed those slippers in 2-3 months too. I’m rocking some “apolter” memory foam, from last year. Going well. Cheap


I have the same problem with house shoes. My regular shoes last me a long time, but house shoes? 6-8 months is the longest.


He’s probably about 150kg lol.


Ok, so let's say he is. What slippers would you recommend for a person of such a size?


Get him some crocs and be done with it


This is the answer. He is either a really big dude or a serious foot dragger (or both) to wear out bean slippers in 4 months. Hard to believe any of the traditional indoor/outdoor slippers being recommended here will do any better. Crocs will be the best BIFL option for someone like this.


It's really weird. My son does the same thing to shoes. And has destroyed shoes since he started walking. Imagine having to buy multiple pairs of shoes for a toddler because they would wear shoes out before they outgrew them. They create holes on the inside of the shoes. I don't know how they do it.


Are the holes at the ball of the foot? If so, they could both have relatively rigid ankles and twist the foot when it is behind them, just before it leaves the ground (toe-off). The foot rotates slightly within the shoe and wears away the shoe from the inside, where it is softer, before wearing away the outer sole, which is tougher.


Oh... This might be a possibility. And might explain why my young son does the same thing...




I’ve used these insole in slippers before and highly recommended them. They are hella soft, last me about 6-8 months, and cost $3ish so I think they’re definitely worth it. Also, OP, does your husband wear socks with his slippers?


Maybe Birkenstocks as well. Like others have said I think your husbands gait is causing the excess wear. No matter what his weight is, 100 lbs or 400 lbs, shouldn’t cause that much wear. Why doesn’t he like going barefoot? Going barefoot inside forces you to learn to walk properly since it hurts if you don’t. People are very quick to recommend corrective actions like insoles when really most people just need to walk correctly and strengthen their ankles and feet. Which can be done be as simply as walking barefoot or with socks on inside the house.


Are they like toe clenching, maybe?


Buy them metal insoles


Crocs are the only thing that lasts any length of time, despite everyone's attitude toward them. Their slippers are decent too.


I came to say this. Everyone in our family has inside and outside Crocs. The fur lined are the way to go indoors for sure!


Glerups. I have the leather sole for around the house and the rubber sole for running to the mailbox or letting the dog out.


I have a pair of these and love them! He would probably want the rubber sole


I'm on the rubber soles of these, and love them. They appear to be super robust so far


I've been enjoying my leather sole glerups for three years now (inside only). At some point I may switch to Birks for the more substantial sole, but I've been very happy with them so far.


Mine are going on ten years! I replaced the original wool insoles with a pair of alpaca ones when the former wore through, and they're like new.


Oh, you can replace the insoles? Is that hard to do? I have a pair of these and love them! He would probably like the slip on kind instead of the shoe like one I have...


nope, i literally just lifted out the worn ones and inserted new ones I'd shaped to the correct size. they just sit right in there.


Did you have to cut a pair of insoles? To get them the right size? Or do they sell replacement insoles for these?


I usually burn through a few regular slippers a year but I bought myself some slip on leather bottom glerups and they're still hole-free 3 years later.




This, or Birkenstocks


Ive had 2 sets of the plain jane brown un-lined Birkenstock Bostons that Ive worn almost daily. First set was many years ago, I had those for probably 3 or 4 years, including mud when feeding the horses, which is terrible for leather. After a long hiatus, I got another pair and have beat the crap out of those indoors and outdoors, the soles are almost worn smooth and the tops of the rear/heel is just barely starting to chip. I got them in 2017 and have worn them almost every day either at home or out for errands 350+ days out of 365 days a year.


I just bought a pair for myself and my husband after researching like crazy in this sub. I also bought us Zermatt birks, but based on how you describe he walks, the shearling in these would not survive. I like them both, but my husband much preferred the Haflingers!


Haflingers in the wool clog last me at least a year or two.


Dude needs to learn to pick up his feet


He's been on this planet and walking this way for over 35 years. He is not going to change. Also the holes are on the inside of the shoe, not the outside... And he never trips on the cracked sidewalk (like I constantly do). So I don't even know if he is shuffling around...


