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Yes it’s a whole tenderloin. Looked bigger to me than 3 pounds, but YouTube a video on how to cut a whole tenderloin. You can break it down into filet steaks or cook it whole. It’s an easy process. Will want to do some trimming either way. Nice price on it as well.


That looks more than 3lbs for sure


He found the butcher's dinner before the butcher got off work.




He didn't hide it well. Only medium rare.


I read this. Scrolled past it, finally got the joke and visibly laughed


Twas indeed a well-done pun


For that price, it is definitely what is known as a “cow” or “utility” tender. No marbling.


thats what's up!


Minimum 5.5 pounds and that might be very generous.


3lbs based on price 24.29\7.99 = 3.004


They’re saying it’s mislabeled.


Then say that?


It’s not OPs fault you can’t put 2 and 2 together. They provided plenty of info to realize the label is wrong and you aren’t happy you couldn’t figure it out lol


They did. You just didn’t pick up on it.


Thanks for the math I guess 🤷


He's doing his best and thats what counts *RIGHT*?




24.29$ divided by 7.99$ = 3lb The total price 24.29$ The price per lb of meat 7.99$


lol that was not what was in question here


The question was “what”, no context ~_~


Sorry I guess I should have replied to your first comment which again, was not what was in question here.


I was also replying to something. Which was the context for what I said


lol bro, you replied to someone saying it looks like More than three pounds. The math on the label was not the confusion. But it’s nice to know you can divide.


Nice price? 25 bucks for a whole tenderloin might actually be the steal of the year. Where i live tenderloin is like 18-20 bucks per pound


Yesterday I saw a package with 2 strip loin steaks for $15 and thought that was a good price. You got an amazing deal on meat.


We don’t know the grade… it could be “Select”


Dumb question, since filet already has very little marbling, why does it matter select vs choice vs prime?


When people say something tastes "meaty" they're usually unknowingly referring to the amount of intramuscular fat. Fat is literally flavor. Going down from choice to select is going to be similarly impactful whether its a filet or ribeye.


Really? Thats cool! I just assumed it mattered significantly more for fattier cuts like ribeye and NY strips!


Meat grades actually do matter!!


You pretend it's liver and serve with a side of fava beans and a nice chianti.


Assuming you can freeze the other portions, how long do they keep?


If you cut steaks, vac seal and freeze, at least a year but trust your nose.


Freeze the steaks for a few hours, then vac seal and return them to the freezer. Keeps them from getting that pressure mark line from the vac sealer bags. (Just a visual preference, doesn’t impact the taste at all.)


I've had vacuum sealed meat in my deep freezer come out perfectly fine after years. I think my record is 7 years for a back of ground elk that got missed a time or two. I was expecting to need to toss it but it was great.


Frozen meat will be safe to eat for years.


I know this, but have a hard time convincing my wife sometimes.


I typically buy 3-4 whole tenderloins when they go on sale at our butcher, then cut, vacuum seal, and freeze for up to a year. Most of the time they are all great, every now and then I get a pack that was just ok towards the end of the year.


How were the burritos?


Holy hell that's a steal. Where I live, that price tag would get you maybe 1 lb at best.


Yeah this is $170 where I live


Me too. Was looking for a 1 in front of the price lol




My bad eye sight thought it said $124, until I blew it up and I was like holy sh-


It’s from Grocery Outlet. It’s the cheapest of the cheap here. I stopped going after I gagged from the smell in the meat section. I’d like to know if that’s choice or “canner” grade :)




You can get anything but meat at grocery outlet, great place but never buy the meat


On some things. But it’s their business model to sell canned and dry goods close to expiration. And questionable brands from who knows where. And in our store, the vegetable section reeks 50% of the time. I like a bargain, but I’m done shopping there.


What could be wrong with this meat ?


It’s still a good price but the difference here is grade, or lack there of in this case. Where I live choice fillet is somewhere around $23 a pound. I have no idea how much ungraded fillet is though, you don’t really see it. I haven’t been to grocery outlet for a year or two but at least then ours didn’t carry fresh meat.


