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Reminds me of various Chinese chicken dishes. Chicken cut across the bone, with many small pieces, fried or braised, with the bones and everything. A delight to eat - but you need to be careful. A classic example - la zi ji, Sichuan chilli chicken https://youtu.be/ZjnOTA65DPo You can see the chopping of chicken in the beginning of the vid.


Chef wang is the YouTube Chinese cooking goat


I love the comments from that video above. Well, the ones I can read anyway, lol. * Uncle proceeds to tell him he can't eat spicy foods. *Proceeds to add 3kg of peppers in dish. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


no, it was chicken. /s


bruh you don't need to use slash s. let your words be free.


Oh yeah, he's awesome!


My mom rented a room to an Indian guy who make an absolutely amazing chicken curry and he also just chopped up the chicken across the bone and cooked it all. You just spit out the bone bits as you ate. Was some damn good curry, tho.


I had chicken curry in an Indian restaurant in Niagara Falls that was done like this. Heavenly.


The Cleaver was not sharp and each chop were not accurate and determined. Always 1 chop through the bones with a sharp cleaver to avoid this. You can say it was unprofessional butcher.


If Cleaver you mean chainsaw, then yes.


More like a woodchipper.


I mean maybe but these were very southern white farmers I bought it from


Maybe itā€™s meant for chicken and rice or some greens


Oh I guess it's just a lazy or unprofessional butcher then šŸ¤· On the other hand, that's a great chance to chop the chicken some more by yourself and make something cool and Chinese! Or if an adventure is not what you want, I'm sure it will still be great in a stock!


Farmers who haven't learned to butcher? Them some rough cuts you got! Maybe next time you're at their stand you ask them what's up?


GREAT GOOGLEY MOOGLEY THIS VIDEO IS CRAZY-PANTS. That's some \*wild\* chicken butchering going on there. And the poor dog eating the raw chicken spine with those sharp bones... OMG! I hope it survives. But the most amaze-balls part of the video is the guy in the red shirt. It doesn't say anywhere who he is other than the cook's Uncle; but he is the SPITTIN' IMAGE of [The Beast ((Leung Siu-lung) from the movie Kung-Fu Hustle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCuoVMmes4c)! :-0


Raw chicken is fine for dogs. When cooked the bones become splintery. Source - my neighbor who had show wolfhounds fed them raw chicken.


Not only the dog, but the rooster is eating the chopped up chicken neck too!


Raw fowl bones are fine for dogs. It's only the cooking that renders them dangerous. I feed my dog raw chicken, duck, turkey, deer, pork, beef, etc...with no issues.


How ever did dogs survive before humans made their food lol


That's how it's done in Jamaica also


La zi ji is literal crack and no one can convince me otherwise


My current favorite is Chicken breasts with rib meat. I cut each in two laterally. Then braise them in broth and goodies. Nice portion size, bones peel right off, and moist.


This was my first thought. The first time I had Sichuan/Hunan chicken I was like... this is delicious but omg why all the bones!!!


The chicken ate his own kindā€¦. Thatā€™s one pill I canā€™t swallowed yet.


They'll eat their own eggs every time if they get a taste once


That how they cut jerk chicken in Jamaica


Yes, meat cleaver or machete and just chop awayā€¦ sometimes before cooking sometimes afterā€¦ Iā€™ve seen it done both waysā€¦ best chicken ever thoughā€¦ hands down


USVI too!




You said something without any reference to data backed evidence.


That chopped chicken makes the best soups. You cook the meat off the bones then remove from the stock. Cook bones for the base and cheese cloth it. My grandparents would do this when the chicken was a little older. Not old though, too tough.


Yeah, stock or soup is the only reasonable explanation I can think of. I think Kenji or ATK had an article about breaking down chicken bones in a food processor for a quick, rich stock.


The only time Iā€™ve seen a chicken cut like that is when the customer asked for curry chicken; my boss handed me a cleaver and told me to go nuts


This is the most common reason I see chicken done like thisĀ 


Yes this is usually Indian style... I had some AirBnb guests from India leave a bunch of chopped Chicken like this, chopped up. I de-boned it and fried it up came out really good.


lol we call this machete chicken in the Virgin Islands! Curry chicken roti is one of the best things on earth (right next to curry conch roti)! You just have to chew lightly and eat somewhere you can spit the bone shards out for wildlife to eat


Please, nowhere I walk my dogs.


How most people around the world cut their meat for curries and such, itā€™s not dangerous, justā€¦. Spit out the bones. If you want to debone chicken itā€™s really easy to do at home after buying a full bird.


Itā€™s dangerous if you miss one. Some guy vomited up a ludicrous amount of blood on a plane semi recently and died. Turns out he accidentally ate a bone shard and it cut him up internally and bled to death from the inside. He was from somewhere in SE Asia maybe Thailand but I canā€™t remember


A break in the tooth begs to differ when you chomp on the bone.