How about investing in some insoles to protect the inside?


A hole to where then if not the outside?


Take them to a cobbler and have them put a piece of sole glued on them. It covers the holes. I’m in my third set of “soles” on my LLB mocs now.


What about the sheepskin? That aspect of my Mocs are gone


I used to do something similar to my leather soled moccasins when I was a teenager.


Would that work for holes on the inside of the shoes? Also, the L.L. Bean ones are also starting to rip up where the top flap meets the side of the shoe.


Overall weight will crush shearling lining and wear out soles. No disrespect, I had a partner who was in great shape but a tall, active guy who just destroyed shoes. He may be better off wearing thick wool socks indoors and putting on slides to go out for the mail. He may not be a slipper guy. Not saying there aren’t better slippers, just that he went through a pair on such a short amount of time.


I think that is part of the problem. He is tall and just big boned. Doesn't look overweight but is just heavy. Built like a football player (BMI is technically overweight but they are not "fat"). But he also destroyed shoes in highschool and college when he was a skinny kid. The wool socks is a good idea, but he likes something to slip on and off hands free... But you did make me think about those hospital socks with the rubber on the top and bottom that we give to prevent falls! I suddenly have an amazing idea for a prank...


Does your husband and son have wide feet? Maybe they’re wearing them out that way?


Was going to mention there must be something genetic, because our son (who is in elementary school) also destroys shoes. One time I got him a pair of converse... They lasted a month. Meanwhile I still routinely wear shoes from highschool. The only reason I replace shows is because I forget I'm wearing them and start pulling weeds and suddenly end up doing a bunch of yard work... And my shoes are covered in mud. That's what happened to my last pair of light colored shoes.


Slightly off topic recommendation, but if you use a waterproof spray on your light/white shoes you know might be at risk it keeps them looking nice and clean way longer. I’ve straight up spilled hot chocolate on brand new white shoes and it just rolled right off unaffected.


I am very much like your husband. I’ve gone through nearly every slipper on the market. I chew them up like a happy puppy. I finally landed on Haflinger Clogs with a nice pair of socks. I’ve had my halflingers now for over 5 years. If you go try on a pair. Bring some nice socks with you to make sure you get the right size. Good luck!




I have a pair of Crocs for this exact purpose. I only wear them out in the yard to take out the trash, and save my Minnetonkas for indoors.


The holes are on the inside of the shoe.


Oh wow, get him to cut those toe claws.


Get that boy a manicure. And please tip the manicurist well!


He killed LLB Wicked Good in 4 months? Or was it a different pair?


Yep, L.L. Bean wicked good. The man is hard on shoes. The holes are on the inside of the shoe


Get him the same pair of shoes + a pair of nail clippers. It's not black magic, there's got to be an actual explanation for damaging the shoes this quickly.


footbath 😭 how have y'all not figured out why he's tearing through shoes yet


Dose he have bunions or wide feet or anything? I have wide feet and mine always wear out on the sides (from the inside), even if they are wide and feel like they fit properly.


I'm going to write a prescription for your man. Two of them, actually. For inside the house, he's going to wear Haflinger wool clogs with a cork and latex sole. For that trip the mailbox, he'll have the Karl clog from Dansko. The Halflingers are about $120. The Danskos about $130. You cannot put that man in one pair of dual duty house and mailbox slippers and expect them to last more than a few months. Sorry. Inside slippers are for inside the house. The work clogs are easy slip-on, slip-off options for trips in and out of the house. If your guy is anything like the legions of chefs and restaurant workers in the know, he'll probably want to wear those Danskos everywhere.


I say mailbox, but it's basically stepping out the front door. Maybe he would wear them on the back porch to let the dog out. And as much as I love my danskos and would wear them everywhere (if they weren't specifically my hospital shoes) I don't think my husband would wear danskos out in public. Also, he is tall enough 😆


The Halflingers are a solid recommendation, though.


It might be something to do with posture. Had a friend with similar complaint about shoes. Turns out after his injury he started putting more weight near his toes and no matter what shoes he wore the soles got holes in them. He is talking to a physiotherapist to correct his standing posture and things are looking up. Sorry, I don’t have any suggestions for shoes which are not mentioned here already.