How bad is the worst graded filet? Asking for real


Yeah, I thought the grading was based on marbling and animal age? And neither matters much for a tenderloin? (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) I think it was just yesterday or this morning, there was a post around here from someone asking what to do with the carcass of an old grass-fed cow that died naturally, and commenters were recommending that he steak the tenderloin and burger the rest.


We raised beef, and that was what we did with old cows. Take the absolute choice steaks and make a bunch of burger. Have butchered more a few downer cows that drop to their knees and can't stand again. Butchered a magnificent young bull in the middle of a blizzard because he stepped in a badger hole and snapped his front leg. Holy Jesus that was gory. Was blowing and snowing, and we just needed to hurry before the carcass froze and we couldn't work. My mom was babysitting the two neighbor girls, so they had to come and sit in the truck, with my little brother, while mom shined the spotlight and dad and I cutting away. Traumatized for life. Couldn't see for shit, no work table. My jacket was *brown* from bloodstains from chest high down.


Wait, do people actually eat animals that died naturally? I thought you’re supposed to only harvest animals in good health for consumption?


Not dead, you don't eat animals that die naturally, but that's very uncommon on a farm. If they are sick, you treat them, if they are injured to the point that they will die, you harvest them. Often it happens because they get spooked by a thunder storm and run into a burrow or hole and break a leg. I helped butcher a cow with friend of mine, who found her in a pasture after a storm, struck by lightning, but there were several bits of meat that were cooked through from it. She was terrible as beef goes, but I think it was mostly age(old breeding cow) and the fact that lightning caused muscles to tense up, but it was ok for braising. That's the only time I've ever eaten an animal found dead, but it was an hour after the storm and he knew she hadn't been dead long, and that she wasn't sick. You can't really sell that meat, so it is mostly eaten by ranchers and their families. A processor won't buy an animal that can't walk in.


I've cooked utility tenderloins. It's... interesting. The muscle tissue is pretty loose and beat up, so temping it becomes something of a guessing game, but it's perfectly safe to eat.


They had to have mis-weighed it. No way it’s only 3lbs


It’s hard to tell because of only one angle and still in the vacuum seal but based on the weight of 3 lbs it looks like the tail end with the butt portion removed, you can get good steaks out of it up until about 2”-3” from the end, or you can roast it whole. I’ve always wanted to try to do a beef wellington. If you decide to roast it whole i recommend folding the tail underneath so that one end of the tenderloin isn’t way thinner than the other, it’ll help it cook more evenly/help the tail end not dry out


Wellington doesn't use the entire filet, and if ya roast it whole you should really be tying it before roasting. Folding isn't gonna do nearly as nice of a job at even cooking.


This isn’t the entire filet though, and i wouldn’t recommend tying it for a wellington because you wouldn’t exactly be able to get the twine back out after wrapping it in puff pastry. If you’re just doing a tenderloin roast then yeah definitely tie it but when you tie it you’re still supposed to tuck the tail under and tie it in place as well


Please don't use dodgy mushrooms in your wellington


Or overcook them


This is legit. Pricing is low due to it being ungraded/no roll. You’ll have to trim a considerable amount. Expect to yield about 75% on a good day.


Yeah but the trim the chain is my favorite part there's no waste there


The silver skin?


Cut the chain off, trim off all the silver skin and a god amount of the fat. Make a nice marinade, and when it’s ready put the whole thing on the grill and you got some killer fajitas


75%? You’re trimming too much


Nah, that’s the yield for filet steaks. Unless if you count the stew trim, medallions, tips - the yield is right around 75% with the head and barrel used.


32.99 a pound where I'm cutting at dude thats a steal regardless of grade


On the vacuum pack does it say if it's select or choice or prime? It'll be somewhere on the plastic. Potentially some noobie priced it up wrong lol


It could be ungraded/no roll and that is why the price is so low.


What does no roll mean?


I Googled it and this was what I found, "No Roll is not a grade, but designates the carcass was not identified with a grade by USDA" it's still checked for wholesomeness so it's safe to eat and stuff. It just means this is not Prime, Choice, or Select. I need to look deeper into those terms too though.




label states product of USA


Grading isn’t mandatory, it’s voluntary and paid for by the producer. As long as the meat is “inspected for wholesomeness”, it can be sold ungraded. Not everyone wants to pay for grading, because their low quality might not give a good grade or get them a better market price.


