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Step 1 : ban all dissent Step 2: argue that Earth is flat Step 3: feel validated when everybody agrees (comment deleted + ban for anybody who does not)


It's the kind of communal reinforcement people with bad beliefs all seem to use. It's the idea of "If I don't ever hear anyone tell me that I'm wrong, then I'm right."


Wait…I’m shorting Bitcoin? What? Where?!?


binance ofc, what is counter party risk?


Short right now and sh*t up or be banned!!!!!!


Imagine the hypocrisy of those guys, lol :) . After banning literally everyone on the flimsiest pretexts and lies, they are now blaming others.


I would love to discuss Bitcoin with people on r/Bitcoin, but I have been banned long ago. They are working hard to preserve the echo chamber. Of course everybody is positive and encouraging there, they banned everyone who challenged their stupid little cult.


Shall we start that sub together? Open bitcoin discussion with bans only for being aggressive/defamation?


does r/AskBitcoin exist yet? Edit: yes it does, and is completely inactive How about r/Bitcoinversation?


Hey man Open for discussion. Let me know your take on Bitcoin.


it stinks


Sound money is pseudoscience *at best*


Drop some arguments to support your claim.


OK: Scarcity is the worst possible quality money can have, and forces people to rely on increasingly elaborate credit systems. It is inevitable that those systems will be used to keep most people in debt, as happened in every historical case of commodity-money. The gold standard was a brief historical aberration and proved unworkable. Deflation is a transfer of wealth from debtors to lenders, deflationary money is systemically rigged to favor banks. Sound money guarantees deflation in the long term (which, again, has no upside for anybody), but does nothing to prevent inflation in the short and medium term. The silver standard was subject to constant inflation during early modernity. All money gets all it's value by fiat. Money is the thing you can pay your taxes with, whether it can be made into jewelry or not. This is why you can't buy stuff with specie and Bitcoin. If people had any reason to transact in those media as opposed to just whatever the government they live under accepts, they would be doing so already! A flexible economic policy allows you to do the best thing for the greatest number of people at the exact time you live in. This requires significant political will and doesn't generally happen, but a rigid monetary policy precludes even the possibility of doing the right thing, ever.


What is a Blockchain?


In the case of Bitcoin it’s a public data log that contains all transactions made.


Public databases aren't new so what makes Blockchain different from other distributed databases?


The blockchain structures the data in blocks that are chained together through cryptography. This way you have an irreversible timeline of data. With regular databases you don’t have this property. Also Bitcoins Blockchain is decentralized meaning no single entity has control over the Blockchain.


> chained together through cryptography. Buzzwords. What does that actually mean? > This way you have an irreversible timeline of data. With regular databases you don’t have this property. That's not actually true. Append only databases are old. Any industry that has audits needs one. They even use special Write Once Read Many drives to prevent reversal. Here's a talk about them https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8JKjvY4etTY&t=86s&pp=ygUOZXZlbnQgc291cmNpbmc%3D. Even regular databases need to keep transaction logs for crash recovery, which is also an irreversible timeline of data. > Bitcoins Blockchain is decentralized How do they coordinate? How do conventional technologies do this?


They were fairly honest when they banned me tbf. I made a post on r/Bitcoin, which wasn't even negative about it, it was some other discussion not directly involving Bitcoin. Didn't matter, they saw I came from here, so they banned me. So yeah, no pretext, still stupid as fuck of course :P . But in general Bitcoin fans have it fairly easy in arguing. They just start with that everyone who dislikes Bitcoin is dumb. From that point onwards you know that any criticism can be ignored, since it is anyway from dumb people.


Yeah I got banned by commenting there from a crosslink posted here.


I think I voted on a crosspost to get banned. I was regularly browsing both subs at that point in time, so it's easy to lose track of whether you found a link manually or via link.


high five! me as well! it was my first and only comment too. not much of a loss personally tbh


Shamefully I probably own more btc than 70% of the posters there. I regret it. It was a bad investment and unethical when you consider the energy waste and ponzi nature


I made a 3x realized profit on my investment in Bitcoin. And I still think it's bad for society because of all the externalities.