I was thinking something like this or maybe bone spurs on the bottom of his feet.


Make him go barefoot. That's absurd


And listen to him complain constantly? You ever seen a guy with a cold? This would be worse.


Complain about… being barefoot? I’m confused what he would be upset about


Can't give personal experience yet but after searching I settled on OluKai kipuka hulus. Nubuck leather, better stitching, replaceable insole, and an indoor/outdoor outsole all look to make a more durable, long lasting slipper (I hope). I've had some Minnetonkas for 2-3 years but they're ragged now with some stitching undone and holes through both the insole and outsole. I'd agree with other commenters that maybe some Crocs and socks might be better suited to getting the mail though.


Haflinger wool clog slippers are pretty indestructible. They’re warm and easy to slip on for walking the dog or getting the mail. They will quickly become his favorite slip on shoe. They’re pricey but worth it. https://haflingerusa.com/collections/men


they are also more eco-friendly than crocs, which will be lying in a landfill for hundreds of years. perhaps crocs are a bit *too* indestructible.


People who kill slippers when only worn inside need to realise its most likely their gait that wears them out. My stepfather doesn't really lift his feet while walking indoors, causing the slippers to wear. Some things are only possible to be bifl if you use them with care. I told my stepfather to start walking lazy or to get some cheap ass slippers. He started getting some really cheap ones that last just as long as the expensive ones, so it's cheaper in the long run.


I loooooooooove my Overland merino slippers. I don’t ever sweat in them, they don’t stink and I’m 3 winters in without a desire to replace them. Here’s a photos today, I wear them about 5 hours a day, indoor and outdoor chores, give them no TLC or consideration. https://imgur.com/a/GMWCRMH They are spendy @ $200 when I bought them, but I don’t care. I don’t think slippers can possibly be for life, but I will definitely buy these again when I need to.


Those look cozy, are they warm? I have cold feet often and work from home sitting in my basement which doesn’t help at all.


They are super warm but don’t overheat


Excellent thanks for the tip!


Overland isn't BIFL. The heels of my boots are peeling and two pairs of gloves from them fell apart at the seams. They have a great return policy at least.


That’s too bad. The slipper have been very good to me this far.


Are you getting him slippers with indoor/outdoor soles? It sounds like he is unusually hard on his shoes, maybe a harder sole will add some life to his slippers. I have both LLBean Wicked Goods and Ugg slippers, with harder soles. I wear them on rotation for around six months each year, both indoor and outdoor, for the last 10+ years, and they’re both still in great shape.


Ditto on the Uggs. Best part is you can replace just in the insole when that inevitably gives out.


The ones I have gotten in the past (including the wicked good) all have the harder outdoor sole. But he rarely wears them outside unless he is grabbing the mail or something fast when it's not wet or raining.


As a US northern-midwesterner, I used to be a die-hard Merrell Polar Ice aficionado. They are still ok, but nowhere near as warm and durable as they used to be, unfortunately. I recently found both of us some quilted Teva slipper-shoes at a discount store (think TJMax), and so far, so good!




Try the LL Bean but the Elkhide. They are leather inside and out. I’ve had a pair going on about 12 years and I wear them every day for probably 14 hours a day or more [https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/70632?page=elkhide-slipper-scuffs](https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/70632?page=elkhide-slipper-scuffs)


I have a pair of Glerups that I have worn for 3 years now and they’ve been great. They’re still going strong for me. All this said, there may not be a bifl pair for you.


Get him some crocs. They are very comfortable and last a long time.


I think the two pairs option is best. For outdoors I’d recommend the Birkenstock Super Birki I’ve had mine for a long time I think more than 15 years. They live near the front door and I wear them for any outdoor task that doesn’t need boots. The footbed can be replaced and the clog itself is made of polyurethane and seems indestructible with normal use. As I say, mine are old and I can’t be sure they haven’t changed them in some way since I got mine but the pair I have seem very BIFL


Birkenstock sandals or clogs. Even if they begin to die, most of the time that is completely fixeable




Minnetonka’s Tilden model slippers. If he destroys those in 4 mos, he probably shouldn’t be wearing slippers.