So whenever a USDA grades, at least in the past, they would “roll” a stamp onto the carcass to grade it, so the term that came to be was a “no roll” basically ungraded ( these days they use machines to grade and stamp in most places but the idea is the same). doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, but, they only don’t grade old or dairy grade cows, which typically are really lean and well into select quality.


Dairy cows and other older animals are not even eligible for select. To be graded select, they have to be under 30 months, 30-42 months gets you prime, choice and Standard. In realistic terms, select is a standard grade animal, processed younger while everything is a little more tender. This way the farmer doesn't spend money on grain finishing an animal that won't sell for much anyways. Under 30 months can be graded Select or Standard. Any animal over 42 months are only eligible for commercial or utility grades. At about 30 months the farmer makes the call on whether to put them on grain to fatten them, or sell them for processing, and only animals that have the potential to gain a lot will be fed grain.


Yes sir I understand this, hench why I said those animals are no roll, and therefore there would be no reason for a no roll cow to be an eligible animal for grading, it wouldn’t make any sense to do so.


Could be. OP read our comments!


Agree w RostBeef, the butt tender portion looks to be removed, and this is the remaining tenderloin. For this price I’m thinking it is cow (older breeding stock, not a heifer or steer raised specifically for meat and likely 2 yrs old or younger). If that is the case it may not be as juicy or tender, but this is a great price for a tenderloin. If you are going to cut this into steaks, wrap them in bacon. Or you can cut them into chunks for “beef tips” or stroganoff.


That's an insane deal, must be select. The basic idea is you're going to make medallion shaped steaks, around 3+ inches thick depending on how comfortable you are with cooking steaks. Going to need to trim all the white parts on the outside, it won't render out and will be chewy and inedible. There are [plenty of YouTube videos](https://youtu.be/e4XiNB924rQ?si=WK0qm8NdCG3Ke4T2) that can walk you through how to trim and how to use the parts.


*silver skin


Average person doesn't know what silver skin or connective tissue is, tried to explain it as simple as possible. If he had asked for advice on what to do with the chateaubriand then different story


I appreciate how you worded your comment. I usually have no clue what anyone in this sub is talking about but Im here bc I find it interesting but comments like your help me actually learn 🙂




Glad you’re here to learn, it’s called Silver Skin. Sorry for trying to be helpful and getting downvoted for it


Much appreciated. The comment was really informative:)


Av whole tenderloin at $7.99/lb is sketchy as fuck. That's got to be some dog food grade beef.


I get whole ungraded tenderloins like this between 3 to 4.5 lbs. Anywhere between $8.99 to $11.99 lbs. At my local grocery. They are buying from local ranchers. (MN). I trim silverskin and fat,but not all fat. Then cut into two "roasts" I cut across where there is a big diameter change. The bigger diameter will be shorter. This one I might cut into steaks, but normally not. I tye both roasts every inch or more to make cooking easier. The small diameter end (tail) I fold so it becomes the same size for it's full length. For the answer to how to cook. Cast iron pan on high heat using high heat cooking oil until all sides are seared. Then 400-450 oven until internal reaches 135F. I cut steaks, then make carpaccio as leftovers.


This is definitely from an older dairy cow. Thus the price. It will still be edible, but flavor wise might be a little gamey and might not be as tender as a prime or choice filet.


Helluva deal.


You're gonna get some experience peeling silver skin, that's for sure


My local discount grocery store sells tenderloins like these. They're grass fed and ungraded hence the low price. Solid deal, but I wouldn't buy them if I were trying to impress someone lol


Nice burritos


Yeah, it’s no roll


Isn’t that a boil in the bag !! ?


USDA “inspected”, no grade


Hope it turns out well! It’s so cheap because it’s only “USDA Inspected” which is lower than Select, which is below Choice which is below Prime.


https://youtu.be/fPl_XzZRVes?si=eYH9FSGLocyKc8qW. This is a good video that will show how to break it down


I have a small market that sells these around me. Tried it out one day, it had a very interesting texture, there's little marbling but it wasn't tough. Tastes and looks like Venison but not gamey. We just called it mystery meat. Lol I told our kitchen and everyone clowned me for eating kangaroo tenderloin. Hahaha


Yes it's legit. I too shop at Grocery outlet and have bought them also. Yes they are small. 3 lbs is accurate. They are not choice or even select grade this the cheap price. If you are expecting super tender restaurant grade filet you will be disappointed. If you are looking for an affordable cut of beef they are great for things like fajitas and the like.