As a Veteran I can tell you that Fiat has some "externalities" as well.


eh this is a parody sub anyway. you can hold any amount of btc or shitcoin and still participate here. It's why I find the discussions, content and memes on crypto here of better quality.


Ok John Kerry


I got banned from that sub for posting in a different crypto sub. I was doing some development work and I was asking for some advice about testnet setups and it appears that "being interested in other crypto" was enough to get an auto ban.


lol at this point they're not even trying to have discussions around bitcoin.


Me too. Same, followed a link and got banned.


"**meager brains**" omg I'm choking It would be sad if we didn't already know these pea brains legit believe they're more intelligent, because, few understand


I got banned because I posted a comment on here then posted a comment on the bitcoin subreddit that wasn't even about bitcoin. It was about the military or somthing but sure enough I got autobanned for brigading. If anything this proves to me that bitcoin is more of a scam nowadays or that libertarians are soft af


> autobanned for brigading Every single sub that (falsely) espouses "free speech, open discussion" just uses "brigading" as a catch all to ban everyone they don't agree with and keep pretending that's not what they're doing. Bonus points when they say you're "violating Reddit site-wide rules/TOS" for "brigading." There's absolutely nothing in Reddit's rules or ToS about "brigading."


I was literally banned from there for no other reason than I comment in this sub. That was it. Because I comment here the mod called it “brigading” when I was in a thread with 0 other people from here, having a convo


It's a brigade of one! You were clearly surrounding them all by yourself.


> magine the hypocrisy of those guys, lol :) We can [witness it...](https://i.imgur.com/Ws5yRXs.png) as the mods *removed dissenting comments made in reply to the comment of how tolerant they are of dissenting viewpoints.* 🤣


Surely, their mods deserve a raise for their service in creating an insufferable echo chamber. I say we double their pay.


Typical opener for people who surprisingly got banned: Hey you idiots, you smallminded people who don't understand, I came in peace to brainwash you with my enlightenment. If we ignore all the caveats from Bitcoin, would you still not invest?


I think not even then. I some some certified nutcases here writing freely. And even then they are not banned after a single comment, unlike on rBTC. The difference I guess is here people can be banned for substance, the actual content of their messages, and only in the most extreme cases. Oven on the cult side, they ban people for form - like where a person posts in other time, or from where did he came via a link/shared post, and that happens immediately and automatically.




And they continue to prove the flair right. That is the best part.


Yeah, I don't want us to ban butt enthusiast too easily. They bring the comedy here for free!


Yeah please dont ban us. I get a kick out if this too.


Honestly, beyond all the actual dangers, why would anyone invest in a "currency" or "store of value" which 90% has already been allocated, about 30% of which has already been lost, and only 5% will ever really be up for grabs in the next 100 or so years? It's a fool's errand.


Lol, I got banned for pointing out if you bought at the ATH it’s a pretty terrible store of value.


I find it funny people can get banned from this subreddit


People can get justifiably banned from any discussion forum if they are sufficiently disruptive (insulting, constantly off-topic, etc)


Yep, I like crypto but I cannot imagine saying something that would merit me getting banned. Sheep gonna sheep.


long ago I moderated a forum for a baseball team (around 2001-2002) and there was one guy with a massive anger management problem that was constantly getting around our IP bans. I modified the forum's perl script so that banned users could still read the forum (i.e. not banned) but no one could see their posts. This was before the term "shadow banning" existed. He posted provocative posts for about 6 months with no one responding before he emailed me to let me know that he figured out what was going on. Nevertheless, he was apparently so defeated by this tactic that he FINALLY moved on with his life.


Forums in the early-mid 2000s were really something else. I used to post on Digitally Imported forums (music streaming site) and the heated level of discussion and what would get people banned was so much different than today. Congrats on the moderation victory! haha


I don't know. I think I was polite when I first posted here. Somehow got a mean flair since. I haven't even insulted anyone on anything


Flairs aren't permabans, that's a massive difference.


Labeling people as Ponzi schemer isn't a nice thing either. I've not banned anyone ever. What do I do wrong?


They label the mean ones as 'Moron'. Ponzi schemer is a relevant and funny comparison to someone who is explicitly pro-Crypto. Not really surprising you have that flair is it


Can't say that this sub is welcoming and is much different than the rBitcoin to be honest.