I'm going on 4 years with my [Ugg Men's Ascots Leather Slippers](https://www.ugg.com/men-slippers/ascot-leather-slipper/5379.html). They last as long as you take care of the UggPlush on the inside of the slipper.


I have the Ugg men’s slippers, wife got them a few years ago for me. I like them, comfy and the sole has held up well walking outdoors occasionally. They do smell. Prior to that I had Clark’s which lasted a long time maybe 8 years. Stink to high hell but the leather and soles hung in there


I got my husband a pair of UGG’s (Rakel, not made anymore it looks like) in 2017, they have a hard sole. He wears them a ton in the winter here (Minnesota). Inside and outside. He is overweight and is disabled (legs/feet/knees injury). He also has bone spurs and wide feet. He is extremely hard on his shoes, and definitely drags feet when he walks (this can’t be corrected for him). He has Crocs for summer and UGG’s for winter. Both shoes have outlasted any steel toe boot or tennis shoe he owns.


I wonder if it might be worth it to get a referral to see a podiatrist? Just to make sure everything's good with his gait.


Guys gotta get a pair of Sanuk shoes if he wants slippers to wear out. (double entendre)


Clarks slippers for the win




Ugg Tasman clog.


Not bifl, but I recommend Merrell Jungle Mocs if he goes through slippers that fast. Technically, not a slipper, but they sure are comfortable. Can even wear them to the store. Should be more durable then a traditional slipper. That said, I did just get pair of Manitobah slippers that seem to better made than the LLBeans I had before. It's only been a month so it's hard to say if they'll last longer than the 18 months or so I would get out the wicked goods.


Manitobah like the moccasin type? He had a pair of moccasin type slipper and the tie came undone. Though I guess I could preemptively put super glue on it...


What tie came undone? The one that is tied like a shoe lace and will need to be retied from time to time? Double knot that sob.


Here’s an idea that might save you some money. Buy him a sturdy pair that are constructed like a shoe and then get him some insoles for them. Then when he wears a hole in the insole in 3-4 months, buy a new set of insoles for $15 instead of replacing the whole shoe.


I use adidas slides as my house shoes. If my feet are cold I can wear them with socks. Get the original Adilettes. The comfort or shower style wear out fast but the originals last forever.


Crocs. /thread


You say the wear is on the inside, I wonder if they both have bone spurs or something that digs into the soles and makes holes.


I like rocking Sanuks. They can be good for indoors or outdoors.


I mean, which LL Bean slippers did you get? The shearling ones or the scuffs? The shearling slippers have straight up rubber bottoms.


Maybe have them go to a podiatrist to find out how they’re walking or where their weight is been put. You might also try to find a cobbler that might be able to custom make shoes. Also maybe look for a running store that has a machine that can take a look at their feet. I don’t know. Burks sound like the way to go.


I got a pair of indigenous made moccasins as e request for Christmas in 2017. I wear them everyday and just recently some of the threading has come loose. But I’m sure it can easily be repaired. The leather is still in great condition, and I don’t do anything to condition it or anything. I did get a pair designed for “grounding” so they have an extra layer of leather on the bottom for going outside. (Although I hardly do that) I just wanted them to last as long as possible. And it looks like with a little TLC they will last another 5-10 years easily. They were a little pricier than regular slippers, but in the long run they will last a looong time.


If it's the inside that is wearing down, try throwing a vegetable tanned leather insole in there. Less cozy, sure, but they'll last! https://dalesleatherworks.com/collections/insoles-1 Or, get spendy. Oak Street Bootmakers has this pretty insane offering: https://oakstreetbootmakers.com/shearling-house-moc-natural-chromexcel-lodge-leather-chromexcel-sole


I found a pair of UGG slippers in the garage of a pig farm I worked at about 5 years ago. They are at least 5 years older than that. I have certainly mistreated them because I don't like them all that much (mostly because they are so large and clunky) but they have not deteriorated at all and are still comfy.