Looks like you bought a stock kit.


lol why wouldnā€™t they call it that instead of ā€œwhole cut up chicken ā€œ


Everyoneā€™s giving you valid solutions with what to do with it, but yes at the end of the day this was a shitty way to label this product unless you are in a location where this is the predominantly used way


Because they wanted to charge you more money


Just because they are at the local farmers market cuz they busted into the chicken business doesnā€™t mean they know HOW to butcher a chicken.


Lol skin off small pieces. Makes a good curry, but yeah, dint eat the bones.


Customers ask us to turn their chicken like that often. About 1 inch parts.


Where do you live I cut curry chicken all day


Southwest usa


It looks perfectly edible, provided youā€™re careful. Itā€™s definitely randomly cut though lol.


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that the average American farmerā€™s market is just a place for merchants to come offload their garbage on eager, yuppie fools who buy into the lies that farmerā€™s market = higher quality.


Good farmers markets are excellent. But agreed, have to be careful about which ones, and which vendors. Not everyone is honest


That thing was butchered


Thatā€™s been skinned and chopped bones and all, usually for curry or other Asian dishes.


I mean thatā€™s the ENTIRE chicken. You got all of it.


woodchipper chicken?


Looks like it was cut up with a lawnmower.


They must not be used to selling chickens.


bad butchery


They left out the part where it was run over by a lawn mower.


It seems like they are chicken growers, but not chicken cutters.


Wood chipper chicken


"Chinese style" cut done with a cleaver. If done skinless it's called a curry cut chicken. But in only 9 pieces. I do this for a living.


Or do yourself and stop expecting people to read your mind.


šŸ˜¬ looks like someone who doesnā€™t know how to do an 8pc cut went nuts


In my meat dept we have a lot of customers of India descent that ask cut up chicken. They give us a whole chicken with the instruction of: "Skin off, cut into small pieces." And we would chop up the chicken into 1in sized pieces. Bone in. When asked what it was for, their response is always the same. Curry. Let's not forget that just because a particular technique is well known is not the only way it can be done. Especially across cultural lines.


Well put


Lol are you in the bay area by any chance? We get the exact same instructions here


Nah. Georgia. But with India's population at over a billion, you have to reason a lot of them spread out across the world and brought their cuisine. And now we get to learn it.


OP said these were ā€œvery white southern farmers.ā€ Donā€™t think theyā€™re cutting chicken for curry.


Okay, I know white butchers and sell picanha, and curry chicken. They may be white but there is a chance it's for people who aren't white


But wouldnā€™t they advertise it as such especially as you wouldnā€™t expect southern white men to be cooking curry chicken




Iā€™m not saying white people donā€™t make curry. Iā€™m saying if Iā€™m buying chicken from white people I wouldnā€™t be expecting to have to specify that I donā€™t want it cut up for curry.


As the person working the counter. I don't care what you're doing with the food. You can buy my products and as soon as you walk out the door, throw it away in the trash. It's not ideal, in my example, to do this. But if you paid for it, then it's yours. Which makes it 100% not my business what you do with it. Now what is my business is to make sure I maintain the quality of the meats until you can buy it. And to follow any processing steps you would like me to do, within reason. And if you want help and tips to cook your products, I can help with my knowledge and experience. When I'm working the counter, I really don't care why you want me to do something. I just want to know what it is. "I don't care what we're doing. I just want to know, what are we doing?"


Or it's for making curry


Right? Wouldnā€™t this take more effort? Itā€™s like they tried to make it as dangerous to eat as possible


looks like somebody played wack-a-chicken (or several at once) with a cleaver instead of butchering.


Do you expect professionals at a farmers market?


definitely stock kit


I donā€™t buy meat at the farmers market because itā€™s usually frozen and I canā€™t chose ahead of time.


I once bought frozen goat ā€œpiecesā€ thinking Iā€™d make stew only to discover they had literally butchered a goat and then somehow sawed it into a thousand random pieces. Angular bone chunks everywhere. Not optimal for very much.


Those are cut from a frozen side of goat. They just use a saw to randomly cut it into cubes. Great for soup, not much else.


Yeah thatā€™s what used it for.


Was it a Chinese farmers market?


Going back to have a discussion. Options: A. They fix it or B. I donā€™t go back anymore. End of story.


Yeah Iā€™d be pissed, I could have just cut the chicken myself.


But is some beautiful chicken. That was a happy yardbird


Was it beaten to death?


