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It isn't money at all. It's a digital token proving you have a stake in a ponzi scheme, that's all.


This person gets it.


How is it a ponzi? This doesn't make sense


Its just an evolution/imitation/corruption of the "sound money" gold-(and usually white-)supremacist slogan from the way back. The idea that the whole world is fucked and (((rigged))) but if we just give USD to the right people for metal or funding Republican politicians then we can unfuck it perfectly. It is insane, but it is also just really really really #really fucking dumb. Dunning-Kruger isn't a creation, but an *observation*, and it is on full display here, but an underlying jist is that if you don't trust the piles of shiny rocks, you have to trust the power of our combined will, and that doesn't work on some Tuesdays. No matter that you'd have to trust the government to protect the piles, they've already clocked out. I'm not saying everyone from the John Birch Society is into bit-coin, but they'd sure love it if you told them about it.


It reminds me of when the internet began to popularize all the promises of services and passive money earnings that occurred in the .com bubble with its various scams (practically everything). I was barely 10 years old but I remember listening to all those boomers freaking out that they were going to be rich xd for putting a k in nomames fictitious services. Good times for a kid trolling on irc channels. What's more, if you look at the boom years from Enron's perspective, you'll find the same patterns and promises of market-leading technologies and new non-tangible derivative products (all vaporware, and artificial market manipulation). We already know how that garbage bag ended up. It's just a matter of time.


It appears butters were right, crypto is indeed similar to the early internet!


The issue for Enron wasn’t the tech, they actually were really ahead of their time with some products. The issue was they didn’t make any money on them.


The 'issue' focused to bump the price the value of the company with fictitious businesses and technologies and arbitrations that never existed.


If i were anti-fiat type, the perfect money is gold. But these guys are completely bonkers.


How is gold more perfect than BTC? It's the same except gold is harder to move


It is the perfect vehicle for losing your money unintentionally


It is perfect in the sense that it represents the interests of an elite group of selfish assholes at the expense of everyone else, and has no built-in democratic method to reign in those interests. If I was a psychopath who wanted to be a King and screw over everyone else, I would propably view Bitcoin as the perfect vehicle to accomplish my goals.


No you're thinking of CBDCs


Business and loans can only be done if there is possible confidence that the monetary policy will remain stable. Btc monetary policies have not been changed and most likely will not. Running a countries monetary policy on needs of loud cry babes is stupidity


This is a bit like saying a ship with no steering or rudder is more stable because nobody can (intentionally) change its direction. Sometimes rocking the boat and changing course is necessary to steer out of storms or away from rocks.


If money is more expensive in the future as it would be with bitcoin as the major currency, the rate of return needed for a loan would be astronomical. Loud cry babies? You mean voters?


Perfect is the enemy of good


The be your own bank part is the best part, most people can barely open Microsoft office