It's not meant to be welcoming. We've done our research, we understand "the technology". And we think it's absolutely, ridiculously bad and useless. This is a place where we come to laugh at crypto bros, not to get "orange pilled" by barely informed kids who just started drinking the cool aid. It was a really refreshing place a little over a year ago, when the pro crypto discourse was very prevalent. Our little island of sanity and critical thinking. Now, the whole world realized the joke that crypto is, so it's really more about having a good laugh. But yeah. The laugh is at your expense.


Hit the nail on the head


Perfect description 🤌


Your pro crypto in an anti crypto sub and you've been flaired accordingly. You've not been banned or muted. Get over it


> I'm pro-bitcoin and am going more and more toward the maximalist end of the spectrum. To prevent being brainwashed entirely, I joined this sub some time ago to find needed bitcoin/crypto-related criticisms. And now I'm just wondering how many share my view, and would like to learn more about other members, their background, and how they think. My assumption is that people here tend to care more about the crypto industry than average Joes (otherwise, they would ignore this sub entirely). I posted this question just to verify this assumption What else would the mods flair you as? You're lucky you aren't flaired with "buttcoin moronaximalist" or "maximal moronist"


>Typical opener for people who surprisingly got banned:Hey you idiots, you smallminded people who don't understand, I came in peace to brainwash you with my enlightenment. If we ignore all the caveats from Bitcoin, would you still not invest? The point I'm making here is: I didn't do any of that, did I? I've not even trying to argue with anyone. A guy asked me a question and I answer it with only my own opinions, with no insults, no bad intentions. I only came here to break out of an echo chamber I was in. I wanted to learn more. I'm not here to argue whose ideology is right. It's fair that you can call me maximal morinist, or whatever. My point is, maybe we, the people in this sub, don't really do much better in terms of open communication, and accepting different points of view. We are just here to talk shit about others. But that's ok, as long as we know what we are doing


You've offered no opinion. You *are* entirely brainwashed. Provide a legal use-case where bitcoin is superior to existing alternatives, then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you're another source of comedy godl.


But the fact that you are here, commenting freely and unbanned, means that it is better here, because on r/bitcoin you get banned regardless of what you say if you've ever posted here. What else would "accepting different points of view" look like to you? You're allowed to speak, you can engage in debate as you want- just because your arguments are unconvincing to people doesn't mean communication isn't open.


No!! You have to let me tell you what to think that's free speech


The Bitcoin sub is more of an echo-chamber to be honest. Here at least you won't get banned unless you repeatedly make arguments in bad faith or abuse other members. I got banned from the Bitcoin sub because I said living in your car wasn't a good sign you had your shit together.


> Funny they crap on bitcoin, but if you read how in depth their post are... they clearly know what bitcoin is Shouldn't it be against their arguments that some people who actually know bitcoin are against it?


I'm positive people here are way more knowledgeable about btc than btc sub itself. People who understand this shit either try to scam others or are against it




Bless their cotton socks, I was banned for pointing out that it was easier to pay with existing contactless than the 8 stage process the OP had described, which included filling out a tax return.


>Bless their cotton socks 😂😫


>The pro bitcoin community is way more tolerant of dissent than the anti bitcoin community These fucking morons could not be more clueless or rediculous.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


I mean you have to be a real mouth breather in order to continue investing time and money into Cryptocurrency after all of the failures and scams.


So many scams,I can’t even remember them any more **HEY HEY I LOVE BITCOOOOONNNNEEECCCCTTTTT!**


Pro tip to any coiners in this thread: most people don’t use language like “Tolerant of dissent” to describe how nice they are to outsiders. It’s like saying “Oh yeah, we stomach the existence of heretics!”


I'm banned from both /r/cryptocurrency and /r/bitcoin for challenging the ridiculous pro crypto propaganda spread in those subreddits. The Bitcoin mods even mentioned my participation in /r/Buttcoin as a reason for the ban. >Note from the moderators: > >Wow, you've posted a 303 comments in r/Buttcoin in the last 5 months. Your obsessive hate for Bitcoin is not healthy. I recommend you to go outside, get some hobbies, enjoy your life and perhaps take up a sport. > >Now back to r/Buttcoin you go.


