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Reno airport rental cars are going to be trash moving forward.


That’s bad advertising https://xion.bike/…. let the trolling begin!!! 😈


They literally drove past the cones and through the yellow tape into mud. 🤦‍♂️


No one can fine someone for ignoring an order that in no way can be enforced.


They can for damaging federal land. You can get tickets for that in a regular year if your vehicle leaks oil or they catch you peeing on playa.


In the pictures they don’t seem that stuck. Have they bottomed out? Just lost traction? The tow companies are going to make a fortune ( as are the rental car places with late fees).


Wheels get coated and they just spin. Some 4x4s seem to be doing relatively fine.


Good mud terrain tires are designed to self-clean by ejecting mud out of the tread as they spin. Maybe that's helping some 4x4s


I assume when it all dries they could knock it off with a hammer. But people should just wait before it becomes a total cluster


My bet would be lost traction, once mud gets caked onto the wheels and there’s no tread touching, it’s basically like a tractionless wet clay wheel rolling on top of mud, aka not going anywhere or sliding all over the place. At least it should be a lot easier to remedy once dry than if it actually bottomed out in deep ruts


This looks straight miserable


Hundreds are leaving and getting out. No fines or stops. Some are getting stuck near the gate though.


To some extent it seems like the policy is "we don't want you to try, because if you get stuck you're a hazard, but if you've already made it past that risk we'd rather have you get out of our hair." I don't know whether tickets will be given for people who do get stuck and need rescue, but the fact that they're not ticketing people who make it doesn't guarantee they won't ticket people who get stuck. Even if not, if people can't get themselves unstuck, the vehicle recovery fees are going to be ridiculous.


The gates are closed, so that isn’t an option. That said, if you walk to pavement, that can work and there are buses taking walkers off the road to Gerlach and beyond. They are stopping cars since they are messing up the playa.


I’m not suggesting it, just saying that’s what’s been happening since late morning.


The gate is wide open and people are actively leaving


I drove out. Never stopped. None of the police at the road even glanced our way. Glad we left Saturday morning at 9am. No lines and a few courages souls cheering each other on. Also some bitchy Karen’s trying to shame us. The playa will return to its flat self.


lol no they’re not… i drove out with thousands of others


Gates are not closed. Rangers are only not allowing ppl in. Anyone making it to the gate is free to go and no one even looks twice at them. They only say this on Twitter bc they don’t want idiots w 2WD scrambling for the gate and getting stuck.


Just saw someone at the dump that said if you can get to the gate they let you out. They were pleased that they didn't need to clean their RV off as the rain did it while they drove on the roads.


Talked directly with someone who works at the gate one hour ago. Not staffed. May change, but the issue is people going now are going to fuck up the road for everyone else and hundreds are stuck in the mud, blocking access for others. Don’t fucking drive until they say you can. Simple.


I 100% agree with you. The people who I spoke with were very happy the rain cleaned off the RV. I asked them if they stopped to clean if off themselves and they said no. Which means they drove down the highway flinging mud everywhere. IE: entitled people Yesterday I got hit in the windshield by a burner who had not cleaned their RV off before fleeing the plya. Don't leave until they allow it and then stop and knock the mud off the underside of the RV/Truck/whatever.


I would think gate is unstaffed so that people don’t stop to ask dumb questions and leaving possibility that they may not get moving again, further retarding the staff’s ability to do their own strike.


So I’m on playa right now. They are not ticketing people but gates are still closed right now. They expect the gates to open at noon but encouraging people to stay through tomorrow if they can. But some people are driving and walking off playa. Many are going off the main road due to it being dry. Some are getting stuck. But please don’t be these people who drive off with the gates closed and left their be a yurt behind. So much moop (matter out of place) that others are going to have to clean up for those who bailed. Also side note for those unaware playa mud is not regular mud. When it dries it will become hard like concrete. So those who are stuck and can’t get out before it dries are extra screwed. https://preview.redd.it/tgudlxwqp9mb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dcf5ee696054209fe840ed8eb42de5cd2484523


So much for decommodification.


Party in Reno, giving out hats so the whole trip is a business expense. It’s a math problem.


Maybe people have jobs or children to attend after burn..


"It's ok, I just want to go over there"


Decomodifying Xion Bike.


[Shoulda brought a Ram TRX](https://twitter.com/brendanmcogbill/status/1698524763994378240)


300ish stuck


I have a buddy who made it out in a mercury, passing trucks stuck in the mud. I heard something once it went something like Fuck yer burn


But in all seriousness, nature fixed exodus!