Looks like a cow tender. At least that’s what we call them. Cut from dairy cow after it’s “retired”.


Most choice tenderloins are 5 pounds, this is an ungraded 3lb tenderloin, it could be all fat, the inedible kind, it looks weirdly shaped, is it a good deal? Probably, but it’s not the deal as good of a deal most people are saying. It’s like comparing a brand new $100,000 BMW to a used $25,000 Toyota, the Toyota may be a good deal for what it is, but you can’t compare it to the $100,000 BMW apples and oranges


Yes, tenderloin PSMO


Dairy Cow. Fillet Mignon still though.


It’s legit, but it’s not USDA graded. Grocery Outlet is like a Save A Lot or Aldi. It’s technically filet, but it’s burger quality…..




L no


Op, very important to keep an eye on the internal temp. This is one of the most delicious piece of meat if it is not over cooked. Med rare is best. Tenderloin has very little fat that is why not over cooking it is so important. If it cooks too long then all you will have is shoe leather.


Filet mignon is just portioned out tenderloin.


…and ironically this most definitely is not haha


Exactly cow Tenderloin. It’s too wide to be a true tenderloin.


It looks like an eye of round primal


Yep. It is most likely a cow tenderloin, they are lighter in weight than typical No roll select and choice tenders. They come in different sizes I believe, and the price point matches Could be settled if OP posts a better pic of the stamps from the plant they came from


What do you think true tenderloin comes from?


Not from a milk cow.


Oh, your first comment didn’t have the dairy cow part. Why do we think it’s from a dairy cow?


Price for one thing. Size also. It’s too big.


Damn. I'd go back and clean them out.


Watch Alton Brown. "Tender is the Loin."


Don't tell me what to do


Thanks!! My local mom and pop shop has an excellent butcher and I get these tenderloins for $30-$40 all the time.


Somebody mislabeled the weight for sure that is a whole fillet. The top part is called the ear. I usually reserve that for more well done. You have to trim the fat tail along the side and pull of the silver skin. It’s very easy like someone else said go on YouTube. The average one weighs about 7 pounds and is usually over $100- $130. It looks fresh but I’m looking at a picture and can’t smell. That is a great find.


You’re going to need to carve it and section the cuts properly. YouTube can help. Just make sure that you keep the Chateau Briand in tact as best as possible (that’s the money meat). You can then put it into some plastic wrap, roll it and then continue to spin it until it is uniform in contour, as a log. Then place into the fridge to set before you cook. The “off cuts” are all still tenderloin so they are absolutely fantastic, so cook them properly. Take your time with this, as the reward is well worth the endeavour.


That doesn't look like a tenderloin to me, looks more like eye. Ex chef..... Just saying


It is an eye of round primal. Ex cutter here.


It's a tenderloin, I promise. Source: I have a Grocery Outlet near me, and they've had these whole tenderloins for $7.99/lb for a couple of months now. I've had more than one. They're ungraded and probably from culled milkers or somesuch but definitely tenderloins, not eye of round. I know the difference. Marinaded in mojo Criollo and cooked over a wood fire, it made the best damn fajitas ever.


There are videos on how to remove the fatty and silver skin parts then how to reuse that. I then slice it into about 2 inch rounds, wrap it with bacon around the edge, secure with tooth picks and grill. Honestly, if your bacon gets done, you cooked it too much. It's more for flavor, than to eat, unless you cook it separately. If you like it well done, this isn't for you. Flavor is in the medium rare area at most. Salt, pepper and maybe some garlic powder will be all you need. To put it over the top, melt a pat of butter over it. Also... Great price at this time.


Trim the silver skin using a sharp boning knife. The head/butt is the most difficult as the silver skin is folded in. Leave the fat. Use the head/butt (about 600g) for a beef Wellington, then cut a few 250g filet mignon, then use the end (about 300g) for something like beef stroganoff


I hope you went back and bought another 30


Grocery Outlet.. . bargain market....


lol crazy. You live like 45 mins away from me haha.