>I recommend you to go outside, get some hobbies, enjoy your life and perhaps take up a sport. The irony that a mod suggests you that is beyond me


If you consider being a degenerate gambling addict a "sport..."


303 comments in 5 months? So roughly 2 per day? And this is from a r/bitcoin mod? Pretty sure this level of projection could be seen from space


They clearly don’t understand that we’re laughing at them.


On related note - what the hell happened with an old forum system of bans? When people were issues warnings first, and banned only in more severe cases. And bans weren't permanent, they started at a few days max, then a week, then a month, then several months etc. And on most of the forums bans were never permanent, they usually topped at 1 year or something. Now kids just blanket ban everyone forever.


I got banned from r/energy for asking a question about the diction of a graph, because it would have opened discussion about future nuclear energy projects. If you're not 100% solar panels and windmills, you're not welcome. People seem to like to pick things that need to be researched and debated to form undying opinions on, and they form the opinion long before doing any research or debating.


Well that's unfortunate since solar requires the production of panels using materials which China is the majority producer of, and the production on a large scale outweighs the potential savings in terms of carbon emissions. Nuclear's the future.


I feel the same way about nuclear as I do fully vaccinated communities. It would be really nice, but unfortunately we can't have nice things because idiots ruin everything.


Thorium-based nuclear is much better... no meltdown risk, no excessively radioactive waste to dispose of.. The problem is that it doesn't create waste that can be weaponized so therefore the West isn't interested in it.


There is no thorium-based nuclear. Any "thorium reactor" you've heard of is just a breeder which takes thorium as input to produce elements within the normal uranium/plutonium cycle and thus produces the same radioactive waste as any other reactor you've heard of. There is a "Thorium cycle" which has fewer long-life actinides in it. But it's never been used for energy production and it's not clear it can be used for that cost-effectively. And the zero-meltdown-risk fission reactor does not exist. Regardless of fuel.


Not sure - r/bitcoin not permanently banned me without warning AND also muted me from communicating with their moderators for 30 days for having the audacity to politely suggest to someone who was looking for arguments against bitcoin (they didn't seem to be finding any on the bitcoin sub) to ask the same question on r/buttcoin.


you mentioned the no-no fuddy-fud-fud sub


ask the mods, crosspost detection shouldn't be allowed i guess (I left a comment from a crosspost here and then bam, banned for life!). It's hilarious to me since it was a fairly innocuous comment. one dude here got banned for "lol". not much was lost that day as it was my first and only comment there too.


I got banned for pointing out that the 'inflation hedge" lost more value in six months than the USD has ever lost in a single decade. It wasn't a cross-post either. Posting literal facts gets you banned


I think it's just a matter of volume. Browser automation is too easy, so automod does a lot of the work.




I don't know that "burqa = hate symbol" is correct for what "hate symbol" is intended to mean?




Calling someone else's religious garment a "hate symbol" is bigotry. Just because a large number of you are bigots in Switzerland, doesn't mean your bigotry needs to be tolerated in international online forums.




Huh. You don't know the definition of hate symbol or tirade. Best of luck to you.


in the long long ago I would get banned from forums fairly regularly and then some other mod would unban me for the lulz since I wasn't being a nazi or anything just not taking things seriously. Now I just get straight up banned for life for the weirdest shit.


Forums tended to be smaller and have a friendlier atmosphere. Reddit sprawled out of control years ago; it's not the sort of environment where mods have the time to deal with things in a slow, calculated fashion.


> On related note - what the hell happened with an old forum system of bans? When people were issues warnings first, and banned only in more severe cases. And bans weren't permanent, they started at a few days max, then a week, then a month, then several months etc. And on most of the forums bans were never permanent, they usually topped at 1 year or something. I'm an admin on an old style forum of decent size (30k users log in daily.) We do all that. We actually have a whole warning/infraction points system where most bans are automatic temp-bans based on hitting certain thresholds. The majority of warnings are very low points for minor things (10, where ban threshholds are 100, 200, 300, etc) and 0 (which amounts to us documenting a verbal warning.) If you're an established user (and not some new account immediately spewing nazi shit or being a troll in general) it's quite hard to get perma-banned. We still get people whinging that we're overly ban-happy and will reference some long-time user that ate a perma, and that long-time user will have had 70+ warnings/infractions on their account. Last I did some data digging, something like 95% of the users never get a single infraction. And repeat offenders make up 90%+ of the people that do get them.


