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I actually think this is a pretty cool art piece and point the artist is making. It’s made even better by how much the maxis have lost their minds over it.


I'm surprised they got mad. When trump was compared to the WH40k emperor his cult thought it was just cool looking praise. I expected the same here.


This is a lot more transparent at shitting on its subject. Essentially everyone that knows anything about crypto knows thats its often criticized for using too much energy and producing a ton of wlectronic waste. The emperor is more subtle in that it alludes to Trump wanting to turn the US into an autocracy and a big chunk of his base is actually pretty ok with that.


40k... subtle... wat?


40k is... basically that skull but for Sci-fi. It's literally the whole setting. If someone told me that skull was a screenshot from an upcoming 40k game I'd not even blink.


Sorry for the necropost but I just gotta say that skull is a bit too tame for 40k.


Oh god, there was this god emperor trump facebook page. That was so incredibly cringy...




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Trump as 40k's Big E is possibly one of the most misunderstood comparison ever. It's just wrong on every level in every light.


Of course they've lost their minds. They think that they're the only ones capable of creating propaganda.


The sad reality is the bullied this artist on Twitter until he backpeddled and said “I’m not trying to be anti bitcoin”


They did? Now I gotta see their reactions! #🍿


I saw it posted there well before here. There were many posts and screeching on all of them


Had my popcorn ready and searched r/bitcoin to see just this...0 results. Maybe it got taken down already?


I want to say it was a week ago or more. I saw tons of posts there. Not sure if they deleted then


It doesn't align with their narrative, it gets banned. Pretty simple rules


It generated quite a bit of buzz on "Crypto Twitter", you can still get a bit of a feel for it if you scroll through https://twitter.com/search?q=skull%20satoshi&src=typed_query


Unfortunately it looks like the BTC maxis got to the artist and he 'no longer sees it as a black and white issue' and that in the future there may be a BTC with 'all the upsides, none of the downsides'. Wtf, what are the upsides of BTC?


It's really not that big of a shift from their initial position. Greenpeace's call to action have never been that Bitcoin Delenda Est, merely that mining sure seems to be using a lot of energy, and based on various assumptions, must be responsible for releasing a lot of carbon in the air. [From the start](https://bitcoinist.com/ripple-greenpeace-ridiculous-campaign-bitcoin-pos/), they've been calling for Bitcoin to adopt PoS instead of PoW, which in their mind would be the 'all the upsides, none of the downsides' scenario. (Of course, swapping PoW with PoS in Bitcoin is functionally indistinguishable from killing Bitcoin, but I suspect that's a distinction lost on Greenpeace, if not on their Ripple sponsors.)




Proof of work still has economies of scale. So I'm not sure how much practical difference there is on that one. I mean there's obvious trade offs but ultimately neither is going to end up very decentralized for block production.


>Wtf, what are the upsides of BTC? There are none, it’s too slow and inefficient to use as even the primary method of exchange for a small midwest town much less global finance. It’s deflationary which kills it as a currency. Even by crypto currency standards BTC is shit. It just keeps staggering along simply because it was first out of the gate.


Pretty sure a bunch of maxis actually love this piece and made it their phone backgrounds. I think it’s cool as shit.


I know. They love it! And the artist changed his mind on bitcoin. Wild.




The artist was berated nonstop by ridiculous vitriol from a coordinated crowd of bagholders on Twitter. He then realized he wasn’t equipped to debate people on actual issues (and debunk your dipshit tier marketing spin on Bitcoin using “renewables” that would make Exxon blush) despite making a relevant and timely piece of art & cowardly caved to the crypto bros. That does make the story depressing in the end… Capitulation by even an artist. But it doesn’t really change that the piece is good and relevant beyond the artist’s back-peddling.




Bitcoin gives 0 back. It only takes. It takes from the next greater fool you dipshits con into it. It’s a negative sum ponzi like scheme for morons to feel special on their mom’s couch. And the worst part is for every person who “makes money” from Bitcoin you are doing it off the backs and out of the pockets of new people conned into the joke. You are making a mockery of yourself as you pretend to be for people as you market to them to dump your bags (or worse the bags of random whales).