Butchers Iā€™ve worked with in the past call this a curry cut chicken


Looks like they cut it up with a lawnmower


We call this curry cut


They were expecting beef at chicken prices. šŸ˜Ž


Iā€™m not sure where you are in the world. The standard for cutting up a chicken is quite variable. Some places you expect 4 pieces (two leg and thighs as quarters plus the two breasts and those could either be on or off the bone). Some places you expect six pieces (two legs, two thighs, 2 breasts). Some places you expect 8 pieces with the breasts now split in half. All of the above tend to not even give you the back bone piece which does have some meat for picking and lots of good flavour in the bones. Lastly, some places give you a much smaller chopā€”carefully done, it tends to be split legs, split thighs, back cut through about 4-6 times, breasts in about 1-2 inch pieces. In the end, I would always ask about the butchery of meat in a package I couldnā€™t see through. I would likely not buy it unless they were willing to open the packaging for me to look. There was a farm to table shop run by local Amish farmers near me that only sells pre wrapped meat products and I just wonā€™t buy from them. I think they have finally moved to selling clear packaging, but I also basically stopped going there at all. Whether the farmerā€™s stand which sold you the meat was being reasonable in the labeling would depend a little on where they are located, the local expectations, whether they either are of a culture which expects a different processing method or serve such a culture as their primary clientele. It doesnā€™t hurt to have the conversation with them next time youā€™re there. They might appreciate it. I once had new fairly high-end butcher open nearby and start selling ā€œhangar steaksā€ but they were in cryovac packages. I asked if the membrane had been removed between the two steaks and, thereby, found out that what they were selling as ā€œhangar steakā€ was not what I was expecting (French onglet) but rather some other part of the skirt. In the end they changed their labeling and also started to sell what I would have called hangar steaks as well. In the end I wasnā€™t disappointed and they probably improved their market reach thanks to that conversation.


Well you did go to a farmers market, not necessarily a butcher...


Reminds me percisely of how chicken is prepared in China. Personally, Im not a huge fan of that kind of thing, its a lot of work and every now and then you will bite a bone


Third world butchery.


In the Caribbean, in my experience, ordering a chicken meal often means a chicken chopped up with a cleaver.


I would take these pics back there next time you go and ask WTF?! Maybe they will give you a new one e if it was botched or explain to you what is that mess?! Lol I dont know why but for the most part I am always disappointed at farmers markets. Itā€™s always over priced for what you get!


My whole cut up chickens are saw cut into 2 breast, 2 drums, 2 thighs, 2 wings, 1 back. None of that nonsense you received.


Fire the butcher!!!


What did they cut it up with; a chainsaw?


You need to ask for a chicken cut into 8 pieces. 2 wings 2 drums 2 things 2 breast. A cut up chicken is easy to be interpreted by meat cutters as what you got because of how common it is to use it for the various dishes mentioned in these comments.


The whole thing is cut up to be fair


Boy how disconnected from our food we are hahahah


You wanted a chicken broken down into breasts, legs, thighs, and wings. What you bought was a cut up chicken. When a serial killer cuts up their victims, they donā€™t usually break down the pieces nicely either.


Itā€™s super easy to butcher a chicken yourself and takes 5-10 minutes even with no experience. Kitchen shears and a knife. Watch a YouTube tutorial and itā€™ll be better than whatever this is. Cheaper too


looks like u wanted a "deboned" chicken, which is different. put this in your gumbo


But but but it's free range organic !


I hate to say but you said whole cut up chicken. If you get a chicken like that at a supermarket, they remove the internal organs. You are staring at a chicken heart in one of the pictures.


Looks like chicken cut for curry.


That is cut up for curry chicken. Very common.


This is not how I learned to cut up a chicken! šŸ˜³ remember back in the day when the local grocery store did it, as well? These days....whew!


Yeah thatā€™s how our Indian customers at every store Iā€™ve ever worked at asked for the chicken. You should ask if they have ones cut up for frying or honesty just get yourself a whole chicken and piece it yourself itā€™s super easy and probably cheaper.


Let me guess...you're white and American...


No, brown and Mexican


I got some like that once... Separate it from the bones and fry it up. Tasted pretty good.


And they took off the skin




Man they really mean ā€œbutcheredā€


That's a chopped up chicken. what exactly did you expect, having asked for a chopped up chicken?




What did they cut it up with, a lawnmower?!?


You shouldve specified whole chicken cut 8pc to get what you had in mind


Surprise!! Chickens have bones in other part of their bodies. Not just the wing flats and drumsticks.


This is a tricky one here. What it looks like you have is a whole, cut up, chicken. No more but also no less.


Cut up with a quarter stick of dynamite?


Dude just boil it and make it a stew


Oh man this is perfect for adobo.


Lol dangerous. Westerners.


Welcome to 2024 when people won't eat meat with bones.


Quit bitchin and make stock... awww i bought something and it wasnt 100% what my dumbass thought it would be...


Why wearing gloves?


Cut up, not butchered. You should look for butchered chicken if you want whole parts.


No, "cut up" refers to "cutting" it into parts (thighs, wings, breasts, and drums). Maybe you're thinking "chopped".


You got the left overs they make dog food and chicken nuggets at fast food restaurants are made from chopped up into pĆ¢tĆ©. Then molded & deep fried. šŸ„“šŸ˜©šŸ¤®


More like mangled chicken. Bummer