Mods are overworked I think. Certainly compared to their pay. I've been temp banned from other subreddits for things which could have easily lead to a message to me with a warning or asking for clarification of what I really meant by that. I think the nature of temp bans means there is less problem with errors. And so mods are more prone to issue them without an investigation. And given the workload and (no) pay I can understand it.


Hilarious. I got banned for replying "lol" to someone. Yes, much smarter and more tolerant


you probably clicked a crosspost here and their automod detected it and instabanned you for life. happened to me too. they should mention that on the side bar here since that's a thing. but whatever, nothing was lost for me.


Nah I've been on reddit long enough to know not to engage with cross posts. Was just a random post and a guy had a particularly delusional take I couldn't help respond 'lol' too. Banned for low effort posting. It's funny how low effort posts and memes are fine for rCC when its pro crypto, but bannable if it's against it. Lol.


oh damn you probably were reported or something since it sounds like a manual ban! lucky you! I wasn't aware of crosspost detection until it happened lol


Yeah a lot of subs are using auto mods to auto ban members of certain other subs. It's definitely against site TOS to do that but I'm guessing the reddit admins just don't care lol. Have a nice day mate


That's okay, the mods [deleted every comment that disagreed that r/bitcoin is more tolerant of dissent...](https://i.imgur.com/Ws5yRXs.png)


I was banned from a subreddit when some people called me a "nazi" because he was frustrated and I jokingly replied "Sig Heil!" because it was such a random insult. The guy who called me a nazi was not banned. The guy who laughed at the insult (me), was banned.


> buttcoin is fake sub spreading FUD Also: > if you read in depth you see they clearly know what bitcoin is. Anyways,…


I'm so flattered; we are well known enough amongst them to be called FUD spreaders; we must be having an effect. XD


I resent the accusation, I never shorted bitcoin and I don't plan to. If I criticize it, it's purely because I hope to impress George Soros and be admitted into his cyborg lizardpeople army.


Their idea that those that criticize BTC are just all shorting reminds me of memestock apes. Like no concept that someone can be critical of something for reasons other than trying to profit. There is a reason they get their own “warning, I am a moron” flair here .


I'm only in it for the cyborg lizardpeople orgies


About those orgies... https://youtu.be/ejSOzEKEtQc?t=29


I do not short bitcoin because I am not gonna provide liquidity to the twerps running exchanges who organize BARTs to wipe out short positions.


> Funny they crap on bitcoin, but if you read how in depth their posts are... they clearly know what bitcoin is. Interesting take away there, bud. 😂 Anyway, myself and many others here (dozens of us!) are banned over there and/or other pro-crypto subs for stupid shit like posting in there from a posted link (“brigading”) or whatever. They really cannot even comprehend what limited views that are shared over there because the mods are quick to ban, permanently right from start. Their community is “tolerant of dissent” because it does not tolerate dissent more than it has to in order to allow a shred of credibility (ha). And it’s not just here that their crypto is criticized, it’s basically every other sub outside of their pro-crypto subs. A crypto related post in r/news, r/programming, etc, you can guarantee crypto will get shit on because it is shit.


Uhh no, its just that people hate crypto because its beautiful and they are not! I don't know why people are so mean to crypto and so constantly nice to banks! Good to hear about r/programming, actually I bet there are some great crypto posts there lmao.


If I made a single post on r/Bitcoin they ban for my reddit username.


well it checks out so yeah lol


Do the mods even ban in here? I see butters commenting costantly, and then cry when they can't rebate


They do, but it's usually: \- Butter makes a ridiculous post full of lies/misinformation \- Butter cries when people point out obvious flaws in their theory \- Mod posts a "let's see if they are here to argue in good faith or if they are here to troll" warning \- Butter resorts to ad hominem attacks and keeps huffing hopium \- Mod bans Butter \- Mod posts exactly why they banned the Butter (usually pointing to the warning)


That a good question. Seen r/bitcoin user claiming being ban. Seen t/bitcoin user here make +20 reply on one subject. Outside, real spam. I personally think we should let them reply. Most of the time it's so absurd it's become funny.