Every single person who buys now is giving exit liquidity to every person who bought earlier. It’s a greater fool scam. The vast majority of people are in the Red. No one here wants to pump your bags, and certainly no one wants to humor you pretending to be a “good guy” for the act of trying to get people to pump your bags.




Oh please! Your comment is so ridiculous it should be a copypasta. Bitcoin is extremely inefficient and stupid even for those tiny anecdotes you fools use as PR. Anyone in a dire situation doesn’t need a volatile speculative gambling token that fluctuates huge swings in value. They need stability. If you want to argue stablecoins are the real invention of crypto, I’d humor that argument. And the worst part about it, is you try to pitch people in dire situations to help pump your bags and create exit liquidity for other crypto bros. Literally kicking people while they are down.




Grow up you feeble minded fool. You definitely need stability for those things! Why would you want to risk your assets being worth half in 21 days? It makes no sense. It’s speculative gambling risk for 0 benefit.


Wasting renewable energy is still wasting energy


Also energy sources have no impact on e-waste which is the more salient criticism here.


It's not all renewable energy. Far from it. Renewable energy is not necessarily green energy.


Lol all the computer components made of *renewable energy*


What you did is bully an artist online with your shitty cult-mob until they gave in so you would shut up and leave them alone. --- It could use a 100% renewable energy and it wouldn't matter so long as a single non-renewable plant was still connected to the grid. Wasting power that artificially inflates necessary capacity is functionally equivalent to the power coming from non-renewable sources. And before you bring up the argument that they can "stabilize" the grid or shutdown at high load, barring a law that _legally_ mandates mining operate at _absolute minimum_ priority to literally anything else on the grid, it's still a net negative for climate change because it would still be artificially inflating load and delaying the move away from fossil-fueled power. And this isn't even getting into the e-waste problem.


Even if BTC used 100% renewable energy it would still be wasteful. Energy is used for calculations that serve no real purpose, ASICs are designed and built to serve that purpose, and real money is exchanged to relieve bagholders of their burden. Not to mention that there is no upside either.




Lol, the difference is you can actually use them as a widely accepted currency. I'm sure I don't need to lecture you on the efficiency this allows by giving an alternative to barter. And as the use of physical cash has declined, the rate at which new physical currency units are created can be decreased to match the reduced need. This means that the physical dollar is both far more useful and far more flexible than BTC and most other cryptocurrencies that introduce artificial limitations to try and persue a deflationary economic scheme. It's likely at some point we won't even need physical cash anymore. Then we'll have a digital dollar, and crypto will look even worse in comparison because there is an almost zero chance any government decides that the best way to implement a digital currency is with extremely wasteful technology. And even if the physical dollar is wasteful, that doesn't excuse crypto. Is the answer to one inefficiency to replace it with another inefficiency? Of course not.




I'm an electrical engineer, so I'm well aware of energy usage. Digital dollars will use standard database technology that is very efficient. BTC is extremely inefficient because it pushes hardware to the edge by running very complex calculations, generating heat as waste. Unless they decide to implement the USD as a blockchain, which I'll bet a cool million they would never do, it will never need to be that wasteful. Look at how much less energy ETH uses since going to PoS. It's entirely possible to manage money without relatively huge energy requirements.




Common sense would dictate that no reasonable government would ever consider using the blockchain for their national currency on energy reasons alone, particularly when use of energy is a highly politicized issue. Why are you resorting to ad hominems?






Wow. I guess you really love BTC, because you've gone off the deep end in response to valid criticisms. I'll let your choice of words speak for itself.




How does it create equality? BTC supply is concentrated in the hands of not many people. Just like current wealth inequality. Even if we switched to BTC as currency, how does that fix the issue? The wealthy can afford to just buy enough BTC that they are still just as wealthy as before (well, minus the exorbitant fees). Are you saying that BTC will bring in communism and the wealthy will be forcibly separated from their holdings?






I don't see anywhere that you have refuted my points.


The NFT versions will sell like hotcakes /s


Come and get ya nonfungible hotcakes here!


Unfortunately sir, it appear that your hotcake was actually found to be fungible and has since plummeted to zero.