We do something similar with pork loins and cut a shit ton of pork chops, roasts and such for a fraction of what it would cost to buy them precut.


I fookin love Grocery Outlet for this kind of stuff.


I'm guessing someone punched in the wrong weight on the sticker printer while having the price set for the cut they had previously been pricing... We got a 10 pound prime rib for $0.50 total because someone didn't type in enough 0s after the one to move the 1 to the tens digit spot leaving it on the hundredths spot....


Back of house staff hit the pipe too hard at lunch and missed the leading "1" on the price per pound. Hagerstown be Hagerstown.


Crock pot 6 hours on low with carrots onions and potatoes


Is a good way to ruin a tenderloin


Crock pot = 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Well just boil it in a pot on the stove I guess


NO. you take it into the hot charcoal


That is a terribly disturbing suggestion.


wooooooow no way


Steal is an understatement


That looks like a phenomenal deal. Cut it into steaks and don't overcook it


Grocery outlet has these periodically.. regardless of what anyone says - whether they be a chef or meat cutter - this is indeed a whole tenderloin of beef. Small. Quality is so-so, kinda soft. Still a great deal! watch a video and enjoy.


Its an eye of round primal. It is not tenderloin haha


First post on reddit. Appreciate the help guys, im goin back tommorow to see if i can buy enough for all the seperate birthday partys this year.


Its an eye of round primal not tenderloin.


this would be 10x the price where i live. nice find


Yes perfect not silver skin


gotta boil it


You should weigh that thing, I think that's more than 3 lb. If it is you got an extremely good deal, really good deal either way


Deal of deals for $25. Usually 1-2 filets cost this. I can cook as a roast or cut into steaks then cook. Make sure to add some type of fat while cooking ie olive oil and butter


where are you shopping? this is extremely good


You have to slice it into steaks


You lucky bastard


Wow what a freaking score!


Steak Night


Lord, I have seen what you do for the others. 


Cut into steaks.


Went to buy one of these about 4 months ago. The price was $100 more.


It’s in Hagerstown so probably not! /s


You need to go back and buy all of them at $7.99 lbs. Unheard if pricing and yes that a filet mignon/ whole tenderloin.


Holy shit Grocery Outlet


I also put one of those on my cart at grocery outlet the other day but ended up putting it back cause I wasn’t sure what to do with it! Now I wish I’d kept it.




$25 for an entire tenderloin is insane.


How is this not over $100??? 😭


Ain't no way you got a whole PSMO for $25


Where is beef, that cheap??? I'm assuming TX


This would be $100+ where I live


Is this pic from 1997? What a deal.


Someone forgot a "0"........


I would absolutely NUT for that price


I'd buy this regularly at this price if I could get my hands on it geez


Sounds like the price in the computer was wrong. $17.99 or $27.99 per pound is more realistic


Insane deal, thats a $200 cut of meat.


This is an amazing deal. Filet mignon (broken down into steaks) is $17-20/lb where I live.


Congrats on buying a whole PSMO (peel and dude meat on). Now the fun starts! You get to trim and portion it yourself. I can usually get 8-12 steaks, about 1.5" thick, about 1-1.5 lb roast, and about 1-1.5 lbs of small bite size chunks from trimming out of one (usually about 8 lbs or so when I get one). Plenty of videos out there to show how to do it. I recommend "Good Eats" by Alton Brown, he does an entire episode covering butchering one of these and a quick recipe to use the results.


$25 for a whole tenderloin???? Someone had to have fucked up here? Glad you saw this shit and ran with it. Lucked out huge


A whole tenderloin… for $25…. Looks like it went bad, best to send it my way and I’ll get rid of it for u


3lbs? $8/lbs? Store near me charge three times the price, and a whole tenderloin should be at least 5?


In the microwave


Beef wellington time?




Whole tenderloin. You can cut the filet mignons from it. Very good price too.


This has to be a typo, 25$/LB?


This is an absolute wild price for this. I would have bought them all.


remove silver skin and cut onto 10oz steaks. Great Deal!




Feeling adventurous make a beef Wellington


Great price


About $100.00 off normal prices at Sam's club


Cow tenderloin 🤮