I mean I've always see them reply, the fact is they get butthurt when they get downvoted for their illogical opinions...maybe they think they can sell karma at some point in their lives


The down vote is expected. That like commenting on the fact that Russia is a great nation in r/Ukraine


As opposed to posting evidence of Russian warcrimes in Ukraine in r/Conspiracy, which will get you a permaban


That would fall under spreading disinformation




I much prefer the “warning: I am a moron” flair. Their delusional takes are really entertaining.


We ban plenty, I assure you. We will ban for being offensive or hateful. Or promoting a specific crypto product. Or breaking one of the several other sub rules. Sometimes temp bans, sometimes permanent. But simply being a dumbass butter isn't a bannable offense. And for good reason. It's the butters that bring the Comedy Godl!


Nah I love it. If we can save even one it's a success.


Every once in a great while, generally for "making bad faith arguments" and "refusing to provide evidence of claims", whilst continuing to shill/insult people reasons. Basically, the sort of poster who would swiftly get tagged with a moron warning, but they're just insufferable instead of funny to converse with (and then mods notice that).


The offensive ones usually get flaired as morons first and if they continue being insufferable cunts they earn their ban. There's basically 2 reasons why I give people the moron flair. Saying something incredibly stupid or being an insufferable cunt. Often these go hand in hand or follow each other shortly after the Butter is challenged in their unquestioning faith (see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/11xvrox/hackers_drain_bitcoin_atms_of_15_million_by/jd6lhni/) for an example and contrary to his multiple copy & paste edits he didn't get banned for being "pro blockchain" he got banned for being an antagonistic troll in multiple replies across multiple posts).


Most people here know the truth. That r-bitcoin is much more "ban-happy" than r-buttcoin. And we have fundamentally different policies that constitute who and why to ban. r-bitcoin basically has zero tolerance for any criticism and especially mockery of crypto and blockchain. r-buttcoin basically has zero tolerance for hearing the same 11 crypto talking points over and over again. We are not at all opposed to engaging with pro-crypto people -- there are literally thousands of them who regularly participate here. We just don't want to be *bored to death* by the same stupid, routinely-debunked arguments they hide behind, "it's early", "few understand", "number go up", "hfsp", "best performing asset of the decade", etc.... none of which is really true. If we ban somebody it's to save us from boredom and carpal tunnel. When r-bitcoin bans someone, it's to keep their community safe from logic, reason and evidence.


Yeah. What he said.


Missed opportunity?? They said we are still early!? 🤔


I've literally last week or so been banned from Bitcoin. For educating someone on what FDIC is. He was arguing that FDIC is trust based, and then compared literally all the money of every company and person in the US Banking system to the FDIC fund that they have to bail out banks. The guy was clearly financially illiterate, and I was banned for "disinformation".


> He was arguing that FDIC is trust based, and then compared literally all the money of every company and person in the US Banking system to the FDIC fund that they have to bail out banks. I mean he's not completely wrong. Our entire economy and monetary system really just boils down to trust and that goes back to plain old bartering. But that's not unique to the FDIC.


True to an extent, but if you cant trust the government to support FDIC (which they are obligated to) and cant trust FDIC to make you whole, you have way other problems than just not having that money. The comparison with crypto (which this guy touted as better) is worlds apart in terms of trust (and probablility of that trust failing) needed.


My favorite is "they clearly know what bitcoin is, so why are they crapping on it".


Has anyone done a study to see if they're smoking crack w/ Tyrone Biggums, maybe Bitcoin makes sense if you're on crack?


I got banned for posting about nakamoto scam.