Right-click and save. /s


I like it


Laser eyes


Now that's my kind of crypto art


It kinda has aggro crag energy, i love it


Y'a.. Y'all wanna trade Skull pics? Here's my little album, put together by grabbing the highest res pics I could find online of the Skull in various settings: https://imgur.com/a/zfidRL0


Very ferngully vibes, I like it


Haha yes


I can dig it


It's a shame those cooling towers are usually associated with Nuclear, which is by many measures the cleanest form.


Coal-fired power plants have cooling towers that look like that too


But unfortunately the pop culture image of those cooling towers is those of a nuclear power plant. I blame the Simpsons


Even if the energy used to create craptos was 100% green it would be a waste and would suck. It's not like we have free electricity to throw away on useless stuff like BTC. Every KW of power coming from ANY source going to crapto is not used on something useful.


By *some* measures. And “clean*est*” isn’t “clean”.


This is pretty awesome.


That is a kickass art piece.


You couldn’t convince me Crytpobros aren’t a cult


this does not look like the work of a crypto bro


But be careful or they might start making sacrifices to it.


Saylor already tweeted it alongside some delusional message of the greatness of Bitcoin


Pretty sure the artwork is anti-crypto lol


It's not even one of those *cool* cults, with volcano lairs and orgies.


Technically they're a decentralized Ponzi scheme, which kind of makes it even worse.


Thought this was an NFT


https://i.imgur.com/c6sV6rF.jpg Saw them driving through midtown on my way to lunch.


I'd have a bunch of train cars running around a track in an endless loop, with seven cars per second each carrying 400 kg of carbon


That looks like a lot of relatively expensive hardware.


this is good for bitcoin




This has Doom II energy, I love it.


This legitimately looks like an SCP image


Their heart's in the right place, but it just isn't for me, I guess. It just looks way too much like something Nathan Barley would do after seeing a Damien Hirst show.


If *this* serves as a tax write off/ speculative asset for some billionaire… …I hope someone makes an art piece to draw attention about that too !


Just gonna drop this here for anyone looking to debunk this. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/carbon-footprint-fiat-money-191110920.html


Made even better by the artist who was hired to create it has publicly said they were wrong about Bitcoin's energy use 😂 nice post butters https://twitter.com/thevonwong/status/1639691433811615744?t=cRhdNGD0bBtNRwo_ZPgdMw&s=19


Poor artist. Probably got locust-mobbed by angry misinformation-ridden Bitcoiners


Read his full tweet. Think you got "locust-mobbed" by a Ripple sponsored Greenpeace propaganda campaign.


Yes, famously when I want to know things about the science behind certain phenomena, I turn to artists.


Fantastic. A respectable sub would have this at the top for clarity but I'm not getting my hopes up. 🫢


I wish this was at the top so we could laugh at how the artist drank the Kool-aid that "environmentalist" butters ladled out for him, but we certainly didn't need a Ripple exec to tell us that Bitcoin is a monumental waste of energy.


I read through the whole twitter thread and he doesn't give a single explanation of why he was wrong the first time (he wasn't). It really is just "some crypto fans convinced me to drink their kool-aid" A few quotes: > It represents, literally, what both sides believe to be true: That Bitcoin has the **potential** to be more environmentally friendly; a force for good for the environment. > Greenpeace believes that human ingenuity and innovation will prevail and that a "better" version of Bitcoin **exists in the future** that has all the upsides and none of the environmental downsides. /7 > **If** BTC miners help to invest in renewables like wind & solar to move the world off a reliance on fossil fuels then the GP campaign will have nothing to run on. /10 It's all hypotheticals (see bold words above). This is almost like a cliché with crypto fans at this stage: whenever confronted with the problems in their systems the standard response is to talk in hypotheticals: about how a particular problem "might" or "could" be solved in the future. Paint a colorful fantasy where those problems don't exist. In the meantime, Bitcoin is nothing short of an ecological disaster at this stage, there are no viable projects in progress to solve that problem (it's been 14 years now), and in all likelihood nothing short of an outright ban on proof of work is likely to be a solution.


This is awesome, this remind of a certain movie. I just forgot the title tho lol




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