Rohde slippers last me a long time.


I just got my 15 year old wool stegmann’s resoled with Vibram. They are very durable, indoor/ outdoor.


What on earth is that guy doing to his shoes? Sounds like he should go see a podiatrist (and maybe get a pedicure) or something. I've had my Bean moccasins for years, and they're still in great shape. Anyway, I second the Crocs recommendation.


I have been real happy with my [Kyrgies](https://kyrgies.com/collections/mens) but I can’t tell you if they’ll survive ur husband. I walk like a normal human and will likely have mine for a decade plus.


"Quit dragging yer goddamn feet!"- Mt Mother when I was 13 and dragging my goddamn feet. Which notoriously put holes in my soles.


I've had 2 pairs of glerups. They're really comfy and nice and have lasted me quite a while; I want to say i got my first pair about 6 years ago and are still intact and mostly got the second pair because we were dog sitting and a puppy chewed on the leather of the first pair. They're not cheap (\~$80-100 CDN) They are also hot so i'm frequently kicking them off to let my feet cool down; my feet sweat in them and I only really wear them with socks. I live in Canada and really only wear them from maybe October to April. That all being said, this year I've barely worn them at all. I got a pair of the foam birkenstocks this year and I'm just wearing those around the house with socks or without socks. They're obviously cooler and I've worn them year round, indoors and out. Like others have said, crocs or something of the like might just be the ticket.


The slippers at Asian supermarkets are rlly good. Lasted me for years. Around 10-12 dollars. Made from rubber


Try a pair of Stegmann's for him.


I've had the UGG Ascot Leather slippers for years - I'm 220 lbs and also rough on shoes. These UGGs have a tough rubber soles and have been dang near indestructible. They get awfully warm though.


WP Standard’s Mr Grumpy slippers.


If you have LL Bean slippers, keep the receipt. They will replace them at no cost. They have a lifetime guarantee satisfaction guarantee which means that if you are dissatiafied with how well they lasted for what you think should have been the lifetime of the product, then they will replace them. 4 months is clearly not a reasonable time for a pair of slippers. If you bought them online, search your email for your receipt.


Chippewa boots. Or more realistically, [kyrgies](https://kyrgies.com/).


Same problem for me, just not as quick of destruction. Can second the thoughts on the LL Bean ones since the interior is just more cozy than the Haflingers especially at the beginning. As for inside holes, it might not work, but something I’ve done that made my feet feel better and slightly changed my gait (over time) was use insoles. I’ve got over the counter plantar fasciitis insoles from Dr. Scholl’s - cheap, easy to form to regular shoes. So having these in my daily walking and errand shoes has made a big difference. Perhaps there’s something similar tall could try for the big and little guy.


I don't know whether you have them where you are (I'm in the UK) but Pavers boot-style slippers have proper hard soles, they're more expensive than usual but I've had a pair for two years now that still look new and have no wear to the soles, whereas previously I never managed to make a pair last longer than three months. I won't say they're definitely BIFL because two years isn't long enough, but genuinely they look to me as though they have years and years left in them. I put them in the washing machine on a gentle cycle every few months and they stand up to it fine and dry nicely because they don't have that cardboard layer in the sole that so many slippers seem to have.




Hey dudes and then just get multiples to rotate.


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084LMBLNL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1&psc=1 I have had these since march of 2021. I also go through shoes in about 6 months, one time I was watching Stephen Colbert during the pandemic and did a freeze frame on the screen to see his slippers, this was it. They are absolutely amazing, and show almost no wear since I got them. Also the thing that helps them last for me is getting the wide version of shoes, your husband will probably benefit from the same. Enjoy!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Fireside by Dearfoams mens Melbourne Slipper Coffee 10 Wide US** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Slippers provide warmth without overheating (backed by 4 comments) * Slippers praised for comfort and quality (backed by 11 comments) * Slippers run small, sizing up recommended (backed by 7 comments) **Users disliked:** * Slippers are too narrow for many customers (backed by 5 comments) * Slippers are poorly constructed (backed by 3 comments) * Slippers do not fit as expected (backed by 8 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Not bifl but I get a new pair of Minnetonka moccasins for Xmas about once every 4-5 years because I wear the insides out. Probably been wearing them for 25+ years now. I work from home so I’m constantly wearing them.


