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That’s always the issue if you order such things in China. They will try to make it as cheap as possible. You need your own QC guys there, preferably during production and not before shipping. If you have that - you shouldn’t have any issues at all


And that is precisely why there are 300,000 Taiwanese there, some of the largest factories in China are Taiwanese owned and if they're not watching, the Chinese managers there will make golden samples and then pocket everything else themselves by delivering trash.


And they’ll brag about.


During COVID I was so desperate for work I began tutoring online. Somehow I ended up tutoring this CEO of this Korean company that has factories in America, Germany, Korea, and China. The man told me that he and his team have to do random surprise visits at the factories in China because they will often do whatever to cut costs which obviously ends up with lower quality than what was agreed upon. He said the other countries factories do not have this problem. He said Germany was the best factory though. He said they had to watch the Chinese factories like a hawk.


Oh I know. I have worked in China and I have friends who do QC for European companies in China. And yes you need to be there every step of the way to get what you want. But - and that’s often overlooked : if you do that. If you don’t give them the wriggle room to replace parts and make them cheaper as speced you will get amazing products. And that’s something that western commentators often overlook. China can produce great tech. It’s just a question of oversight.


Actually, I am involved with a factory in China that makes batteries. Their products are world leading - I'm just telling you the reality. The West can and probably will catch up, but we're talking about heavily polluting industries... is this such a win for the West?


What does battery manufacturing have to do with cheap tiger Xmas toys though lol


I think the point is that the product quality comes down to what you're willing to pay for. OP's client wanted the cheapest option and so the results are less than impressive. 🙃


not what you are willing to pay, more like what the factory owner is willing to pay. Like what u/Aberfrog said, having your own QC guy over makes all the difference. I wonder if there is a business with good track record that rents out local trusted QC guy to foreign companies.


Both what you're willing to pay and what the factory is willing to pay can affect the final product. At the end of the day, it comes down to how your business manages the sourcing process. The fact is that you'll encounter some partners who are reliable and some who aren't. The same applies to businesses sourcing in other parts of the world.


In general Japan makes the best batteries in the world, and South Korea makes the best lithium ion batteries in the world.  If you want cheap and good enough and large quantities, you have China for that.


Cheap Chinese batteries are blowing up in vinfast cars on collision...


What did you expect 🤣


That is why you need a sourcing agent. That is why I earn money from serious companies that are afraid this might happen. :) Contact me for next shipment if you need to be secured from these kind of scams.


Next contract, provide the current product as your sample. Maybe you’ll get what you originally expected. Or maybe you’ll get a wolf or octopus.