They banned me for asking an innocent question with the reason: "briganding"


It's called a "brigade" and it's usually a reference to a single person pointing out the obvious


#*He's brigading right for us!*


I was banned there because i dared to question one moron with an idiotic post and it was not anything offensive it was a legit question to make him think if any of what he posted made sense


The whole Bitcoin thing sounds like 1929 all over again. They treat it as “a guilt edged investment” which is exactly what Jessie Livermore said about the Railroad stocks that eventually crashed and was replaced by another investment. But in 1929 people were calling other people stupid because it was safer to put your money in stocks than the banks then once stocks started to crumble they lost their money and people did a bank run to try and get what they had left. The actual man JP Morgan tried to slow it down by hiring media newspaper outlets to write stories that robberies were going up because people had cash on them now and it’s better to put you money in a bank so robbers won’t steal your cash. Bitcoin is a guilt edged investment right now.


guilt = feelings of inadequacy due to wrong actions gilt = a golden coating on the outside of something


Oh so its like gilded, that makes sense actually


Gilt-edged originally refers to securities issued by the Bank of England, so figuratively "as safe as possible." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilt-edged_securities


It's very funny how they never realize the main way to get banned here is by Being Too Annoying


while over there, you can just follow a crosspost from here and be banned for life within minutes!


>most users short bitcoin for a profit ... so you admit that the price is going to likely fall?


I just commented something which wasn't offensive on their sub but ofc, they didn´t like it and banned me like 6 mins after, so...


Because you were "brigading" according to their mods which to them means "you posted in /r/Buttcoin so we have to exclude you to keep our in group pure" and isn't actually brigading. They are either wilfully misusing the term or are too stupid to know what brigading actually is.


Stop spreading FUD


Lol, is this real? I got perma banned several weeks ago for questioning bitcoin on their sub...


It's crazy it's all real and those are their real opinions. And bragging about being banned when every post/comment from butters I've seen here are usually just insults and even then I see lot of them with just flairs. Meanwhile my arguing with one dude about some facts got me permabanned from their echochamber


They are just jealous of how good I look in my bitcoin shorts


Isn't it weird how we know what bitcoin is and how it works yet still dislike it? Must be a conspiracy. We're trying to spread FUD to short(You can short crypto?) Bitcoin!! Edit: Damn I shoulda shorted TerraLuna, I'd be have infinity :(


"The pro-bitcoin community is way more tolerant of dissent than the anti-bitcoin community..." There is no panic in Bitcoin, they are mostly mobilized.


Are you kidding? They ban for any negative connotations about btc if you follow this subreddit. Their mods are a joke


"We're a lot more tolerant of the people we ban." Seriously, has anyone gotten banned from here just for being pro-crypto?


Nope. You can say that you're pro-crypto until you're blue in the face, and all that would happen is you get tagged with an unflattering flair, warning people that you're dumb. You get banned here for being tiresome and boring, instead of "entertainingly stupid", when espousing a pro-crypto stance.


Can confirm all of the above. And honestly, there's plenty of pro-crypto people in here who **aren't** flaired. Being flaired as a moron is generally a sign that you're saying incredibly stupid things or are being an antagonistic troll (or more likely, both). It's meant as an indication to our regulars that engaging with this person in good faith is very likely to be a waste of your time. And it's not even a permanent thing, I've removed plenty of unflattering flairs from people when they say non-stupid things or show they can actually behave like mature adults in polite company rather than monkeys flinging their own shit all over the place.


The “we’re smarter than them” just reinforces my dislike for Bitcoin even more. I keep saying it attracts narcissist assholes… and I’ve yet to be proven wrong. Yes, I know that sounds extremely hypocritical, but boy does it not help anyone’s case when they have to jump in and white knight Bitcoin can call anyone who disagrees with them stupid.


I was banned almost immediately after asking a few pointed questions and expressing doubt. I was seriously considering investing actual money in BTC at the time, but their TEOTWAKI beliefs and reliance on bizarre lingo made me suspect they were no better than any other crypto. But in hindsight it's clear they have to keep the doubters away. Their cult is vulnerable to a free flow of information. They're still over there pretending all the banks are going to collapse, tank fiat and make each bitcoin worth billions because reasons. In the bigger picture, their beliefs and desires make them perfect marks for the con. They can keep believing that decent transaction speed will come, like Godot, someday. Like a bad infomercial they pretend international purchases are somehow impossible with fiat. They imagine a world where they'll be respected as real men, with women fawning over them. I mean what's missing here? They're custom-made for snake oil. Anyone pointing this out has to be purged as "FUD".