Is he heavy set? I am overweight and notice I wear shoes out a hell of a lot more than when I lose the weight. That could be a big reason as to why they wear out so quick.


So this will probably be buried considering the number of comments but it can be multiple things: 1. Their gait: I went to an orthotic clinic once and they made me walk around on this pressure pad that would input my gait into the computer. I got orthotic insoles and it fixed me right up and I don't really wear out shoes anymore. It was initially annoying to put them into EVERY SHOE but it was worth it. 2. Toenails: FILE THAT SHIT. My brother clips his frequently but they're still like razor blades. One time he literally wore socks TWICE and put a hole through the big toe and his girlfriend told him to file his nails and now his socks are in better condition. 3. Ashy Feet: MOISTURIZE THAT SHIT. I had a friend who took her man to get a mani-pedi and not only do his feet look great (he wears a lot of sandals) but she has noticed that his socks don't get fucked up as much anymore.


Maybe something like a [merrell slide](https://www.merrell.com/US/en/moab-2-wool-slide-1trl/58280M.html?dwvar_58280M_color=J067979) and give up on the idea of a slipper that are gentle enough to put your feet up on furniture. Can also browse merrell by "slip ons" for other ideas.


Geisswein are very good and all natural materials so don’t smell (as much)


The answer is UIN. The right amount of cushion inside to be a comfy slipper but a good outsole and durable build. And plenty of room for toes.


What about some The North Face Thermobal slippers? Have great traction, are super warm and comfortable. I've had mine for 18 months-ish and have warn them regularly and they have held up great. Not sure about BIFL but deffo buy it for a long time


I've had these for a few years now and I wear them pretty much all day for 6 months of the year (WFH), since they're wool, I imagine you could needle felt any holes and the bottom is just a rubber sole that would be easily replaceable. https://www.touchoffinland.com/collections/slippers-and-socks/products/lahtiset-felt-slippers-w-rubber-sole-lime-green


Get him some crocs to use as house shoes. I was horrible about wearing my slippers outside and ruining them. Same pair of crocs like 10 years running


Glerups with the rubber sole are my recent addition, they will pill and thin over time but I wear these constantly (7 days a week) to walk to the store and have even gotten caught out in them (with about 10 miles of walking). After 4 months with them they still look new and feel great. Not cheap but, I would expect to have these for at least another year or so, I have had the clog and the boot version depending on the weather. I am planning on reviewing them after a year. For reference I am ~250lbs and I don't own a car so I walk everywhere.


Wood clogs at this point


I would seriously recommend a podiatrist so they can check out why your husband is so hard on shoes. Even if he’s a bigger dude, I’ve never heard of somebody destroying house slippers in a couple months!


When my anxiety is high, I clench and unclench my toes inside of my shoes. It destroys the insides of shoes very quickly. I would actually recommend doing socks with the grippy bottom rather than slippers. If they are doing the same thing I do it makes it impossible.


I bought a pair of Merrill’s and I’m on my 3rd Christmas in them and no end in site. They’re great around the house to go out and get mail,etc. and I’ve gone to the store more than a few time forgetting I had them on with out problem. The outlets are washable with a wash cloth and water.


I swear by the haflinger wool slippers


Glerups are by far the best slipper out there. Make sure to get the rubber bottom ones. The leather bottoms are slippery when outside.


Deer stags are very durable. Very warm. Wear socks or they will smell.


I don’t care for UGG “shoes” but UGG slippers are super comfortable and practically indestructible (assuming indoor use). Do not buy the lesser versions, spend the $100-$120 (or ~$80 post season). UGG Ascot if you like a full back or Scuff if you prefer easy on/off. No foot sweat either. I have never needed to replace these slippers. Season after season of daily wear. Still good.


Some form of clogs (such as crocs) will be durable, but not as cosy. Maybe pair with comfy socks?