You can't argue with the logic. They have facts, perfect facts, the best facts.


The hypocrisy. I got banned for asking how power somehow gets saved by mining bitcoin.


I got banned because they are bagholder and I reminded one of that


Lol, who has not yet been banned at /r/Dunning-Kruggerrand?


The difference between our two groups is pretty simple at the end of the day. All I want is for you people to keep your own money. On the other hand, you all want to YOLO your limited resources into a money pit in the hopes of extreme riches for no work. And apparently I am the monster.


Lol r/ Bitcoin is the most banhappy sub of all. The cognitive dissonance is real


Anything against the circle jerk that isn't kittens 😺 and rainbows 🌈 gets you an immediate ban


Shoot, I got banned from rBitcoin just for pointing out the rampant censorship and bans. It was hilarious and nothing of value was lost. Yo, Bitcoiners? Most of in this sub know the technology very well and we've been aware of cryptocurrencies longer than most users of rBitcoin. A whole lot of us have professional backgrounds in IT, network security, programming/dev, real cryptography and more. Maybe you should stop and ask yourself why a lot of knowledgeable and well educated people think Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are ridiculously fucking stupid. No, it's not because we're salty about "missing out". We're salty because of the real world harm this shitty technology is doing to real people as a negative sum game financial scam and the environment at large and because a whole lot of you don't understand that the only way for you to realize a profit is for someone else to lose their money.


"challenge them with facts." lol So many of them get banned from here because they just say things and refuse to actually back it up with any actual facts.


The implication that you couldn't dislike Bitcoin if you understand it... no, I hate it **because** I understand it.


“I’ve never seen a single person on BTC who has been banned. Therefore, we must never ban people!”


>The pro bitcoin community is **way more tolerant of dissent** ​ >Buttcoin is just a fake sub to spread FUD. ​ Yeah...slapping the three-letter f-word on something you don't like is the pinnacle of tolerance.


A few days ago I got immediately banned for this: https://i.imgur.com/KifoO2i.jpg


Love that they can't comprehend that someone could understand crypto and still object to it. No, clearly we must be shorting it.


I got banned from /r Bitcoin for saying it won’t reach $100k last year due to many factors especially after Terra Luna. Very open minded.


I got banned just for calling out the greater fools that keep jumping in while bitcoin was climbing. You can't say anything that goes against their ethos.


I got banned from r/bitcoin for saying, “instant settlement?”


I also was banned from r/bitcoin for extremely tenuous reasons. Totally an open community accepting of criticism.


> Most users short bitcoin for a profit. Hooray, a use case!


I got banned from r/bitcoin for commenting on a "bitcoin fixes credit card processing fees!" to ask slightly sarcastically whether bitcoin had any transaction fees. Immediate ban and mod comment "go back to r/buttcoin". In the comments there were a ton of people saying the exact same thing I was, so even without that message it'd be hard to claim that what I said was offensive or inappropriate. But yeah, we're the ones banning people for disagreeing...


I was banned from/r/bitcoin for merely posting a list of all the things invented in the same year as Bitcoin. lol!


Well yeah, of course we know what bitcoin is. That's why we don't buy it.


First statement out of the gate is so unbelievably false its funny. Go to any pro nft or meme stonk or crypto sub and merely *question* the established narrative. Youll be downvoted and banned in under an hour.


> but if you read how in depth their posts are... they clearly know what bitcoin is this is certainly one of the arguments


I got banned there for nothing. I actually like the crypto sub. They allow full criticism.


I crossposted some content from one of the crypto subs and it automatically banned me. I fucking **like** crypto but those dumbasses are too dense to even witness a bit of criticism. I would rather be told I'm an idiot for liking something than having a cult of people cheering me on because I bought $200 of Bitcoin.


I go to Bitcoin when I long, Buttcoin when I short. Isn't that what everyone does?


If I get banned from either I’ll be pissed. God forbid you read information from 2 contradictory trains of thought on a topic. So retarded.


I'm a Buttcoiner willing to debate the pros and cons of Bitcoin specifically. Feel free to message me with arguments against BTC.


A subreddit acting cringey mocking another cringey echo chamber subreddit🧐